The Finance Report for Campaign 2008 Q3 is now in for the Coachella Valley, thanks to FundRace 2008. Much has already been written about the declining amounts given to the Republican campaigns as compared to Campaign 2004. In fact, some bloggers have indicated that Business in particular has been abandoning the Republican party this election cycle, for instance, refer to today’s post on at Fundraising Trends Democratic in Key Senate Races.
“With third quarter fundraising totals trickling in, the Senate electoral landscape continues to look optimistic for Democrats.
“Political insiders cite at least seven Senate seats currently held by Republicans as potentially up for grabs in 2008. In each of those contests Democratic challengers finds themselves either well positioned in the polls or well stocked in their campaign coffers.”
In addition, Jeanne Cummings writes on at Business Abandons GOP for Democrats:
“Lag, lag, lag. That’s all you hear these days regarding Republican fundraising compared with the Democrats’.
“Now we can add a new word: abandoned.”
Check in the following to see the meager totals racked up in the Coachella Valley for the Republican candidates this quarter (Q3). Also, check the information below to see what your neighbors contributed.
As you probably know already, the Palm Springs/Coachella Valley area is a must-see destination for Presidential campaigns. What you probably don’t know, that, at least in Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, Palm Desert, and Coachella, Fred Thompson raised $0.00 during Q3 and only 4% of the total raised by Republicans Coachella Valley-wide. (It seems that he is as lazy at the money trough as he is on the campaign trail. Also, Thompson barely beat Ron Paul in the fund race in the Coachella Valley). So much for the Thompson factor thus far.
When considering the donations to Republican Presidential candidates in Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Coachella, and Indio, John McCain raised $17,213, I.e., 35% of the total raised. Rudy Giuliani raised $17,125, 35% of the total. Mitt Romney, the theofascist, gay-bashing, flip-flopping reactionary, raised only $10,685, 22% of the total. Thompson (4%), Ron Paul (2%), and Sam Brownback lagged behind in the FundRace 2008.
What follows is the all-important money trail. See below the flip to understand who your neighbors support, and, indirectly, what they probably think of you, your politics, and your beloved country.
Coachella Valley Grand Total Q3: $48,848
Sam Brownback: $1,000 (2%)
Rudy Giuliani: $17,125 (35%)
John McCain: $17,213 (35%)
Ron Paul: $1,100 (2%)
Mitt Romney: $10,685 (22%)
Fred Thompson: $1,725 (4%)
Click for below the flip….
Palm Springs Total Donations Q3: $1,895
Giuliani lead in donations made in Palm Springs during Q3 (41%). McCain (31%) and Romney (28%) followed in amount of donations. Brownback, Paul, and Thompson were non-factors in the Palm Springs donations race during FundRace 2008 Q3.
Sam Brownback: $0 (0%)
Rudy Giuliani: $775 (41%)
John McCain: $585 (31%)
Ron Paul: $0 (0%)
Mitt Romney: $535 (28%)
Fred Thompson: $0 (0%)
Tim Bone, Real Estate, Foxx Development, 212 N Sunset Way, Palm Springs Q3/2007, Rudy Giuliani $500
William O’Connell, Retired, 1047 Tamarisk Road, Palm Springs
Q3/2007, Rudy Giuliani $275
Not a single Republican Donor Q3
Arthur Mcintire, Real Estate, Foxx Development, 2990 Calle Loreto, Palm Springs Q3/2007, John McCain $275
Anthony Phillips, Marketing, Self-Employed, 1756 Firestone Plaza, Palm Springs Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $250
Robert Cassidy, Retired, 2304 Los Patos Drive, Palm Springs Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $285
Marie Feliz, Retired, 2110 Southridge Drive, Palm Springs Q3/2007, John McCain $310
Cathedral City Total Donations Q3: $500
Paul was the only candidate to raise money in Cathedral City during Q3 (100%). Brownback, Giuliani, McCain, Romney, and Thompson were non-factors in the Cathedral City donations race during FundRace 2008 Q3.
