Join The Impact – San Rafael

(keep ’em coming.  It’s a beautiful weekend for equality. – promoted by Dante Atkins (hekebolos))

San Rafael Anti-Prop 8 Rally 11-15-08

It was an amazing day for a rally. The sun was warm and the skies were clear for the Anti-Prop 8 Rally in front of the City of San Rafael City Hall. Organizers put the the crowd at least 500 which is plenty given the venue and perhaps many in the County chose to go to San Francisco rally. Everyone in the crowd was friendly and in good spirits despite the major setback of the passage of Prop 8. There was a sense that out of this defeat that the real movement had begun.  

San Rafael Anti-Prop 8 Rally 11-15-08

It was not surprising that the majority of those attending were families, because after all people move up here to raise their kids here. Signs ran out pretty quickly, and there was one little girl who wanted to hold a sign so I let her have mine. Nearby kids were lining up to jump in piles of leaves as leaves rained down on them when a breeze hit.

Attendees with their partners wore buttons showing how long they have been together. There were plenty of couples who had been together 20+ years. There were straights like myself and progressive clergy there as well. A young women with rainbow colored wings held a sign, “They will know we are Christians by our Love”.

San Rafael Anti-Prop 8 Rally 11-15-08

A KTVU (Channel 2) news helicopter hummed overhead for some time.

The rally had spilled out to the opposite side of Fifth Street and cars would drive by and honk in support. Marin County did vote against Proposition 8 by 73%. To thinking and compassionate people the injustice of Proposition is quite apparent. As long as one minority group can have their rights stripped, rights of minorities of all kinds are not safe.  

One gentleman was carrying a large “Don’t Tread on Me” Flag. There was a sign by the stage that said, “Morman Law is Now Morman Law,” in reference to the Morman Church’s massive contribution to the Yes on 8 campaign.

San Rafael Anti-Prop 8 Rally 11-15-08

Local musicians pitched in and so did our local politicians. San Rafael City Councilman, Damon Connolly spoke about how disappointed his family were about the outcome of Proposition 8. Marin County Supervisor, Susan Adams (District 1) spoke in solidarity with the No on 8 movement.

Fliers were being handed out about next weekend’s rally in Sacramento, “Take It To Sacramento”. It will be on Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 2:00pm at the State Capitol Building and they are hoping for at least 30,000 people. For more information, go to

I am hoping that the turnout totally blows away expectations and becomes 50,000 to 100,000 people or more.

Will Your Civil Rights Go Away - San Rafael Anti-Prop 8 Rally 11-15-08

Join The Impact San Jose

Straight Old Geezer for Marriage Equality signAbout 2,000 people gathered at San Jose City Hall today as part of a nationwide day of protest against Prop 8 and for equal rights. We started by gathering in four locations – the San Jose Museum of Art, Metropolitan Community Church, St. James Park, and the Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center. I'd carpooled in with my friend Ms. V and a friend of hers, and we started at St. James Park, handing out extra Vote No on Prop 8 signs left over from the campaign. Although we could have gone to the Mountain View rally closer to home, we'd chosen San Jose to be part of something bigger, and to be with our community from the DeFrank Center and the South Bay No on 8 campaign. Almost immediate we ran into Nan Coley, a friend and former colleague who had provided the inspiration for my blog post last night, Waiting for Proof. We continued handing out signs until we ran out, when I found more friends, the Shmilas, who I had introduced 12 years ago, and who were married on November 2. Ms. V ran into her ex and they caught up on their lives. And we ran into a straight couple active in PFLAG, who we'd met through the campaign. His sign (photo right) was so popular people kept asking him to pose for pictures and videos.

Then we were given the signal and started walking, and as we spread down the sidewalk we started to get an idea of how many of us had gathered. A news helicopter circled overhead as protestors converged on City Hall from the four starting places.
San Jose RallyThe crowd included LGBT and straight, young and old, parents and kids, teachers and students, leaders and members of faith communities, Hispanic Americans, African-Americans, Asian Pacific Islanders, the full diversity of the San Jose community. We surrounded the fountains on the City Hall plaza as barefoot children played in the water. We chanted (2-4-6-8 Love does not discriminate! What do we want? Equal rights! When do we want them? NOW!). We strained to hear speakers like DeFrank Executive Director Aejaie Sellers, and cheered when cars passing by honked their horns in support.

