Tag Archives: Edwards Evening News

Edwards Evening News RoundUp: the Fight for America’s Middle Class!

Thanks for tuning in once again, hopeful Americans

And welcome to what John Edwards has called “the Fight for America’s Middle Class”.  This is a fight to reclaim a Voice in our Democratic process — to speak up for those people, who need a Champion, like you and me.

1st a Question:  Who is the Middle Class?

America is sometimes called a “middle-class country,” but nobody – not economists, sociologists, or the U.S. Census Bureau – seems to have a clear definition of who the middle class actually is. The notion of where a dividing line between “middle class” and “working class” might be is an elusive one …

a non-partisan and non-profit organization, reports that the middle class has conventionally come to mean families with incomes between $25,000 and $100,000 each year.

As NOW reported in “Middle Class Squeeze” (Dec 13, 2002), the shape of income distribution in America is changing and many are finding it increasingly difficult to afford housing while keeping up with necessities such as food, clothing, transportation, and health care.

That was from

PBS – Now — 06-25-2004

Who is the Middle Class?

(not much has changed since Now’s 2004 study, has it?)

according to PBS’s Now, the Middle Class covered a wide range of incomes $25-100K, and is characterized by people

finding it increasingly difficult to afford housing while keeping up with necessities such as food, clothing, transportation, and health care.

That’s sounds like a pretty “Big Tent”!

John Edwards sees us struggling to make ends meet — and he is Fighting to give us Hope and Opportunity again!

It’s about time, someone did!

Please spend some time to join this very worthwhile Fight, too:


Edwards says he can come from behind to win home state of SC


Jan. 12, 2008

Polls show the former U.S. senator from North Carolina trailing Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

“The same thing was true in 2004,” Edwards told reporters after meeting about 200 people at a diner in this upscale resort.

“When I was several weeks from the primary in 2004, I was in fourth place I believe and I wound up winning South Carolina by double digits,” he said.

South Carolina was Edwards’ only primary win four years ago. Edwards is on a four-day bus tour of this early voting state.

People just have to hear what I’ve got to say,” Edwards said. “It’s hard because the national media is focused on – and have been for many months now – focused on two candidates.

It’s very hard to get heard, but when I get heard, people respond.”

During his tour, Edwards has been traveling in a bus dubbed the Main Street Express with a sign on the side that reads, “Join the fight for America’s middle class.”



CBS – From The Road

Edwards Continues Courting South Carolina

Posted by Aaron Lewis

Jan 12, 2008

Edwards stood on a stool in the middle of the parking lot and gave a brief bullhorn speech to a crowd gathered around him.

“I’m here today to ask you to reach out to your friends, to reach out to your neighbors,” said Edwards. “I’m running against two candidates who have a hundred million dollars plus. My campaign is much more of a grassroots campaign, which means word of mouth, telephone calls, knocking on doors. It means doing the work that has to be done to get our people to the polls.”

I know the people of South Carolina and I know the struggles they’re going through.”

But they stood patiently with the rest of the crowd and seemed rather pleased once they scored a handshake.

As Edwards marched through the gauntlet of palms waiting for him throughout the restaurant, one gentleman audibly voiced his approval of Edwards’s attire.

He’s wearing a sports jacket with jeans,” he said. “You gotta respect that in a candidate!



CBS – From The Road

Edwards Says He Has “Plenty of Money”

Posted by Aaron Lewis

Jan 11, 2008

“We have plenty of money to run a serious campaign,” said Edwards. “And I think more important than that, I don’t think voters are going to be controlled by money. We’re gonna have an election, not an auction. And they’re gonna actually focus on what it is we stand for, what we’re fighting for, and I feel very optimistic about what’ll happen.”



CNN reports some more campaign news from the Trail:

Dan Lothian – CNN Boston Bureau

Jan 12, 2008

SUMMERVILLE, South Carolina (CNN) …

Edwards says no matter what happens here on January 26, he’s in the race for the long haul.

We have plenty of money to run a serious campaign, and I think more important than that, I don’t think voters are going to be controlled by money.”

Edwards said the election was aboutstanding up and fighting for the middle class,” to help lift people out of poverty and push for universal health care.

“The United States of America is better than this, and our parents and our grandparents struggled and sacrificed so that they can make this country what it is capable of doing,” Edwards said. “Now the question is: Will we rise up and show the same kind of grip and fight and strength and determination that they did? The answer is I believe we will.”

“It’s going to happen as we spread through these primaries, including right here in South Carolina,” he added. “I think you are going to stand up and say ‘yes.'”

Edwards’ message resonated with Darrell Clinton, who describes himself as a staunch Republican who’s now putting party politics aside to support Edwards.

He’s a good mainstream politician looking out for the little guys,” Clinton said. “So often the guys at the top are taken care of, the guys at the bottom are taken care of, but there’s a lot of people in the middle … hurting.”

Edwards was happy to get Clinton’s support.



I hope that last line, is a “good omen” of things to come. And Edwards’ natural appeal to cross-over Republicans in no small matter, if Democrats want to insure a landslide victory in 2008!  

Vote Smart, Dems.

The Edwards campaign is going into serious upsizing mode in Nevada too, where Union Support is sure to be a factor:

Political Leaders, Campaign Officials, Celebrities in Nevada for Geared Up Edwards Campaign on Final Weekend Before Caucus

Jan 11, 2008

The campaign will also be holding a statewide canvass with supporters from Nevada and across the region, including many union members who have been working with the campaign for months as part Edwards’ large bloc of labor support. Canvassers will spend Saturday and Sunday going door-to-door delivering targeted messages to Nevada caucus goers on the issues that concern them the most.

Former New Mexico Attorney General Patricia Madrid will be in Las Vegas to kick off the canvass on Saturday and then go door to door to talk about John Edwards’ plan to fight for working and middle class families. On Sunday night she will attend a house party with Edwards supporters and precinct captains.

Actress Madeline Stowe of “The Last of the Mohicans” and “Twelve Monkeys” will be in Las Vegas on Sunday to meet with voters and go door to do to discuss Edwards’ plans to build One America when everyone can work hard and build a better life. On Sunday night she will attend a house party with Edwards’ supporters and precinct captains. She will remain in Las Vegas for several days next week.

Edwards has strong grassroots support in Nevada due to his leadership on the issues, particularly health care, Iraq, working families and energy.

His organization was recently bolstered by staff from Iowa who came to Nevada following their work on Edwards’ strong second place showing over Hillary Clinton.

He has deep support from labor. The campaign has been working closely with the Carpenters, Steelworkers, Transport Workers and Communication Workers for months. Political leaders who support Edwards have been hard at work making phone calls and knocking on doors to spread his message of building One America.

Polls consistently show Edwards is the most electable Democratic against any of the top Republicans and is the only Democrat in the race to ever win in a “red” state .


Some more on those Union workers — fighting for our Middle Class Issues:


Unions Pouring Resources Into Nevada Caucus Fight

Steven Greenhouse

Jan 13, 2008

But Mr. Obama’s union support in Nevada is formidable. Culinary Local 226 is the most politically powerful labor union in Nevada, and the unions backing Mrs. Clinton, as well as former Senator John Edwards of North Carolina, are trying hard to counter its efforts. Union officials backing Mrs. Clinton note that many members of the culinary local are not American citizens and therefore cannot participate in the caucuses.

