Tag Archives: Tom McClintock

CA-Lt.Gov: The Danger Tom McClintock Poses to the Children of California…and the Rest of Us

(He’s one scary SOB. Rec the diary at dKos. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

What, you might ask, does arch-conservative Tom McClintock have to do with the diabetes epidemic that is about to overwhelm every other pressing need on the long list of pressing needs in front of our lawmakers today?

At Monday’s stem cell research press conference in San Francisco, I got myself a quick education in the broad implications of epidemic diabetes, stem cell research and the office of Lt. Governor. (Thank you to the folks at the Garamendi campaign for linking to video from their release.

All public health experts agree that a diabetes epidemic is overwhelming our already fractured health care delivery system.  What is not well known is that we haven’t seen anything yet.  We need money for national defense?  Schools?  Roads?  Fuggedaboutit!

In a welcome element of serendipity and Democratic teamwork, Jerry McNerney and his smashing grassroots campaign to boot R. Pombo out of Congress, are also speaking out in support of stem cell research and taking issue with Mr. McClintock.

Save bandwidth, follow the breadcrumbs to dKos

CA-Ticket: Help support Democrats over Greens in California

(Unfortunately, the two-party system dominates. A Green pulling votes could hand the election to a scary conservative, such as McClintock. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

So, we are holding a press conference tomorrow morning with Rep. Barbara Lee (D, CA-09).  We are going to highlight the importance of supporting the Democrat in a close race where a Green is running.

Especially when that Democrat has a Progressive message and agenda, such as John Garamendi and Debra Bowen.

This is late notice, but I wanted to get the message out.  We would like there to be as big a show of support as we can get.  Unfortunately, it is being held during business hours, so that will be a challenge.  It is being held at 9:30 tomorrow morning, but if you can make it please try and be there at 9:00AM to help set up.

The location is in Richmond, CA at 3431 D Macdonald Ave (at 35th).  This is our West Contra Costa County UDC campaign HQ.

Press release on the flip…

CONTACT:  Bonnie Jean von Krogh
November 1, 2006
(510) 594-0224 (W); 415-336-6176 (C)


(Richmond, CA) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee is joining with Mayor Irma Anderson to call on Richmond Mayoral candidate and Green Party member Gayle McLaughlin to publicly announce her support for the Democratic candidates for statewide office. McLaughlin has endorsed against Democratic statewide candidates.

“Four races in California are close enough that progressive support for Greens over Democrats could make Richmond the Florida of the 2006 election,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee.

Polling shows that four statewide races could be within the margin of error.  All four races have a Green Party candidate.
.    Lieutenant Governor between Democrat John Garamendi and Republican Tom McClintock
.    Secretary of State between Democrat Debra Bowen and Republican Bruce McPherson
.    Controller between Democrat John Chiang and Republican Tony Strickland
.    Insurance Commissioner between Democrat Cruz Bustamante and Republican Steve Poizner

WHAT: Barbara Lee, Irma Anderson & Contra Costa County Democratic Party leaders call on Gayle McLaughlin to endorse Democrats for statewide office
WHEN: Thursday, November 2nd, 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: West County Democrat/Irma Anderson Headquarters

3431 D Macdonald Avenue (at 35th)
WHO: Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Mayor Irma Anderson, Democratic Party Executive Boardmember Gabriel Baty, and Community Advocates

Some news on the down ballot races

  • A video from Debra Bowen’s campaign.  Quite humorous while staying relevant.
  • Bill Clinton will be in the state campaigning for Prop 87.  There is a chance he might do some campaigning for John Garamendi as well.  If you can give any $$, they could really use them to help defeat Tom McClintock. Here is their ActBlue page. McClintock is really a beachhead for the conservative movement in California. He has received scores of 0 from the Sierra Club and League of Conservation Voters.  He is ferverently anti-choice and anti-stem cell.  In the end, he is way out of line with CA values.  He’s somebody that actually makes Arnold actually look moderate by comparison.  No really, McClintock is truly far to the right of even Arnold 2.0, the right-winger.
  • Intuit is trying to buy the controller’s race.  They don’t like John Chiang, because he wants to help the people of the state by making filing your state taxes easier.  ReadyReturn would hurt Intuit’s TurboTax program sales, so Intuit has dumped a million bucks into the race.  Pay to play baby, that’s the way they like it in Sacto. (Hint, hint, Yes on 89)
  • Halloween Odds and Ends

