Tag Archives: Danny Gilmore

Gilmore Makes His Retirement Official

Danny Gilmore (R-Hanford) was rumored to be retiring for a while. Today, he actually endorsed a potential successor, pretty much making the decision final.

“I have dedicated my life to public service as a U.S. marine, an assistant chief with the California Highway Patrol and now as an elected official,” he said in a press release Tuesday morning. “If I could sum up in one word my feeling about serving in the Legislature, that word would have to be frustration.

“This most recent phase of public service does not suit my family or me. Simply put, I do not have the temperament or personality to be a long-term politician.” (Bakersfield Californian)

He endorsed David Valadao, a businessman, to replace him. As I’ve heard, Gilmore was simply not happy in Sacramento.

Gilmore narrowly defeated Fran Florez in 2008, and was a Democratic (sort of) seat for a long time before that. So this is likely to be a highly contested race come this fall.

CA Labor Fed Campaigns on the Budget Early and Often

The California Labor Fed is about to release a new mail campaign against Yacht Party legislators who are voting to slash workers’ rights and holding up a budget over unrelated labor issues. You can click the “Full Screen” button to get a better view.

Every two years we see this sort of mail. The trouble is that when people get this stuff, they are concurrently bombarded with a thousand other mail pieces.  It is good to see the Labor Fed get out in front of this.  They’ll be sending these to Republican districts across the state. I’ll plug more information in here when I can confirm. I imagine they’ll be looking at the swing districts, so maybe Berryhill’s AD-25, and Audra Strickland’s AD-37.

While I like the effort, I think this piece could be a bit stronger against Gilmore.  It seems that they bury the lead a little bit by only mentioning the fact that Californians are about to get IOUs because Gilmore and cohorts are holding up the budget. Holding up the budget is a massive burden to lower income Californians who can’t wait for their refunds while Republicans dither away.

I’ll update this upon further information, but it’s always a good thing to see progressives attacking the GOP obstructionists early and often.

UPDATE: I’ve just been told that the plan is to do more than just mail, but a full-court press in several districts. If done properly, this could potentially help provide groundwork to actually nab 2/3 in 2010, along with a Democratic governor.

State GOP Bugging Out Of Unwinnable Races

Much as we’ve seen on a national level, the California Republican Party is leaving its candidates on the side of the road and playing pure defense this cycle:

Democratic and Republican sources have informed CMR that the GOP has pulled the plug on future ads for Assemblymember Greg Aghazarian’s bid to replace termed out Democratic Senator Mike Machado in California’s 5th Senate District. Aghazarian’s Democratic opponent, Assemblymember Lois Wolk, is up around 20 points in internal polling, so Republicans have decided to cut their losses.

This means that there will be no more than 15 Republican Senators (and probably less) and no more than 32 Republican Assemblymembers (and probably a lot less).  They will not pick up a single seat at the state level.

Unless you think they can still win in AD-30, where an intra-party feud has left drama queen Yacht Dog Democrat Nicole Parra to endorse the Republican in the race between Danny Gilmore and Democrat Fran Florez.  Florez’ response ad to Parra’s endorsement is hilarious, check it out at the link.

The truth is that while AD-30 is competitive, it’s not a likely pick-up.  And the CRP had better get in the habit of cutting losses; a couple assembly seats are lost causes for them, too.

Campaign Update: CA-11, AD-80, SD-19, AD-15, AD-30, LA Board of Supes

Here’s what’s happening on the campaign trail.

• CA-11: Apparently trying to win some kind of award for the worst attack website in history, Jon Fleischman of the Flash Report (a terribly designed website in its own right) has put together One Term Is Enough, in all of its way-too-large masthead, ridiculously-spare with no action items or columns, design out of Quark X-Press glory.  Man, that’s ugly.  And I think the focus on Jerry McNerney’s earmarks, given the summer of scandal that Dean Andal has lived through which is entirely about a construction contract with a community college (if he was in Congress, that would be, basically, an earmark), is kind of silly.  Meanwhile, McNerney is up with his first ad of the cycle, focusing on his work on behalf of troops and veterans.