The mood was mostly upbeat. Although I'd been nervous about a possible counter-protest, we met no resistance on our march to City Hall and we found none on the plaza. I later read in the San Jose Mercury News that there had been a handful of Yes on 8 protestors across the street, but from our vantage point at the bottom of the fountain they could be neither seen nor heard. The messages were positive. Although it was sorely disappointing that Prop 8 had passed, it had been defeated in Santa Clara County where the Knight Initiative had passed. Although many in the LGBT community had been stunned by the election results, that had mobilized our community across the country. Volunteers from the DeFrank Center circulated with clipboards to sign up volunteers ready to commit to fighting for marriage equality. They invited us to a community meeting on Monday night to plan next steps. As we stood in the sun and cheered and waved our signs, I forgot to be angry at those who had waited to volunteer until after Prop 8 had passed. We can only move forward, and this crowd appeared ready to do the work. Now if we can only hang on to that energy.



Join the Impact in Saint Louis, MO

(Another JTI post… – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

Crossposted from Show Me Progress.

Crowd Earlier today, I headed down to Saint Louis’ historic Old Courthouse (the first Dred Scott trial was there, as well as the first case involving a woman’s right to vote back in the 1870s), where over 1,000 rallied against California’s recently passed Prop 8. My overall impression – well, I’ll quote Andrew Sullivan quoting myself:

Wow! For a community that keeps getting kicked in the gut, the vibes were very positive today in Saint Louis. Over a thousand people showed up on the first bitterly cold day of winter to hear the mayor, the president of the Board of Alderman (who gave a particularly good speech that I will send you if I can find a video or transcript), state representatives, activists, and ordinary citizens speak up for equality. There was anger, yes, and a tinge of sadness, but hope really seemed to rule the day in each of the speeches, and in the mood of the crowd.

More over the flip.

Thinking back on it, regardless of how Obama feels about gay marriage, his campaign and election definitely infused the entire afternoon with hope. One speaker appropriated Obama’s “Yes we can!” (which Obama himself borrowed from others), and another compared the sight of the First Family-elect walking across the stage on Election Night with the hope that one day, a same-sex couple could make that same walk.  A fellow St. Louis blogger took the stage and told the story of how when she was a young girl, her father used to tell her she could get whatever she happened to be begging for that day “whenever a black man becomes president.”

It wasn’t a banal, “Obama’s president and now we can get whatever we want” kind of hope, either. One speaker called us all community organizers. Practically every speaker mentioned the need to turn this anger and sadness into defiance and action, the hard work of convincing others of the correctness, the justice of our point of view.

Out of all the elected official who made an appearance (which unfortunately did not include Jeanette Mott Oxford, the first openly gay member of the Missouri Legislature), I thought Lewis Reed made the most powerful speech. State Senator Joan Bray gave an impassioned speech that cited Missouri successes in the face of anti-gay sentiment before, and Mayor Francis Slay gave a workmanlike speech that spoke of his commitment to equality, but Lewis Reed, elected last year as the first African-American President of the Board of Alderman in Saint Louis history, managed to meld both the personal effects and the abstract principles of politics. He noted that as a black man married to a white woman, he could have been arrested in some US states 40 years ago, as could have Barack Obama’s parents. And a close friend of his, whose same-sex partner died after 12 years of living together, had to watch as the family of his partner walked into his home, picked up whatever they wanted, including the deed to his house, because the law did not recognize same-sex commitments. Reed went on to quote from our founding documents to illustrate that we are not living up to the ideals on which this country was founded when we deny a class of citizens rights to which all others are granted. Like I said, it was a good speech, and I hope to get a video or a transcript.

All in all, it was strange, yet perhaps fitting, that a rally organized in response to a defeat turned into something of a celebration.

More pics below.

God Hates Shrimp!

Corey feels the appreciation

Ted and the sign

Crowd on the other side of the street


Crowd on steps


Join the Impact–Los Angeles

(From the Courage Campaign’s own Rick Jacobs. – promoted by David Dayen)

About thirty of us gathered in front of the closed Starbucks on the plaza in front of the LA courthouse to assemble our petition materials for the rally and march a few blocks away., Courage Campaign (full disclosure: I founded Courage) and Credo Mobile have, over the past week, gathered over 200,000 signatures on a pledge to repeal Prop. 8. Our group that met for the first time this morning, was volunteers who signed up to get more sigatures from the crowd. And boy did they ever!

