Tag Archives: 241

Garamendi and the Gang to Feds: Let the Coastal Commission 241 ruling stand

Lite Gov. Garamendi along with some Senators (Garamendi, Steinberg, & Kehoe) are distributing a letter (PDF) to US Commerce Secretary Guttierez regarding the proposed 241 Toll Road over San Onofre state beach. The toll road was rejected 8-2 by the Coastal Commission after a marathon public comment session.

John and the Gang want the Secretary to reject the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Authority’s appeal of the Coastal Commission’s decision. They had some backup plans in case the Bush administration is all predictable and takes the appeal: they want another lengty public comment session in SoCal.  From the letter:

We believe that you should out of hand reject the TCA’s appeal.  However, should you take it up, we urge you to hold a public hearing in Southern California and to extend the public comment period accordingly to ensure full opportunity for public participation.  We are certain that at such a public hearing you would quickly learn that Californians consider this coastal public park a treasure and that there is broad public opposition to the Toll Road.

But, this is the Bush administration, and they are way, super into building roads that can make a profit for companies instead of the public. This might be another situation where any and all delays are a good thing in the decision-making process. We desperately need a better administration in Washington that doesn’t just impulsively privatize everything.

Coastal Commission Rejects 241 Toll Road After Epic Hearing

The hearing lasted over 12 hours, and was apparently one of the most raucous and boisterous Coastal Commission meetings in some time. Gathered at the Del Mar Fairgrounds to handle the overflow crowds, the Coastal Commission finally voted last night to reject the planned toll road through San Onofre State Park:

Before a boisterous crowd of more than 3,500 people, commissioners decided 8 to 2 that the proposed Foothill South project violates the California Coastal Act, which is designed to regulate development along the state’s 1,100-mile shoreline. They reached the conclusion following hours of sometimes heated public testimony that pitted protecting the environment against the need to relieve traffic congestion in south Orange County.

The decision was a major setback for the Transportation Corridor Agencies, which has spent years and tens of millions of dollars preparing to construct the 16-mile tollway as an alternative to Interstate 5.

“This project looks like something from the 1950s,” said Commissioner Sara Wan of San Francisco, who voted against the tollway. “Putting a massive project in an environmentally sensitive area, it is inconceivable.”

The Transportation Corridor Agency that runs OC’s toll roads is considering appealing to the US Secretary of Commerce, which owns the land San Onofre State Beach is leased from. Susan Davis successfully attached an amendment to a recent military spending bill to prevent the toll road from being built on federal land, and Bush signed that bill with the amendment intact last month.

The coalition opposing the destructive project was impressive in its size and scope. It included environmental groups from across California, and city governments from the San Diego coast. Surfers were also active and engaged, with help from major surf and skate companies like Etnies and Vans. Obviously the lion’s share of credit goes to the Surfrider Foundation, which has been exhorting people to stop the toll road and “Save Trestles” ever since I was in high school in Orange County over ten years ago. There were finally some Juaneño Indians there to speak up on behalf of an ancestral village and burial ground that would be paved over by the road.

People-powered coalitions don’t just exist in elections – they’re all over our state, and the victory over the 241 toll road is a major victory for just that kind of organizing power. It’s also a key victory for the Coastal Act and a “defining moment” for the commission, one of its members said.

It’s also good to see that the Coastal Commission understands just how much things have changed in this state. No longer can we look to new roads to solve our transportation problems. For environmental, sustainable, climate, and even fiscal reasons, mass transit, particularly rail, is where we need to be investing for our future – not a toll road that will struggle to stay financially viable and see steadily decreasing traffic as peak oil sets in.

More importantly, this victory shows that a people-powered coalition can organize from a very broad base to articulate a 21st century vision of transportation and land use.

Open Thread

A couple of one offs because I’m just not feeling particularly brilliant tonight.

Chris Reed, shockingly, is still stupid.  The only way to react to growing traffic is to build more roads.  Not create new transportation mechanisms.  Not to reconsider growth patterns.  Nope.  Build roads.  He likens this to taking medicine even if a condition is chronic.  I liken it to eating candy after being diagnosed with diabetes.  Hell, it makes you feel good and it’s easier right?

A judge ruled today that California can start shipping inmates out of state again.  Clearly, this will solve the problem.  This is why, when I get an assignment at work that I don’t like, I just stuff it in a drawer.

Ruben Navarrette Jr. still hates basic humanity.

Incredibly, even that is too much effort for some on the radical left who refuse to acknowledge that these people broke the law and need to make restitution, and that step one is acknowledging the wrongdoing. For many Americans, though, this is all they want — some humility and remorse by those who wiped their feet on our laws on their way in the door and then demanded rights once inside.

Presumably, those asshole slaves that kept escaping should have had to apologize for breaking the law before the 13th Amendment as well.

Thousands of Iraqis are being held in detention camps off the record..  Get angry with stop action.  Metric – Succexy.

“Invasion’s so succexy.”