Tag Archives: gore

Elton Gallegly Is Anti-Union and Anti-Minimum Wage In CA 24th CD

For our economy to be strong, we must have a strong work force, and for our work force to be strong, we must have strong organized labor.  Marta Jorgensen believes this, and it shows in her support for legislation like the increase in the federal minimum wage and the major union organization bill that were passed into law last year.  

The union organization bill amended the National Labor Relations Act to allow workers to choose to organize a labor union and outline a time frame for bargaining without requiring a vote if they so wish, as well as to penalize employers who attempt to influence the formation of a union.  As a result, labor unions can fight for their workers’ rights more efficiently and more effectively.  Marta Jorgensen is a firm supporter of this law.

A living minimum wage and more efficient union organization are two important pieces in Jorgensen’s comprehensive platform, called E-Revolution.  Along with calls to change energy, environmental, and education policy, E-Revolution demands reform in American economic policy to secure a better, more stable economic future.  Aside from working to make wages more livable and labor unions more effective, Jorgensen proposes the creation of millions of new jobs in fields like alternative energy as well as plans to safeguard our future from the perils of global warming.  

By contrast, longtime Republican incumbent Elton Gallegly voted against both the minimum wage increase and the union organization bill.  With his votes last year and his long history of opposition to minimum wage increases and other labor issues, Gallegly has repeatedly demonstrated that his priorities do not lie with the nation’s working men and women.  While there were enough voices of reason in Congress to pass the federal minimum wage increase and the union organization bill despite Gallegly’s opposition, we cannot trust that this will remain the case in the future.

Marta Jorgensen knows that American workers must be able not just to work, but to live  She knows that they must be able to organize and orchestrate their power, and that when they work together they can achieve anything.  She understands that American workers must be able to work in our economy and, at the same time, that the American economy must also work for our workers.  We must have Marta Jorgensen’s sensible pro-labor voice in Congress next year.

To learn more about Marta Jorgensen’s plans and her ambitious E-Revolution platform, visit her website at JorgensenForCongress.com today.

David Graham, supporter

Join The E- Revolution In California’s 24th CD

The E-Revolution From The Jorgensen For Congress Campaign

Building A New Energy, Economic, Environmental, Educational Future

For Our Country and Our Planet

          Democratic candidate for California’s 24th Congressional District, Marta Jorgensen has formulated a bold new campaign platform called E-Revolution.  She believes this platform, so named for its focus on the strong and productive reform of federal energy, economic, environmental, and educational policies as well as on citizen engagement, is necessary for the United States to compete and survive in the new millennium.  

The first pillar of E-Revolution is energy reform.  As our older energy sources continue to pollute our environment, make us dependent on foreign governments, and slowly get used up, we must adopt clean, independent, and renewable forms of alternative energy like solar power, wind power, tidal power, geothermal power, and biofuels.  

Countries like Denmark, which already gets 25% of its energy from wind power, and Germany, which expects to get 45% of its power from renewable energy sources by 2030, have already recognized the dangers of an addiction to oil and coal.  But Marta Jorgensen believes that the United States can meet this challenge head on; we can take back the mantle of energy pioneer we once held by supporting these new technologies with tax breaks and federal mandates.

The second pillar of this platform, economic reform, seeks to return the American economy to the robust strength it once had and to create new Green and higher paying jobs for American workers.  This can be done by steering our economy toward alternative energy sources, by making our economy more efficient, by working to overcome global warming, and by creating more favorable trade agreements.

While the American oil and coal industries are losing jobs, renewable alternative energies can create and support millions of new jobs.  According to studies, wind power can account for nearly 350,000 jobs, solar power for over 260,000 jobs and $45 billion in economic investment, tidal power for thousands of jobs per plant, geothermal energy for over 20,000 jobs; and biofuel for over 200,000 jobs.  California is the natural home for many of these industries, and with them our state’s economy, already one of the largest in the world, will surely grow even larger.  

We can also make our economy more efficient.  For example, one study found that an increase in fuel efficiency standards starting in 2001 could have saved drivers in upstate New York more than $2.4 billion in gas by 2012; the savings for California, with its much bigger economy and many more residents, could have been astronomical.  Calling for stricter fuel efficiency standards and supporting the creation of new cars with alternative forms of power like electricity, hydrogen, or fuel cells can make our economy more efficient and each of us better off.

