• Sen. Boxer released a statement on Sen. John W McCain’s speech:
Last night at the Republican National Convention, John McCain used the word “fight” more than 40 times in his speech. In the 16 years that we have served together in the Senate, I have seen John McCain fight.
I have seen him fight against raising the federal minimum wage 14 times. … [Litany of crazy right-wing McCain agenda items here] … And I saw him fight against the new GI Bill of Rights until it became politically untenable for him to do so.
John McCain voted with President Bush 95 percent of the time in 2007 and 100 percent of the time in 2008 — that’s no maverick. We do have two real fighters for change in this election — their names are Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
• Some fine folks are hosting a fundraiser for CA-03 Democratic nominee Dr. Bill Durston in Stanford on the afternoon of September 28. Full Details and RSVP here. Wouldn’t it be great if Dr. Bill could defeat the corrupt Abramoff-Republican Dan Lungren?
• The water situation could begin getting very ugly very fast. After two of the driest winters on record, our reservoirs are dangerously low. The state is now reviving a Water Bank to facilitate the buying and selling of water from across the water-rich North to the bone dry South.
So people, can I just say one thing? If I see people hosing down driveways, and well, having a lawn in the middle of the desert, make sure you want that more than you want, say, to drink a nice glass of water tonight. Priorities, people.
Also, I guess the movement to restore Hetch Hetchy won’t be heating any time soon. It stinks that we have to use our precious natural resources this way. The water from Hetch Hetchy is replaceable, but convincing people of that seems really tough right about now.
• In Orange County or thereabouts? Want to make sure Democrats take the White House? Well, how about you hop aboard the CA4Obama bus to Nevada tomorrow morning. It’s leaving from Fountain Valley tomorrow bright and early (6:30am). Interested in joining them? Email ca4obama AT gmail dot com
UPDATE by Dave: A couple more:
• It’s a little-known side effect of the budget crisis, but funding for arts education, which is crucial to child development, is going down the toilet. It’s fine to raise and educate a bunch of test-taking drones, but it doesn’t make this a well-rounded state. No wonder so few of our schools fail to meet federal standards – they are not put in the position to do so.
• Meg Whitman for governor. Yeah, that’s the big buzz out of St. Paul. Bwahahahaha. Interesting that the post says the Republicans expect her to face Jerry Brown.
• Another bill being sent to the governor’s desk is SB37, the national popular vote bill. And today, DFA sent their California list an email urging the Governor to support it.
California is the largest state in the union, but when it comes to electing the president it can feel like the smallest.
California is ignored by presidential candidates because they believe the electoral vote is already locked up. And, with the Electoral College the way it is, they might even be right. But, if America chooses our president by the national popular vote, then suddenly California would rise to the top of every candidate’s priorities. The more Californians who vote for a candidate, the more that increases the popular count and the greater say you have in choosing a leader for the entire country. Since one out of every ten Americans live here, doesn’t that make sense?
The California Legislature has approved legislation that would award California’s electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote. The bill now goes to Governor Schwarzenegger and he will make his decision any time. You must act today to let him know how you feel.
Contact Governor Schwarzenegger now and urge him to sign the National Popular Vote bill.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Phone: 916-445-2841
E-mail at this link: http://gov.ca.gov/interact