(bump – promoted by Lucas O’Connor)
An hour after the start time, Nancy Pelosi is on the verge of actually taking a question. Updates to come.
[Update] First question asks about inherent contempt. The Bush administration is “tearing up the constitution and saying we rule. This is a monarchy.” Crowd goes wild over the notion of Karl Rove held in contempt. “Justice Department has advised the US Attorney not to prosecute the case.” Interesting needle she’s threading here- the power of Congress should be more respected but Congress is powerless to do more than it already has.
Gina Cooper asks if Karl Rove will be arrested and thrown in the Congressional jail. Crowd goes nuts, Pelosi punts.
[Update] Second question wonders what the gain was that balances out telecom immunity. Again, short version is ‘it’s not my fault, the Senate did it.’ She’s not wrong but I’m not sure how it helps. Pitching the exclusivity argument which is garbage as decided by the court which covers her district. Americans are protected by domestic spying, the Inspector General will be super, etc.
[Update] Gina asks “who exactly is supporting this?” Damn good question. Still pushing a Constitution or Bush dichotomy, but I’m not sure that she’s actually coming down on either side. The Senate bils are bad the Senate votes are bad etc etc.
[Update] Jeffrey Feldman asks from the floor “Can you tell us what you think government should be?” Build majorities in House and Senate, win the White House. Jokes that wider margins will increase bipartisanship. Talking about elements of health care reform which is nice but not an answer to the question. “Science is the answer” to something. “Science, science, science, and science…We have an innovation agenda.” 3rd point is infrastructure, tracking from the Erie Canal to the Bush Administration and the focus on destroying Iraqi infrastructure over building American infrastructure. 4th (and final?) Energy security. There’s a moral responsibility to be secure in our energy? International competitiveness. “Awfully proud of Barack Obama going overseas today.” McCain would love that one.
[Update] Silent protesters are moving through the room. New question: Should the government bail out GM like it did Chrysler several decades ago? “Help them be competitive” and help them innovate. How are we going to help the workers losing their security? Distinction between helping GM and helping workers. Answer is health care as a competitiveness issue.
Jeffrey gets a question from Natasha Chart regarding abstinence-only education. Funds to effective sexual education programs? “Abstinence-only…is dangerous to the health of our young women.” Feldman asks about Abstinence-only earmarks, Pelosi wants us to give her a better Congress. Mentions the Contraception/abortion debacle at HHS. “If you don’t like abortion, you should love contraception…It’s catering to a radical right wing view and it should be stopped.”
“Just say stop if you’ve heard enough on any subject.”
[Update] “Universal broadband is part of our innovation agenda…we must have it be universal.” “The whole country has to be wired.” It’s about health care and family values and education and every other one of her preferred talking points. Two solid ones in a row. Pelosi brings up net neutrality on her own, strongly supports. Objections during FISA but her “bigger disappointment [with the telecoms] was their objection to net neutrality.” The people standing in the way are the ones who didn’t innovate in the first place.
[Update] Audience question: Why are our soldiers being forced to beg for care packages? They shouldn’t, but emblematic of broader failures. “We owe them better than the policy we have.” GI Bill and veterans health care, “when you come home we’ll send you to college.” Nearly 1/3 of Iraq/Afghanistan veterans are seeking mental health treatment. “Build a future worthy of their sacrifice.” Win in November. Feldman pushes back: there seems to be an absence of the broader discussion of how we’re going to take care of them. Pelosi: The administration doesn’t care about the troops, what more do you need to know? (How about…what are you going to do about it?)
[Update] Final stage question from Gina is on Al Gore’s energy plan and…Al Gore is here as our surprise guest.
[Update] “…hold elected officials accountable.” Thank you. absolutely essential that we have…a well informed citizenry that is involved and engaged.” We represent the edge of government reform. On to climate change in the way only Gore can.
[Update] Gore’s speech is over and he’s taking questions with Pelosi from the floor. First question, would you consider a role in an Obama administration. Gore responds that his preferred role is as one who expands the political space for elected officials and bring about a public opinion sea change to make the atmosphere more amenable to change. Second question is on the carbon footprint from meat production which he addresses without saying much. Mountaintop removal is third up. Really going to bat for coal miners and bashes the irresponsibility of mountaintop removal and coal companies- calls liquid coal insane. “We’ve got to walk and chew gum at the same time” by getting off foreign oil AND off fossil fuels.
Pelosi’s back and thanking Gore for being great. Says we have a choice between yesterday and tomorrow.
[Update] Pelosi’s pushing the Use It Or Lose It program, “looking for an excuse, not a reason” to drill in ANWR and Outer Continental Shelf. She’s been absolutely great on this issue as I mentioned in Robert’s liveblog yesterday.
Finally responding to question about improving accountability. She didn’t really have a response and folks are starting to get rowdy. More questions from the audience:
[Update] Wind turbines on high voltage towers? Gore says that expense is a concern, and power lines aren’t necessarily where the wind is blowing. Mentions T-Boone Pickens who is not exactly the best friend in this group. “When we make an all out commitment then some of the problems…subside.” Quick bash of No Child Left Behind. E-waste disposal is next- there needs to be a lot more progress.
Pelosi responds to a question about how Congress will respond to Al Gore’s ten year challenge. Last year’s Energy Bill is her example of forward Congressional progress- a tough vote- and notes that renewable electricity standards passed over the fossil fuel PACs. Will bring it up again, but again punts responsibility to the Senate and tells us to build bigger majorities. NCLB: Not enough funding, revisit with a new president, will not be renewed this year.
[Update] Fresh round of four questions from the floor. Gore: we will still have a problem with a Dem in the White House and bigger majorities.