Switching to alternative energies and making our economy more efficient as well as working to reduce pollution and instituting a carbon tax will have the additional and very important effect of helping to ward off the effects of climate change.  The costs of untreated global warming is an increase in wildfires, water conservation, public health, agriculture, and flooding could be incalculable; if we take steps now to mitigate those effects, we will be able to sustain and grow our economy far into the future.

In addition, we can take steps to keep our thriving international trade alive and growing while fixing bad trade agreements so that our only exports are American products, not American jobs.  We can also address the issue of our crumbling dollar by reducing the federal deficit and paying down the federal debt.  These policies form an important part of Marta Jorgensen’s platform.

       Such sweeping economic reform may sound difficult, but it is nowhere near as hard as keeping our economy beholden to the old energy sources, old technologies, and bad trade agreements that have made our economy so weak.  But America is no weakling, and Marta Jorgensen believes that we are strong enough and motivated enough to do what we must to secure success for our economy.

The third pillar of change in E-Revolution, environmental reform, is closely related to Jorgensen’s call for both energy and economic reform.  We face serious peril from the effects of global warming, including a catastrophic rise in sea level, widespread drought, and myriad extinctions in plant and animal species all over the planet, effects that will change our world for the worse.  But Marta Jorgensen thinks we can change the world for the better; Marta Jorgensen has a plan.  

First, she calls for freezing carbon emissions and instituting a carbon tax, which will go a long way to reduce any further impact we might have on the atmosphere.  But we also need to further reduce our creation of greenhouse gases by instituting a moratorium on coal plants not outfitted with carbon capture features, calling for the replacement of inefficient incandescent light bulbs, and building a more efficient electrical grid.  In concert, these changes will drastically reduce our negative impact on the environment.

Of course, while we in the United States bear well more than our fair share of responsibility for global warming, we cannot address this problem alone.  That is why Marta Jorgensen will call for a new and stronger global treaty, more effective than the Kyoto Protocol and with a closer compliance date, and she will do all she can to make sure that this time, we sign on and we stay on.

The final pillar of E-Revolution, educational reform, centers on the need to teach our children how to succeed in an E-Revolution world.  We need programs to teach them how to work on a wind farm, how to design a better solar panel, and how to build a more efficient energy grid.  We need to make sure that they know how important our environment is what they can do as individuals to make sure we maintain it.  In short, we need comprehensive environmental education, and we need to do it on the national level.

      The four pillars of E-Revolution are closely related; if one of them fails, the success of the whole project would be cast into doubt.  Without energy reform to create new jobs in alternative energies and to make the economy more efficient, true economic reform is impossible, and without a switch to cleaner energy sources, true environmental reform is impossible.  Without economic reform to create and maintain alternative energies, true energy reform is impossible, and without a more sustainable economy, true environmental reform is impossible.  Without environmental reform to wean us off our addiction to fossil fuels, true energy reform is impossible, and without an environmental policy that seeks to overcome the problems of global warming, true economic reform is impossible.   And unless we have educational reform to teach our children how to thrive in this new world, all the gains of the rest of the project will be for naught.

We need to make E-Revolution a reality; we need to elect Marta Jorgensen.

Please support Marta Jorgensen’s campaign to unseat Republican Elton Gallegly in California’s 24th Congressional District.

             For more information, visit her website at: www.jorgensenforcongress.com.


[email protected]

The CA 24th Congressional District Campaign

Dear Calitics Community,

Hi…This is Marta Jorgensen. As you know, I have won the Democratic Primary in the 24th District in our fair state of California. I am a long time blogger and grassroots organizer, the last project being the Draft Gore Ballot Drive. I know the power of the Netroots, respect the activist community, share your passion, your committment to the pressing issues of our time. I am grateful for the support you gave during our campaign.

I pledge to lay down the gauntlet to our present district leadership, the Republicans in office and Congressman Gallegly.

Let’s do this together, reinvigorate the people and their involvement in the process and bring it home in November!

