Tag Archives: Inland Empire

CA-42: A Blog is Born in Southern California

So what do you know about Gary Miller? What have you heard about his “ethically questionable land deals“? What have you seen about his shady tax breaks? What have you noticed about his earmarks? What do you think about his ethics? What do we really know about Rep. Gary Miller?

Well, there is a place where we can now find answers
And I’d like to tell you all about it after the flip…

I’d like to introduce you to the new blog on the block, Trash Dirty Gary. This blog is here to raise questions about Gary Miller, his land deals, his voting record, and just how well (or poorly) he’s serving the people of the 42nd District. And of course, this blog is also here to answer any and all of YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS. What exactly is Gary Miller doing (or NOT DOING) for you and for your neighborhood? Go ahead and feel free to tell us about it.

Basically, this blog is for the voters of the 42nd District. This is our chance to examine Gary Miller’s real record. This is our chance to hold Gary Miller responsible for his actions. This is our chance to make some change. So where do you want to start?

Please head on over this weekend to check out Trash Dirty Gary. I promise that there will be plenty of good stuff for us to share with you. And PLEASE feel free to head on over ANY TIME to tell us what you think about Gary Miller and what’s he’s doing (or NOT DOING) for Orange County, the Inland Empire, and East LA County. We’re all looking forward to getting to know you. : )

{And thanks to Mike’s Daily Lockup for the great photo on top! : ) }

Mary Bono – Still a Good Bushie

( – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

Barbara Boxer has moved to Rancho Mirage, replacing Mary Bono as the California desert’s star legislator.  Someone seems a bit put out.  No wonder, it will be much harder for Mary Bono to pose as an environmentalist in this desert now that a real one has come to town.  Especially as Bono continues to serve as a loyal Bushie, even voting against HR 580 (US Attorney oversight) last night.  That’s hardcore.  But I digress.

Last week at the Gore hearings Mary Bono insinuated that Senator Boxer represents a threat to her district’s constituents.  Boxer is using global warming as an excuse to play politics, says Mary.  I dealt with the credibility of her witness and the extreme nature of her position on global warming here

But Mary Bono’s scripted swipe at Barbara Boxer, on behalf of the nation’s poor, merits its own discussion.  Here’s the video. 

Before condemning Rep. Bono as an administration mouthpiece I talked to a staffer in Bono’s DC office.  I asked, as a constituent familiar with Bono’s benign statements on the environment here at home, how skeptical Bono actually was about global warming.  Did she really align herself with Bjork Lomborg, and btw, what she had done lately to alleviate energy costs for our district’s poor?

As we discussed it, I got the sense that Bono’s remarks embarrassed him, and he said he did not think that Bono was familiar with Dr. Lomborg’s work before that day.  I suspect, as usual, Bono was given a text to deliver and hasn’t done any homework on Lomborg’s discredited theories.  The only thing Bono’s done for energy costs is to support expanding LIHEAP, as far as I can tell.  That was all Bono’s staffer could offer at the time.  He was so attentive and pleasant I felt obliged to mention that I’m a Democrat, and not a supporter of Rep. Bono’s, however, her embrace of a discredited climate crisis naysayer was a surprise even to me.  Again, he just remained pleasant and professional, but he didn’t really have anything to say about that.  When we boot her out (please god) in 2008, perhaps he could stay on.  It would help ease the transition for the Republican establishment here.

Bono poses as a moderate at home, and votes for the extreme right wing back in DC.  And now she has the audacity to pose as a defender of the poor against Barbara Boxer, who apparently cares not if Palm Springs seniors wither in heat.  It’s pure theatre of the absurd.  The poor in this district know that Mary Bono can’t see them, and doesn’t want to hear from them.  Maybe now that Barbara Boxer is here, their needs will get the attention they deserve.  If we’d managed to elect David Roth, they’d be getting that attention right now.

Watch the video, then pop over to her home page for a dose of Mary Bono, Friend of Nature.  Notice the green theme, and the beautiful mountain view featured top right.  Looking at that, you’d never know her League of Conservation Voters score is 25%, up from 11% last year, nor that Bono is one of the most reliable corporate shills in Congress.

Transcribed (by me, not an official transcription) portion of the video:

Bono – There’s some thinking,  ummm, Barbara Boxer is a constituent of mine, we share a region, she moved to my area, I love working with her on most issues  but on this one I’m concerned.

Today I read in a local paper, RollCall, where she says:

“If the president chooses to veto a bill, that sets it up as a huge issue in the presidential election,” Boxer said.  She goes on to say,  “So we will do our best to get as many bills on his desk as we can to deal with green house gas reduction.  I think it’s key that we do that because I want to set it up for the presidential campaign which is another one of my goals.”

