Tag Archives: AD

CA League of Conservation Voters Endorses Pettis for 80th AD: Long History Of Involvement

XPosted 5/7/2008 9:55 PM PDT on MyDesert.com by BluePalmSpringsBoyz

Greg Pettis, a Cathedral City Councilman for more than 14 years, a former Mayor Pro-Tem of Cathedral City, and Democratic candidate for the 80th Assembly District to replace the termed out, thank God, Bonnie Garcia (R), has long demonstrated his commitment to the environment and considered growth.  In its endorsement, The Desert Sun (Pettis is our pick for Democratic nominee in 80th Assembly District), stated:

Pettis has been in office 14 years as a Cathedral City councilman. He knows the Coachella Valley best. He has strong relationships with local officials and understands local issues.

He has built a solid record of achievement while on the council, and we believe he is electable and will be effective in Sacramento…

…He plans to focus on…expanding incentives for green and renewable energy sources.

More below the flip…

Part of his ‘record of achievement’ in the Coachella Valley has included that he has been instrumental in creating an economically vibrant community with strong neighborhoods and a thriving downtown to attract good paying jobs to Cathedral City.

Among some of his proudest legislative accomplishments include:

(1) Creating green building standards to save water and make buildings more energy efficient

(2) Negotiating the Multi-Species Habitat Plan to guide sustainable growth

(3) Serving on the Salton Sea Authority

In addition to his duties as a Councilmember, Pettis has served as board member of the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy.  He has also served on the California Regional Water Quality Control Board.  Pettis is also Harvard-educated, graduating from the State and Municipal Government Program from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

In recognition of Pettis’s commitment to the environment and to smart growth, the California League of Conservation Voters found him most qualified to defend the local and state environment and to promote rational growth amongst the local communities.  The following is from a Press Release from the Pettis for 80th Assembly District campaign:


The California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) announced (February 18, 2008) that they are endorsing Greg Pettis (D-Cathedral City) for the open 80th Assembly District seat.  

“While there are many good candidates running for this seat, Greg Pettis’ long history of involvement on improving air and water quality, forward-looking smart growth planning and commitment to combating global climate change is what earned him our Board’s trust,” said David Allgood, CLCV Southern California Director.

“We were particularly impressed with forward-looking legislation Greg has implemented like Cathedral City’s Green Building Standards which require new construction in Cathedral City to be 10-15 percent above state efficiency standards to help reduce water use, his tireless work negotiating the Multi-Species Habitat Plan to manage growth in the desert and his vote to install solar panels to provide all electricity needs for City Hall.”

“Additionally, his Pettis Plan for Progress takes a thoughtful look about how Sacramento can act locally while leading globally.”

Pettis said he was honored by CLCV’s endorsement because “it validates my campaign theme that we need experienced leadership in Sacramento if we are going to create a healthier California, and that includes a healthier environment.”

Pettis is serving his 14th year on the City Council of Cathedral City. He has also served on the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Salton Sea Authority and Riverside County Transportation Commission.

CLCV is the non-partisan political action arm of California’s environmental movement.  

CLCV conducts rigorous research on candidates in order to make endorsements in key races. Our endorsements are backed with expertise, and we assist candidates with the media, fundraising, and grassroots organizing strategies they need to win. We also campaign to educate voters about candidates’ environmental records.

Clearly, according to CLCV goals, the board ‘rigorously’ investigated each of the four Democratic candidates in the 80th AD race and found Pettis to be the candidate with the best bona fides for the California environmental movement.