Thank you,

Marta Jorgensen  

Today, I’m Running For Congress

(Welcome Marta Jorgenson to Calitics. – promoted by David Dayen)

Hi, my name is Marta Jorgensen and I’m running…

Today, I am championing my candidacy for Congress to all of you here at Calitics, because it is time the citizens of California’s 24th Congressional District had someone to fight for them, not for lobbyists and special interests.  My opponent, Elton Gallegly – R, has a long history of ignoring the views and concerns of the people in our district, and I’ve decided that enough is enough.  


The theme of our campaign is, “It is the money, stupid.” Lobbyists for powerful corporations come to Congress to block progress of better legislation for the critical issues of our time.  It’s their money.

If elected, one thing I’d like to do is reinstitution the Golden Fleece Award that the former senator from Wisconsin, William Proxmire initiated. Remember that?

We must stop paying Global Warming lip service. I am making it the number #1 Issue.

Our campaign is planning town hall meetings to discuss issues that never get covered in the MSM. We are also hoping to have the Climate Project give a presentation.

As a nurse I’ll work for a Universal Single Payer Health System. We need health insurance for everyone, a program with quality and cost controls and an emphasis on prevention. Full Medicare for everyone will save thousands of lives a year while maintaining patient choice of doctors and hospitals within a competitive private health care delivery system.

I’ll advocate for Agricultural Reforms, regarding food safety, genetic engineering, and excessive food transportation, as in long distance hauls versus local production; work to promote Healthy School Lunches,  “No nation is healthier than its children”… Harry Truman.  Good nutrition plays a critical role in healthy child development. Many kids are deprived of good nutrition at home due to poor economic conditions. As a nurse working with inner city handicapped and chronically ill kids in Los Angeles, I have seen this first hand. Unitary Executive and Signing Statements – This is a dangerous trend that could be carried on by the next President. We need to elect someone we can trust who will put this Pandora back in the box. Electoral Reform – same day registration; a voter verified paper record for electronic voting; run-off voting to insure winners receive a majority vote; binding “none-of-the-above” on the ballot. Voter Participation – It is the duty of every elected official and those running for office to rekindle the love of the democratic process and engage all people to participate in it. And that’s not easy these days.  Internet Neutrality -We must work to protect our freedom of the Netroots Nation. I don’t care who invented it just happy it’s here.

Here’s what I think…the Republicans for many years have slapped Democrats in the face with the phrase, “Tax and spend.”

We can now return the favor. It is our turn to chastise, to reprobate, the Republicans. The history of this country that the Republicans have handed us, the laws they have created in the name of fighting terrorism, and the war that we have had to endure brought to us under false pretenses, has earned them a new phrase. Listen up. Your history has earned you a new mantra. Here it is. “War and waste.” This also gets back to the Money Stupid theme.

To the demand for more money for war, we answer, “War and waste.”

To the demand for more laws that monitor our lives with government intrusion and the cost of money for more bureaucracies, and at the cost of individual freedom, we answer, “War and waste.”

To the president who demands an imperial presence that negates Congress and violates human dignity, we answer, “War and waste.”

To the demand for more lives of our sons and daughter to fight a war that people, even veterans, want to end, we answer, “War and waste.”

“War and waste” has been the behavior of the Republican Party. We now throw this phrase in their face. To those who think we are too strong in our declaration, I say, “Offend the offensive.”

Let us not think that we can meet aggression in our lives or against our land with a prayer and a cupcake. But how strong can we be if the treasury is empty?

How can we negotiate from strength if the funding for this war comes from banks and countries across the sea?  How can we guarantee unbiased negotiations for the best interests of our workers and our economy if we sit across the table from the representatives of a country to whom we owe a great financial debt?

Our campaign at present is grassroots. Until the big Endorsement manifests, we need help financially in small donations, like at our ActBlue Account. Want to help in other ways, just go to our website and sign up. The Big Blue Thermometer must hit the $15,000 mark real soon!

Imagine… one more of your own in the House of Representatives, crashing the gate.

Jorgensen For Congress,

Bringing Representation To The People, Not The Powerful…



CA Draft Gore Ballot Drive Is Getting Popular

SOURCE: California Draft Gore

Aug 27, 2007 16:57 ET
Volunteers Surge as California Draft Gore Ignites Ballot Initiative Effort

Upon announcing their intentions of putting Al Gore on the California ballot for the state’s primary election, California Draft Gore has seen a surge of Gore volunteers and positive support for the state-wide initiative which joins the national effort to place Gore on state ballots.

