Tag Archives: Bill Maze

May 6 Roundup

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  • There will be a big No on Prop 98 press conference at noon tomorrow at San Francisco City Hall. (Beyond Chron event listing) The SF Tenants Union recommends you wear a carboard box to help San Franciscans visualize their future with Prop 98.
  • It looks like the Common Cause redistricting initiative has succeeded in signature gathering, or at least they are going to say they are. There's a press conference scheduled at 11 today with a “major announcement regarding signature gathering.” As this is a constitutional amendment, they need about 1.1 million signatures to be reasonably sure that they'll make it on the ballot. 
    • Apparently Gray Davis will be there to play nice with Arnold and attempt to get some credibility back.  Too bad it's a fundamentally flawed system giving Republicans say over apportionment that they never earned at the ballot box.  Sure, it won't make a huge difference in reinvigorating the fading CA GOP, but I'm just not sure why this redistricting board doesn't look like the voters of California, but instead some idealized 3-way tie between Dems, Reps & DTS.
  • We're almost out of cash (SacBee). Normally we have a few billion socked away in some account or another. however, Judy Lin reports that we may be completely out of cash by mid-summer. We need a budget on-time this year.  So, Republicans if you would just get on board with the will of the majority, that would be great. Thanks.
  • Dan Walters notices the tiff between John Garamendi and Steve Poizner.  Garamendi sent out a letter(PDF) last week stating that he would not stand by quietly while Poizner hacks through the consumer protections that he built as Insurance Commissioner without at least the courtesey of some public comment. Poizner responds that since the press got it first, it must be a gimmick. Of course, because Garamendi has so many levers of power as Lite Guv that he can use tools besides the media.  Poizner knows how the game is played, he just doesn't like it when it is turned against him.
  • Republicans find it very tough to pass legislation, so this is what they turn to: banning pets from the laps of drivers. So much to say about Bill Maze's (R-Visalia) legislation which just passed the Assembly, but I'll just leave it up to your imagination.
  • Sen. Perata and Chief Justice Ron George want to fix our courthouses. The legislation calls for about $5 Billion in bonds to modernize California's court facilities. Anybody who has been to a court building recently will understand why this is a good idea.
  • Three Elephant Seals were ruthlessly, and illegally killed near San Simeon over the weekend. There's not much in the way of clues or motive. The seals are protected by federal law and don't eat any endangered fish in the area.