Chuck Rocha, the political director of the United Steelworkers, which backs Mr. Edwards, said his union had 42 paid workers in Nevada to mobilize its 3,500 members, including 900 Las Vegas cabdrivers.

We’re playing a dual role,” Mr. Rocha said. “We do member-to-member beginning at 7 a.m., going to factory entrances, for instance.

When their eight-hour workday is over by 2 or 3, we have this army of 40 people who become volunteers for the Edwards campaign, who have a bigger impact.”



Even though PBS describes the Middle Class as the range of incomes $25-100K, struggling to meet everyday bills, all too often those trapped in the lower rungs of the pyramid, face challenges everyday that can make Life seem all but Hopeless!

Well, John Edwards (sounding more like RFK everyday) sees their plight, and has just responded with:

Plan To End Poverty In South Carolina Within A Generation

Jan 12, 2008

… today Edwards introduced his plan for “Ending Poverty in South Carolina Within a Generation,” which calls for major new policies for work, housing, education, debt and savings, and family responsibility.

Too many Americans are separated from the opportunities of our country,” Edwards said. …

In America, every child should be able to go as far as her God-given talents and hard work will take her,” said Edwards. “As the first in my family to go to college, I know that our system of public education should be our sturdiest ladder of opportunity. To build the better America we all believe in, we must find ways to make college more affordable. We’ve got to make sure that every qualified student has the opportunity to go to college and fulfill the American Dream.”

Ending Poverty within a Generation: Edwards called for a national goal of ending poverty within a generation by cutting poverty by one third within a decade and ending poverty within 30 years.

Rewarding Work: To create more opportunities for work and reward those efforts, Edwards will raise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2012, helping the 33,000 South Carolinian workers who earn the minimum wage or less; cut taxes on low income workers; create 1 million Stepping Stone jobs; and strengthen workers’ rights.

Overhauling Housing Policy: Edwards will create 1 million new housing vouchers over five years to help low-income families move to better neighborhoods, invest in struggling neighborhoods, and promote state and local efforts to build affordable housing close to good jobs and schools.

Strengthening Schools and Making College Affordable: Edwards will create a universal system of Great Promise early childhood education centers; invest more in teacher pay and professional development; radically overall No Child Left Behind; create Second Chance schools to help high school dropouts; and pay the public college tuition of everyone willing to take a part time job through a new College for Everyone initiative.

Helping Families Save and Get Ahead: Edwards will subsidize bank accounts for the 28 million Americans without them; create new Work Bonds to help low-income workers build up savings accounts; and protect families against abusive financial products, including payday loans, predatory mortgages, and abusive credit card terms.

Supporting Responsible Families: Edwards will encourage and reward responsibility from fathers by helping them find work and requiring the help support their children and discourage teen pregnancy. He will also call on community leaders to recognize that there is only so much that the government can do, and we all share the responsibility of promoting strong families.

[Link goes into more details]



Lest other states, feel slighted, an Edwards Administration would have a similar plan for the Nation:

A National Goal: End Poverty Within 30 Years

Now to continue with another detailed look at John Edwards’ Plan to fix what’s wrong in America.

The Edwards team has given a lot of thought to these plans to help lift up the Middle Class. So we here in the Middle Class, who have daily challenges to ‘make ends meet’, should take the time to seriously consider this Repair Manual as well!


[ click the image for your own copy. ]

Tonight’s Topic:

I. Standing Up for Working and Middle-Class Families

True Universal Health Care

“Mr. Edwards transformed the whole health care debate with a plan that offers a politically and fiscally plausible path to universal health insurance.”

– Paul Krugman, New York Times columnist

“Easily the most impressive health care reform proposal adopted by a national Democrat in 15 years.”

– Ezra Klein, The American Prospect


[pgs 8-10]


Forty-seven million Americans without health care is a moral outrage. John Edwards was the first major presidential candidate to propose a detailed plan that takes on the big drug and insurance companies to guarantee quality, affordable care for every American.

The Edwards Health Care Plan

(1) Universal coverage through shared responsibility

(2) Affordable and higher quality health care

(3) New strategies for prescription drugs, long-term care, cancer, HIV/AIDS and nursing shortages

(1) Universal coverage through shared responsibility

— I. Outline of the Edwards Plan

A) Require by law that every American have comprehensive health coverage, including mental health coverage.

B) Require businesses to either cover their employees or help pay their premiums.

C) Make insurance affordable by creating new tax credits, expanding Medicaid and SCHIP, reforming insurance laws and taking innovative steps to contain health care costs.

D) Create new Health Care Markets to give families and businesses purchasing power and a choice of quality plans, including one public plan.

— II. Impact of the Edwards Plan

A) Families without insurance will get coverage at an affordable price.

B) Families with insurance will pay less and get more security and choices.

C) Employers will find it cheaper and easier to insure their workers.

D) The health care system could evolve into a singlepayer approach if Americans choose to enroll in the public plan instead of private insurance.

— III. Honesty about the Cost

A) We need to be honest about paying for universal health care. The Edwards plan costs $90-$120 billion a year. He will pay for it by repealing President Bush’s tax cuts for Americans who make over $200,000 a year and reforming health care to get better care at lower cost.

(2) Affordable and higher quality health care

Edwards’ cost-saving measures will save an average insured family $2,000 to $2,500 a year and eliminate at least $130 billion a year in wasteful spending.

—  I. Get Tough on Big Insurance and Drug Companies

A) Outlaw discrimination against people with preexisting conditions and require insurers to spend at least 85 percent of their premiums on patient care.

B) Make private insurers compete with a public plan available through the Health Care Markets.

C) Allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, regulate misleading drug ads and permit safe reimportation of prescription drugs from Canada.

—  II. A New Era in Preventive and Chronic Care

A) Edwards will require coverage of preventive care at little or no cost and ensure that providers monitor chronically ill patients’ health to reduce complications and hospitalizations.

—  III. Implement Information Technology

A) Edwards will require the use of electronic medical records to reduce duplicative tests and medical errors while protecting patients’ privacy.

—  IV. Evidence-Based Medicine

A) Edwards will create an objective source of reliable medical information to help doctors give the best care and a “Consumer Reports” for health care for patients.

(3) New strategies for prescription drugs, long-term care, cancer, HIV/AIDS and nursing shortages

—  I. Choice and Dignity in Long-Term Care

A) Edwards will reform the long-term care system to create choices for older Americans and people with disabilities, provide home and community care and promote dignity for families and workers.

—  II. A National Strategy for Cancer Survivorship

A) Ensure that Americans with cancer are diagnosed earlier and receive coordinated care, and strengthen family support networks.

B) Double funding for research priorities, reduce risk factors and close racial and ethnic disparities.

—  III. End the HIV/AIDS Epidemic

A) Guarantee care for HIV-positive individuals through Medicaid before the disease advances.

B) Prevent HIV/AIDS with science-based steps and fight it in the African-American and Latino, as well as LGBT, communities.

—  IV. Address the Nursing Shortage

A) Graduate 50,000 new nurses by investing in nursing schools and scholarships.

B) Bring back and retain 50,000 existing nurses with new safety standards, safe staffing ratios and a banon mandatory overtime.