    First, my condolences to the family of Assemblywoman Karen Bass (D-LA), who lost her daughter and son-in-law in a car accident on the 405.  The family will be in our thoughts. No good segway here, sorry.

    Teasers: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s staff living large on the lobbyist dime, Prop 90, Jessica’s law makes us less safe, Crazy Tom McClintock, the CCPOA, and more!

  • Arnold’s staff is still taking gifts from lobbyists. This comes after Arnold told them no more gifts, yet they have still taken tickets to Giants games, Kings games, Disneyland, and the Rolling Stones.  Additionally, Susan Kennedy (ex-Dem) sent out a letter saying no more gifts, yet she seems to be overlooking that in favor of a trip to a 5-star Resort in Buenos Aires. C’mon Susan, we know you’ve filled up on all your tricks on hard-working Californians, now you think you get to take all the treats from the Lobbyists.  Wrong…as the saying goes, i suppose the California population is now smelling your feet.
  • All that stuff about Arnold becoming more green.  Well, if by green you mean that Grinch look that Reagan had as he robbed from the poor to feed the rich in the 80s, you are right! Arnold thinks he is Reagan’s heir. Oh, great that’s just what we need.
  • Looks like Arnold’s plans to ship off our excess prisoners to private facilities has hit a snag.  And by snag I mean the CCPOA.
  • For some reason, people are choosing to ignore the fact that McClintock is nuts because he displays his insanity to your face.
  • A third party candidate forum: Oh great, they’re giving two racists a forum, and oh, Peter Camejo is degrading himself to appear on the same stage with those two.
  • Dan Weintraub hits the nail on the head, Prop 83 will make us less safe.  But, as he said, it sure sells well.  Unfortunately, Weintraub tells the tale of Iowa which will  likely have to repeal the law. It pushes offenders farther away from services, making a reintigration into society nearly impossible.
  • Some good dKos posts
  • Some Prop 85 resources
  • Odds and Ends 10/24

    Exactly 2 weeks left.  The CA-LtG debate was yesterday, and you can view it at CBS5.com here. Unlike the controller debate, this is well…dirty.  McClintock goes on the attack on his Executive Life Hooey and then scares us all:

    McClintock, who has served in the Legislature for 20 years, said the state would benefit from a look back to the 1950s when roads were less crowded, water was so plentiful many cities didn’t meter it, and public schools were the best in the country. He called for the lieutenant governor’s office to be “an idea factory” that would help make government more efficient. (SF Chron 10/24)

    Yikes, but I’m pretty sure I don’t want his kind of ideas (no minimum wage, no choice, no equality, and well…no government).  The best part is McClintock thinking that somehow the fifties are going to come back.  He complains that people are leaving the state, and then complains that the roads are too crowded and we have too little water.  Well, Tom, you can’t have it both ways. Growth means crowded freeways or paying for new ones.  Which are you planning to support? Well, you aren’t supporting the bonds, so I’m thinking that you’ll have to stick with crowded freeways.  No Tom, we really don’t need your backwards ideas.

    Let’s move. Teasers: GOP freaking out, Prop 87 as a rallying point, Prop 90 is getting too little attention, The Gav, and The Levees

    I’ve changed the link types to make them open in new windows.  If that bothers anybody let me know.