• AD-80: As soyinkafan noted, Manuel Perez and Gary Jeandron had a debate where Jeandron stated his support for a tax increase in Imperial County.  That’s not likely to help him with the conservative base, but clearly Jeandron understands that he has to move to left if he has any chance to win this seat.  The Palm Springs Desert Sun has a debate report here.

• SD-19: Tony Strickland’s latest endorsement is Erin Brockovich, of all people.  However, this could be less of a reach across the aisle as it appears.

Ventura County Star columnist Timm Herdt got Strickland’s Democratic opponent Hannah-Beth Jackson on the phone, who said she was “a little surprised” by Brockovich backing her opponent.

While Brockovich says she is a Democrat in the ad, she writes on her blog that she’s ready to leave the party and become an independent.

“I am ready to turn because both parties are acting foolish and judgmental and attacking,” she writes.

She also has kind words for GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin.

“I am proud to be a member of the same Strong Woman’s Club that Sarah Palin is in.” Brockovich writes.

• AD-15: As has been noted, Joan Buchanan released her first campaign ad of the cycle.  Her opponent Abram Wilson responded with his own ad, also biographical in nature, and his campaign has questioned the Buchanan spot and her commitment to fiscal responsibility.  I suppose signing a “no-tax” pledge is the height of responsibility, then.

• AD-30: We were all expecting it, and now Nicole Parra has officially endorsed Republican Danny Gilmore in the election to replace her.  This is a family fight moved into the political sphere – the Parra-Florez feud is well-known.  

Parra’s support of Danny Gilmore angered Democratic Party leaders, but comes as no surprise because she has been praising Gilmore for months.

“I will endorse Danny Gilmore in the near future and I will campaign for him and do commercials,” Parra said in an interview. Gilmore, a retired California Highway Patrol officer from Hanford, is running against Democrat Fran Florez, mother of state Sen. Dean Florez, D-Shafter, a longtime Parra rival.

• LA Board of Supes: Turns out that not only is Bernard Parks turning to Republicans to help him get elected over progressive State Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas, but for ten years he was a member of the American Independent Party (!).

According to voter registration forms certified by the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder:

Bernard Parks left the Democratic Party and registered as an American Independent on February 12, 1992 – just in time to miss the opportunity to vote for President Bill Clinton.

He registered again as an American Independent on August 9, 1996.

President George Bush was elected in November 2000 – but Parks still wouldn’t become a Democrat for nearly a year and a half.

Parks was fired as Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department on April 9, 2002. Shortly thereafter, he began to prepare to run for Los Angeles City Council, and re-registered as a Democrat on May 30, 2002. Less than a year later, he was elected to the City Council.

That is very strange, especially for an African-American to sign up with a party which is the legacy of George Wallace.

AD-30: Nicole Parra goes too far for a Grudge

Nicole Parra is about to make a huge mistake.  On Friday, she told pretty much anybody who would listen that she puts her personal vendetta against the Florez family over the well-being of the state and its citizens. How? Well, she plans on endorsing Republican Danny Gilmore in Assembly District 30:

“I will endorse Danny Gilmore in the near future and I will campaign for him and do commercials,” Parra said in an interview. Gilmore, a retired California Highway Patrol officer from Hanford, is running against Democrat Fran Florez, mother of state Sen. Dean Florez, D-Shafter, a longtime Parra rival. (Fresno Bee 9/20/08)

Parra defeated Danny Gilmore by about 3% in 2006, and apparently she grew to be quite fond of the guy during their interactions. Either that or she can’t put an election loss in the past in the past and endorse our candidate, Fran Florez for the district.  Here’s some background on the situation.

At this point, it’s hard to imagine what else can be done to punish Nicole Parra. She’s not even in the Capitol building anymore, after being told to pack her stuff and move across the street when she declined to vote for the Democratic budget. There’s not much else that can really be taken from her. If she plans on switching parties, well, good luck finding a lobbying gig.  And if she plans on running in another election, well, prey tell me which primary she could possibly win at this point.

Nicole: Think about this. Seriously, it’s a bad idea.