True Universal Health Care

“We have to stop using words like ‘access to health care’ when we know those words mean something less than universal care. Who are you willing to leave behind without care? Which family? Which child? We need a truly universal solution, and we need it now.

“I don’t believe you can sit down at a table with lobbyists for drug companies and insurance companies and negotiate your way to universal care. They are dead-set against this. It’s going to take a president who can take them on and beat them. That’s what I’ve been doing my whole life.”

– John Edwards, Candidate for the Democratic Nomination

Sounds like a plan with its main goal of improving the Quality of Life, for the rest of us.

Join this “Fight for America’s Middle Class” — it CAN Happen!

Well Thanks for stopping by. I hope you found something of interest to read.

As long as John Edwards is willing to listen to our issues, us ‘Working Folks’, shouldn’t we be willing to to Work with him, to help get OUR Message out?

This will ultimately be an Election, which ultimately the People will Decide …

Wouldn’t it be nice, if they had enough information, to actually make an informed Decision?

That truly would be a victory for Free Speech.

Edwards Evening News RoundUp: Why I’m with Edwards Edition

This edition of EENR will be a little different. I will be reporting the latest News on John Edwards of course, BUT with a focus on the WHY’s behind the Edwards headlines.

Why are people supporting John Edwards, anyways?

Don’t these people know that the National Polls and the Media already have scripted out how this Election is supposed to turn out?

Silly People, thinking they should actually be able to make up their own minds! Imagine that — the People actually picking their own Leader! (And NOT having one Picked for them!)

So stick around for a spirited look at why more and more people are saying:

Why I’m with Edwards” …

(1) Here is an interesting Edwards Headline, from the Wall Street Journal:


Iowa Farmers Union Embraces Edwards

Dec 21, 2007

John Edwards will get a welcome endorsement this evening from the Iowa Farmers Union, the state’s biggest advocacy group for family farmers and rural communities.

[Note: other Sources have Reported that it’s only the President of this Farmers Union, and NOT the Union itself that is Endorsing Edwards — WSJ needs to hire back its Fact-Checkers, it seems.]

And the WHY behind the Endorsement?

“All the Democrats have good things about them,” Peterson said in an interview, but “Edwards cleaned house in rural areas in 2003” because “he’s against corporate farms and for localized economies.”

Here’s a few more reasons from this “influential Iowa agriculture leader”, Chris Petersen:

Chris Petersen, who is currently the president of the Iowa Farmers Union, endorsed the former North Carolina senator at a Friday rally in Nevada.

Petersen said he picked Edwards because of his strong views on the enforcement of anti-trust laws and competition in the livestock industry.

A vocal critic of the agribusiness conglomerates that have rapidly changed the face of agriculture in the Midwest, Petersen said “it’s time we got some political courage and leadership” to solve those problems.

(2) Here is an interesting Edwards Headline:

Edwards Unveils Stimulus Plan To Strengthen Economy And Create New Jobs

Dec 22, 2007

On final day of the “Fighting for America’s Voice” tour, Edwards urges Congress to pass $25 billion job creation plan

Lisbon, Iowa – On the final day of his “Fighting for America’s Voice” tour, Senator John Edwards proposed an economic stimulus package to strengthen our economy and create new jobs. Edwards urged Congress to act immediately to pass at least a $25 billion jobs plan in early 2008 and be ready to pass $75 billion more if there is more evidence that we are entering a recession. Edwards believes that every American should have access to a good job and the chance to build a better life. …

the specifics

Yet again John Edwards is Leading with very specific comprehensive plans, to deal with REAL Problems faced by REAL Americans! One of those REAL Americans was there to speak up for Edwards’ Plan today:

About Doug Bishop:

Today, Edwards will be joined on the tour by Doug Bishop who, in September 2004, was among the first wave of employees to be laid off at the Maytag plant in Newton, Iowa. … Edwards is running for president to make sure the voices of hard-working Americans like Doug get heard in Washington.

And the WHY behind the Endorsement?

John Edwards – Introduction by Doug Bishop – Newton, Iowa



Doug Bishop:

The American Dream is being taken away slowly, and surely, by some powerful people, who have No Respect for the American Workers in this country.

People like my grandfather, and hundreds before him, and hundreds after him, they didn’t strive to be rich. They didn’t strive to work their way through the Company and become the CEO …  at Maytag he was chasing the American Dream, and he was allowed to finish that out. … As of yesterday, I had several relatives and neighbors who had that Dream taken away from them.

It’s happening all across this Country. We have tried, and tried, tried to get these unabated Trade Agreements — which are robbing Americans of their Livelihoods — stopped!

and most importantly, and this is something I’ll never forget, he grabbed my 7 year old son by the hand, he dropped to one knee, and he looked him straight in the eye, and he said: ‘I’m gonna keep fighting for your Daddy’s Job, I promise you that.’  

Two years later, a man of his word — you know that stuff sticks with you —  

… with no media, no press, no big event, it was just one man being a good person. Two years later he sets up a meeting at the Maytag Plant after they announced the closing. …

He wanted to sit down with the People who were effected, in that Plant, that day. ‘What are you going to do with your lives? What can I do to help? Where do we go from here?’

That’s the kind of things we need in a Leader in this Country!

… I want a guy who’s gonna sit down, and look a 7 year old kid in the eye, and tell him, ‘I’m gonna fight for your Dad’s Job’.  That’s what I want!”

{applause} …

You know, fighting for the dignity of the American Worker, and their families, is at the very core of what it means to be an American. Or at least it used to be …

Franklin D. Roosevelt called for Four Freedoms …

They were the basis of FDR’s vision of Economic Fairness. Unfortunately, not all of these Freedom were fully incorporated in the New Deal legislation, that pulled the Country out of the Great Depression in the 1930’s

Here are those 4 Principles:

FDR’s Four Freedoms:

  1. Freedom of speech and expression

  2. Freedom of every person to worship in his own way

  3. Freedom from want

  4. Freedom from fear



A network of bloggers are carrying on with FDR’s Vision today. And guess who they just Endorsed for their Candidate for President?

(3) Here is an interesting Edwards Headline:

Four Freedoms Announces Endorsement of John Edwards


And the WHY behind the Endorsement?

WALTHAM, MA – December 20, 2007 – The influential non-partisan discussion board and blog ‘Four Freedoms’ (http://www.fourfreedomsblog.com/) announces its endorsement of John Edwards in the Democratic Primary.

Senator Edwards has been a longtime supporter of the downtrodden, from his early days as a litigator to his Senate track record. John Edwards dwells not on the past, but on the hope for the future, and is the only candidate that truly understands what is important to average Americans.

The founders of Four Freedoms urge all true Americans and Patriots to vote for Senator Edwards, and calls upon citizens to cross party lines if necessary in order to advance Senator Edward’s campaign and restore hope, decency, and civility to the American Political Process, something that has been lacking for quite some time. Senator Edwards may not have all the answers, but he is our best hope for true change and progress towards what all Americas believe in…that is, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Now that’s truly a New Deal Endorsement! That is quite the statement about exactly WHO is ready to Fight for US.

(4) Here is an interesting Edwards Headline:

Des Moines Register

Surgery gives man a chance to speak his mind

Dec 22, 2007

If you’ve been to a recent Edwards event in Iowa or watched television, odds are good you already know Lowe’s story. He was born dirt-poor in Kentucky with a cleft palate. He moved to a mill town in the Appalachian Mountains and worked in coal mines for decades before an injury broke his back and put him on disability.