    • The NRCC is worried…very worried about CA-11. The NRCC has spent over $600,000 compared to the people helping McNerney at $80K.  What does all that money go to? Well, push polls and dirty mailers of course?  The Pombo campaign is getting desperate, and getting dirty.  With only 2 weeks, expect Pombo to get more desperate and more dirty.
    • Oh yeah, the NRCC is pouring money into CA-04 too. So far, over $150K, plus a bunch more from the GOP cronies of John Doolittle in the House.  Maybe he should quit taking 15% of his campaign funds (through Julie Doolittle).
    • Prop 87 could be the big energizer we need. With all the star power coming into the state (Gore, Bill Clinton) to campaign for Prop 87, and a popular enemy in Big Oil, Prop 87 makes for a good rallying cry.  So, go vote for Prop 87 and tell your friends! Global Warming Bad, Big Oil Bad, Prop 87 Good!
    • Dan Weintraub hits the nail on the head when he says that Prop 90, “is a constitutional amendment that could change the face of California government forever. It deserves far more attention than it has received to date.
    • For a guy who isn’t running for re-election, Gavin Newsom is sure acting like a candidate.
    • The levees are in danger.  They need to be fixed.  Now. Do we need to have Sacramento under 10 feet of water before we do something?

    CA-LtG: Garamendi nabs endorsements, and a strong ad

    John Garamendi has picked up several endorsements. The list is quite long, but thankfully the campaign has compiled all the links: Los Angeles Times, Sacramento Bee,  San Jose Mercury News, Stockton Record, Merced Sun Star, Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Monterey County Weekly,  La Opinion and  San Francisco Bay Guardian. Whew!

    The LA Times said, “Garamendi should take that same creative and battling spirit and put it to work on public institutions …  and McClintock’s positions on immigration, same-sex marriage and other social issues betray a cramped vision of the state’s future.”

    After the flip, Garamendi has produced the obvious ad, McClintock is too extreme.  He uses McClintock’s own words against him.  It’s a perfect ad for this race.

    CA-Gov: GOP caught with its pandering down

    (As I said the other day: First Left, Then Right, Then back to left, you do the flippy-floppy and you turn yourself about. What the hell is this all about? – promoted by SFBrianCL)

    Let’s drop in at last week’s California state Republican Convention to see what part of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s base he’s pandering to now:

    Outside the convention hall, several Minuteman members hung banners, handed out leaflets and encouraged luncheon attendees to visit a book-signing with Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist. Inside, Schwarzenegger supporters waved signs and wore green and orange buttons backing his campaign.

    John Moriarity, a 72-year-old Republican from Los Angeles who heard Schwarzenegger’s speech, said he believes the governor ultimately will win support even from those who think he is too moderate.

    “The reason he would have the support of the conservatives of our state is because the alternative is so disastrous,” Moriarity said. “I think there’s a lot of people who would like to see our lieutenant governor candidate (Tom McClintock) as governor, and hopefully some day he will. But you know California’s a blue state. So you’ve got to have somebody who will appeal to the socialists.” [emphasis added]

    (Also available at DailyKos and My Left Wing)

    Guess Mr. Moriarity will be disappointed to learn that Schwarzenegger just fired Ben Lopez, the former lobbyist for the Traditional Values Coalition (and a director of the California Republican Assembly), after having hired him just days before in an effort to throw some red meat to the homophobic, xenophobic, fundamentalist wing of the party. Mr. Lopez, you may recall, was the author of several delightful resolutions presented at the convention, including this one, which sought to outlaw citizenship for those born in the United States (you just can’t make this stuff up):

    Submitted by Ben Lopez

    Whereas, current United States regulations make all those born on U.S. territory automatically citizens of our nation, and

    Whereas, this has created what are called “Anchor Babies”, babies born of illegal aliens in U.S. facilities, and

    Whereas, under U.S. law when these Anchor Babies reach the age of 21, they are able to petition the government to allow their parents to become U.S. citizens, and

    Whereas, the United States is the only nation in the world that gives citizenship based on place of birth, and

    Whereas, this has caused pregnant illegal aliens to sneak into our country just to have their children born here so the babies will be U.S. citizens, and

    Whereas, these “citizens” are then eligible for food stamps, and other government services, and

    Whereas, Congress has the right to set the criteria for citizenship,

    Therefore, Be It Resolved by the California Republican Party at convention in Los Angeles on August 20, 2006 that we request the California Republican delegation to Congress work to submit and pass legislation to end the practice of giving citizenship based on place of birth.

