Tag Archives: Iowa

This Week With Barack Obama, December 9-15, 2007

cross-posted @ One Million Strong


                                                  barack in independence, ia

Iowa Caucus Center

Nevada Caucus Center


        Obama embraces U.S. soldier Brian Jesness during a campaign rally stop in Mason City, Iowa

Obama and Oprah’s Last Visit, Manchester, NH

More than 8,500 people attended and they were not disappointed.  To recap, over 18K in Des Moines, IA; over 10K in Cedar Rapids, IA; over 30K in Columbia, SC; and over 8K in Manchester, NH.  Now if this is not successful, tell me why it was not.  If Barack Obama gets the Democratic Nomination, without any doubt, the Oprah Winfrey effect will be one of the reasons.  Read the live account blog with photos by jhutson.

Obama Apperances and Campaign Events

December 17, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Spencer, IA

December 17, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Storm Lake, IA

December 17, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Cherokee, IA

December 17, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, LeMars, IA

December 17, 2007 – Rally with Barack, Sioux City, IA

South Carolina is Fired Up and Ready to Go!!! by Drewid

Three Weeks to Crunch Time

Hillary Following Barack’s Lead Running Ads in Nevada

The BBC on Oprah

Summing up Oprah and Obama

Running on Hope

Unlike front-runners Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Rodham Clinton, Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama aren’t selling electability or inevitability — they’re selling hope. Will that be enough to get them the nominations?

Friends and foes alike comment on the discipline of the well-oiled machine that is the Clinton campaign. Even Giuliani, well-known for sounding off at critics, has been remarkably disciplined in both his style and message. These strategic attributes may make Beltway pundits and wonks swoon, but they aren’t qualities that have much appeal for voters. It’s like the difference between getting a vacuum cleaner for Christmas versus a nice piece of jewelry. Sure, you really don’t need the jewelry, but it’s much more fun to open on Christmas morning.  National Journal


                                               obama in seattle, wa


Des Moines Register Iowa Debate (real player required); NPR, Obama and Oprah Make Splash in S.C.; What Oprah Endorsement Meant for Obama; Wish Lists for Santa, Politicians in Milford, N.H.; Democratic Debate in Iowa Good Natured; Democratic Hopefuls Make Last Pitch to Iowans; Countdown to Caucuses, Part One;  Countdown to Caucuses, Part Two; Precinct Captains leaves Clinton, Switches to Obama

Obama Signs up for Louisiana Primary

“Change We Can Believe In”, Obama Op-Ed in The Daily Iowan

Samantha Powers Discusses Obama’s Foreign Policy

Obama Goes To Work In Iowa’s Small Towns


Yes, the polls are coming out fast and furious.  Expect this through January.

Concord Monitor New Hampshire Poll; Rasmussen New Hampshire Poll; Iowa Independent Power Ranking; Quad City/Research 2000 Iowa Poll and Treadlines; Iowa Pollster.com; Georgia Poll; CNN/WMUR New Hampshire Poll; Hotline Iowa Poll; Strategic Vision Iowa Poll; SurveyUSA South Carolina Poll; Nevada Poll; Insider Advantage South Carolina Poll; CNN/Opinion Reasearch National Poll

Sorry Hillary, Obama is Electable

Obama Works Hard to Woo College Votes

Father’s Abandonment Molded Obama


Going through my reading I ran across this little tidbit “Hillary Can’t Beat Oprah”.  I thought, why would she try?  One can only speculate that the announcement of Oprah stumping with Barack and Michelle, and then Team Clinton polling the affects of a Barbra Streisand endorsement makes one wonder.  Will this really have an effect?  I think it will.  Since we are in the stretch to start the primary cycle, Obama prior to Oprah stumping, was on the incline in polling.  This is across the board.  So, one cannot state he has no momentum coming up to the January 3rd caucus.  And if there is any consolation prize, it is that Barbra Streisand had the pleasure to be polled by Team Clinton for her possible effectiveness as the blunt to Oprah Winfrey.  Notice the silence.


                                               des moines register democratic debate

Inside Obama’s Ground Game

At just 25 years old, Michael Blake may have more to do with Barack Obama’s chances of becoming President than anyone besides the candidate himself. That may sound like a stretch, but Blake has the all-important job of bringing in new Iowa voters to caucus for the Illinois Senator. And while some campaigns may focus most of their efforts on one or two constituencies – the way John Kerry so successfully courted military veterans in 2004 – Obama is spending an unprecedented amount of money and effort to turn out a wide cross section of new caucus-goers.

“This is the most extensive effort to reach out to new constituencies in the Iowa caucuses, I think, ever,” says Blake, who comes from the Bronx and was in the first class of “Yes, We Can!” a program Obama started soon after he was elected to the Senate to train minorities to more effectively use the political system. “Campaigns here have traditionally gotten attention for going after one or two groups. We’re applying that principle and hopefully will enjoy similar success with multiple groups.”  Time

Kenyan Boy Dreams to be Obama

Professor Obama Will Restore the Constitution by Populista

Obama Friend Sells Candidate


                                               obama at universal city in california


Former Republican Congressman Perkins Bass to vote for Obama; Boston Globe Endorses Obama; Littleton Courier Endorses Obama; Three more Nevada Offices Opening for Obama Campaign; Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN) Endorses Obama; Iowa State Representative Paul Shomshor Endorses Obama; Former SC Democratic Chairman, Joe Erwin Backs Obama; Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH) Endorses Obama; Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) Endorses Obama; Obama wins Salinas Straw Poll; Baltimore Ministers Back Obama; UNH Mock Presidential Primary Goes to Obama

Will Smith ready to Campaign for Obama

Obama Leading Internet Traffic

Chicago Defender on Michelle Obama

Obama: Saudi Arabia fosters human rights violations


Barack Obama has opened the floodgates for Americans to view how the government is spending its money.  Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 by Tom Coburn and Barack Obama allows anyone to track contracts, grants, earmarks, and loans.  This is monumental legislation passed by a Republican Congress and President.  More importantly it shows Obama’s ability to broker relationships, across the aisle.  This is drastically needed to get anything done in Washington, D.C.  For all the information, check out barath’s well sourced diary.


Obama Rising Roundup: Iowa Edition December 6-13

Obama Now on GOP Radar

Obama Organizing Nearly 1,000 House Meetings

Barack Obama Straddles Different Worlds


  obama attends church services at the first congregational united church of christ in mason city, ia

shoutouts: after the election, by keone michaels; obama: congress’ failure to pass hate crimes legislation, truly unacceptable; not for hillary, but loves bill; nyceve on consumer guide for health insurance; The Truth About Kyl-Lieberman (DL Won’t Take off His blinders!); toxic toy alert…by jhuston; black kos; anatomy of a smear:  winfrey gets attacked with lies by bob johnson; bush’s mortgage plan:  not good on several levels by bonddad; kos on hillary being “unacceptable as our nominee”


                                              focus group after DMR Debate, obama wins

icebergslim’s last word:  slime and staying out of the mud

Another one of those, “you got to be kidding me weeks?”  Yes, we must remember desperate times call for desperate measures.  Enter Team Clinton.

We all know we keep one eye on each other, while smiling, that is politics.  We also know that whatever have been done in the past, we either can explain it or moved from it.  

What can we expect from an inevitable machine as Team Clinton’s?  Remember she brought us kindergate, staffing circulating the Muslim smear emails, oh and got caught again, planting questions throughout Iowa, astroturfing on Blue Hampshire (sigh), and now suggesting that Barack Obama may have sold drugs.

We all know Barack’s past with drugs as a teen, because he wrote about it in his 1995 book, Dreams from my Father.  So to attempt to make this an issue in the primary is just ridiculous, when he has been vetted by running and winning the senate seat for the State of Illinois.  Like Republicans did not know this?

But to insinuate, and the charge was made by Team Clinton’s now ex-New Hampshire Chairman, Billy Shaheen , that if Obama is the nominee, the GOP will question if he sold drugs, was way out of bounds.  And of course, every time Team Clinton does this slime, they apologize, as if that makes it right.  

Well, a lot of people were angered, mainly, the Black Community.  This was talked up on Tom Joyner, an African-American disc jockey with a syndicated show nationwide, and all black radio, period.  Many in the African-American community were taken aback.  Why?  Because whether you plan on voting for Barack Obama or not, the mere inference that he could have sold drugs, jolted the African-American Community.  This is the same stereotypical framing that is expected from the GOP, not Democrats.

Well, Hillary Clinton kissed the ring.  She personally apologized to Barack Obama, while waiting for him at the airport to board his plane to the Des Moines Register Debate.  She did the right thing.  This slime cannot go on, especially when you have no basis to it.  And it does make your campaign and candidacy look weak and ill-equipped to handle the real issues, when you have all this crap running around you.