Lowe never had surgery to fix that cleft palate because he could not afford health insurance.

And for the first 50 years of his life, Lowe could hardly speak. He was an incomprehensible mumbler until about a year ago when a doctor donated cleft-palate surgery and, literally, gave Lowe a voice.

Now, Lowe has become a metaphor for the stated goal of Edwards’ campaign: to give a voice to the voiceless.

I had an emotional reaction listening to his story,” Edwards said Friday in an interview. “I had a sense of outrage that somebody had lived for 50 years in America not able to speak because they had no health care. How could my country let people like James down like that?”

And the WHY behind the Endorsement?

Edwards invited Lowe to the microphone, hugged him, and then Lowe spoke for about 45 seconds.

He cares about people like me and you all,” Lowe said in his Southern accent that’s tinged with a speech impediment.

Then he pointed at Edwards and said, “This man is number one man for president.”

Best of all, Lowe said, he has the guts to stand up in front of hundreds of people – and he’s got the voice so he can say something.

That is how the flame of Outrage is lit:  

[John Edwards meets James Lowe]



And well, for some people, that flame never does go out, until Justice has been done … and until, what was wrong, is set right again.

(5) Here is a heart-wrenching Edwards Headline:


Edwards Mailer In Iowa Touts His Trial Lawyer Representation Of Injured Girl

By Greg Sargent – Dec 21, 2007

“John Edwards gave our Family hope … And then he walked into that courtroom and gave that irresponsible company hell.”

And the WHY behind the Endorsement?

Sandy Lakey Introduces John Edwards, West Des Moines, Iowa



Sandy Lakey:

“I know John because, he saved our daughters life

[the unthinkable happens to their family]

… so we began talking to attorneys, which was a new experience for us. I was in such a haze of grief, shock, and exhaustion, that little of what anyone said penetrated my fog. The only words I wanted to hear were: ‘I can help Valerie’.

And then we met John Edwards. When he held my hands and looked in my eyes, I saw the compassion, honesty, and integrity that is John Edwards. When he said the magic words I wanted to hear, I knew in my heart, that THIS Man would Fight as hard for Valerie, as if she were his OWN Daughter.

Because of John, I began to feel Hope.

We quickly realized John Edwards wasn’t just Valerie’s attorney — He was her Champion.

John Edwards took on the irresponsible manufacturer of the defective product that had caused Valerie’s injury. And we learned she wasn’t the FIRST Child to be maimed, or even killed by this Companies absolute indifference!

Even worse the company knew their product was defective, but hid the truth. John exposed their negligence, and Won Justice for Valerie.

John Edwards gave us hope in our darkest hours. He ensured that Valerie’s Medical Expenses would be taken care of for the rest of her life. And he helped change the ways companies do business, to make swimming pools safer for children.

Recently she told me, that she occasionally feels happy. That’s not something I thought I’d ever hear her say because her life hasn’t been easy. She’s suffered through horrors, that NO ONE should have to deal with, especially a child. She lives with pain everyday, and probably will for the rest of her life. But she’s strong, and with the help of people like John Edwards, she HAS survived.

She is here with me today to show her support, and love, for John Edwards. We believe that John has the intelligence, the determination, will power, integrity, and above all, the heart, to be a great leader to all of us in the United States.

We are honored to know him, and feel privileged to be here today. He talks about the heroes that he has met in his life, and during his campaign travels. But to us, He is the Hero!  Thank you John.”


WOW! That’s what it means, to fight for the “little guy”. That’s the same way John Edwards will fight for US, if we have the “same determination”, to help send him to the White House. If we do, Edwards will give Voice again, to us — the forgotten American People!

(6) Here is an interesting Edwards Headline:


Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne stump for Edwards

By Elizabeth Dinan

Dec 20, 2007

PORTSMOUTH – Wooing 700 voters at the Frank Jones Center on Wednesday, presidential candidate John Edwards pitched his plans for health care, warfare and education with a live rock ‘n’ roll sound track, a whiff of Hollywood and an endorsement from a local nuclear submarine welder.

Wrapping their endorsements for Edwards around a four-song set, Grammy-winning musicians Bonnie Raitt and Jackson Browne were introduced by actor Peter Coyote.

And the WHY’s behind the new ground swell of New Hampshire Excitement?

I Am A Patriot with backing by Bonnie Raitt and Jackson Browne



Here is what a few of those New Hampshire citizens have to say about WHY they are NOW supporting John Edwards:

Citizen one:

“Seeing John Edwards speak tonite, and you know just listening to him answer the questions — and feeling the Energy in the Audience, in the crowd, he definitely has my Vote”

Citizen two:

I love how straightforward he is, but I think also, how brave he is.”

Citizen three:

“He’s talking, he’s talking … fighting … the big corporations — Nobody else is saying that.”

Citizen four:

“I do feel like there is a lot of momentum going on, and I think that, John is going to take it over the top. And I think that he’s gonna win this Election.”

Hey, for you other New Hampshire citizens who have finally found your Candidate in Edwards, you too, can get involved to “help win this thing.” Here’s how:



For more voices from New Hampshire, their stories start here:



(7) Here is a different Edwards Headline (with the Media Reporting on the Blogs — now that’s a switch):


Minneapolis, MN

Blog House: Edwards remains a wild card as caucuses near

The most surprising development is that Edwards, who’s been consistently third in most Iowa polls, seems to have a little heat behind him.

And the WHY behind those blogs which are buzzing about Edwards?

Marc Ambinder:

“On Monday, the Edwards campaign recorded more e-mail sign-ups than almost any day in its history,” Marc Ambinder (1) reported. “Over the weekend, the campaign was forced to add four new servers to handle all the Web traffic. Contributions are up online: Thursday and Friday, the two days after the debate, made for one of the highest 2-day totals they’ve seen in months.”

David Mizner:

In this race, Edwards could prove to be the tortoise and Clinton and Obama a pair of hares, according to David Mizner at MyDD (2). “It wasn’t supposed to be this way, with Edwards still in the thick of the race. Clinton and Obama had planned to out-spend and out-celebrity him into oblivion. The best-laid plans.”

So that’s it for tonite’s Roundup. Thanks for taking a few moments to reflect on the type of Leader, you would like to see running this country. I hope these “behind the news” snapshots, help give you some insight into the character, passion, and determination, that an Edwards Presidency would bring to Washington DC.

Most of these people Speaking out above, have given you a window into some of their reasons to “Why I’m with Edwards?”

SO, “WHY am I, with Edwards?”

Simply stated, out of all the Candidates running, John Edwards speaks out the most passionately, and clearly, and bravely, on nearly all of the Issues, that matter to me and my family!

And on top of that, in nearly every case, Edwards was the first one to take a bold stand, with thoughtful and detailed plans to the many problems this Country faces. “Fixing America” and “Restoring the American Dream”, for ordinary hard-working Americans, is more than just talk with John Edwardsit’s the cause of his life!

Such a Fighter, for real Progressive Democratic Values, will get MY Vote, every time!

Please, Edwards supporters, take a few moments, to add a comment or two about, if you can, about “WHY you’re with Edwards, too?”