    Civil rights advocates were dismayed at Lopez’s hiring, especially in light of the avowed “tolerance” espoused by Schwarzenegger and the California Republican Party:

    [Equality California Executive Director Geoff] Kors noted that less than two months ago California Republican Party Chair, Duf Sundheim, appeared at a Los Angeles Log Cabin Republican event and spoke about the party’s inclusion and Schwarzenegger delivered a message espousing “the values of tolerance, understanding, respect, equality, and inclusion.”

    Well, yeah, but that was two months ago!

    And, no sooner had the California Republican Party hired Lopez – at first denying that it had – than it unceremoniously fired him.

    Ben Lopez, the chief lobbyist and spokesman for the Traditional Values Coalition — the Anaheim-based evangelical advocacy group led by the controversial Rev. Lou Sheldon — has been fired from his new job as an outreach worker with the California Republican Party, sources said Tuesday.
    Lopez’s hiring had been hailed by conservatives, who have been concerned about Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s moves to the political center, when it was made public late last week as the state Republican Party opened its convention. [emphasis added]

    So, once again California Republicans are caught red-handed, whoring themselves to every loathsome group under the sun, pandering to the lowest human denominators. At the same time, Schwarzenegger’s machine is trying to dance around the Republican slate of xenophobes, homophobes, and Big Business apologists. Case in point: the Republican nominee for Lt. Governor, State Senator Tom McClintock.

    (In California, the governor and lieutenant governor are elected independently of one another; they do not run on one ballot.)

    McClintock, a rabid xenophobe who has expressed contempt for the state Supreme Court’s striking down of Proposition 187, California’s virulent anti-immigrant initiative passed in 1994, recently discontinued the use of a fundraising letter from Mel Gibson after Gibson spewed anti-Semitic and pro-sexist remarks during a drunk-driving arrest in Malibu.

    Frank Russo of the California Progress Report writes:

    In February, Schwarzenegger Campaign Manager Steve Schmidt said the Governor and Senator McClintock are “going to work together during the campaign. No two running mates ever agree on every issue, but Gov. Schwarzenegger is pleased to have Tom McClintock beside him.” [Contra Costa Times, February 20, 2006]

    Yet Sen. McClintock hasn’t stood publicly beside Gov. Schwarzenegger once since the June 6 Primary. In fact, McClintock has voted against every one of the bond initiatives that Schwarzenegger supported. He also voted against the budget Schwarzenegger signed in June. Responding to Schwarzenegger’s flip-flop on immigration, Sen. McClintock said, “It bothered me a lot….The Governor said something he didn’t mean and I’d like to see him come forward and say so.” Sen. McClintock is still waiting for Gov. Schwarzenegger to say so.

    McClintock shouldn’t take it personally, though. Arnie’s no dummy – he shunned the entire Republican slate at the state convention:

    All of them crave the media attention he draws because none is well known, yet Schwarzenegger appeared alone on stage and did not mention their names. (Democrats have tried to spotlight the Republican ticket’s lack of diversity, which could dampen Schwarzenegger’s appeal. It is composed of seven white men.)

    Seven white men? Snow White of the Seven Dwarfs? Wow. No wonder Arnie felt like he had to be down with the brothas on either side of the convention – sort of an Oreo cookie of campaign appearances, if you will – by speaking at the Black Chamber of Commerce just before the Gathering Of The Seven White Men, and then heading down from Pacific Palisades to the ‘Hood, commuting all the way to 323-land and South Central, destined for the Mecca of African-American campaign pandering, First AME Church in South Central Los Angeles. Not everyone was fooled, however:

    The parishioners greeted Schwarzenegger warmly, and several stopped to shake his hand. But Ralph Walker of Covina walked out of the church just after the governor arrived, telling reporters outside that Schwarzenegger had torn down the state during the 2005 special election and was trying to repair his reputation.