We made our way to the staging area outside of City Hall where we were greeted by thousands of jubilant folks with home made signs. The backstage set up reminded me in some ways of the May 1, 2006 immigration march on Wilshire Boulevard that had also sprung up from the peoplem, but was managed by organized labor: there was security, a rope line, a little blue tent under which speakers gathered before their turn. Rodney Scott, who puts on LA Pride every year, did a brilliant job with logistics along with a new group of young people called FAIR.  

Just once, it would have been great to have a crowd with that energy and spirit talk to the people on the podium rather than have the elected officials and others talk to them. Theprogram was generally good, but way too long, ninety minutes while people waited in 90 degree heat. One speaker went on for nearly twenty minutes, apparently mistaking a rally for a filibuster.

Mayor Villaraigosa broke away from these horrible fires that have now dumped smoke into all of LA and destroyed numerous houses, to give an impassioned speech in English and Spanish telling us all to go talk to our neighbors and at churches, not to wait for another election. Meet people whom we do not know, break down barriers with familiarity. And he's right. That's the only way to win human rights struggles.

Rev. Eric Lee, President of the Southern Chrisitan Leadership Conference of California, gave a stirring and powerful speech about the need to put God back into church when it comes to this issue of human rights. He said, "I'm a straight black man who went" with me to the Mormon Temple three weeks ago to try to deliver 17,000 letters from Courage Campaign members to the President of the Church. He went because it was the right thing to do. He is a stand up guy, a true friend of the LGBT and progressive communities, a powerful voice for civility and dignity in our march to justice. We all need to get to know him much better.

Many of the other speakers were great, too, including City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo and long time LGBT activist Torie Osborn. There were just too many of them.

At last, we marched. The crowd was animated, colorful, respectful and determined.

The most meaningful part of the day, though, was a meeting late this afternoon at the apartment of a young man named Vincent Jones. Vincent, a gay African American, pulled together about a dozen gay, straight, white, black and brown men and women for a serious conversation about how to build real conversation in communities where we lost. I was knocked out by these folks.

Zach Shepard, one of the guys who led the first spontaneous march here in LA two Wednesdays ago said, "In places like San Bernardino County we lost 70-30%, but that means that we have 30% of the voters there who support us. We need to find them, engage them and empower them to start talking to their neighbors." One of the other participants said, "come to church. Meet people. You will be welcomed." And she's right. As Woody Allen says, 90% of life is showing up.

We did not show up before the election; we will now. The power of today's march here in LA came was in the numbers and determination of individuals who are themselves leading a movement. The are not looking "up" for any established organization to tell them what to do. They know we can win next time, provided we organize, communicate and build.

This time, the campaign will be the peoples, a real movement. And this time we will win.

Los Angeles Marches against Prop H8

As I headed toward downtown Los Angeles this morning on a bus packed with people carrying ‘No on H8 signs’ I felt like a true movement toward equality was  solidifying. Los Angeles in not a city to embrace public transportation, but folks of all shapes and sizes left their cars at home and packed together to raise their voices at L.A.’s ‘Join The Impact’ rally and march. Once we streamed off the bus we flooded into the crowd of thousands of others chanting and carrying signs- in the name of equal rights.


I met up with a group of volunteers from the Courage Campaign to help collect signatures to repeal Prop. 8. If you haven’t signed yet, check out the pledge here The pledge was such a hit that one of my clipboards was literally carried away by a crowd of people who kept asking there neighbor to sign-on.

A moving line-up of speakers kicked-off the day.  Mayor Antonio  Villaraigosa helicoptered in leaving the worst fires the city has seen in years to speak with the crowd of 12,000. Reverend Lee from the SCLC who marched with Martin Luther King  gave an amazing speech about how far we’ve come and how far we have to travel for true equal rights. The vibe in the streets was a rare one for LA- it truly felt like a city of neighbors coming together to support one another.   To me, the most amazing stories were the ones told on signs like in the photos below- like those held by a couple who before Prop. 8 passed was scheduled to be married today and the ones two fathers were holding showing images of them and their kids with the words ‘un-marry this.’



I left today’s march feeling hopeful about marriage equality and the movement growing. We’ve got a lot of  work to do, but awareness and action are building. Hopefully the pictures and the images in this blog convey that for those who weren’t at today’s march. If you were there and you see that clipboard with the Courage Campaign petition that sailed away in the crowd- please send in the signatures to the address listed!