(I’m sure there are still some undecideds out there, lurking, who would probably like to know.  Thanks.)

Edwards Evening News RoundUp: Real Leaders take Stands

Our Country needs, Hope … yes very much so.

Our Country also needs Competence in SO many Government Positions of power … NO more ‘Heck of Job — Brownies’ PLEASE!

But the one thing America needs even more than Hope and Competence — it’s Real Leadership!

What is Real Leadership made up of?

More Compromise and Committee meetings?  (I hope not)

Media Fanfare and soaring rhetoric?  (nice, but …)

How about Honesty, How about taking a real Stand?

How about talking straight with the American People, and detailing all the ‘Hard Work’ and ‘Sacrifice’ that Real Change will ultimately require?

That’s what Real Leaders do.

They tell you the Truth, and speaking the Truth eventually leads to widespread Action, and the Changes we need.

Once again John Edwards, has NOT failed to Lead on the Issues, so important to everyday Americans …

Edwards HAS been taking Stands, all along. And he continues to do so:

(1) Edwards Statement On Destruction Of Tapes By CIA

(2) African-American Leaders Discuss Edwards’ “Plan For Opportunity For All Americans”

(3) Edwards talks about 14th Anniversary Of NAFTA in New Hampshire

(4) Southwest Iowa Newspaper endorses Edwards

(5) Senator Bill Bradley Interviews Presidential Candidate John Edwards

(6) Edwards confident about South Carolina

(7) Edwards: Real Leaders take Stands — on Social Security

(8) Edwards confidence about his new Administration

(1) Edwards Statement On Destruction Of Tapes By CIA

Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Today, Senator John Edwards released the following statement on the CIA’s destruction of interrogation tapes:

“I was disturbed to learn that the CIA deliberately destroyed video recordings of interrogations it conducted using extreme techniques. These tapes were destroyed during the ongoing 9-11 Commission investigation, raising deeply troubling questions about whether their destruction was intended to prevent the American people from learning the truth about the harsh interrogation techniques sanctioned by the Bush-Cheney Administration. Particularly with an issue so critical to our moral authority in the world, the American people deserve the truth, not suspicious excuses and evasions.

Torture is morally wrong, it is illegal, it is ineffective, it endangers our own troops and citizens, and it plays into the hands of our enemies. My administration will uphold and protect the law rather than trampling over it.”



If you’re wondering what kind of Commander and Chief Edwards would be on the global stage of Foreign Affairs (short answer — a good one!), here’s some recommended reading:

Edwards on Bush Today; John Edwards: No Rush to War with Iran

by TomP – Tue Dec 04, 2007



Edwards: the Lesson of Iraq and a New Strategy for Iran

by jamess – Fri Dec 07, 2007



On the Domestic Front, Edwards continues to show Leadership on how to heal another kind of ‘divide’ in our Country:

(2) African-American Leaders Discuss Edwards’ “Plan For Opportunity For All Americans”

Columbia, South Carolina – Key African-American supporters held a conference call today to discuss Senator Edwards’ “Plan for Opportunity for All Americans,” which includes proposals for creating good jobs, guaranteeing universal health care and reforming the criminal justice system.

“Too many Americans are separated from the opportunities of our country,” said Texas State Representative Garnet Coleman. “Senator Edwards has dedicated his life to building One America, where every person has the same opportunities to work hard and get ahead.

Senator Edwards has laid out detailed plans to strengthen African-American communities and all communities by expanding the middle class and ending poverty in America,” said Tyrone Freeman, president of SEIU United Long Term Care Workers West. “If we work together, I have faith we’ll be able to lift up families and make a real difference in people’s lives.”

Building One America: A Plan for Opportunity for All Americans

There are still Two Americas — one favored and the other forgotten. While they are not defined by race, the Two Americas have a disproportionate impact on people of color and in many ways reflect the tragic history of race in this country.

As someone who grew up in the segregated South, Senator Edwards feels a special responsibility on the issue of race in America and has made equality of opportunity the central tenet of his campaign. To build One America and make sure everyone has the same chances that America has given to him, he supports:

 – Guaranteeing Health Care for Every American

 – Strengthening Schools So Every Child Can Succeed

 – Ending the Disgrace of Two Criminal Justice Systems

 – Creating Safe and Affordable Housing

 – Protecting the Right to Vote

 – Ending Poverty in America

 – Helping Small Businesses

 – Environmental Justice

 – Enforcing Civil Rights Laws

 – Closing the Digital Divide

for more details:



(3) Edwards talks about 14th Anniversary Of NAFTA in New Hampshire

AP is finally following Edwards on the Trail, today they report that:

Edwards Condemns NAFTA


CONCORD, N.H. (AP) – Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards says he wants to replace the empty promise that NAFTA would create millions of jobs with his own promise to be a tough negotiator on trade deals.

On the 14th anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement, Edwards planned to condemn the deal that lowered trade barriers between the United States and Canada and Mexico, arguing that it has paved the way for a series of deals that put the interests of multninational corporations ahead of working families.

“NAFTA was sold to the American people with promises that it would grow the economy and create millions of new jobs. But today, we know those promises were empty,” he said in remarks prepared for delivery at a town hall forum in Derry. “In all three countries, it has hurt workers and families while helping corporate insiders.”

The former North Carolina senator said more than 5 million American jobs have gone overseas since President Bush took office, and that up to 30 million more could follow in the next decade.

“The folks in Washington say that trade is good for the economy, even if it hurts a few ‘losers,'” he said. “That’s the word they use, losers, and it tells you something about how they see regular American workers and families who are struggling to compete.”

The former North Carolina senator said the effects of NAFTA and other trade deals is evident in New Hampshire’s north country, where several paper mills have closed in recent years. As president, he said he would pursue trade deals that leave most families better off and that include strong labor and environmental standards.

Edwards also has said he would make enforcing trade laws a greater priority and eliminate tax incentives that encourage U.S. companies to move overseas.



The Edwards Plan for Smart and Safe Trade:

Be a Tough Negotiator, Unafraid to Reject Bad Deals:

The American position in trade negotiations has been formulated behind closed doors with help from corporate lobbyists. Under the “fast track” procedure, Congress could not amend the resulting deals. Not surprisingly, trade agreements include special privileges for corporations, such as strong remedies for commercial rights and unprecedented rights to challenge environmental and health laws, but failed to protect workers.

As president, Edwards will pursue trade deals that:

   – Make most families better off, considering its impact on jobs, wages, and prices.

   – Enforce labor rights — including the right to organize and bargain collectively and prohibitions against forced labor, child labor, and discrimination – to prevent a global race to the bottom and help build a global middle class.

   – Protect the environment, preventing the exploitation of weak or poorly enforced laws and greenhouse gas commitments if necessary.

   – Clearly prohibit currency manipulation that puts American businesses at a disadvantage.

Demand a Level Playing Field for Trade: …

Edwards will assign top prosecutors at the U.S. Department of Justice to the job of enforcing trade laws, including the stronger labor and environment standards he will negotiate. …

Eliminate Tax Incentives to Move Offshore: …

Edwards will eliminate the benefit of deferral in low-tax countries, ensuring that American companies’ profits are taxed when earned …

Revamp Trade Assistance and the Safety Net to Help Dislocated Workers and Communities: …

Edwards will fight for these workers and their communities, by modernizing unemployment insurance to cover 500,000 more workers a year and creating a new “Training Works” initiative tied to high-wage jobs.