Billy Shaheen, Team Clinton’s former Co-Chair in New Hampshire has resigned. Good, we don’t need the likes of him sniffing around campaign doors.  Will Mark Penn be next?  He should be, after his awful performance on Hardball.

Anyway, The Obama Campaign has and will continue to run a positive and upbeat campaign.   These tactics may be used to pull Barack into the muddy waters, but he refuses to play.  There is much at stake for these upcoming primaries and caucuses and the last thing the public need is a bunch of distractions to keep them from voting on the issues.

See what poll numbers will do to one’s campaign?

Finally, I always close out with focus on obama and not the drama.  You better believe that this message is resonating hard as we enter January 3rd.

Blogs and Websites

One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama; Netroots for Obama

If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!!  Minimum five dollars.  This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign.  We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st.  Remember to make your contribution.


mr. snowman is excited and ready for change.  he recognizes that no one has excited this country and transcended across the aisle, as barack obama.  can you imagine what caucus day will be like in iowa and nevada?  what primary day will be like in new hampshire and south carolina?  how february 5th and beyond, will be off the chain for change?  it will be people marching and voting for change.  for barack.  as, i always remind everyone, it is heating up on the boards as it should, and colder than “you know what” in iowa, but remember to focus on obama, and not the drama.


contact me @ [email protected]

This Week With Barack Obama

The California Presidential Primary Has Been An Unmitigated Failure

We are 56 days from the California Presidential primary on February 5, and just a few weeks from opening early and absentee voting, and I think it’s reasonable to assess how the facts of the race thus far have met with the expectations, and even if it isn’t reasonable, I’m about to do it.  The entire rationale for moving up the primary to February, from people as varied as the Governor, the Speaker of the Assembly, even our friends at the Courage Campaign, was that this would bring new attention to California in the Presidential race and would allow the state a say in the picking of a nominee.

How’s that goin’?

Monday was one of the first days in months and months where the two top contenders on the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, were in California at the same time.  They were both here for fundraisers, and both by accident – there was supposed to be a debate on CBS in Los Angeles that day, but a pending WGA action and the unwillingness for the candidates to cross the picket line forced cancellation.  Obama’s fundraiser, granted, was a low-dollar event at the Gibson Ampitheatre in Universal City – a combination rock concert/political rally.  In similar rallies in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, fans saw Oprah: in Hollywood, home of the stars, we got Nick Cannon and the Goo Goo Dolls.  Indeed, the last public, no-money-needed appearance by any viable candidate in California fades into the back of the memory.  There just haven’t been any.

Last night I sat in on a conference call with supporters of John Edwards and the national campaign.  It was billed as a dialogue about how Edwards supporters in Southern California can best help their preferred candidate.  The unequivocal message from the campaign was that these activists can best help them by “adopting Nevada,” home to one of the earlier caucuses, on January 19.  They touted road trips to Las Vegas for phone banking and canvassing.  This was extremely redolent of work I did with the Dean campaign in 2004 on their “Southwest Victory Tour” into Arizona and New Mexico.  Four years later, absolutely nothing has changed.

This is not a slam on the top three campaigns.  They are ignoring California, so to speak, because they are making the calculation that victories in the early states will lead to a momentum build that will be impossible to stop.  And this is precisely the dynamic of the race.  It’s clear to anyone that is paying attention that Iowa, and to a lesser extent New Hampshire, have been made MORE decisive as a result of the truncated primary.  There are dozens of examples I can cite.  Edwards supporter and California Assemblyman Anthony Portantino was on the conference call.  He wasn’t whipping up support in his district, he was calling in from Iowa.  Fabian Nuñez recently took a trip out to Iowa.  A few weeks ago we had the executive board meeting of the CDP – the largest gathering of activists you’re going to see until the primary.  That inviting target attracted – well, it attracted Dennis Kucinich.  There have been no TV ads run in California and exactly one mailer, by Clinton, in a small enough quantity to get the attention of the political press and nobody else.  The public polling on the California race, at least on the Democratic side, has mirrored the national polling to a T, because all we’re getting out here is the national race.    The national primary is fictional, and so is the California primary, for all intents and purposes.

People in this state that supported this move, and it was broadly popular, were simply sold a bill of goods.  It was blindingly obvious that the only way to change the primary system and allow it to have a diversity of voices was to actually change it, by removing the dominance of Iowa and New Hampshire.  I am hopeful that, as a result of this ridiculous front-loading, that will happen in 2012.  But clearly, California’s move, which was the first of the non-early states and essentially broke the dike, causing 20 or so other states to move up in order to keep pace, EXACERBATED the problem.

And in so doing, the move enabled not only the ballot initiatives that we see on February 5, but the potential for all sorts of Republican mischief in the low-turnout June primary.  Frankly, to suggest that a group of lawmakers who wished to change term limits just happened to pick a day before the deadline for filing in the June primary to hold an election which could have that on the ballot is beyond naive.  In so doing, the June election became initiative bait, susceptible to all sorts of right-wing ballot measures.  We may have dodged a bullet with the Dirty Tricks thing, but there will be others, as you all know (starting with the Hidden Agenda initiative about eminent domain “reform”).

In point of fact, the only time that California has ever been a factor in the Presidential primaries is… when they held them in June, in the 1968 and 1972 races (the tragic death of RFK changed what would have been a decisive election in ’68, obviously).  I’m certainly not saying that history would have repeated itself in 2008 if California only retained its position, but I am saying that absolutely nothing good could have come from moving up, and still potentially something pretty bad could happen as a consequence.

John Edwards and America Rising

We Will Right The Wrongs, Make Our Nation The Way We Want It To Be – That’s America Rising

As he opened an eight-day bus tour across the state this afternoon, there were reminiscent strains of his 2004 message in the air at the Polk County Convention Center as he presented his closing theme for this campaign: “America Rising.”

I wrote a Diary that was very important to me and heartfelt.  And this new 8 day bus tour only reinforces my assertion that John Edwards is going to do all he can to make the system work for everyone again, not just those who have the money and power to influence the process, but those who go to bed hungry, those who don’t dream of going to college because of money, those who worry about how they will pay their next mortgage payment and those who are doing well today but could find themselves financially ruined because of a catastrophic illness or accident.

This campaign is more about America than it is about John Edwards and it’s more about lifting up those who have been held down for far too long.  I sincerely believe that Edwards has seen how the power of the Government has been abused by the few at the cost of the many.  

John Edwards needs every single voter to rise to the occasion and make a choice.  We need to stand up and be heard, as Edwards in the past has so eloquently said, “I think our voices together are more powerful than our voices alone.”  That too is America Rising.

America Rising

December 10, 2007

Excerpts From prepared remarks

“I grew up in a family where my grandmother walked to work at the mill every day wearing her apron. My grandfather, who was partially paralyzed, hauled rolls of cloth using one arm. My dad worked in those mills for 36 years, my mom worked too – all of them for one reason – to give us a chance to rise up and have a better life.

“That’s the greatness of America – the promise that every generation will give its children the chance to rise higher, dream bigger, live greater. I took the chances my parents gave me and spent my life fighting to make sure that people just like the people I grew up with had a real chance in the world. When indifferent, irresponsible corporations knocked them down, I was there to help them rise up.

“And that’s what drives me now. When I talk about the Two Americas, this is what I mean – the very wealthiest and most powerful have manipulated our government for their own ends. They use their wealth and their power to keep themselves wealthy and powerful at the expense of everyone else. And when they do that, they’re holding America back.

“But that’s about to change. You can feel it here in Iowa. Because America can’t be held back. Because America belongs to us.

“When we face obstacles, you know what we do? We get up. We rise up. We right wrongs and we make our nation the way we want it to be. That’s what’s happening in this election. That’s what’s happening here in Iowa. America is rising.

“When we lift 37 million Americans out of poverty – that’s America Rising. When we guarantee universal health care for every man, woman, and child in America – that’s America Rising. When we stop reckless trade deals that send American jobs overseas and create great jobs here – that’s America Rising. When we can look James Lowe in the eye and say with conviction, what you lived through will never happen again in our America – that’s America Rising.”


Toward the end, he said: “Are we going to be looking for careful political calculation, or are we going to be looking for bold, strong leadership for the United States?”

That’s a very important question, what are we looking for? I’m looking for someone who is not afraid to take a stand, who is not afraid to say “I was wrong” and who is not afraid to ask the tough questions.

And for those who have counted Edwards out, I have this for you:

As candidates prepare to chart their last movements across Iowa – selecting the itineraries for their bus tours, crafting the message of their final arguments – Mr. Edwards has an institutional memory that other candidates must rely on their strategists to provide. Yes, there are as many differences as similarities between the race of 2004 and 2008, but the ingrained experiences for Mr. Edwards should not be overlooked.

“You’ve got to believe there’s going to be some movement,” Mr. Edwards said, recalling his “dramatic rise” at this point in the campaign four years ago. Asked how that experience helps, he added: “I know these people. I know what they care about.”

