Tag Archives: CA-11

The battle over CA-11: Filson and McNerney

( – promoted by SFBrianCL)

The battle is getting hot and heavy in the quest to take Pombo out of office in CA-11.  Jerry McNerney, who lost to Pombo in 2004, has been getting most of the “grassroots” endorsements, such as DFA, East Bay Young Democrats, and also recently picked up the SEIU’s endorsement.

Steve Filson, on the other hand, is a political novice, but brings to bear a lot of Democratic heavy hitters (remind you of any other race…see below).  He’s supported  by a bevy of Congressman, most notably Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher, state officials, including Don Perata,  and many of the Democratic politicos around the district (including the longtime State Senator from Stockton, Patrick Johnston).  This has lead to a substantial money advantage, as Filson has been able to tap traditional Washington funding sources. 

There are better people to tell you about Pombo, such as Say No to Pombo, where Matt is doing an excellent job, but you’ll find that almost universally that they will work for either candidate if it means a Pombo defeat.  But a victory in this race is going to require a lot of manpower.  Pombo will have a huge financial advantage against either candidate, and having people at the grassroots will help.  But, for some reason, Filson, after losing these endorsements, he has been on something of a tear against the grassroots. From Progressive 11 Blog:

Steve Filson criticized the grassroots group’s that have endorsed Jerry McNerney for Congress as being “extreme.” He in particular focused his attack on Bay Area progressive’s at the forum in Richard Pombo’s home town of Tracy, Ca. (Prog-11) 4/25/06

I’m not sure what Filson was thinking, but this can in no way be a helpful tactic to him.  He angers the left, who increase turnout in the primary to defeat him, or if he wins, he loses the foot soldiers.  I’m not sure what he’s trying to pull here, but it’s completely unproductive.

California Blog Roundup, 4/26/06

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: Feingold in LA, CA-11, CA-50, CA-36, gas gouging, a little on the Dem Gov Primary, and a lot of neat stuff in “Other”.

Feingold Blogger Lunch

OK, first of all, some Los Angeles bloggers got to lunch with Russ Feingold yesterday. Here are their reports:


  • Progressive 11th attended the Tracy Candidates’ Forum and reports back. Prog11 supports McNerney, near as I can tell, but assuming his report of Filson’s attitude toward the grassroots is correct, it isn’t very happy-making. More important, those grassroots are the people you need to run through brick walls for you in the general, so you might not want to dump on them in the primary.
  • Jerry McNerney was interviewd on the Quake today.



    Marcy Winograd, the primary challenger to Jane Harman in CA-36, introduced herself at MyDD (and yes, we need to send them an email). The comments are interesting. Down with Tyranny is all for Marcy.

Black Gold! Texas Tea!

Dem Gov Primary


California Blog Roundup, 4/25/06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: the independent expenditure campaign for Angelides, a bit more on the Angelides/Westly matchup, Governor Schwarzenegger’s manifest and multitudinous failings, the import of CA-50 and the Republican swift-boating of Francine Busby, more 15% Doolittle and his defenders moral relativism, Paid-For Pombo’s self-dealing and propaganda, and some miscellaneous commentary I found interesting on Di-Fi, Bush’s visit, California Senate Staffers, etc.

The Angelides / Westly Matchup

Governor Schwarzenegger


  • Chris Bowers at MyDD ponders whether a Busby win in the runoff would be a harbinger for realignment, and whether a loss would indicate the opposite.
  • Francine Busby responds to the Republican swiftboat-style ads in CA-50. Turns out those ads are pretty much all lies and distortions. Whoda thunk it?
  • Words Have Power notes that the NRCC, which is paying for the ad, seems to have no-one able to comment on it. Apparently the ad sprang organically from the Republican party infrastructure in the dark of night (rather like a mushroom).

15% Doolittle / CA-04

Paid-For Pombo / CA-11


California Blog Roundup, 4/19/06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: No cash for levees, Bush visits, Arnold photo-ops, clean money, minimum wage, education, public health, Rovism resurfaces, Paid-For Pombo, outside influence in CA-11, CA-50.

P.S. Yr. Humble Editor will be unavailable for several days; the Blog Roundup will return on Monday.

Pot-Pourri is at the top today


Paid-For Pombo / CA-11


California Blog Roundup, 4/18/06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: The Governor’s Race, Taxes, 15% Doolittle lawyers up, CA-50 and Republican Extremism, McNerney Endorsements, Pombo’s owners, Field Poll Methodology, Campaign Finance Reform, Fake News.

