Tag Archives: Governors race

National: Olbermann Video “Have You No Decency Sir?”

While this is a California site and has a great California focus, I believe we need to bring to the largest possible audience, with every blog at our disposal, the messages that Keith Olbermann is sending to the American People and to the Bush Administration.

I just saw on Pay per View, since I’ve given up on civilized behavior in movie theatres, ‘V for Vendetta’. On top of the first episode of Keith Olberaman speaking out it gave me the chills.

Now we know for a fact that this is a coordinated effort to place fear at the center for the final 61 days if our campaigns. We must show every volunteer these words so they can know if they have any doubt.

I have the full video at Political Dogfight and the first Olbermann video at Political Interviews. I hope the people who see these who don’t have as many years as I do realize the chances that Olbermann is taking by speaking for us.

Phil within 4.7% (Zobgy/WSJ) Some Terrible Campaign eh?

(while there are some questions about zogby, i think the race will be close. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

I get so sick of hearing how bad Phil A. is campaigning when it’s obvious he’s more interested in actual voters than media attention at this time. That’s GOOD campaigning. While the lead that Phil initially had BEFORE Gov. Muscles started campaigning has slipped it is a very good indicator that the margin is this close at this time.

Even though I have a LOT of experience I’ve kept my mouth shut because I’m over involved in Federal Campaigns.

But now we have a new Zogby/Wall Street Journal poll that should put to rest the TERRIBLE CAMPAIGN MEME. Phil A. within 4.7% with a MOE of 3%. And the WSJ doesn’t do junk polls.

You don’t have a terrible campaign and be this close before Labor Day. Phil is making huge connections up and down this state with actual voters and not relying on TV just yet. Eventually he’ll have to and I hope he brings his A game to that effort.

Yet it’s my conviction that he will do better overall be doing the one thing that all the Republican winners have done for years, up to Gov. Muscles, and that’s press the flesh until they couldn’t stand it and press it somemore.

There’s even a name for campaigning up and down Hwy 99. It’s the ‘Pete Wilson Strategy’ as it energizes an entire voting block that is usually forgotten by Democratic candidates as the area isn’t a Democratic  strong hold.

Yet Phil is up and down the Great Valley without stop and into the Coast as well.

More power to him. Use the media when you need to but press the flesh of an actual voter whenever you can. Too many Democrats have forgotten the basics of winning elections, IMHO, and that’s one.