Sam Brownback: $0 (0%)
Rudy Giuliani: $0 (0%)
John McCain: $0 (0%)
Ron Paul: $500 (100%)
Mitt Romney: $0 (0%)
Fred Thompson: $0 (0%)
Wayne Goff, Engineer, Self-Employed, 38295 Chuperosa Lane, Cathedral City Q3/2007, Ron Paul $500
Not a single Republican Donor Q3
Desert Hot Springs Total Donations Q3: $400
Guiliani was the only candidate to raise money in Desert Hot Springs during Q3 (100%). Brownback, McCain, Paul, Romney, and Thompson were non-factors in the Desert Hot Springs during FundRace 2008 Q3.
Sam Brownback: $0 (0%)
Rudy Giuliani: $400 (100%)
John McCain: $0 (0%)
Ron Paul: $0 (0%)
Mitt Romney: $0 (0%)
Fred Thompson: $0 (0%)
Desert Hot Springs Zipcode: 92240
Patricia McAlilster, General Manager, Albertsons Bakery, 65223 Dunes Pass, Desert Hot Springs Q3/2007, Rudy Giuliani $400
Desert Hot Springs Zipcode: 92241
Not a single Republican Donor Q3
Indian Wells Total Donations Q3: see Palm Desert
Indian Wells Zipcode: 92210 (See Palm Desert Zipcode 92210)
Palm Desert Total Donations Q3: $37,228
Giuliani lead in donations made in Palm Desert during Q3 (43%). McCain (31%) and Romney (24%) followed in amount of donations. Brownback, Paul, and Thompson were non-factors in the Palm Desert donations race during FundRace 2008 Q3.
Sam Brownback: $1,000 (3%)
Rudy Giuliani: $15,950 (43%)
John McCain: $11,378 (31%)
Ron Paul: $0 (0%)
Mitt Romney: $8,900 (24%)
Fred Thompson: $0 (0%)
Holly Merrigan, Real Estate Investments, Self-Employed, 45-395 Espinazo, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Rudy Giuliani $2,300
Mike Salta, Retired, 75-203 Peppewood, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Rudy Giuliani $2,000
Andre Horn, Retired, 75304 St Andrews Court, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Rudy Giuliani $2,300
Molly Montgomery, Banking, El Paseo Bank, 78745 Montre Sereno Circle, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $500
Mary Milbach, Concierge, El Paseo Bank, 78145 Montre Sereno Circle, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $500
Dan Finnane, Retired, 46300 Amethyst Drive, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $2,000
Russell Davis, Attorney, Self-Employed, 45660 Paseo Coronado, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $500
Toni Peebler, Retired, 47200 W Eldorado Drive, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Rudy Giuliani $2,300
Steven Pfrenzinger, 75395 St Andrews Court, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Rudy Giuliani $1,000
Mary Kay Taylor, Retired, 75179 Pepperwood Drive, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $2,300
Robert Taylor, Retired, 75179 Pepperwood Drive, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $2,300
Frank Puhl, Retired, 448 White Horse Trail, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $342
Charles Hargreaves, Retired, 78253 Sunrise Mountain View, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $235
Joseph Henderson, Retired, 78226 Falsetto Drive, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $325
Nancy Hester, Retired, 471 Falcon View Circle, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Rudy Giuliani $2,300
William Bone, 300 Eagle Dance Circle, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $1,000
Richard Wirth, Consultant, Self-Employed, 408 Links Drive, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Rudy Giuliani $1,000
Thomas Noble, Developer, Noble & Co, PO Box 12950, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $4,600
Wesley Ahlgren, Vice-President, Arlington Communities, PO Box 13451, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $500
Dean Cockerill, Retired, 73577 Minza Way, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $550
Katharine Russell, Consultant, RWWR Associates, 73415 Pinyon Street, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $826
Robert Hess, Retired, 73430 Sunny Trail, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $300
Linda Blosch, Homemaker, 73299 Phoebe Court, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $250
Roberleigh Haig, Farm Broker, Self-Employed, 44489 Town Center Way, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $1,500
Marsha Martone, Marketing, Self-Employed, 44489 Town Center Way, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $250
Bette Poliquin, Homemaker, 49220 Sunrose Lane, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Sam Brownback $1,000
Brenda Jodoin, Operations, M.D. Access, 73-242 Joshua Tree Street, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $1,000
Steve Ladd, Retired, 72-651 Sun Valley Lane, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Rudy Giuliani $2,300
Joshua Salama, President, Debbris of Palm Desert, PO Box 2157, Palm Desert Q3/2007, Rudy Giuliani $450
H. Marvin, PO Box 4776, Palm Desert Q3/2007, John McCain $500
Rancho Mirage Total Donations Q3: $7,825
McCain lead in donations made in Rancho Mirage during Q3 (67%). Thompson (16%) and Romney (10%) followed in amount of donations. Brownback, Giuliani, and Paul were non-factors in the Rancho Mirage FundRace 2008 Q3.