Join the Impact, Boston, MA

Despite threatening weather, organizers estimated that nearly 5,000 people came out to City Hall in Boston, MA to stand together as supporters of marriage equality.  Organizers, including local politicians, leaders with Mass Equality, and U.S. Congressional Representatives Rep. Nikki Tsongas and Rep. Edward Markey all spoke to the crowd.  

Massachusetts made history in 2004 when it became the first U.S. state to legalize same-sex marriage.  That thought was not lost on organizers today, many of whom traveled to California in the lead up to the vote on Proposition 8 to help with the No on 8 campaign.  State Rep. Carl Sciortino read from the Constitution of the State of California, “All people are by nature free and independent and have certain inalienable rights.”  Thus launched the demonstration.

Some quotes and highlights:

Rep. Nikki Tsongas (D-Mass.): “We are a partner with everyone across the country when it comes to bringing about marriage equality.”

State Rep. Byron Rushing: “I am here this afternoon because we are engaged in struggle.  If there is no struggle, there is no progress.  We are here to struggle.  In this democracy, marriage is a civil institution, and in a democracy, all civil institutions must be open to all who qualify.”

Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass): (Reflecting on the fact that gay marriage is now illegal in California, while it is legal here in Massachusetts) “There is one thing that distinguishes Massachusetts from California on the issue of gay marriage.  We are right, and they are wrong! … Gays should have the same rights as straights.  As God’s children, they should have the same rights straights have.  Everyone is entitled to full rights under the U.S. Constitution, so now we engage in this great struggle.  … They asked the ancient Greek philosopher when we would know full and true justice.  And he answered: We would know true justice when all of those who have not been harmed are as angry as those who have!”  

Gary Daffin (LGBT political activist and Executive Director, Multicultural AIDS Coalition): “Here in Massachusetts, we wanted our brothers and sisters in California to wake up after the Election and relax and feel at home in their country.  It took Black people 400 years for us to feel at home in our own country.  It might not take the LGBT community 400 years, but we need to keep fighting.”

Heather Baker (special ed teacher and Boston LGBT rights activst): “We are the American family, we live next door to you, we teach your children, we take care of your elderly. We need equal rights across the country.”

Even though the weather wasn’t picture perfect, the scene outside of Boston City Hall was.  And yeah, that may sound cheesy, but the energy level at today’s “Join the Impact” rally in Boston gave me faith that we can build this national movement to ensure marriage equality, and work to foster LGBT rights in all 50 states.

To view a set of photos from the Boston “Join the Impact” rally, go to:…

To view a few You Tube clips from today’s event, go to:  

Join the Impact Oakland

(Oakland checking in! – promoted by Dante Atkins (hekebolos))

(Cross-posted at Living in the O.)


This morning, after some bus mishaps (omg, I can’t wait for BRT!), my girlfriend and I arrived in front of Oakland City Hall for the Join the Impact rally for equal rights. It was a beautiful sunny day, and it was great to see thousands of advocates gathered in Frank Ogawa Plaza.

join-the-impact-367The crowd was incredibly diverse – filled with people of every age, gender, race, and sexual orientation. And there were so many families – kids everywhere! It was great to run into so many people I know and to see so many others I’d never met before. Serendipitously, one of the first people I ran into was Matthew, my precinct walking partner on election day. We formed a special bond that day, a bond that can only be formed by going door to door in a hilly precinct where most doors were up several flights of stairs. It was so great to see that the election results hadn’t gotten him down too much and that he was still working towards marriage equality.

join-the-impact-355Several LGBT leaders gave moving speeches throughout the day, but the star of the show was Coby, a boy whose parents started an LGBT family coalition. He started off saying that for many years he didn’t know that there were people who didn’t approve of his parents’ union. He didn’t realize that his family was different from others because, well, they’re his family. Coby went on to explain that when he heard kids at his school make fun of gay people, he thought it was because they didn’t understand what it meant to be gay. His mothers then made an effort to educate the students at his school, and ultimately, he thought that kids understood this issue more than many adults and should have more say in our society.


join-the-impact-436After him and his mother spoke, the rally organizer introduced Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland Council Member-elect who is the first out lesbian to be elected to the city council. She talked about how strange election night was, and her story closely mirrored my own election night emotional roller coaster ride. At 8:00pm, Rebecca found out that Obama had been elected president, and shortly after that she found out that she had won her council seat with 62% of the vote. So for the next three hours, she celebrated, joining hundreds of people spontaneously partying in the streets of downtown Oakland. But then she started to face the fact that Prop 8 was going to pass. Rebecca spent the next day crying, wondering at the irony that she was just elected to the council but was also stripped of her human rights. She ended her speech by saying that this fight for equality is not about fighting against faith. After all, her own faith tells her not to eat pork, but she’s not forcing that rule onto others. After speaking, she lifted her shofar (a ram’s horn) and blew loudly, as the crowd erupted into cheers.