So as a resident of Southern California when I see people die every year because they can’t afford their cooling costs, this sort of thinking scares me.  And  I appreciate you’re bringing some common sense- trying to slow the pendulum down from going the other way.  [Looks at script] My question is simple, and perhaps I’m setting myself up for a loss, [still reading from script] but is it possible that we can enact and pass some of these policies and that will actually increase deaths in the immediate sense, that right away these cooling costs will get to be too high for my constituents and I’ll see more people die?  It’s a very simple question, but I’m very afraid of that.

Lomborg –  … bad political deals certainly possible.  Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do anything, but must weigh cost/benefit …

Bono –  …. it was 103 degrees on Saturday, March 17th  …..

The question that I have really – public policy in CA – they passed a very flawed bill that created the energy crisis that we lived through and we’re continuing to see the effects from, and so for me as a policymaker to be completely openminded and I appreciate your [Dr. Lomborg, the Skeptical Environmentalist] being here and again as my colleagues point out you’re not a traditional witness for us, but I appreciate that you brought to the dialogue a different point of view, and that is my concern this shouldn’t be set on election timetables it really ought to be set on public policy that really affects people’s lives.

Lomborg –  Right, …can’t force the issue and cut emissions right now because people will fall apart. …..

Run, David, run! 

Crossposted from DailyKos:  http://www.dailykos….

(CA-45) Mary Bono-“undecided on climate change”

(No, she really isn’t… So what HAS she decided upon, other than supporting Bush and the wingnuts whenever they need her?-adtleft. Mary Bono is a shining case in point of the Human Rights Campaign’s myopic views. They refused to endorse Ron Oden in 2000, an openly gay black man, and have since endorsed Bono several times. She must go. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

I’ve had nothing to say about Mary Bono since the election as she does precious little.  But today, her website proudly sports her CSPAN footage:  Mary Bono on climate change.  After the requisite meangirl sneer at Al Gore, Bono states she’s undecided on climate change.  Addressing the climate crisis may involve price hikes, which will cause people in her district to die of the heat.  Ergo, it’s just too hot to change our energy policy. 

She voted against strengthening FOIA this past week, still supports Bush on Iraq.  This is the real Mary Bono, and she is not an asset to the CA-45th.

Bono is allegedly a big GOP environmentalist, meaning she photo-ops with local green advocates, then votes with Bush/Cheney back in DC. 

Today, Mary Bono claimed that addressing our global climate crisis will mean certain death to the poor and weak in Palm Springs.  Republican social darwinism couldn’t be a factor?  It seems to escape Rep. Bono that energy policy costs can be offset by social welfare programs.  In fact, the seniors and the thousands of working poor in the CA-45th could use a break on their utility bills right now, never mind waiting to offset potential costs of a sane energy program.  Is it possible that California’s energy crisis was caused by Enron, and not by Al Gore? 

I doubt she has thought about it beyond verifying her current talking points with the leadership.  Bono does not expose herself to unscreened questioning.  Someone might ask her why Mary Bono’s one of the worst elected officials towards children and seniors.  But she does that compassionate conservative lipservice thing with the best of them.  Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

At the hearing’s end, Bono embraced the perspective of The Skeptical Environmentalist author, Dr. Bjørn Lomborg.  Apparently he was there as an advocate for the  “jury’s still out”  perspective.  Lomborg is not an environmentalist, nor a natural scientist of any kind.  He is a social scientist who writes about cost/benefit analysis.  His environmental policy book has been refuted, rebutted, and otherwise debunked by Nature, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and Grist.  This probably explains why Bono made her bizarre remarks to a near empty chamber.  None of the Democrats and few of the Republicans bothered to stay. 

WIth all of the joy of our new Congress, I can’t believe I still have to put up with this obedient GOP hack for my representative.  Mary Bono is the well paid person who actually complained about her son’s college costs on the floor of the House while slashing federal college aid by more than $14 billion.  Howie Klein explored her obtuse comments on that at DownWithTyranny, back when I still held out hope that we could replace her with a good Democrat.

Don’t yet know if Roth is running again yet, but please, netroots all, know that the CA-45th is worth a shot no matter what.  Despite the 45th’s heavy slant towards the GOP, Bono is a lightweight on policy and politics.  She puts the nothing in Do Nothing.  She gets reelected thanks to a 3 to 1 funding advantage, and because Sonny Bono was dearly loved, and the district only knows her as this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

These are serious times, made worse by Bush and his followers like Mary Bono.  2008 could be the year that Riverside County wakes up and demands a legislator equipped to serve the district and the country.  If you can give Bono any help out the door, please note it in the comments.  The Democrats of the Desert and other Dem clubs are suiting up for 2008.

