(keep ’em coming. It’s a beautiful weekend for equality. – promoted by Dante Atkins (hekebolos))
It was an amazing day for a rally. The sun was warm and the skies were clear for the Anti-Prop 8 Rally in front of the City of San Rafael City Hall. Organizers put the the crowd at least 500 which is plenty given the venue and perhaps many in the County chose to go to San Francisco rally. Everyone in the crowd was friendly and in good spirits despite the major setback of the passage of Prop 8. There was a sense that out of this defeat that the real movement had begun.
It was not surprising that the majority of those attending were families, because after all people move up here to raise their kids here. Signs ran out pretty quickly, and there was one little girl who wanted to hold a sign so I let her have mine. Nearby kids were lining up to jump in piles of leaves as leaves rained down on them when a breeze hit.
Attendees with their partners wore buttons showing how long they have been together. There were plenty of couples who had been together 20+ years. There were straights like myself and progressive clergy there as well. A young women with rainbow colored wings held a sign, “They will know we are Christians by our Love”.
A KTVU (Channel 2) news helicopter hummed overhead for some time.
The rally had spilled out to the opposite side of Fifth Street and cars would drive by and honk in support. Marin County did vote against Proposition 8 by 73%. To thinking and compassionate people the injustice of Proposition is quite apparent. As long as one minority group can have their rights stripped, rights of minorities of all kinds are not safe.
One gentleman was carrying a large “Don’t Tread on Me” Flag. There was a sign by the stage that said, “Morman Law is Now Morman Law,” in reference to the Morman Church’s massive contribution to the Yes on 8 campaign.
Local musicians pitched in and so did our local politicians. San Rafael City Councilman, Damon Connolly spoke about how disappointed his family were about the outcome of Proposition 8. Marin County Supervisor, Susan Adams (District 1) spoke in solidarity with the No on 8 movement.
Fliers were being handed out about next weekend’s rally in Sacramento, “Take It To Sacramento”. It will be on Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 2:00pm at the State Capitol Building and they are hoping for at least 30,000 people. For more information, go to www.californiaoutreach.com.
I am hoping that the turnout totally blows away expectations and becomes 50,000 to 100,000 people or more.
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