Governor’s Race

15% Doolittle / CA-11


  • Our own Words Have Power takes the North County Times to task for an attack on Francine Busby from a fake nonpartisan. Here’s a hint for all those reporters out there: “nonpartisan” means only “doesn’t publicly back specific candidates”. It doesn’t mean “doesn’t have an opinion”. That’s particularly true on the Republican side, as we find more and more Republican punditry and think-tankery depends on having their own facts.
  • It looks like the RNC is backing Bilbray in both the special election runoff and the primary. Now that’s sticking a finger in the eye of the California Republicans. You know that our Republicans are extremists when they are at odds with the RNC.

Paid-Off Pombo / CA-04

Everyfink Else

  • Speak Out California has a great post up on the evidence showing the extremist takeover of the California Republican Party. A lot of talking heads (Cough! Dan Walters! Cough!) like to pretend that the Republicans and Democrats are both hostages of their extremists, but that’s pretty much hooey, and really requires that you throw away the last 30 years of actual history.
  • Bill Bradley debates Mark DiCamillo on the Field Poll’s methodology. Before I decide who’s right, I want to know if DiCamillo is a MENSA member as well — I think that may be the determining factor.
  • Fake News: it’s not just for Comedy Central.
  • The Rest of Us are on the California Progress Report talking about campaign finance reform.
  • Bradley on energy.

California Blog Roundup, 4/16/06

California Blog Roundup for this rainy Easter Sunday. Teasers: Prop 82 con and con, Field Poll results and spin, 15% Doolittle, CA-11, rabid Republicans, some news in the campaign for Governor, some global warming, some sound principles for infrastructure, and some miscellany.

Prop 82

  • Governor Schwarzenegger swings from appearing moderate by backing Proposition 82 to appeasing his corporate backers by opposing. Again, I wonder what big business doesn’t like about a tax which falls solely on high-earning individuals… What could it be? What could it be?
  • Bill Bradley reports that John Burton, liberal firebrand, comes out against Prop 82 because the guarantee of universal preschool subsidizes people who don’t need the subsidy. I’m sympathetic to this criticism — you put the money where it’s needed — but one of the things we’ve learned in the United States is that once you make something into a program for the least fortunate among us, it turns into a target for the least generous among us.

Field Poll Fun

  • ABC has the headlines from the big 3 NorCal papers’ Field Poll articles on Schwarzenegger. I think they can be summed up as “lukewarm”. Also, here’s the Schwarzenegger vs. Angelides / Westly summary.
  • ABC again on the lead that Steve Westly has purchased himself. They note that Mark DiCamillo thinks the lead is surprisingly large. I’m not surprised by DiCamillo’s spin on that; I’ve read some comments by DiCamillo in the past suggesting strongly that DiCamillo is not politically neutral, at least in his commentary.
  • Frank Russo of the California Progress Report notes that the same Field Poll suggests that the anti-immigrant nativists are a definite minority in California.

Doolittle / CA-04

Pombo / CA-11

  • Progressive 11th notes that Richard Pombo will be receiving an award from Exxon on April 25, thanking him for his service.
  • Say No To Pombo has a bit more information on the FEC filings of the major Dem candidates. For some fun inside baseball, make sure to read the comments. Apparently Filson’s financial director has been less than forthcoming about his relationship to the Filson campaign.

Campaign for Governor


This ‘n’ That

California Blog Roundup, 4/13/06

OK, here’s the California Blog Roundup for today. Teasers: 5 House Districts to watch, a smidge more on CA-50, more fun with Brian Bilbray, wobbly Governor (and not the good kind of Wobbly), some endorsements from a couple groups, news of the funny and weird.

California Blog Roundup 4/10/06

California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: Arnold & George: a visual history, California Progress Report, putting one’s money where one’s mouth is, a day of canvassing, the benefits of vagueness, lots of Doolittle and Pombo, and a bit of immigration.

This ‘n’ That

  • The California Progress Report continues to be a great outlet for content from progressive groups in California. Here’s an article on TV competition. And two different pieces from the CNA on Clean Money: One, Two. And last, a piece on the California Compassionate Choices Act — who do you want making your decisions: you and people you love, or some religious extremists you’ve never met?
  • Tom Hilton has some questions for anti-choice “moderate” Monika Rodman. I like this approach — make people deal with the legitimate consequences of their stated beliefs.
  • Kaloogian supporters in CA-50 either “canvassed churchgoers” or “stuffed flyers under windshield wipers” in church parking lots on Sunday, says the discussion at SD Politics. I thought Sunday was a day of rest for the faithful, not a day of politicking. Must have been some other Bible I read.

