Despite advice by most campaigns (and me!) to vote absentee, the Chronicle says they’re “trickling” in:
By Wednesday evening, just 15,331 absentee ballots had been returned – a small percentage of the more than 69,000 cast in 2003. About 400 people have come in to vote early at City Hall, compared with about 1,200 at the same time four years ago.
Well, people, vote absentee, or vote at City Hall. But don’t come crying here when it takes forever. Oh…wait, turnout is going to be abysmal because there is no real race on the ballot. So…nevermind. But there are several propositions which deserve our attention. Specifically, it is very important that we vote Yes on A, and NO on H.
But, wait, even though the mayor is expected to win in a landslide with no major competitor, there is still a mayoral election going on. And, even though the debate was super lame (30 seconds? C’mon!), there’s a great YouTube “debate” going on, check it out here. It’s being organized by SF Votes, and consists of the candidates answering questions posed by SF youth. It’s a cool concept anyway. And of course, if you’re interested, you can check out the candidate forums for mayor, sheriff and DA at the League of Women Voter’s website.