Tag Archives: AD-05

AD-05: Andy Pugno is Too Extreme

Pugno Too extremeYou may know Andy Pugno from his recurring role in the Prop 8 saga, but those are hardly his only divisive and extreme positions.  And today, dozens of Sacramento women and nurses protested outside a Pugno fundraiser, saying his opposition to women’s reproductive choice makes him too extreme for the moderate district.

“Andy Pugno is affiliated with extreme, anti-choice organizations whose singular mission is to deny women our constitutional reproductive choice,” said Elizabeth Pataki, retired Registered Nurse.  “Nurses believe that privacy is crucial in our health care system, but Andy Pugno believes he should make reproductive decisions for Sacramento women.  His extreme views are the last thing we need in Sacramento.”

Among Pugno’s extreme, anti-choice affiliations are:

  • Vice President of Sacramento Life Center: Pugno is on the Board of Directors and is the Vice President of the anti-choice Sacramento Life Center, an “abortion alternative” center whose “vision” is for “all women in the Sacramento region will know and believe abortion is not a choice.”  Pugno and his wife have donated at least $15,000 to SLC since 2006.
  • Pugno is affiliated with the radical Alliance Defense Fund, an advocacy organization which leads litigation against abortion rights and calls Roe v. Wade an “ungodly precedent” that should be overturned. ADF’s California Regional Service Center is located in Pugno’s legal office.
  • Pugno is endorsed by the California ProLife Council which opposes abortion even in cases of incest and rape.
  • Pugno’s Legal Clients Include California Family Council, Focus on the Family Affiliate: Pugno has worked as a lawyer for the California Family Council, the California affiliate of the radical group Focus on the Family. Focus on the Family was founded and led by James Dobson, a prominent minister, writer and radio host who calls on evangelicals, Catholics and Orthodox not to comply with rules and laws permitting abortion, same-sex marriage and other matters that go against their religious consciences.

    Just in case you didn’t have enough of a reason to support Dr. Richard Pan in the race to succeed Roger Niello, how about a little Roe v. Wade extremism.  If you are around Sacramento, check out Dr. Pan’s campaign today.

    AD-05 Update

    Capitol Weekly got all jiggy with the fifth assembly district today, so I thought I’d take a look-see too.  The seat, currently occupied by the termed-out Roger Niello, has a whole army of contenders. This is probably because the district, like Dan Lungren’s congressional seat, is rapidly changing. It’s based in the Sacramento suburbs, with all but a few of the voters coming from Sacramento County; the remaining few are from Placer County.  There are a lot of disillusioned former Republicans and DTS voters here. The partisan breakdown of the electorate is 37.9 Dem, 38.8 Rep, and 19.0 DTS.  Obama won the district by a smidge over four points, so it could very easily be a contested race.

    Prop 8 advocate Andrew Pugno is the leading Republican in the district, which perhaps not coincidentally went for Prop 8 by nearly 10 points. Of course, this carries positives and negatives for Pugno. Sure, he’s getting a fair amount in small dollar donations from the right-wing anti-marriage equality crew, but he’s also going to end up with an army of equality supporters dedicated from keeping this guy out of office. It seems a little unlikely that marriage equality folks will get involved in the Republican primary, but expect to see some action if he does end up winning the primary over Craig De Luz, a multi-racial school board member and leader of the Californa Black Republican Council.

    On the Democratic side, Richard Pan, a pediatrician, and Larry Miles, a school board member in the San Juan USD are the sort-of name candidates. On the web side anyway, Pan is way ahead with a slick looking (or at least not annoying) online presence.  Pan has also garnered the endorsement of a pretty good list of electeds and party leaders, while Miles has a slightly smaller list of state level electeds, but does have a whole slew of local elected officials.

    But, there are four somewhat viable candidates in the race.  There is also An interesting story on Matt Gray, who is looking at the Assembly, and has a history in the Building with John Vasconcellos and lobbying for strip joints.

    Finally, you have Andrew Sheehy who has a YouTube video announcing his candidacy and a Facebook page. But, if as Allen Hoffenblum mentions in the CW story, Sheehy is running as some sort of new media friendly candidate, he should think about updating his networks.  But, the YouTube video in front of a random field where there may or may not have been a foreclosure nearby is fun. All kidding aside, his platform is solid, meat to the progressive base kind of stuff. Education, equality, that kind of thing.  And hey, Andy, and all the Dem. candidates, feel free to post an introduction at Calitics. We’ll make sure it makes its way to the front of the site.