    “Everything in there is damage control and ‘Let me fix up my image,’ ” said Walker, 57, an independent. “Did he get lost? Why is he here?”

    Why? Can you say, ”pandering”?

    Tell Tom McClintock To Give Mel’s Money Away

    cross-posted at The Courage Campaign

    Yesterday it was revealed that state senator and Republican candidate for Lietenant Governor, Tom McClintock, had distributed a fundraising letter penned by Mel Gibson on four occasions to raise money for his campaign.

    In the letter, Gibson wrote:

    ”When I find that rare politician who will stand his ground for what is right — no matter what the pressure or consequences — I take notice.”

    And that…

    the senator stood solidly for principles that might not be politically correct — but that were right and true.


    He continued…

    “I don’t often support political candidates,” Gibson wrote, “But I love this state, and I believe it is worth fighting for.”

    Finally, the actor promised, McClintock will make the office of lieutenant governor into the kind of “bully pulpit that will be essential to produce the longterm political change that is so deperately needed in California.”

    As you can imagine, Gibson’s damage control soon gave way to McClintock’s, who yesterday vowed to not use the letter again.

    When the whole thing came down with Gibson recently, “Tom was disillusioned by it,” said Devereux. “He said basically stop using the letter, and make sure it doesn’t go out anymore.”

    But the senator’s woes just won’t seem to go away. Today, the AP is reporting that McClintock is distancing himself from Mel even further. About Gibson’s anti-Semitic tirade:

    ”I deplore them and I disassociate myself completely from them,” McClintock said.

    McClintock said Gibson’s remarks did a disservice to the image of Christian conservatives…” I think he did a great deal of damage,” said McClintock.

    Well, those words are fine, but we at The Courage Campaign think Senator McClintock should go even further. We’re calling for him to take a stronger stance against intolerance and give all the money that was raised as a result of Mel Gibson’s letter away to the Museum of Tolerance.

    Sign our petition HERE and tell Tom McClintock give the money away today.

    There is no room for intolerance in Sacramento.

    Mel Gibson Truly Believes in Schwarzenegger running mate Tom McClintock

    Mel’s done some fundraising on behalf of Tom McClintock.  Mel’s a true believer.  And you know what a good judge of character Mel is:

    But one thing’s clear: the unusually gushy, three-page, single-spaced fundraising letter sent out by the star of “Braveheart,” and “Passion of the Christ” to help raise campaign cash for McClintock’s effort won’t help much now: it could even be a “Lethal Weapon” for the GOP candidate because Gibson, arrested for DUI, is tabloid fodder for making a rash of anti-Semitic comments.

    In the good old days before his current troubles, Gibson’s letter shows he appeared eager to get into the political mix, detailing what he believed was wrong with California’s government — and how McClintock would set that straight.

    “When I find that rare politician who will stand his ground for what is right — no matter what the pressure or consequences — I take notice,” Gibson wrote in last year’s fundraising pitch for McClintock obtained by the Chronicle. (SF Chron Blog 8/8/06)

    Doesn’t that make you want to reach out and hug Tom?  No?  Really?  Didn’t you see Braveheart? The Patriot? Mad Max?  You should love Tom now! Dammit! Apparently some people are playing this “gotcha” game against Mel Gibson.  Just because Mel said some stuff about Jews doesn’t mean we can’t all love him, right?

    McClintock pulled the ad, apparently Gibson isn’t such a good friend after all. Oh, and by the way, Mel loves Tom’s running mate, Arnold Schwarzenegger, too.  Arnold’s “fighting for vital reforms and needs strong voices to help him make the case.”  You know, like the reforms to ensure that big corporations control the California economy and that the poorest workers get little to no pay raise.  Those kind of vital reforms.

    California Blog Roundup 4/11/06

    Everything but CA-50, which is coming up next.