Tag Archives: Wal Mart

Wal-Mart’s Latest Victim is the New York Times

Today’s New York Times posted a misleading article that uses the relationship between SEIU President Andy Stern and Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott as evidence of a “slowing down” of the Wal-Mart campaigns.

While we cannot speak for Wal-Mart Watch, everyone should know WakeUpWalMart.com has NO intention of letting Wal-Mart off the hook.  None. Zero. Zilch.

This Times reporter may buy Wal-Mart’s PR stunts and others may think Wal-Mart is worth sitting down with, but we know Wal-Mart only responds to one thing: pressure from consumers and public officials.

Because of that, we’re going FULL-speed ahead with a 2008 plan that is about to kick into high gear.

We will soon begin very extensive television and field campaigns in six markets throughout the country. The campaigns represent the most intensive consumer education programs WakeUpWalMart.com has EVER done.  For the first time in our HISTORY, we’ll use poll-tested messages, months of hard-hitting TV and radio ads, as well as mail and phones, to share the truth about Wal-Mart.

It’s unfortunate that the Times chose to ignore what we have done together this year, and focus so much on Stern and Wal-Mart Watch instead.   By any measure, it’s been a good year. Here’s just a sampling of what we’ve done:

— Our work to force Wal-Mart to respect military moms: http://youtube.com/watch?v=yaVoPoGE7Qo

— Our work to expose Wal-Mart’s effort to help China, not America: http://youtube.com/watch?v=3lyhEMBGN-

— Our petition to get Wal-Mart workers to ask the company do the right thing: http://www.wakeupwalmart.com/feature/debbie_shank/

— Our web video “Live Better”: http://www.wakeupwalmart.com/v…

— And our email list which has grown by over 100,000 individuals ust this year.

Wal-Mart is foolish if they think they can make a few window-dressing changes and then call it a day. They are also silly if they think one New York Times story is going to change anything.  

It’s going to be a very busy six months.  I hope everyone is ready.

The WakeUpWalMart Team