“Rigged” features John Edwards speaking directly to New Hampshire voters about how the system in Washington is corrupt and rigged against hardworking Americans on behalf of the moneyed corporate interests.

John Edwards’ latest television ad airing in New Hampshire:

“We don’t have universal health care because of drug companies, insurance companies, and their lobbyists in Washington, D.C.”

This is my reason for standing up, Charlotte, a happy, healthy little girl who has so much ahead of her.  She doesn’t have a care in the world, this was her this Saturday at the Southern California GCN Christmas Party.  What’s that?  It’s the Gay Christian Network and I’m a proud Christian Ally for the gay, lesbian and transgender community, I want to stand up for those who don’t have many of the legal rights that many take for granted.  Why bring my daughter?  Because I want her to know many different people and understand the blessing it is to have a varied community.  I guess you could say they are part of my village.  So I’m rising for Charlotte, I want her to have all the opportunities that I’ve had and more.

By the way, that’s her with a bit of table decor in her mouth, she’s by far the silliest person I know.  Why do I share this?  Because this is a personal choice and we all have our own reasons, I want people know that my personal choice has to do with this person in my life.

This Week With Barack Obama, December 3-8, 2007

cross-posted @ One Million Strong & Daily Kos


                                                                   michelle, barack and oprah, des moines, ia


December 13, 2007 – Johnston, Iowa, Des Moines Register Democratic Debate

December 17, 2007 – Boston, MA

January 15, 2008 – Las Vegas, Nevada


                                                                barack in new hampshire

Obama Apperances and Campaign Events

December 10, 2007 – Study Break with Barack Obama, Las Vegas, NV

December 10, 2007 – Barack in L.A., Los Angeles, CA

December 11, 2007 – Generation Obama in Seattle, Seattle, WA

December 13, 2007 – Caucus for Change Precinct Parties, Iowa

The Caucus Center

Obama Action Center

Jesse, Jr. to Jesse, Sr. You’re Wrong on Obama

Obama Gains Show Volatility of Iowa Contest

Obama Campaign Launches Web Site, Documenting Clinton Attacks


                                                     npr debate, des moines, ia


NPR Audio Debate; Iowa City; NPR, Obama Talks Taxes, Trade at NH High School; Oprah in Des Moines, part one; Oprah in Des Moines, part two; A Call To Serve; South Carolina Rally, Video in its Entirety

Wall Street Journal, Op-Ed Piece, by Senator Barack Obama, Homeland Insecurity

Obama Ad Launch on Television in Nevada

Vote Obama

Hillary Losing Backers to Barack?

The presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, the Democrat frontrunner, is facing a wave of defections by supporters to Barack Obama, as an aura of “inevitability” about her nomination fades.

With Oprah Winfrey, the talk show host and Obama enthusiast, challenging former president Bill Clinton for star power on the campaign trail, the coronation of Hillary has been put on hold.

A few days ago, Helen Quarles peeled off the Hillary for President bumper stickers from her car and replaced them with Obama ’08.

“I didn’t think anybody could turn me away from Hillary,” said Quarles, who worked as a volunteer for Clinton’s first Senate election campaign in New York. “I liked her and was very fond of Bill.”

Quarles now lives in South Carolina, which holds its primary election next month. “In the South, a lot of people don’t like Hillary, so I felt it was up to me to turn things around for her. I really wanted her to win, but there’s something about Obama,” she said. “To me, he is the one who is going to make a difference.”  TimesOnline


Let the Fun Begin!!

Yes, this is what the Hillary Clinton Campaign, who I call affectionately, Team Clinton had to say about going after Barack Obama.

Well, we waited.  And we finally got the magnificent press release from  Team Clinton, last Sunday.  Among the explosive oppo research was the reference to Obama’s aspirations to become president, as early as kindergarten.  Yes, kindergarten.  Oh, and then it expounded on his refined penmanship in kindergarten and third grade with examples of his essays on  “I want to be President” topic.

Well, the media love fest was frenzy this week.  I mean who knew???  Who knew??? Obama wanted to be president in kindergarten!!!  Hell, I wanted to be Diana Ross, one day, then I wanted to be Cleopatra Jones (yes, throwback, y’all), meaning I wanted to be so many people, my parents would just say, “that’s wonderful, sugar.”  Oh, and then Team Clinton strategist, Mark Penn, tries to clean this up on Morning Joe, and said it was a joke.  Do they think people are stupid?  

Sigh, then Team Clinton gets caught up with a tempest in a tea pot.  Their own staff was found out emailing the muslim smear against Barack Obama.  Yes, good old Team Clinton who said, “Let the Fun Begin!!”, now looks sophomoric, at best, in handling all this through the week.

Isn’t Hillary Clinton the one who is vetted, tough, tested?   Yet, doing this stuff?  And is this the best they have on Barack Obama? We must be honest here, the Iowa Caucus is three weeks away and if you want to bring someone down, now is the time, not later.  But kindergarten papers?  Getting caught sending muslim smears?  Is this the tightly run campaign that everyone has bragged about all year?

They look very amateurish, to me.


                                         university of northern iowa, cedar falls, ia


Well with Iowa Caucus 24 days away, around that, the polls are fast and furious.  All these polls show erosion of Clinton, steady for Edwards and emerging for Obama.  So, it is safe to state that Obama is catching Hillary.

MSNBC/McCLATCHY/Mason-Dixon; Newsweek Poll; Insider Advantage South Carolina Poll; Rasmussen South Carolina Poll; ABC/Washington Post New Hampshire Poll; Strategic Vision Iowa Poll; Zogby Phone Poll; USA/Gallup Poll; Iowa State Poll, this polling data is considered old, by 3 weeks, but was released as new; Public Policy North Carolina Poll


                                                     michelle and oprah, des moines, ia

The Obama Newness

Clinton Should No Longer Worry About Just Iowa

Obama:  Expand National Service Programs

Democrat Barack Obama on Wednesday advocated a major expansion of the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps and other national service programs, declaring, “This will be a cause of my presidency.”

The Illinois senator said the government is not keeping pace with those who want to help. “We will create new opportunities for all of us to serve,” he said at a rally at Cornell College.

Obama evoked the memory of President Kennedy and his Peace Corps volunteers, saying, “JFK made their service a bridge to the developing world.” Despite growing anti-Americanism around the world, he said, “the American people are not the problem, they are the answer.”

Obama, a senator from Illinois, said he also would expand the all-volunteer military but would “never send them to fight in a misguided war.”

“The burden of service has fallen more and more on the brave men and women of our military,” he said, citing “tour upon tour of duty in a war with no end.” For returning troops, he said, “We will enlist veterans to help other veterans to find jobs, and to pitch in at VA hospitals and nursing homes.”  more


4 Rural Democratic County Chairs Endorse Obama; Obama Wins Kansas Straw Poll; Hampton Democratic Chair Endorses Obama; Iowa State Daily Endorses Obama; Illinois Education Association Endorses Obama; Obama Relentlessly Pursues Iowan; Clinton Co-Chair Switches to Obama; Obama Wins Townson Straw Poll; Stanford Professor Named Adviser to Obama

Michelle Obama Meets Women from Seacoast

Robert Reich on Hillary’s desperate tactics by nevadadem

D.C. Events by howardpark


                                           michelle, oprah, barack in columbia, sc

Obama on a Roll

A Princeton professor and outspoken expert on African-American culture said he believes U.S. Sen. Barack Obama’s candidacy for president is an important breakthrough for blacks — whether Obama wins the Democratic nomination for president or not.

But Cornel West believes Obama is going to win.

Speaking Monday night to thousands in the Joe L. Reed Acadome on the campus of Alabama State University, West said he believes the Illinois Democrat, after running behind U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York for most of the presidential race, has turned the corner.

“This man’s on the move, he’s out there running hard and sounding good,” West said. Recent polls show Obama and Clinton in a statistical dead heat.  MontgomeryAdvertiser

Obama Writes Essay for SC Legal Journal

Getting the Vote Out When Campuses Are Empty

Obama’s Musical Draw

Inside the Obama Campaign


                                                             new iowa ad, “our moment”

Obama on Iran by Shaun Appleby

Obama: Publicize Names of Bad Nursing Homes

Obama say Democrats Need Decisive Win to Make Wide Changes

Obama Seeks Consumer Credit Guards

Obama Gets Grammy Nod

While Barack Obama is battling Hillary Clinton in the Democratic race, he can enjoy a small victory from those who vote with ears more than hearts and minds: He is one of five contenders for the Grammy Award for Spoken Word, one of 110 categories this year.

If only nominations on the campaign trail were decided so easily and early in December, just as primary season continues and eyes remain fixed for the 11 months until Election Day.