join-the-impact-442Sean Sullivan, who ran for an Oakland City Council seat in June and who currently is the development director for Equality California, was up next. He started off talking about the myth that has been spread around that Prop 8 was about blacks vs whites. Sean reminded us that Fox News had started spreading this myth, but that it is not the case. All you had to do was look around the diverse crowd in Oakland this morning to see how right he was about this. Sean then delved into the history of this fight, explaining that Equality California has been working for years to secure the right for same-sex couples to marry. He  said that the fight is not over – they’re currently taking this fight to the California Supreme Court and preparing to put an initiative on the ballot in 2010. Sean implored all of us to join this fight because it won’t be an easy one – we’ll need everyone who cares working hard to help make marriage equality a reality.

It was a very inspiring day for me and helped bring some amount of closure to the mixed emotions I’ve been feeling since election night. After seeing such energy in Oakland, and reading about incredible rallies throughout the country, I feel confident that we will overturn Proposition 8 and restore equality in California and beyond.

My girlfriend and I took hundreds of photos, but here are some of my favorites:






For a bunch more incredible photos of the Oakland Join the Impact rally, check out The Inadvertent Gardener’s Flickr page.

Join the Impact – Over 1,000 in Downtown Ventura

(The impact has been joined. – promoted by Dante Atkins (hekebolos))

Yes, Ventura, there is a Progressive Left–and it came in force today for Join the Impact.  It’s a common joke here that we live in “Ventucky“, though our situation less resembles that of the deep South and more that of a clinging outpost of Red, stuck between the swaths of Blue that are Los Angeles and Santa Barbara.  We have the gag-worthy Gallegly as our representative, and even unprincipled liars like Tony Strickland somehow manage to attract over half the population here to vote for them.  True, the demographics have been changing with voter registrations to match, but that has translated neither into electoral gains nor significant grassroots activity in the Democratic and progressive community–though that is changing due to the tireless efforts of people like our new VCDP Communications Director Brian Leshon.

But today a sea of Blue washed up on the Ventura shores in front of the Old San Buenaventura Mission to let Ventura and all of California know that yes, we do exist.  And no, we’re not taking it lying down anymore.  Unfortunately, the pictures here don’t do the crowd justice; an amateur photographer is emailing me some pics that I’ll be putting up as soon as I get them.

The Join the Impact protestors began our march at noon in front of the Mission, walking through downtown, over the 101 Freeway overpass and back again, before regrouping on both sides of the street in front of the mission, with overflow into Mission Park.

On the overpass…

I’ve been involved in many protests over the years, but I have to say without question that this was the most amazing, uplifting demonstration I’ve ever been a part of, for a few very important reasons:

  • Focus.  The bane of the progressive protest march over the last few decades has been the lack of attention to message unity.  Markos Moulitsas discusses this problem at length in his book Crashing the Gate: activists such as those with A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition end up using the occasion to fight for causes ranging from freeing Mumia to impeaching Bush to end the wars in Iraq to acceptance of LGBT rights.  Here, there was but one message and one focus, reinforced by the ubiquitous chant: “What do we want?  Equal Rights!  When do we want it?  Now!”
  • Diversity and Family-Friendliness.  All too often the word “diversity” has been seen especially by those on the Right as a politically correct code word for the disproportionately vocal influence of one or more specific minorities.  But for the actual crowd that attended, it might have been easy to dismiss this protest simply as the gay community venting its frustrations.  On the contrary: the couples that had gathered skewed more hetero than same-sex, and many had brought their families and small children along with them.  The visual impact of this phenomenon on the conservative and fence-sitting mind cannot be exaggerated.   Add to this the multi-racial, truly rainbow aspect of the event, and it was not only a joy to behold, but a consternation to those who would insult this movement as merely a special interest, rather than a truly broad-based fight for equal Civil Rights.
  • The Support of the Community.  There were no counter-protesters anywhere in sight, and most of the cars that passed us were honking, even as their passengers rolled down their windows to flash a quick thumbs up or peace sign.  Sure, there were a few nuts in pickup trucks screaming some gibberish about eternal damnation and displaying a hateful middle finger here and there (one of them was so consumed with rage that he very nearly rear-ended the car in front of him), but they were themselves a distinct minority.  Downtown Ventura was truly supportive of our cause, and it felt truly righteous being a part of the next step for civil rights in America.  As one baby boomer activist said,

    “Man, this really is just like the 60s.   I haven’t seen a gathering with this kind of positive energy in a long, long time.  It’s amazing to see.”