He will help communities recover quickly from mass layoffs with better advance warning and more resources to shore up the local tax base, plans for attracting family-sustaining jobs, and help for local businesses.

Ensure the Safety of Imported Food, Drugs and Toys:

Food imports more than doubled in the last decade and Americans eat 260 pounds of imported foods a year. Nearly 80 percent of children’s toys are made in China …

   – Enforce mandatory country-of-origin labeling on all food, increase inspections of imported food, and require the Food and Drug Administration to assess foreign nation’s food safety systems.

   – Raise penalties for toy safety violations, require independent testing, authorize border detention and inspection of toys in high-risk categories and ensure the independence of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

   – Mandate the pharmaceutical industry to quickly implement non-forgeable electronic “track-and-trace pedigrees” to ensure that drugs stay safe at every step in the supply chain — from factory to store and require sellers to prove that their drugs came from an authorized distributor.



And in case you missed it TomP covered this NAFTA anniversary, and its implications, in an excellent post earlier today:

Edwards on NAFTA Anniversary Day: “Those promises were empty”; NAFTA Failed.

by TomP – Sat Dec 08, 2007



(4) Southwest Iowa Newspaper endorses Edwards

And in Iowa, where the People know the the meaning of ‘Hard Work’, those important Endorsements keep going to John Edwards:

Southwest Iowa Newspaper: Edwards “Represents The Best Of What This Country Has To Offer”

Des Moines, Iowa – Senator John Edwards today received the endorsement of Valley News Today, a daily newspaper in Shenandoah, Iowa. The paper, which covers a rural southwestern Iowa community, does not typically endorse presidential candidates and has not done so in recent presidential primaries. The paper’s endorsement reflects Edwards’ appeal to rural America and his commitment to making sure Iowans in every part of the state know where he stands on the important issues facing our country. Edwards is the only candidate to visit and take questions from Iowans in all 99 counties twice, and has announced the public support of more than 1,000 rural Iowans.

“As the only Democratic candidate with rural roots, Edwards knows first hand about the daily trials and tribulations of the working poor,” reads the endorsement. “As a result of his upbringing, he has by far the most specific, most progressive and most far-reaching ideas to improve our nation.



(5) Senator Bill Bradley Interviews Presidential Candidate John Edwards

Talk about REAL Progressives taking notice of What Edwards is saying — check this out:


Senator Bill Bradley Interviews Presidential Candidate John Edwards — Exclusively On SIRIUS Satellite Radio

Two visionaries speak with candor on the state of politics, the importance of this election, and what the future holds

Bradley and Edwards share an optimistic view of the potential of what this country can accomplish if united under strong and compassionate leadership. Both believe in the power of the voice of the individual, and in this thought-provoking and candid conversation, Edwards shares his goals, concerns and plans if elected.

“We are by nature optimistic, strong, and courageous. What we need is a president and a leader who actually believes in the American people, and believes in the extraordinary human capital and potential of the American people,” said John Edwards.

I want to be surrounded by really smart, talented people who say to me, ‘You’re wrong.  Mr. President, you’re just dead wrong about that.’ …If we’re going to make hard decisions, the last thing I need is a bunch of people around me just telling me how smart I am and how great I am. …We’ve seen what the result is when that’s your approach.”

Senator Bradley’s interview with John Edwards will air December 10th at 5:00 am, 7:00 am, 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm, and 11:00 pm, all times ET.

Visit www.sirius.com for more information.


(6) Edwards confident about South Carolina

What me worry?

Edwards confident:  Presidential hopeful predicts win in S.C. Democratic primary


SENECA – Former Sen. John Edwards said Thursday he’s confident at least 75 percent of S.C. voters have not decided for whom they will vote next year.

Edwards predicted that when S.C. voters begin focusing on the presidential race, he will be their man.

“I won it in 2004, and might I remind you that in the polls I was doing less well then than I am now.

When voters are reminded that he grew up here, that he understands their lives and will fight for them, “they’ll respond,” Edwards assured.



(7) Edwards: Real Leaders take Stands — on Social Security

This IS What Leadership is ALL About — and John Edwards has been telling you where he Stands, all year!


Edwards: Real leaders take stands

By PHILIP ELLIOTT — The Associated Press

MANCHESTER –  Democrat John Edwards yesterday criticized rival Hillary Rodham Clinton, saying candidates who seek the White House should take strong, clear stands on difficult issues like Social Security.

Clinton has said she doesn’t want to put forward a specific plan now to shore up Social Security, but would wait for recommendations from a bipartisan commission because any plan will need the support of Democrats and Republicans to be enacted.

Asked about her stance at an AARP-Divided We Fail lunch on health and financial security, Edwards told seniors: “If you want to be President of the United States, you should lead. Leadership means taking clear, strong positions for the American people. … I’ve said very clearly what I would do, not said I’m going to wait and figure this out later.”



Washington Post — The Trail

Was [Edwards] suggesting that Clinton was not showing leadership? he was asked. “I’m saying I am,” he answered.

Social Security has emerged as a flash point in the Democratic debate. Edwards has proposed raising the cap on income that is taxed for Social Security, which now stands at $97,500, possibly allowing for a “doughnut hole” of income over $97,500 that is not taxed but then taxing income over $200,000. Barack Obama has also said he would favor raising the cap, on some occasions endorsing a doughnut hole approach and on some occasions referring simply to lifting the cap.

Clinton has declined to lay out specific options for shoring up the Social Security system, saying that she would start by restoring fiscal discipline and then convene a bipartisan commission to study a long-term fix.



(8) Edwards confidence about his new Administration

Real Leaders — Lead!

And Real Leaders start being the Change, they would want to see …

Some may think this presumptuous, to me it says Edwards has the confidence it takes to lead the greatest nation in the world:

Despite poll numbers, Edwards said he already has made a list of candidates for his running mate and his Cabinet.

The Democrats’ 2004 vice presidential nominee said he would seek out “the most qualified, most competent, most independent, strong-minded people that I can find” for a Cabinet.

“I want people who will say, ‘You’re wrong about this. You’re not right. You’re going to do harm if you do this,'” Edwards said. “The goal is not to make me feel good about myself.”

He said he would consider Republicans for his Cabinet, but not his vice president.

If I’m elected president, what that means is America is ready for my version of the future of our country,” Edwards said.

“If something happens and I couldn’t complete my term, I would want to ensure that that vice president would push forward with this same vision, because that’s what America is voting for.”



Now that’s Confidence!

Who’s ready to Lead America on Day One — No On the Job Training required?

Sounds like John Edwards to me and to an ever growing number of forward-thinking Americans too!

Who’s ready to look you in eye, and tell you what they will do, to restore America’s Moral Authority — both at home, and aboard?

And who’s ready to form another Committee to study the matter, and get back with you, someday?

Edwards is fighting for Equal Opportunity for All Americans — and Edwards IS doing the ‘Hard Work’ already, by spelling out detailed steps of what needs to be done, by spelling out the differences between himself and the other ‘would-be’ Leaders:



Others may have the Media Spotlight, but Why is it that they frequently are playing “catch up” with the many detailed Progressive Policies, that Edwards was almost always the first to boldly declare?

