Just received this press release from the Greg Pettis for Assembly campaign. Pettis is Mayor Pro-Tem of Cathedral City and is running for the CA 80th Assembly District. He announced endorsements from California’s top elected financial leaders this week, including Former State Controller Steve Westly, State Controller John Chiang, Board of Equalization member Judy Chu, and Chair of the Assembly Appropriations Committee Mark Leno.
Re full disclosure, BlueBeaumontBoyz is a financial supporter to the Greg Pettis for Assembly campaign.
More below the flip…
The text of the press release is as follows:
“Democratic candidate for Assembly Greg Pettis announced the endorsements from California’s top elected financial leaders this week.
“Among Pettis’ newest endorsements include Former State Controller Steve Westly, current State Controller John Chiang, Board of Equalization member, Judy Chu, and Chair of the Assembly Appropriations Committee, Mark Leno.
“”Greg has a track record of making the tough choices to balance Cathedral City’s budget as well as creating thousands of new jobs to increase city revenues to pay for public services,” said Chiang.
“”With health care looming as such a big issue, Greg’s financial acumen will help our State Assembly put together a common sense plan for all Californians,” said Westly.
“”I am pleased to have this endorsement from theses well known financial leaders,” Pettis said. “They know my qualifications, and know I will hit the ground running in bringing the people of the 80th Assembly District progress on issues like affordable health care, good paying jobs and protecting our environment.”
Pettis has served on the City Council of Cathedral City for the last 13 years. During that time, Pettis has helped change the city into destination where 50,000 people work, shop and live their dreams.
In addition to Pettis’ duties on City Council, he has worked on a wide range of committees designed to improve the lives of Californians.
Pettis has dealt successfully with environmental issues from Salton Sea restoration to serving on the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy Board to helping to negotiate the Multi Species Habitat Act which will guide future growth in the Coachella Valley in a more sustainable way.
Pettis has been working on transportation issues through the Riverside County Transportation Commission and the National League of Cities Transportation Policy Committee, working to come up with mass transit solutions that will help combat climate change.
Pettis was the first openly gay elected official in Riverside County, and he has worked to bridge the gap between communities and to provide leadership to other gay candidates who had the desire to serve in public office but needed encouragement and mentorship.
Pettis has a Bachelor’s of Arts degree from Azusa Pacific University and recently completed the Senior Executive Program in State and Municipal Government from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
Pettis’ goals for a healthy California include:
(1) Creating a truly universal health care system in California that can be the model for the rest of the nation that has been mired in this debate for too long.
(2) Public eduction–For our state to continue to be one of the largest economic engines in the world, we need to educate kids who are ready to compete in the global economy. While California has made great strides in funding public education (mainly by popular ballot measures) we need to eliminate the achievement gap that is plaguing so many communities, especially in my district.
(3) Environmental protection–Simply put, the rest of the nation looks to California for leadership on this issue. I have the background working on land use, building codes and air and water quality issues to make it happen. It is my goal to have California meet the Kyoto standard of reducing carbon emissions to 1990 levels by 2020.”
Pettis sees the primary issues as being universal health care, quality public education across the state, and reducing our carbon footprint.
“I have a long progressive record in office that is also been fiscally responsible,” said Pettis.