Sam Brownback: $0 (0%)
Rudy Giuliani: $0 (0%)
John McCain: $5,250 (67%)
Ron Paul: $600 (8%)
Mitt Romney: $750 (10%)
Fred Thompson: $1,225 (16%)
Andrew Jessup, Car Dealer, Jessup Auto Plaza, 16 Ledgestone Lane, Rancho Mirage Q3/2007, John McCain $1,000
Malcom Glover, Retired, 5 University Circle, Rancho Mirage Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $300
Shirley Grief, Retired, PO Box 1394, Rancho Mirage Q3/2007, John McCain $1,000
Michael Marix, Investor, Cornerstone Investors, L.L.C., 7 Big Sioux Road, Rancho Mirage Q3/2007, John McCain $2,300
Leon Lauderbach, 26 Cornell Drive, Rancho Mirage Q3/2007, John McCain $250
Joseph Kuzmanic, Businessman, Self-Employed, 17 Princeton Drive, Rancho Mirage Q3/2007, John McCain $700
Raymond Edwards, Retired, 110 La Cerra Drive, Rancho Mirage Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $450
Abe Siemens, Investor, Self-Employed, 47 Princeton Drive, Rancho Mirage Q3/2007, Ron Paul $600
Helene Galen, Retired, 37791 Halper Lake Drive, Rancho Mirage Q3/2007, Fred Thompson $1,000
Julie Rescigno, Retired, 4 Channel Court, Rancho Mirage Q3/2007, Fred Thompson $225
Coachella Total Donations Q3: $0
None of the candidates raised any money in Coachella during FundRace 2008 Q3!
Sam Brownback: $0
Rudy Giuliani: $0
John McCain: $0
Ron Paul: $0
Mitt Romney: $0
Fred Thompson: $0
Not a single Republican Donor Q3
Indio Total Donations Q3: $1,000
Only Romney (50%) and Thompson (50%) raised any money in Indio during FundRace 2008 Q3, though each only raised a platry amount.
Sam Brownback: $0 (0%)
Rudy Giuliani: $0 (0%)
John McCain: $0 (0%)
Ron Paul: $0 (0%)
Mitt Romney: $500 (50%)
Fred Thompson: $500 (50%)
Not a single Republican Donor Q3
Not a single Republican Donor Q3
John Lowey, Financial Advisor, Edward Jones Investments, 37482 Fossdyke Street, Indio Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $250
Pattie Lowey, Nurse, Doctor Vinita Verghese, 37482 Fossdyke Street, Indio Q3/2007, Mitt Romney $250
Gregston Young, Manager, W.D. Young, 38305 Jefferson Street, Indio Q3/2007, Fred Thompson $250
Rebecca Young, Homemaker, 38305 Jefferson Street, Indio Q3/2007, Fred Thompson $250