Like many of Senator Obama’s targets on the trail, the musicians, producers, engineers and recording professionals who will decide this race are single-issue voters looking to improve “the cultural condition and quality of life for music and its makers,” according to the news release.  more, NYT

It Takes a Movement

Experts Praise Obama’s National Service Plan

Obama: PAC Contributions Violated No Campaign Rules

African-American Leaders Rally Behind Barack

Obama Rising Roundup: Iowa Edition Nov 28-Dec 5

Blogs and Websites

One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama

Vulnerable Democrats See Fates Tied to Clinton

Obama’s Ancestral Village Cheers on its Favourite Son

Obama Fits the Bill for President

As is the custom in New Hampshire this time of year, I recently asked a woman in a coffee shop who she was supporting for president. Her answer: “The last candidate I heard speak.” The point is we have a remarkable group of candidates, so it’s no surprise most voters remain undecided.

As the date gets closer, and more and more people ask who I’m with. After many months consideration, I’ve finally made my choice.

Kucinich deserves to do well in New Hampshire. His bold and uncompromising vision needs to be heard.

Bill Richardson would make a great chief executive, with his unmatched experience. But inspiring personal presentation (also called charisma) is a job requirement which is not his strength.

Chris Dodd is consistent on every issue, and is a terrific speaker. I wish his numbers were at least as high as Kucinich. Same goes for Joe Biden – great on the issues, a captivating speaker too. Just not connecting enough.

That leaves the “top three.” Before the Republicans have laid a glove on her, Clinton starts out with 50 percent of Americans saying they would never vote for her. She’s relied on an engineered aura of inevitability. She buys into the all-things-to-all-people style, the course laid out for Kerry by his political director Jeanne Shaheen. Straddling everything doesn’t win.

Some people say it’s time for a woman. Martin Luther King hoped we would judge people by the content of their character, not by their color, or by extension, their gender.

A new direction? What about support for the war in Iraq, her prideful refusal to accept that she made a mistake, her unconscionable vote declaring part of Iran’s government to be a terrorist organization (giving Bush the carte blanche to attack)? Her commitment to keeping combat troops in Iraq and her refusal to say she’d get them all out by 2013? Her blatant pandering to the right on flag-burning, and on late term abortions?

And then there’s planting softball questions for herself to answer.

Experience? Aside from spouse of the president, I can’t seem to remember her cabinet post.  more

Obama:  Keep Americans Warm+Action by Populista

Obama Rising–New York Edition by casperr

Michelle Obama Emphasizes Family Life


                                     lining up in manchester, nh for obama and oprah

icebergslim’s last word:  oprah.  dirty campaign tactics.  change.

This was another weird week for Barack.  It was.  

First it was Team Clinton’s hilariously, funny press release last Sunday.  The cincher was that Barack has had aspirations, ambitions to become president in kindergarten and third grade.  And the witness to his third grade papers, promptly waved for everyone to see.  Oy!!!  Nothing is nicer than to be in a tight race in the early states and folks laughing at the front runner’s pettiness.

Then Barack had to deal with the on-going muslim email circulation.  Obama is not a muslim, he is a Christian and now his name is being used against him.  Well, guess what popped off?  Team Clinton’s staff caught sending and spreading this rumor.  Of course, the culprits were dismissed but the damage is done.  One cannot do anything but view Team Clinton as desperate and will do anything to win, even if it means spreading a lie.  Oh, yes, Team Clinton denounced it, but the damage is done.  It really is.

Then we have Oprah Winfrey.

I am one who has repeatedly said endorsements mean nothing.  It does not.  The candidate must seal the deal him/herself, no endorsement can do that.  But as this week has progressed, so did the energy of the Obama/Oprah weekend.  Suddenly, everyone was talking about it and when Columbia, South Carolina had to move the venue to an 80K stadium, well what else could one say.

I was more interested in what Oprah had to say than Barack.  What was she going to say?  Would it be quoted?  Will people listen?  Well, she gave a home run speech and no one can denounce or argue that point.    This phrase has stayed with me:

“When you listen to Barack Obama, when you really hear him, you witness a very rare thing,” she said in Des Moines. “You witness a politician who has an ear for eloquence and a tongue dipped in the unvarnished truth.”

Yes, a politician who is so eloquent but will not mince words.  He will tell it to you with a tongue dipped in the unvarnished truth.  That statement said it all for me.  It is about time we got a statesman in the White House.  It is about time we got someone who is honest and unafraid of the truth in the White House.  This has been missing so long, we forgot how it sounds.  Since the 90’s to now, we have had to deal with untruth in the White House.  Yes, we have had to deal with it.  And we are tired.  Just sick and tired of it.

Change.  This battle is about change.  It is.  It is not about electability because the three top runners are electable.  No, this argument is change and what kind we want.  After seeing over 18K in Des Moines, over 10K in Cedar Rapids, over 30K in Columbia, SC, what do you think?

People do not go to political rallies for anything.  They go searching and seeking an answer to the question.  And as Oprah Winfrey said, “I am here to tell you, Iowa, he is the one. He is the one!”

Yes. He is.


If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!!  Minimum five dollars.  This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign.  We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st.  Remember to make your contribution.


well, as we see the 30K crowd out to hear barack, oprah and michelle, in columbia, sc, things are moving and evolving at break neck speed.  we are in ties or slightly ahead in many of the early state polls, which shows we have the momentum.  people are showing that they want change and barack obama is that change.  as we move into the holiday season, remember the nastiness and sheer jealousy will continue to increase.  rise above it.  keep your eyes on the prize.  focus on obama and not the drama.


contact me @ [email protected]

This Week With Barack Obama

Edwards Evening News RoundUp: Real Leaders take Stands

Our Country needs, Hope … yes very much so.

Our Country also needs Competence in SO many Government Positions of power … NO more ‘Heck of Job — Brownies’ PLEASE!

But the one thing America needs even more than Hope and Competence — it’s Real Leadership!

What is Real Leadership made up of?

More Compromise and Committee meetings?  (I hope not)

Media Fanfare and soaring rhetoric?  (nice, but …)

How about Honesty, How about taking a real Stand?

How about talking straight with the American People, and detailing all the ‘Hard Work’ and ‘Sacrifice’ that Real Change will ultimately require?

That’s what Real Leaders do.

They tell you the Truth, and speaking the Truth eventually leads to widespread Action, and the Changes we need.

Once again John Edwards, has NOT failed to Lead on the Issues, so important to everyday Americans …

Edwards HAS been taking Stands, all along. And he continues to do so:

(1) Edwards Statement On Destruction Of Tapes By CIA

(2) African-American Leaders Discuss Edwards’ “Plan For Opportunity For All Americans”

(3) Edwards talks about 14th Anniversary Of NAFTA in New Hampshire

(4) Southwest Iowa Newspaper endorses Edwards

(5) Senator Bill Bradley Interviews Presidential Candidate John Edwards

(6) Edwards confident about South Carolina

(7) Edwards: Real Leaders take Stands — on Social Security

(8) Edwards confidence about his new Administration

(1) Edwards Statement On Destruction Of Tapes By CIA

Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Today, Senator John Edwards released the following statement on the CIA’s destruction of interrogation tapes:

“I was disturbed to learn that the CIA deliberately destroyed video recordings of interrogations it conducted using extreme techniques. These tapes were destroyed during the ongoing 9-11 Commission investigation, raising deeply troubling questions about whether their destruction was intended to prevent the American people from learning the truth about the harsh interrogation techniques sanctioned by the Bush-Cheney Administration. Particularly with an issue so critical to our moral authority in the world, the American people deserve the truth, not suspicious excuses and evasions.

Torture is morally wrong, it is illegal, it is ineffective, it endangers our own troops and citizens, and it plays into the hands of our enemies. My administration will uphold and protect the law rather than trampling over it.”



If you’re wondering what kind of Commander and Chief Edwards would be on the global stage of Foreign Affairs (short answer — a good one!), here’s some recommended reading:

Edwards on Bush Today; John Edwards: No Rush to War with Iran

by TomP – Tue Dec 04, 2007



Edwards: the Lesson of Iraq and a New Strategy for Iran

by jamess – Fri Dec 07, 2007



On the Domestic Front, Edwards continues to show Leadership on how to heal another kind of ‘divide’ in our Country:

(2) African-American Leaders Discuss Edwards’ “Plan For Opportunity For All Americans”

Columbia, South Carolina – Key African-American supporters held a conference call today to discuss Senator Edwards’ “Plan for Opportunity for All Americans,” which includes proposals for creating good jobs, guaranteeing universal health care and reforming the criminal justice system.

“Too many Americans are separated from the opportunities of our country,” said Texas State Representative Garnet Coleman. “Senator Edwards has dedicated his life to building One America, where every person has the same opportunities to work hard and get ahead.

Senator Edwards has laid out detailed plans to strengthen African-American communities and all communities by expanding the middle class and ending poverty in America,” said Tyrone Freeman, president of SEIU United Long Term Care Workers West. “If we work together, I have faith we’ll be able to lift up families and make a real difference in people’s lives.”