Joe Baca…still there

Well, my mother always told me when you can’t say anything nice, you know.  Anyway, it appears that Joe Baca has survived an attempted coup at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

Rep. Joe Baca came out on top of a recent flap over his chairmanship of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, earning a vote of confidence from the group at a special meeting Tuesday.

A splinter group of the all-Democratic caucus challenged his chairmanship and questioned his leadership and decorum, particularly when it comes to women. (S.B. Sun 3/7/07)

You know, as atdleft pointed out, perhaps the OC Weekly article was unduly hard on Loretta Sanchez.  I mean after all, there are several California Congress members that are closer to the Republicans than her.  How do I know? I went to Progressive Punch (House Scores) In fact, one of those with a less progressive than Loretta is Joe Baca. (Baca also scores lower on the National Journal rankings)

Did you know that Joe Baca supports drilling in ANWR? I didn’t, but then I looked up his progressive punch score, and I saw that Mr. Baca has a very low environmental score (63).  I drilled down and found out that he votes with the gas guzzlers every time ANWR comes up for a vote.  Loretta Sanchez? She has voted consistently against drilling in ANWR.  Good work, Loretta. And Loretta has managed to out-progressive Baca despite the fact that Baca’s district (CA-43) has a Cook Score of D+13 compared to CA-47’s score of D+5.

On the question of why there isn’t a strong push to primary Baca?  Well, he reaches out to the grassroots.

Gil Navarro, a Democratic activist in the Inland Empire, said local Latinos remain strongly behind Baca. What other congressmen, Navarro asked, would regularly attend a meeting of Rialto Democrats, as Baca still does?

Crisis at the Hispanic Caucus: It Isn’t Just About Loretta

Yesterday, we found out about that Rep. Joe Baca (D-San Bernardino) allegedly called his Congressional colleague Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove) “a whore“. Also yesterday, we learned that Loretta intended to resign from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), which Baca now leads. Now, Politico is reporting that two California Congresswomen are saying that Loretta is not the only one who doesn’t feel comfortable in the CHC.

Follow me after the flip for some insight into this growing problem on Capitol Hill…

So you thought that the problem was just with Loretta Sanchez? Well, think again! Congresswomen Hilda Solis and Linda Sanchez are not very happy with the direction the CHC has taken, either:

Rep. Hilda L. Solis said she shared “Sanchez’s sentiment about the lack of respect afforded to women members of the Hispanic Caucus.” And Loretta Sanchez’s sister, Rep. Linda Sanchez, said she supported her sibling’s decision to resign in protest of Baca’s alleged remark, which he has “categorically” denied.

So it’s no longer just about Loretta. It isn’t just “her problem”. It’s about Joe Baca’s “leadership” of the CHC.

In her statement Thursday, Linda Sanchez said she was “waiting to see if the Hispanic Caucus leadership will make good on its promise to be more fair and inclusive of its Latina members.”

“Latinas are the fastest growing segment of the minority population,” she added, “and their perspective deserves to be represented, not denigrated.”

“If the Hispanic Caucus is to be truly representative of the Latino community,” Linda Sanchez went on, “it must give equal treatment to all its members, regardless of gender or seniority.”

Perhaps if Baca were a little more receptive toward the feelings of the women in the CHC, there wouldn’t be such a problem there…
Well, and perhaps if he didn’t practice such crass nepotism:

Solis also reiterated concerns about the political arm of the caucus, BOLDPAC, which came under fire last year after Baca and his allies authorized political contributions to their relatives. Solis, the Sanchez sisters and three other lawmakers then withdrew from BOLDPAC.

“At a time when the public is crying out for a more ethical government,” Solis said, “we should be taking every step to avoid any appearance of preferential treatment for relatives.”

So I guess Loretta isn’t alone when it comes to having concerns about the CHC. Perhaps it has something to do with Joe Baca funneling away CHC funds for his sons’ LOCAL CAMPAIGNS:

The political action committee has made recent campaign contributions to several candidates for state and local offices who have family ties to the Hispanic Caucus.  Among them are Baca’s sons Assemblyman Joe Baca Jr., a state Senate candidate, and Jeremy Baca, an Assembly candidate. Both sons received $3,300 contributions from BOLDPAC in November, Federal Election Commission filings show.

So perhaps, Loretta does have reason to be frustrated. Perhaps, there wouldn’t be such a problem if Baca treated his female colleagues with more respect. Perhaps, there wouldn’t be such a problem if Baca put the interests of his fellow Latinos above the political aspirations of his family members. Perhaps, there wouldn’t be such a problem if Baca had behaved more like the honorable statesman that his Inland Empire constituents expct of him.

So perhaps, we shouldn’t be saying that the crisis in the CHC is “just about Loretta”.