Since the organizers of California Draft Gore announced a grassroots state-wide campaign earlier this month they have added a slew of volunteers and contributions to their efforts. The state-wide organization is coordinating hundreds of Gore volunteers who will be participating in the signature gathering process.

“It’s been an overwhelming but exhilarating experience to see the enthusiasm for Al. People who normally don’t volunteer for stuff are eager to help,” said Chris Vallone, Northern California campaign coordinator. “In just the last week we have had at least 250 volunteers sign up, but many volunteers are still needed in every district, city, county and region. Everyone who supports Gore has a place in this campaign.”

The California Election Code requires that in order for a candidate’s name to be placed on the presidential primary ballot, a minimum of 500 signatures of registered Democrats must be obtained from each of the state’s 53 congressional districts. California Draft Gore has regional coordinators and sub-regional coordinators managing signature collection in each of the four regions of California. Each district within the four regions has a district leader recruiting and training as many volunteers as possible to begin collecting signatures on October 8.

“I view a donation to Al Gore’s candidacy as a gift to my grandchild!” said volunteer Bonnie Price of La Mesa, California.

San Francisco volunteer Chenoa Akey added, “What happened in 2000 was a travesty, the ramifications of which are being felt globally to this day.”

Signature collection begins on October 8 and must be completed by December 4, 2007. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the last president elected due to a draft effort. For more information on the campaign or to contribute to California Draft Gore’s campaign, visit www.california4gore.org.

About California Draft Gore:
California Draft Gore PAC is a grassroots organization. The organization and its website is not affiliated with or authorized by Al Gore, any candidate or candidate’s committee.

California Draft Gore Ballot Initiative


Californians who want Al Gore to run for president have begun a grassroots intiative to Draft Gore onto the California Primary Ballot. We need support! We need as many people as possible to gather petition signatures from voters in every single county. JOIN US IN THIS STATEWIDE INITIATIVE, and be a part of history as, CALIFORNIA DRAFTS AL GORE!

If you would like to be a Volunteer or County Coordinator, contact us at:



Yes, We’re Still Here… The Draft Gore Movement – CA Primary Ballot Project

From The Santa Barbara Independent
“The People’s President”
The Draft Al Gore For President Movement
By Marta Jorgensen, co-regional director of AlGore.org (AGO), Southwest chapter.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
“In my heart, I do believe that democracy was harmed by my network and others on November 7, 2000.”
—?Roger Ailes, chairman and CEO of Fox News Network, February 14, 2001. (How to Steal an Election, David W. Moore)
Most of us remember painfully well the 2000 election. But some of us aren’t content to let it be simply a painful memory.
In 2002, a dedicated group of individuals who had been involved with Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign set up a Web site called gore04.org and organized a rally in Nashville, Tennessee. Gore told them to stop. He wasn’t into it. In the middle of 2006, the group got it rolling again, teaming up with AlGore.org (AGO) and working with other sites such as draftgore.com, meetup.com, and algoresupportcenter.com. To date, the combined Draft Gore Movement has collected 120,000-plus signatures urging Gore to run. And this time Gore hasn’t told us to cut it out.
The Draft Gore Movement is a labor of love on the part of its rapidly growing membership. Members and organizers do not have deep pockets, but use their own resources and intelligence to try to accomplish what mainstream political parties accomplish with their special-interest money and media spin doctors. They intend to place his name on the primary state ballots and put in place a voting base. Just in case …
Why all this effort? Why not support one of the Democratic candidates who has officially thrown his or her hat in the ring? To put it bluntly, none of them come close to Gore. He has established relationships with numerous world leaders, is well-liked internationally, and is not in anyone’s pocket.
Given the Bush administration’s unprecedented expansion of the unitary executive and sweeping constitutional changes, our next presidency may mean the difference between preserving our constitution and the principles upon which this country was founded, and losing them forever. Gore put it best himself in his 2006 speech, “Restoring the Rule of Law”: “If the pattern of practice begun by this administration is not challenged, it may well become a permanent part of the American system. Many conservatives have pointed out that granting unchecked power to this president means that the next president will have unchecked power as well. And the next president may be someone whose values and belief you do not trust.” The Clintons were involved in various breaches of constitutional law while in office, including allegations that Hillary’s brothers received large sums of money in exchange for requesting (and obtaining) presidential pardons. Both John Edwards and Barack Obama are too inexperienced to adeptly lead America out of its current constitutional and diplomatic crisis.
Gore would make the climate crisis the number one issue for 2008, a necessary agenda no candidate from either party has adopted. By unifying world powers in pursuit of the goal to save our planet, Gore would restore America’s standing in the world, thereby changing the global dialogue on other geopolitical crises as well. If elected president, Gore would: eliminate all payroll taxes and replace that revenue with pollution taxes, principally on CO2; help negotiate a stronger second-generation Kyoto Treaty; create an “Electranet,” a smart electricity grid that would allow individuals and businesses to buy and sell electricity, forcing them to monitor their own consumption; and promote profitable alternative energy business models. Gore is also committed to ending the war in Iraq, which goes hand in hand with reducing our dependence on oil.
In The Assault on Reason, Gore stated, “Many Americans now feel that our government is unresponsive and that no one in a position of power listens to or cares what they think. They feel disconnected from democracy. They feel that one vote makes no difference, and that they, as individuals, now have no practical means of participating in America’s self-government.” Gore is well connected with the citizenry, even engaging in citizens’ Web blog discussions from time to time. As president, he would restore public participation in politics.
Gore has stated that he can accomplish his goals as a private citizen, without getting caught up in the political game. But that can only go so far. Real change in governance must come from the executive. The goal of the Draft Gore Movement is to show him that the people want him to run, and that he has enough popular support to win. According to a recent 7NEWS / Suffolk University poll, 32 percent of Democratic voters would support Gore over the candidate toward which they are currently leaning.
That’s why the Draft Gore effort is becoming so insistent and vocal. Members have shown up at all of The Assault on Reason book-signings. In Los Angeles recently, the “Gore People” were in full force, handing out Gore ’08 buttons, signs, and gear to the 2,000 attendees. Gore said he was “flabbergasted” by the level of organization.
This is real democracy in action. Since 2000, a sizable part of the nation has grown from its pain, is less naïve, and more politically active and vocal, thanks to the Internet. Gore has also grown from his pain, as a man and as a leader. He would be the People’s President. It’s high time the nation and the leader shook hands.
Visit AlGore.org to get involved.

Our latest project: Getting his name on the CA
Primary Ballot.

special screening of “an inconvenient truth” saturday in santa monica

(Go watch an Inconvenient Truth (hopefully, again) and talk to a great environmenatalist, Fran Pavley – promoted by SFBrianCL)

cookie jill wants everyone in socal to know about a special screening of al gore’s “an inconvenient truth” this saturday:

join us on saturday for an afternooon screening of “an inconvenient truth”, and hear from state assemblywoman fran pavley on current legislation authored by speaker fabian nunez and primary co- author fran pavley.

— more —

if you have seen the movie, join us again and hear what you can do here in california. bring a friend who hasn’t seen it as of yet. if you haven’t seen it yet; this is a great opportunity to do so.

tom mullens, chair, socal grassroots

come join us on saturday, july 29 for a screening of an inconvenient truth and hear from assemblywoman fran pavley about her assembly bill to curb the effects of global warming. she and the speaker of the assembly fabian nunez have co- authored ab32 – solutions for global warming (for more information, see http://www.solutionsforglobalwarming.org).

tickets are $10 through actblue. you can also rsvp to [email protected] – the tickets will be available at the theatre starting at 2:15 pm.

the afternoon starts with assemblymember pavley’s presentation and introduction of the film at 2:40 pm, followed by an inconvenient truth at 2:55 pm – please arrive no later than 2:30 pm to get your seat and catch the entire event!

if you have seen an incovenient truth, join us again and hear how the state assembly is working to curb global warming.

haven’t had a chance to see this movie? now is a great time to do so – bring a friend and experience the truth of global warming, while supporting socal grassroots.

laemmle’s monica 4-plex
1332 2nd street
santa monica, ca
map & parking information

to find out more about assemblymember fran pavley of the forty-first assembly district, visit her office website.