Building One America: A Plan for Opportunity for All Americans

There are still Two Americas — one favored and the other forgotten. While they are not defined by race, the Two Americas have a disproportionate impact on people of color and in many ways reflect the tragic history of race in this country.

As someone who grew up in the segregated South, Senator Edwards feels a special responsibility on the issue of race in America and has made equality of opportunity the central tenet of his campaign. To build One America and make sure everyone has the same chances that America has given to him, he supports:

 – Guaranteeing Health Care for Every American

 – Strengthening Schools So Every Child Can Succeed

 – Ending the Disgrace of Two Criminal Justice Systems

 – Creating Safe and Affordable Housing

 – Protecting the Right to Vote

 – Ending Poverty in America

 – Helping Small Businesses

 – Environmental Justice

 – Enforcing Civil Rights Laws

 – Closing the Digital Divide

for more details:



(3) Edwards talks about 14th Anniversary Of NAFTA in New Hampshire

AP is finally following Edwards on the Trail, today they report that:

Edwards Condemns NAFTA


CONCORD, N.H. (AP) – Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards says he wants to replace the empty promise that NAFTA would create millions of jobs with his own promise to be a tough negotiator on trade deals.

On the 14th anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement, Edwards planned to condemn the deal that lowered trade barriers between the United States and Canada and Mexico, arguing that it has paved the way for a series of deals that put the interests of multninational corporations ahead of working families.

“NAFTA was sold to the American people with promises that it would grow the economy and create millions of new jobs. But today, we know those promises were empty,” he said in remarks prepared for delivery at a town hall forum in Derry. “In all three countries, it has hurt workers and families while helping corporate insiders.”

The former North Carolina senator said more than 5 million American jobs have gone overseas since President Bush took office, and that up to 30 million more could follow in the next decade.

“The folks in Washington say that trade is good for the economy, even if it hurts a few ‘losers,'” he said. “That’s the word they use, losers, and it tells you something about how they see regular American workers and families who are struggling to compete.”

The former North Carolina senator said the effects of NAFTA and other trade deals is evident in New Hampshire’s north country, where several paper mills have closed in recent years. As president, he said he would pursue trade deals that leave most families better off and that include strong labor and environmental standards.

Edwards also has said he would make enforcing trade laws a greater priority and eliminate tax incentives that encourage U.S. companies to move overseas.



The Edwards Plan for Smart and Safe Trade:

Be a Tough Negotiator, Unafraid to Reject Bad Deals:

The American position in trade negotiations has been formulated behind closed doors with help from corporate lobbyists. Under the “fast track” procedure, Congress could not amend the resulting deals. Not surprisingly, trade agreements include special privileges for corporations, such as strong remedies for commercial rights and unprecedented rights to challenge environmental and health laws, but failed to protect workers.

As president, Edwards will pursue trade deals that:

   – Make most families better off, considering its impact on jobs, wages, and prices.

   – Enforce labor rights — including the right to organize and bargain collectively and prohibitions against forced labor, child labor, and discrimination – to prevent a global race to the bottom and help build a global middle class.

   – Protect the environment, preventing the exploitation of weak or poorly enforced laws and greenhouse gas commitments if necessary.

   – Clearly prohibit currency manipulation that puts American businesses at a disadvantage.

Demand a Level Playing Field for Trade: …

Edwards will assign top prosecutors at the U.S. Department of Justice to the job of enforcing trade laws, including the stronger labor and environment standards he will negotiate. …

Eliminate Tax Incentives to Move Offshore: …

Edwards will eliminate the benefit of deferral in low-tax countries, ensuring that American companies’ profits are taxed when earned …

Revamp Trade Assistance and the Safety Net to Help Dislocated Workers and Communities: …

Edwards will fight for these workers and their communities, by modernizing unemployment insurance to cover 500,000 more workers a year and creating a new “Training Works” initiative tied to high-wage jobs.

He will help communities recover quickly from mass layoffs with better advance warning and more resources to shore up the local tax base, plans for attracting family-sustaining jobs, and help for local businesses.

Ensure the Safety of Imported Food, Drugs and Toys:

Food imports more than doubled in the last decade and Americans eat 260 pounds of imported foods a year. Nearly 80 percent of children’s toys are made in China …

   – Enforce mandatory country-of-origin labeling on all food, increase inspections of imported food, and require the Food and Drug Administration to assess foreign nation’s food safety systems.

   – Raise penalties for toy safety violations, require independent testing, authorize border detention and inspection of toys in high-risk categories and ensure the independence of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

   – Mandate the pharmaceutical industry to quickly implement non-forgeable electronic “track-and-trace pedigrees” to ensure that drugs stay safe at every step in the supply chain — from factory to store and require sellers to prove that their drugs came from an authorized distributor.



And in case you missed it TomP covered this NAFTA anniversary, and its implications, in an excellent post earlier today:

Edwards on NAFTA Anniversary Day: “Those promises were empty”; NAFTA Failed.

by TomP – Sat Dec 08, 2007



(4) Southwest Iowa Newspaper endorses Edwards

And in Iowa, where the People know the the meaning of ‘Hard Work’, those important Endorsements keep going to John Edwards:

Southwest Iowa Newspaper: Edwards “Represents The Best Of What This Country Has To Offer”

Des Moines, Iowa – Senator John Edwards today received the endorsement of Valley News Today, a daily newspaper in Shenandoah, Iowa. The paper, which covers a rural southwestern Iowa community, does not typically endorse presidential candidates and has not done so in recent presidential primaries. The paper’s endorsement reflects Edwards’ appeal to rural America and his commitment to making sure Iowans in every part of the state know where he stands on the important issues facing our country. Edwards is the only candidate to visit and take questions from Iowans in all 99 counties twice, and has announced the public support of more than 1,000 rural Iowans.

“As the only Democratic candidate with rural roots, Edwards knows first hand about the daily trials and tribulations of the working poor,” reads the endorsement. “As a result of his upbringing, he has by far the most specific, most progressive and most far-reaching ideas to improve our nation.



(5) Senator Bill Bradley Interviews Presidential Candidate John Edwards

Talk about REAL Progressives taking notice of What Edwards is saying — check this out:


Senator Bill Bradley Interviews Presidential Candidate John Edwards — Exclusively On SIRIUS Satellite Radio

Two visionaries speak with candor on the state of politics, the importance of this election, and what the future holds

Bradley and Edwards share an optimistic view of the potential of what this country can accomplish if united under strong and compassionate leadership. Both believe in the power of the voice of the individual, and in this thought-provoking and candid conversation, Edwards shares his goals, concerns and plans if elected.

“We are by nature optimistic, strong, and courageous. What we need is a president and a leader who actually believes in the American people, and believes in the extraordinary human capital and potential of the American people,” said John Edwards.

I want to be surrounded by really smart, talented people who say to me, ‘You’re wrong.  Mr. President, you’re just dead wrong about that.’ …If we’re going to make hard decisions, the last thing I need is a bunch of people around me just telling me how smart I am and how great I am. …We’ve seen what the result is when that’s your approach.”

Senator Bradley’s interview with John Edwards will air December 10th at 5:00 am, 7:00 am, 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm, and 11:00 pm, all times ET.

Visit www.sirius.com for more information.


(6) Edwards confident about South Carolina

What me worry?

Edwards confident:  Presidential hopeful predicts win in S.C. Democratic primary


SENECA – Former Sen. John Edwards said Thursday he’s confident at least 75 percent of S.C. voters have not decided for whom they will vote next year.

Edwards predicted that when S.C. voters begin focusing on the presidential race, he will be their man.

“I won it in 2004, and might I remind you that in the polls I was doing less well then than I am now.

When voters are reminded that he grew up here, that he understands their lives and will fight for them, “they’ll respond,” Edwards assured.



(7) Edwards: Real Leaders take Stands — on Social Security

This IS What Leadership is ALL About — and John Edwards has been telling you where he Stands, all year!


Edwards: Real leaders take stands

By PHILIP ELLIOTT — The Associated Press

MANCHESTER –  Democrat John Edwards yesterday criticized rival Hillary Rodham Clinton, saying candidates who seek the White House should take strong, clear stands on difficult issues like Social Security.

Clinton has said she doesn’t want to put forward a specific plan now to shore up Social Security, but would wait for recommendations from a bipartisan commission because any plan will need the support of Democrats and Republicans to be enacted.

Asked about her stance at an AARP-Divided We Fail lunch on health and financial security, Edwards told seniors: “If you want to be President of the United States, you should lead. Leadership means taking clear, strong positions for the American people. … I’ve said very clearly what I would do, not said I’m going to wait and figure this out later.”



Washington Post — The Trail

Was [Edwards] suggesting that Clinton was not showing leadership? he was asked. “I’m saying I am,” he answered.