Who is not afraid to Stand up for the Progressive Issues that  matter to working Americans — John Edwards, that’s who!

How that old saying go …

Either Lead, Follow, or get out of the Way!

(I’ll give you one guess, which one of those Options, Edwards has been working overtime on, already!)

Edwards Evening News RoundUp: Thanksgiving Edition

First thing, first. Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope it was truly a day of optimism and hope for each of you. This is certainly a time to review the good things we each have in life.

Times spent with Family, Friends, and Good Food, form the basic fabric we call Life and History. Individual Happiness is woven from such threads. And goodness knows, we could all use just a little more Happiness in life.

Since it is a “slow news” day in terms of campaign activities, I thought I’d take a retrospective look at of some of the many things John Edwards has said he is thankful for. Please take a few moments to reflect on these, and you may find you have similar “blessings” in your life, that you are thankful for, too. 

In Honor Of Thanksgiving, Edwards Gives Thanks To American Families


The Threads:

  For two parents who worked so hard to give us a better life.

  For thirty years with one amazing woman.

  And for four wonderful children.

  For 231 years of America.

  For the hopes and determination of a nation filled with the most optimistic people on Earth.

  And for all of you, who have welcomed us into your homes and hearts.

  Thank you.

Thread (1) For two parents who worked so hard to give us a better life.

Edwards’ parents, Wallace Edwards and Bobbie Wade, were both working in the mill when they met at a square dance at a nearby state park. They married in 1952 and settled into a three-room rental in Utica Mill Village.

Edwards’ first home may be the perfect campaign prop in his quest for the presidency – the modern equivalent of the log cabin. Earlier this summer, Edwards and his parents stood outside the mill village house and took questions from reporters.

“We didn’t know any better than this was good,” said Wallace Edwards. “We had the basics, food and clothes.”

Their first child, Johnny, was born in 1953, his father taking out a $50 bank loan to pay the hospital bill. Six months later, Bobbie was back at work folding sheets on the night shift at J.P. Stevens. Wallace, who worked the day shift, took care of their son in the evenings.

They lived briefly in a public housing project, but things soon got better for the young family.

Wallace spent most of his career with Milliken & Co., a huge textile operation based in Spartanburg. He was transferred from town to town in the textile belt as he got increasingly better jobs in the industrial engineering department.

His father eventually left Milliken, frustrated that he could not advance further in the company because he had not attended college. He set up his own consulting firm advising textile companies.

His mother held a series of jobs, including starting a small roadside antiques store where she bought furniture, refinished it and sold it to help put her son through college. She worked for the county board of elections. She took her last job, as a rural letter carrier in West End, to provide her family with health insurance.


Many, many hard working Americas can relate.  Life is often a struggle to just get by. Still the American Spirit and the will of its People is Strong.

We persevere, always hoping Our children will have a better life than we have.

That we will somehow leave the world a better place than we found it.

John’s Campaign is all about these themes.

John Edwards – America’s Jobs and America’s Wokers


New York Times has a wonderful photo essay, which highlight the Milestones of John Edwards’ life, including his humble beginnings.

New York Times – Nov 20, 2007
Milestones: John Edwards

An interactive timeline of John Edwards’s life and career.


Edwards is truly a self-made man (with much love and support from his family of course!)

Thread (2) For thirty years with one amazing woman.

Here’s what John says about this amazing woman, Elizabeth

“She’s the most extraordinary person I’ve ever known. I call her my conscience,” John says. “She knows intuitively the difference between right and wrong. She seems to have an understanding of what to say and what’s real and what’s not. She is an extraordinary woman.”

She IS Extraordinary! Here she is, discussing their life together:

John and Elizabeth Edwards


Elizabeth is truly is a self-made woman, a full partner in their Life and Marriage.

Thread (3) And for four wonderful children.

Cate, Emma Claire, and Jack. Truly a source of pride and ambition for John and Elizabeth, no doubt. (John often says that “we need to fix this mess, and NOT leave it to our children.”)

and here is son Wade, who’s life was tragically cut short by an automobile accident, in 1996, at the age of 16.

Needlessly to say such a tragedy is the worse thing that a family can suffer. Parents are not suppose to outlive their children. Such a pain can change those impacted in deep and profound ways. The Edwards’ family, being human, were also deeply effected.

Here another wonderful interview and photo-essay with the Edwardses on Oprah discussing how the family was changed:

Surviving Wade — Elizabeth Edwards on Oprah

Elizabeth says that even though she’ll never understand the “why” of Wade’s death she has made peace with God. “My daily prayer is that I have enough faith that I will one day be reunited with him.”

Another “enormous” comfort for the family was Wade’s personal journal, which Elizabeth found after his death. In it he wrote, “I really want to do something great with my life. I want to start a family when I grow up. I’m going to be as good a parent to my kids as my parents are to me. But more than anything, when I die, I want to be able to say that I had a great life. So far, I’ve had a wonderful life. And I hope it keeps up.”

For Elizabeth, finding out she had breast cancer wasn’t “overwhelmingly devastating” because, unlike Wade who was killed instantly, she says she had a chance to fight.

After the tragic loss of a child many marriages struggle, some leading to divorce. John Edwards says through their grief, his relationship with Elizabeth got stronger. “She’s the most extraordinary person I’ve ever known. I call her my conscience,” John says

Many families have faced such tragedy. Life has its share of pain, for all of us. Not all us us come through these events as positive and hopeful as the Edwards’ have, though. Their strength and moral compass, is truly an inspiration to many.

Thread (4)  For 231 years of America.

OK, what happened 231 years ago, I give up?

2007 – 231 = 1776

OK, wasn’t that when Thomas Jefferson set pen to paper, which set in motion, one of the greatest democracy this world has ever seen? You bet it was.

We enjoy so many freedoms still today, due the insight and courage and perseverance of the ‘founding fathers’ of this great Nation, called America!

The Declaration of Independence: A Transcription

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America:

Here are a few highlights, though I recommend anyone that still loves this country, to actually sit down and read it sometime, to try to understand the foundation on which our freedoms are built:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary
for one people to dissolve the political bands
which have connected them with another,

and to assume among the powers of the earth,
the separate and equal station
to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them,

a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

–That to secure these rights,

Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,

it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new Government,

laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form,
as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress
in the most humble terms:

Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America,
in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge
of the world for the rectitude of our intentions,
do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare,

That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be
Free and Independent States;

that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown,

and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved;

and that as Free and Independent States,
they have full Power to levy War,
conclude Peace,
contract Alliances,
establish Commerce,
and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States
may of right do.

And for the support of this Declaration,
with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence,
we mutually pledge to each other our Lives,
our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

The 56 signatures on the Declaration appear in the positions indicated:


I for one, am also thankful our Country was built on the Courage and Vision of such Leaders — who indeed were NOT afraid to do the Right thing, and to LEAD!

Thread (5)  For the hopes and determination of a nation filled with the most optimistic people on Earth.

The American People are not afraid of hard work. We are not afraid of Sacrifice. But we are fearful that our wonderful democracy, and its many freedoms are being literally given away to the highest bidder. We are worried that the country we grew up in where ‘Hard Work meant achieving the America Dream’ — that ‘that Country’ could some day soon be a thing past. (Especially, if we stay on the “Business as Usual” path.)