Goobernatorial Race

  • EmilyD of Daily Kos found a whole buncha pictures of Governor Schwarzenegger and President Bush together. No, Arnold’s not a Bush Republican. Pay no attention to these photos or his campaign team.
  • Alliance for a Better California notes Arnold’s new ad, and says it ain’t surprising he’s running on his environmental record. It’s not bad (not awesome, either), and that’s about the only policy area where that’s true for the Governor.
  • Bill Bradley ruminates on the Angelides and Westly ad strategies. And, he does some math resulting in an opinion that Angelides will have to raise taxes to do the things he wants to do. Westly, by comparison, simply hasn’t disclosed how he thinks he’ll pay for what he wants to do, so he dodges that bullet for now.

Doolittle, Do Less

Tell Me Pombo, Pombo, Pombo

  • Say No To Pombo has an email interview with the three Democratic candidates for CA-11, asking them questions about the recent bankruptcy bill. Full o’ substance, and we like it.
  • Richard Pombo, ever on the lookout for a handout, is “sponsoring” Medicare Part D seminars using industry front groups to explain the program. Of course, if the program weren’t such a train wreck, designed to subsidize the pharmaceutical industry, one wouldn’t need industry front groups to explain it. The thing would just work.
  • Progressive 11th suggests that Richard Pombo should call the waaaahmbulance and stop blaming other people for reacting entirely appropriately to his badness.
  • Pombowatch thinks that you can place a lot of the blame for the salmon closure squarely on Richard Pombo’s enviro-hating shoulders — he ignored the structural problems on the Klamath, and chose to externalize the effects to fishermen while he helped the farmers in his district. Oh, and then he blamed the Endangered Species Act.
  • Defenders of Wildlife Action have a series of events, the first on April 15, 10.30 am, San Ramon Public Library for leafletting. Progressive 11th has a listing of other CA-11 events as well.

Belated California Blog Roundup, 4/6/06

California Blog Roundup is on the flip. There’s a lot, as I’ve been busy with other things (mea maxima culpa). Teasers: Call to Action from Debra Bowen, Eric Roach, Busby campaign responds to NRCC ad buy, lots of CA-11, some CA-4, Schwarzenegger’s ratings and his campaign staff, clean money advances (slow boring through hard boards), more immigration, and a fun little potpourri of links at the end.

Call To Action



  • Say No to Pombo has a great explanation of how the California Democratic Party chooses an endorsement in a primary, in the context of explaining how Jerry McNerney almost got the supermajority necessary to get the tentative endorsement, despite armtwisting on Steve Filson’s behalf by Dem officeholders.
  • SNTP again has an interesting discussion on the relative benefits of voting in the Democratic primary vs. voting for McCloskey in the Republican Primary, and the need for movement-building. It continues in the comments, so keep scrolling.
  • Progressive 11th reprints Jerry McNerney’s press release: he raised over $50K in the first quarter of the year. If someone has the cash-on-hand numbers and the Filson fundraising info, that would be great — we’ll add them. Otherwise I’ll go dig up the reports.
  • PomboWatch wonders if Pombo is using the House Resources Committee as some sort of personal vendetta against the environment.


Governor’s Race


    Don Perata supports AB 583, the clean money bill. Note that the current version is no longer just a display bill, but would have teeth. Time to really pay attention to this one.


  • Down With Tyranny starts a meditation with Dana Rohrbacher, swerves into punk rock, then back to Rohrbacher. Just go read it.
  • People who read the right-wing blogs will have read about Josh Denhalter, the SoCal high school student who staged an anti-MECha protest. Turns out he had some support from the Minutemen and from Save Our State — just a smidge nativist. Everyone should know who the Minutemen are. I have to admit I didn’t know anything about Save Our State. I’m not sure I’m a better person for knowing. Here’s one example of their thinking. And one should read the interchange on their forums where Denhalter asks for support. It’s enlightening. I particularly like that his location is identified as “Third World Cesspool”. Don’t know if he chose that or it’s automatic in the Save Our State forums. Either way, it says a lot.

Everything Else

California News Roundup, 4/3/06

California News Roundup on the flip. Teasers: Peter Schrag on California, Pelosi profiled, Schwarzenegger profiled, voter registration, Dean, salmon, emissions regulation, insurance, and of course, lots of immigration.

Not Immigration