Social Security has emerged as a flash point in the Democratic debate. Edwards has proposed raising the cap on income that is taxed for Social Security, which now stands at $97,500, possibly allowing for a “doughnut hole” of income over $97,500 that is not taxed but then taxing income over $200,000. Barack Obama has also said he would favor raising the cap, on some occasions endorsing a doughnut hole approach and on some occasions referring simply to lifting the cap.

Clinton has declined to lay out specific options for shoring up the Social Security system, saying that she would start by restoring fiscal discipline and then convene a bipartisan commission to study a long-term fix.



(8) Edwards confidence about his new Administration

Real Leaders — Lead!

And Real Leaders start being the Change, they would want to see …

Some may think this presumptuous, to me it says Edwards has the confidence it takes to lead the greatest nation in the world:

Despite poll numbers, Edwards said he already has made a list of candidates for his running mate and his Cabinet.

The Democrats’ 2004 vice presidential nominee said he would seek out “the most qualified, most competent, most independent, strong-minded people that I can find” for a Cabinet.

“I want people who will say, ‘You’re wrong about this. You’re not right. You’re going to do harm if you do this,'” Edwards said. “The goal is not to make me feel good about myself.”

He said he would consider Republicans for his Cabinet, but not his vice president.

If I’m elected president, what that means is America is ready for my version of the future of our country,” Edwards said.

“If something happens and I couldn’t complete my term, I would want to ensure that that vice president would push forward with this same vision, because that’s what America is voting for.”



Now that’s Confidence!

Who’s ready to Lead America on Day One — No On the Job Training required?

Sounds like John Edwards to me and to an ever growing number of forward-thinking Americans too!

Who’s ready to look you in eye, and tell you what they will do, to restore America’s Moral Authority — both at home, and aboard?

And who’s ready to form another Committee to study the matter, and get back with you, someday?

Edwards is fighting for Equal Opportunity for All Americans — and Edwards IS doing the ‘Hard Work’ already, by spelling out detailed steps of what needs to be done, by spelling out the differences between himself and the other ‘would-be’ Leaders:



Others may have the Media Spotlight, but Why is it that they frequently are playing “catch up” with the many detailed Progressive Policies, that Edwards was almost always the first to boldly declare?

Who is not afraid to Stand up for the Progressive Issues that  matter to working Americans — John Edwards, that’s who!

How that old saying go …

Either Lead, Follow, or get out of the Way!

(I’ll give you one guess, which one of those Options, Edwards has been working overtime on, already!)

Late Edition: This Week With Barack Obama, November 25-December 2, 2007

cross-posted @ One Million Strong & Daily Kos


                                                      obama in harlem

December 4, 2007 – Des Moines, IA, NPR News/Iowa Public Radio Debate

December 13, 2007 – Johnston, Iowa, Des Moines Register Democratic Debate

December 17, 2007 – Boston, MA

January 15, 2008 – Las Vegas, Nevada


                                                               Time Cover Story

Obama Apperances and Campaign Events

December 4, 2007 – Rally with Barack @ Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA

December 4, 2007 – Rally with Barack @ University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

December 5, 2007 – Speech by Barack Obama @ Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA

December 5, 2007 – Town Hall Meetting with Barack @ Wartburg College, Waverly, IA

December 5, 2007 – Meet Michelle Obama in Peterborough!, Peterborough, NH

December 7, 2007 – Change Rocks Concert with Barack, Chicago, IL

December 8, 2007 – Rally with Barack & Michelle Obama, Special Guest, Oprah Winfrey, Des Moines, IA

December 8, 2007 – Rally with Barack & Michelle Obama, Special Guest, Oprah Winfrey, Cedar Rapids, IA

December 9, 2007 – Rally with Barack Obama and Special Guest, Oprah Winfrey, Columbia, SC

December 9, 2007 – Rally with Barack Obama and Special Guest, Oprah Winfrey, Manchester, NH

December 10, 2007 – Barack in L.A., Los Angeles, CA

December 11, 2007 – Generation Obama in Seattle, Seattle, WA

Clinton, Gore in Obama Administration

turneresq on Clinton Blasting Obama for Character Problems

Whose Afraid of Barack Obama? by Frank Rich, a must read

Hillary Clinton is having a rough time, lately.  Now she is attacking Obama for not only asking students for their votes, but to ask them to come back from out of state to vote for him.  The thing is this, it is legal.  The Secretary of State in Iowa said it is within the law.  Now she is whining that Iowa is for Iowans.  Ummmm.  Disenfranchising students?  What is next?  psericks, runs it down here.


                                                                                                                     brown and black forum, des moines, ia

Fox/Opinion Dynamics NH Poll

Rassmussen NH Poll

Clemson University South Carolina Poll

Suffolk University NH Poll

Des Moines Register Iowa Poll


                                                     michelle gets real

Blogs and Websites

One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama L.A.; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama

Is Obama a Terrorist?

Obama Files First in Virginia

Obama Fires Up Iowa Support Online


                                                      obama in des moines, ia


NPR on Polls, Iowa; DNC Fall Meeting, Speech by Obama (real player required); Michelle Obama in Indianola, IA (real player required); Brown & Black Recap; Video of Obama Supporters @ Black & Brown Forum

Obama Pitching to the Women

Obama’s Statement on Global Aids Day

Obama’s Super Tuesday Surplus (What the National Polls Aren’t Telling You) by horizonr


                                                 obama in boston with thousands

Endorsements/Office Openings

Office Opening in Tuscaloosa, AL; AFSCME Illinois Backs Obama; Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie Backs Obama; Salt Lake Office Opens; Linda Nelson, President of Iowa State Eduacation Association, Endorses Obama; Obama Opens San Diego Office; Iowa State Representative Deborah Berry Endorses Obama

Dodd and Clinton, Stop Killing the Democratic Pary, by DemocraticLuntz

Obama Mamas Getting Organized in Colorado

Spelman Women Ponder Clinton vs. Obama

Michelle Obama in Ottumwa, Iowa

Need Obama information?  Don’t know where to go?  Well, here is the Obama Campaign one-stop-shop for information, right here.  Everything you need to know pertaining to media is a click away.  Also, the Obama Campaign has launched a fact check page which is part of their website.  This is critically important since Senator Hillary Clinton has decided to go all out negative, due to the Des Moines Register Poll, released Sunday.  Obama is about addressing the issues and having a civil, lively debate.  But when the opposition decides to attack character, you need to protect yourself with fact.


                                                            bloomberg and obama

shoutouts:  iraq:  its worse than you thing, turkana; cnn:  corrupt news network; clammyc; rudy and his shag fund; booman on the primaries; DNC Cancels CBS Debate; paul hogarth; bill clinton’s “truithiness” broblem by wmtriallawyer

Q&A with Obama

Michelle Obama, Her Heart’s in the Race

Ex-Foe Campaining for Obama

Obama Pledges to Fix Education System


On Oprah and Our Votes

Does Oprah Winfrey’s endorsement help Sen. Barack Obama? She doesn’t hurt.

The question seems to be on everyone’s lips. Obama’s campaign announced Monday that Winfrey will join the presidential hopeful next month in the important lead-off states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

I doubt that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, was thrilled to hear that news. The conventional wisdom holds that celebrity endorsements don’t mean much, if anything. But, hey, this is …Oprah!

We’re talking about the queen of all media taking on the diva of Democratic politics.  Chicago Tribune


                                                           caucus video for iowa

On Clinton and Obama: Even Jacksons Divided

DNC Meeting and Lively Speeches

College Students Ready for President Obama

Obama’s Color Line

Obama Racks up Point at HS Visit


The Identity Card

The first thing I ever heard about Barack Obama was that he had a white mother and a black father. I heard this over and over again, never in a snide or gossipy way, always matter-of-factly. Apparently this was the way we Americans had to introduce Obama to each other. For some reason, knowledge of his racial pedigree had to precede even the mention of his politics–as if the pedigree inevitably explained the politics.

Of course, I am rather sensitive to all this because I, too, was born to a white mother and a black father, though I did not fully absorb this fact, which would have been so obvious to the outside world, until I was old enough to notice the world’s fascination–if not obsession–with it. To this day it is all but impossible for me to actually stop and think of my parents as white and black or to think of myself, therefore, as half and half. This is the dumb mathematics of thinking by race–dumb because race is used here as a kind of bullying truth that pushes aside the actual human experience. Time

Racial Flyer Slurs Clinton, Obama

Govern by Principle.  Stand up for Equality. by Barack Obama

Obama ‘The Man for the Moment’

Iowa State Shows Big Support for Obama

Obama Outlines Diplomatic Path

Obama Hits Stride


Historians for Obama

Our country is in serious trouble. The gap between the wealthy elite and the working majority grows ever larger, tens of millions of Americans lack health insurance and others risk bankruptcy when they get seriously ill, and many public schools do a poor job of educating the next generation. Due to the arrogant, inept foreign policy of the current administration, more people abroad mistrust and fear the United States than at any time since the height of the Vietnam War. Meanwhile, global warming speeds toward an unprecedented catastrophe. Many Republicans and overwhelming numbers of Independents and Democrats believe that, under George W. Bush, the nation has badly lost its way. The 2008 election thus comes at a critical time in the history of the United States and the world.