Americans are not afraid of Hard Work, it’s just that our work so often does not accomplish what it use to. Hear why a few of those Americans are counting on Edwards to listen and help:

John Edwards – Real Change for America


Most Americans, see what has happened recently to this Country we love, and we want change:

Overwhelmingly, Democrats want a new direction, but so do three-quarters of independents and even half of Republicans. Sixty percent of all Americans said they feel strongly that such a change is needed after two terms of the Bush presidency.

Most Democrats Express Decided “Preference for Change Over Experience” — 73% favor presidential candidate who strongly desires to change Washington, in this recent Gallup poll.

JFK appealed to American Optimism, it is time for such Leadership again.

Be Thankful for American Optimism

John F. Kennedy spoke of American optimism, and our ability to invent and solve great problems. For Americans to solve our current multifaceted sets of problems we must reclaim the ‘can do’ spirit JFK described.

“The American, by nature, is optimistic. He is experimental, an inventor and a builder who builds best when called upon to build greatly.”

Thread (6) And for all of you, who have welcomed us into your homes and hearts.

John Edward loves to meet with WE the People, to hear our concerns, to connect in a real way. He does not turn away from the questions of People. John and Elizabeth are welcomed into the Homes and the Hearts, of many hopeful Americans all around the Country. The Edwards’ ARE fighting for US, and to many, many People, that distinction really matters!

Fighting for One America – Rewarding Work


John Edwards – Strength of America


Thread (7)  Thank you.

John Edwards wants the honor and privilege to restore America to its potential and to its historic legacy. John and Elizabeth are fighting for causes truly “bigger than themselves”. Personally, I have no doubt, they will not let us down, if we trust them with this awesome responsibility.

Learn more:

More Edwards Campaign Clips:


Edwards On the Issues:



And thanks everyone for stopping by for this special Holiday Edition of EENR!

Me? I’m still thankful we have time to fix this Country that we love. But I worry that we may let the opportunity for Real Change, slip by, once again … a road untaken.

IMHO, America cannot afford anymore wrong turns.

Edwards Evening News: Big Blue Map Edition

Welcome to your Saturday Night EENR! Tonight’s theme is a big blue map.

Tonight’s stories below the fold:

  • Bill Maher Stalked by Big Blue Map
  • Carpenters Building a Big Blue Map in Nevada
  • True Blue Majority
  • YouTubes You May Have Missed
  • JRE Diary Roundup

Bill Maher Stalked by Big Blue Map

Suddenly, big blue maps are showing up everywhere! Talk show host Bill Maher is even being stalked by one. Check it out sneaking up behind him in this next clip! Oh yeah, and John Edwards is in the clip too.

I will be carefully checking Open Secrets after next quarter’s fund raising reports come out. I expect Bill Maher to put his money where his mouth is, otherwise you never know what that big blue map may be capable of. Mwahahahahahahahahaha!

Carpenters Building a Big Blue Map in Nevada

In Nevada today, John Edwards spoke to the Carpenters Union, which has endorsed him, and laid out his plan to train low-income workers and connect them to good paying union jobs.

“Right now, our public jobs programs send job seekers into low-wage jobs and do nothing to help build the middle class. I have a plan called Training Works to connect hard-working Americans to smart training for good-paying, union jobs that actually exist,” Edwards said at the Carpenters International Training Center.

Along with his Training Works plan, which includes Career Ladders to train low-wage workers on the job for higher-wage, higher-skilled jobs in their same field, Edwards talked about his Green Collar Jobs program to create over 1 million new jobs in the ‘new energy economy.’

Carpenters Union International General President Doug McCarron spoke about why the Union has chosen to endorse Edwards.

“The Carpenters Union chose Edwards as the candidate with the best chance of winning the White House and the person who will best represent hard-working families,” Carpenters Union International General President Doug McCarron said.

The Carpenters Union is one of the largest and most politically active unions in Nevada. The union, which represents over 12,000 members in the state, endorsed Edwards last month. Edwards has also received support from the United Steelworkers of America and the Transport Workers of America, giving him the largest bloc of labor support for any presidential candidate in Nevada.

McCarron continued, “John Edwards has committed to campaign in all 50 states when he wins the nomination. He believes that all Americans, whether they see themselves as Democrats, Republicans or Independents, want real change and bold leadership, and he is confidant that his message of telling the American people the truth and fighting for real change will win these voters and states.”

And this segues nicely into our next story…

True Blue Majority

Yesterday, John Edwards was in California to receive the official endorsement of the California SEIU, 656,000 members strong. During his speech, Edwards described his True Blue Majority initiative, a strategy to campaign in all 50 states and build a super majority for the Democrats in Congress.

“The press and the pundits think the most electable candidate is the one with the most money and the most ties to Washington,” said Edwards. “The problem is the press and the pundits have confused the candidate who would win an election inside the Beltway with the candidate who can win an election in the rest of America. I believe any candidate who takes money from lobbyists and special interests is not electable, and I believe any candidate who defends the broken system in Washington will not win.

Edwards continued: “The most electable candidate is the one with the best ideas who is committed to bringing change to every corner of America. The people who want change don’t just live in blue states or big cities. They don’t just live in swing states – they live in every state in this country, and on every street in America. I believe that if we offer real change, if we reject the broken system, say no to the corporate interests and stand once and for all with the people, nothing can stop us. We’ll not only win the White House, we’ll elect super-majorities in the House and the Senate as well.”

Just how likely is it that Edwards could win over red and purple states and help candidates for the Senate, the House, and on down the ballot in those states?  Plenty likely, according to a Global Strategy Group polling memo released earlier this week.

The memo by Edwards campaign pollster Harrison Hickman examines polls from many different polling organizations to come to its conclusions.

Nationwide general election polling shows John Edwards is the Democrat with the best chance of defeating the Republican candidate in the 2008 general election for President. Edwards is the only Democrat with a significant lead in a head-to-head match-up against Republican frontrunner Giuliani. Against the other three major Republican candidates, Edwards’ average margin of victory is identical to or better than that of Barack Obama, and significantly higher than Hillary Clinton’s average margin.

Edwards also outperforms the other Democratic candidates in match-ups with Republican candidates in key battleground states including Iowa, Missouri, and Ohio. Further, unlike other Democrats who must “run the table” in states where Democrats have been competitive in recent elections, Edwards brings new states into play. This provides alternate scenarios – and a margin for error – when it comes to amassing 270 electoral votes.

More detailed analysis is available in the memo.

There’s the big blue map again! It’s following me!

YouTubes You May Have Missed

Here are two YouTube videos from the Edwards campaign that came out two days ago, but they don’t have very many views.  I didn’t see them, and I suspect you may have missed them too.

You Are The Guardians

Rebuilding New Orleans

JRE Diary Roundup

John Edwards is Fighting to Restore Real American Leadership by jamess
Iowa shakeup, California SEIU WILL work for Edwards in Iowa by Wade Norris
Following Senator Edwards’ Example on FCC Media Consolidation Question by Karita Allegheny
John Edwards is a Friend to Women by Todd Bennett
Hope… by Chaoslillith
Edwards for a True Blue Coalition by AJ WI

Contribute to turn the map blue! Remember, your donation is matched up to $250.

We’re big! We’re bad! We’re blue! Let’s get MEAN!