In what is shaping up to be one of a number of slow-moving investigations into Congressmembers, John Doolittle got some action-packed days this week. Dave told you about the subpoenas yesterday, but today there is word of testimony.
Alisha Perkins, who has worked for six years as the congressman’s scheduler, testified before the grand jury Wednesday morning, said the congressman’s press aide, Gordon Hinkle.
Unlike Blankenburg, who started working for the congressman in 2005, and Rogers, who joined the office only in May, Perkins’ work in the office dates back long enough that she would have been there when Abramoff and his associates, most notably Kevin Ring, were seeking to meet with the Roseville Republican. (SacBee 9/5/07)
Ah, I bet those schedules could tell a lot of stories. While it’s not completely clear if the government has the schedules and is asking her to confirm authenticity or if they are grilling her on the schedules, one thing we can be sure is that more news on his corruption case is the last thing Doolittle wants today. But don’t worry, Mr. Doolittle is prepared to inform you that the piss on your leg, is, in fact, rain.
In a statement Tuesday, Doolittle said he hopes that the testimony of his staff will bring quick closure to the investigation that has been going on for three years. He has denied any wrongdoing, but said prosecutors believe Abramoff paid his wife, Julie, for work she didn’t do in an effort to reward him for help he provided to the lobbyist.
Of course, Charlie Brown is prepared for another race in 08. He’s on our ActBlue Page too. Charlie’s web page is all newly spiffed up in preparation of his barnstorming tour and campaign announcement.