We endorse Barack Obama for president because we think he is the candidate best able to address and start to solve these profound problems. As historians, we understand that no single individual, even a president, leads alone or outside a thick web of context. As Abraham Lincoln wrote to a friend during the Civil War, “I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me.”  more


                                                        chris rock @ the apollo

icebergslim’s last word:  terror of the polls.  negative attacks.  kindergarten essays.

Well, David Yepsen wrote an op-ed piece about getting hot.  And the candidate who is hot since the JJ Dinner is Barack Obama.

It is apparent by the new Des Moines Register Iowa Poll.  This poll shows that Barack Obama is up 3 points and that the race is fluid and within the margin of error.  But the most telling of the information is the lost ground by Hillary Clinton to women.  Women are moving towards Barack Obama and away from Clinton.

Why telling?  Women are her firewall.  They are.  And this is scaring her to death.  So, what happens?  She is going negative and toward attacking Barack Obama’s character.

I say, bring it on.  Why?  Hillary Clinton does not own the trust nor honesty issue.  She does not.  Repeatedly in polling this has been her weakness.  Now it has come to fruition.  People are questioning her truthiness, unwilling to be candid, do they like her, and if they trust her.

All the above are valid.  And we must thank her husband for his lapse of truth when he announced he opposed the War in Iraq, from the start, only to get blasted because he supported the War in Iraq.  All this is a reminder of the Throwback Clinton Years that Democrats are finding out they don’t want again.

I am for a jousting, civil debate on the issues.  I am.  But, when you go negative to attack one’s character that is a stretch for me.  If many recall wasn’t it Clinton crying about her contemporaries attacking her?  And hasn’t it been Bill Richardson, lately when given a microphone, stating in nice subliminal terms, “Don’t attack each other?”  Now, Hillary has thrown all of this out of the window because of one poll?

Damn.  She must really live and breathe polls.  If one poll does this, what will she do if she loses Iowa or New Hampshire?  Perish the thought!!

And finally, Hillary, I thought you of all the candidates were the most thorough on oppo research.  To have to read that you are citing Barack Obama’s kindergarten and very early school years for his ambition to be president is well, just desperate.  For a child to aspire to be president is a good thing.  What is wrong with that?  Clinton does not get it.  Now she has resorted to taking Obama’s kindergarten and early school essays of “I Want to be President”, as serious oppo research and is using this against him.  This is truly profound and pathetic.

I would hope any child would aspire to be that president, astronaut, teacher, doctor, nurse, firefighter, policeman, etc.  These are proud professions that aid the public, but to actually use his kindergarten aspirations as an attack weapon?

All I can write is, “Hillary have you lost your mind?”


                                   For the 2008 Race, Google Is a Crucial Constituency


Judgment, Not Experience, Makes a Leader by AdamB

Populista’s Take on Why Historians Matter

Washington Post on February 5th Organizing by psericks


If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!!  Minimum five dollars.  This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign.  We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st.  Remember to make your contribution.


As the Iowa Caucus is nearing, need to know what to do?  Find everything at The Caucus Center.


as the cold is starting to set in and the holidays are upon us, remember we must stay focused and resolved.  many of us are taking time off work, leaving family members at home, to push senator obama over the top in these early states.  we are the obama advocates and supporters.  whether you donate money, time, trips to these early states, always remember to focus on obama and not the drama.  because the drama is being slung, rapidly.


contact me @ [email protected]

This Week With Barack Obama

Have You Read the Headlines?

Have you seen the headlines?

The squabble to be first in deciding the nation’s fate is intensifying. Early states are cleverly inching their primaries in a race to secure voting influence for their citizens. By the end of February, we’ll know who the presidential finalists are before more than half the nation gets a chance to vote, let alone meet the candidates. Sound Fair?

Check out the primary schedule.

The heavily frontloaded primary schedule does all of America a disservice. Leaving the power to decide who the next president of the America can be to a handful of people is just not right. The demographic make up of all the early primary state, even combined, does not accurately represent the American population. For instance, isn’t New Hampshire the third wealthiest state in the nation?

With less than a month left, there seems like there’s no hope. The Washington Post reports that the American people are being tempted by pessimism, and are losing faith in our political system. But, not to fear.
Register to host a caucus at www.nationalcaucus.com and get involved.

It seems like there’s no hope but to accept the circumstances. However, I came across this website, the National Presidential Caucus, that looks to give voters a fair chance to voice their opinions before the primaries kick off. It’s not a national primary or anything like that, don’t let the name mislead you.

Here’s how it works:
1) Post your caucus online
2) Meet offline with some friends, neighbors, whomever to discuss candidates and issues
3) Post your results from your discussions online

It’s as simple as that. It’s really just an effort to encourage and empower civic engagement and voter opinions. So why not…

How can we claim to go across seas to build a democracy, when our own political system at home is suffering? Get involved. sign up to host a caucus in your neighborhood today.

Stakes are too high, caucus today!

The stakes are high in the next election and we can’t sit idly. Join the National Presidential Caucus (NPC) effort to confront the heavily compressed primary schedule we’re facing today. NPC is hosting a National Caucus Day on Dec. 7th.


To encourage voters to form opinions before the early primary states and the media determine who the leading candidates will be, NPC is asking people like you to host caucuses in their communities.

To make this work, we need as many caucuses as we can get.

Here’s how it works:
-Post a caucus on the website
-Meet offline on December 7th to talk about issues and candidates that matter TO YOU
-Post your results on our website with all the other caucuses from across the nation

Hosting a caucus is as simple as getting some friends, family, or whomever you want together. It’s really easy to do!

What if every state’s caucus and primary were weighted equally? I don’t know about you, but I’d call that democracy. 

Register to host a caucus today . Together, let’s try to reinvigorate democracy as we know it.

This Week With Barack Obama, November 11-17, 2007

cross-posted @ One Million Strong & Daily Kos

  barack in cedar rapids, ia this morning

December 1, 2007 – Des Moines, IA, Brown & Black Forum
December 1, 2007 – Des Moines, IA, Heartland Presidential Forum
December 4, 2007 – Des Moines, IA, NPR News/Iowa Public Radio Debate
December 10, 2007 – Los Angeles, California, CBS
December 13, 2007 – Johnston, Iowa, Des Moines Register Democratic Debate
January 15, 2008 – Las Vegas, Nevada
January 31, 2008 – California

  obama, jefferson jackson dinner, des moines, ia

Obama Goes for the Capillaries
Hillary Clinton Suddenly Vulnerable as Bruises Start to Show

Obama Stands Out in Night of Speeches

In the space of an hour this weekend, Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois, using some of their most pointed and forceful rhetoric of the campaign, framed the choice for Democrats deciding their party’s presidential nomination.

Clinton gave a strong speech at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner late Saturday. But Obama, criticized for occasional lackluster performances, delivered one of his most focused and powerful addresses.

In the view of many watching, he emerged as the oratorical winner at the biggest Democratic political event in Iowa before the state’s January caucuses.

His candidacy, Obama said, could produce a new Democratic majority capable of breaking the gridlock and polarization that have plagued Washington for a decade or more.

“The same old Washington textbook campaigns just won’t do it in this election,” he said.  Seattle Times

  las vegas debate, november 15th

Obama Apperances and Campaign Events

November 19, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Clarion, IA
November 19, 2007 – Town Hall Meeting with Barack, Fort Dodge, IA
November 20, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Alton, NH
November 20, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Conway, NH
November 20, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Laconia, NH
November 20, 2007 – Michelle Obama, Orangeburg, SC
November 20, 2007 – Michelle Obama, Columbia, SC
November 30, 2007 – Barack Obama and Former Sec of Navy, Richard Danzig, Washington, D.C.
December 2, 2007 – Countdown to Change, Boston, MA

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?  Why It’s Barack Obama
Obama Shows Off Organizational Strength at JJ Dinner
Transcript of Obama Apperance on Meet the Press

  obama on meet the press with tim russert, november 11, 2007, des moines, ia


Obama on Meet the Press; Get to Know Barack; Las Vegas Democratic Debate, here; Audio Analysis Here; Michelle Obama on Morning Joe

In Iowa, Party Rivals Sharpen Jabs at Clinton
It is all about Iowa

  google interview, pt 1

  google interview, pt 2

Obama as the Red-Blue Uniter
Obama Stirs Up San Francisco Crowd
Republicans Crossin’ Over
Lessig Endorses Obama: Why You Should Care by AdamB
Obama Sister Hit the Campaign Trail

Obama:  Tax More Income for Social Security

Democrat Barack Obama said Sunday that if elected he will push to increase the amount of income that is taxed to provide monthly Social Security benefits.

Obama and other Democratic presidential candidates previously have signaled support for this idea.

But during an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Obama said subjecting more of a person’s income to the payroll tax is the option he would push for if elected president.

He objected to benefit cuts or a higher retirement age.

“I think the best way to approach this is to adjust the cap on the payroll tax so that people like myself are paying a little bit more and people who are in need are protected,” the Illinois senator said.

“That is the option that I will be pushing forward.”

Currently, only the first $97,500 of a person’s annual income is taxed. The amount is scheduled to rise to $102,000 next year.  more

Democratic Caucus Goers Pick Obama, Edwards as JJ Winners

Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Scott Brennan called it “the most successful Jefferson Jackson Dinner in history,” but it was more successful for some candidates than for others.

After discussions with party insiders and people in attendance, the early consensus seemed to be that the candidates who have generally polled in the top three — Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama — all did well, with Edwards and Obama excelling in particular. Among the other three candidates — Joe Biden, Chris Dodd and Bill Richardson — the crowd seemed to be moved the most by Dodd and Biden, but not enough to significantly affect their chances in January, interviews Saturday night suggested. Candace Opstvedt of Story City was an undecided caucus-goer, but not any longer.

“I am definitely leaning toward Barack after tonight,” she said after the long night of speeches and Democratic fundraising, including an auction. Undecided caucus-goer Jordan Oster, a Drake University student and a Des Moines native, thought Obama and Edwards made a definite impression on the crowd.

“It is yet to be seen if tonight can be considered a moment of shakeup, but I think it really goes to show that Edwards and Obama cemented their importance in the race,” he said. “Neither made direct reference to Senator Clinton, but without mistake many references were aimed her way.”

Oster said he thought Biden, Dodd and Richardson did well, but didn’t stand out.  Iowapolitics.com

Can Obama Rock the Nomination?
What kind of question is THIS???  One word, yes.  He showed it last Saturday night, at the JJ Dinner.  The debate performance is now past and will forever be plagued with innuendo.  He is stronger than ever in Iowa.  And if people are fed UP, with partisian politics, gridlock, the same old thing.  Then you know for sure, what time it is.  It is change time.

  youtube interview

Will Obama Turn Out Young Voters in Iowa
All Tied Up in Iowa
Obama Photo Blog Lebanon, NH
Obama on Net Neutrality

UAW Region 4, Endorses Obama

UAW Region 4 Delegates Throw Support to Obama’s Campaign for PresidentDUBUQUE – Delegates of United Auto Workers Region 4, which includes 30,000 members and retirees in Iowa, voted today to support Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. The group announced its overwhelming support at the close of a weeklong conference where seven of the major Democratic presidential candidates addressed the group earlier this week.

“There are many talented Democrats in the presidential field this year, but Barack Obama is the leader who will bring the kind of change to Washington that America’s working men and women can believe in,” said UAW Local 442 (Webster City, IA) President Paul Erickson. “For the last two decades, working families have been able to count on Barack Obama to stand up for us and our values. We are supporting him, because we know he’ll do the same thing in the White House.”  Time, DemDog

kos, on Obama’s Plan for Open Government
Stoller Leaning Obama
Chris Bowers, Ok, it is Still a Close Campaign
Barack Obama and the Illinois Death Penalty by AdamB

  obama @ google

Blogs and Websites

One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama L.A.; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama

Clinton Camp, Sure Do Not Care About Nor Believe in the Youth Vote
Yep.  The Clinton Campaign has to be one of the more out of touch campaigns running.  For the Clinton Campaign to tout the inevitability meme, this campaign does not understand what drives the youth.  And to totally dis’ them as unimportant is even more laughable.  I am sure no dissin’ will be going on in an Iowa barn on January 3rd, if these Facebook Caucus Goers decide to show up.  Respect the youth.  Respect the ones who are disenfranchised.  Respect the lost Democratic Voters who want in again.  Just respect the voters.  Ok?

  obama in austin, tx

Obama to Clinton, Don’t ‘swift boat’ Me”
Clinton Must Spend More Time in Iowa
Obama, Durbin Targets VA Care

shoutouts:  food prices up, by bink; i am starting to detest hillary clinton, the british observer; read, dengre; why an edwards fan thinks obama took jefferson-jackson; dl’s take on democrats preferring dems on iran; update on marlboro marine; foreclosures record high

icebergslim’s last word:  obama and his supporters advocates.

‘It will only serve to steel our resolve’.

That describes us.

This week has been, ummm, quirky.

It has.

Barack came from the Iowa JJ Dinner, with a speech that people are still talking about.

Then the debate.

Well, it was a sham.  My opinion, as I do not speak or write for Obama Supporters Advocates.  But, it was.  Then we got the blistering report from an Obama supporter advocate who called them all out in her diary, no stone unturned, not off the beaten path, but blunt and precise.  LV Pol Girl’s diary of the events surrounding the debate was simply titled, Las Vegas Disgrace.  Was it Pulitzer Prize writing?  No.  Rhetorical Rhetoric?  No.  It was four simple paragraphs with an ending sentence that summed it all up what happened in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the CNN Debate.  So, simple, that everyone has read this diary, passed it on, shaking their heads.  And those that did not want it out had to sit, squirm, and take it.

Then Bob Johnson, comes on the scene.  You really don’t know what to expect with him, but he ripped Steny Hoyer a new one with this diary, Hey, Steny… Butt out.  I don’t know who Bob supports, but he was absolutely correct in this assessment of Hoyer going after Obama:

Oh, no. Steny thought it best to single out a candidate who he felt was bashing the current frontrunner:

“I’ve been disappointed,” Hoyer, 68, said in an interview on Bloomberg television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt,” scheduled to air tonight. “I think it will hurt the party.”

He took particular exception to Illinois Senator Barack Obama’s assertion in a Las Vegas debate yesterday that Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton hadn’t given “straight answers” on “a host of issues.” Hoyer said that comment is “likely to get used by Republicans” in the general election.

What is this you ask?  It is what politicians refer to as, “calling your chits in.”  The old, “I helped you, raised money for you, now you need to help me.”  In other words, the Clinton Camp needs to dirty up Barack Obama.  The Clinton Camp need to reinforce that Obama is inexperienced, not ready.  Obama should not challenge, nor question anything on Hillary Clinton.  The GOP could use this against her.  As if “girlfriend” has already been anointed and appointed.

Then your keepin it real voice of icebergslim, rolls into a Saturday with an aw, hell naw diary on our best friends at CNN.  I don’t like to write on the weekends because I am usually compiling ‘This Week’, but when you get articles from NYT and L.A. Times sent to you about the debate, but more importantly how it is all connected up?  What are you to do?  I had to do what I do best.  Clinton News Network = CNN.

Of course, Obama Supporters Advocates then had to read insinuations of a whisper campaign, against our candidate.  Remember, it is all about making him dirty.  But, we took solace to what Barack said in his statement.

“The item did not identify these ‘agents,’ nor did it reveal the nature of the charge. It was devoid of facts, but heavy on innuendo and insinuation of the sort to which we’ve become all too accustomed in our politics these past two decades. If the purpose of this shameless item was to daunt or discourage me or supporters of our campaign from challenging and changing the politics of Washington, it will fail. In fact, it will only serve to steel our resolve.

That paragraph, for me, said it all about Barack Obama.

It will only serve to steel our resolve.

That is what the other campaigns don’t get.  But they will, starting in Iowa.

Yes, we are supporters of Barack Obama, but you are correct in your assessment, we are his ADVOCATES, first.

  michelle in dewitt, ia

If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!!  Minimum five dollars.  This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign.  We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st.  Remember to make your contribution.


Lastly, a magnificent diary by femlaw titled, “Obama’s Field of Dreams (California & Iowa Edition)”  This is a must read for all.  If you don’t understand strategy and Obama’s passion for building from ground up, peep this.  After the read, you will get it.

well, barack was in austin, texas telling them to get ready for change.  and i am here to ask you, are you ready for it?  always, remember to focus on obama, and not the drama….


contact me @ [email protected]
This Week With Barack Obama

I really don’t like to say I told you so

Aw, who am I kiddin’?

For months, politicians in big states like California, Florida and Michigan have griped about their lack of influence in the 2008 presidential race, pushing up their primaries to try to diminish the sway of Iowa and New Hampshire.

Now, thanks to those efforts, Iowa and New Hampshire appear more important than ever.

It’s mainly a process story about how candidates must score an early victory to be able to gather enough money to compete on February 5.  It was all so eminently predictable, and the relative absence of any Presidential candidates or buzz in this state with a little more than 3 months to go until the primary is further proof.  The only way to end the prospect of Iowa and New Hampshire picking the nominee is to… stop having them pick the nominee.