I couldn’t agree more.  My girlfriend KK and I spent the final 45 minutes gathering signatures for the Courage Campaign’s Proposition 8 repeal.  On that form was a checkbox asking if the signatory would like to volunteer for the cause.  Nearly every single box was checked, and nearly every single zip code a Ventura resident.  These people were not here just to vent for a day: they were here to be a part of something bigger for the long term.

It was a beautiful sight to behold, and gives me hope for the long term not only for the future of civil rights in America, but for the future of progressive politics here in “Ventucky” as well.

Los Angles Join The Impact

It was definitely fire-and-brimstone time in Los Angeles today as approximately 15,000 “No On 8/Join The Impact” protestors gathered near the steps of LA City Hall. Major fires both north and south of us ringed the city in smoke even as the skies above remained a brilliant blue. But neither the fires nor the freakishly warm temperatures (in the 90’s) did much to affect attendance.

A few observations:

The City establishment was surprisingly well represented considering the fires. Councilman Bill Rosendahl, LA’s first and only openly gay council member, was the first to speak, followed by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a number of dignitaries in the Gay and Lesbian community, and City Attorney Rocky Delligadio (who talked about the upcoming legal challenges)

Protesters held all manner of home-made signs (my husband, who worked with me on the general election, remarked how refreshing it was to see so much diversity compared to the graphic uniformity of the Obama campaign).

My favorite, held by a very good looking man in his early twenties, read “Are you sure you want me marrying your daughter?”

In general, I’d say the crowd, though largely young, couldn’t be typified as a West Hollywood protest crowd. We saw a lot of couples and families with young children. We also saw a lot of older couples – men and women in their 50’s, 60’s and even 70’s.

There were quite a few heterosexual couples supporting the protesters. Counter protests were non-existent, except for one lone Jesus freak holding up the obligatory “Repent Or Die” sign.

Whatever heavy lifting absent from the pre-election campaign was in evidence here. I got the clear sense from the crowd and speakers that this was a movement in process – neither beginning nor ending, and everyone was in it for the long haul.  

Join the Impact: San Francisco

I knew this protest was going to be big when I got to the MUNI station at Castro and it was overflowing with people. Being agoraphobic, I chose to walk to City Hall instead. Block by block, the crowd that I was walking with became bigger and bigger. As we approached Church Street, we were a full-on march. Cars driving along Market Street were honking and shouting words of support.

I arrived at City Hall to find the entire mall filled with people.  SF Police estimate the crowd at around 7,500.  I think they're underestimating. 

Supervisor (and Assemblymember-elect) Tom Ammiano captivated the crowd with his wonderful, unique, and powerfully hilarious style.  Assemblymember (and Senator-elect) Mark Leno never ceases to amaze me with the eloquence of his words.  (“We don’t live in a theocracy.  The genius of our constitution is that it allows freedom of all religions, but no holy book determines the law for others.”)  Senator Carole Migden delivered a fiery speech in which she proposed that Northern California form its own state (and elect her Governor). Unfortunately it took me awhile to make it to the stage, so I didn't get any pictures of the speeches.

The entire mall was a sea of signs, some homemade, others more professional.My favorite: “We Can't All Marry Liza Minelli”


One thing that was joyously missing were the crazy Fred Phelps protesters with their ridiculous signs.  Good riddance.

I found my friends Roger and Carl and they brought me over to their friends, including Armistead Maupin and his husband Christopher Turner.  Armistead and Christopher were married by Mark Leno two weeks after Brian and I.  It was touching to talk to both of them about our marriages while Mark delivered his rousing speech to the crowd.  

San Francisco Assessor-Recorder Phil Ting was there with his wife Susan and daughter Isabella (Susan and Isabella pictured below with the lovely Anna Damiani).  Phil had just flown in from China and he put off sleeping so he could stand up for our rights.  As our Recorder, Phil's signature appears on the marriage licenses (including my own) that have been issued to thousands of loving couples over the last six months.  He and Susan (and Isabella too!) are fighting hard to protect these sacred unions.  

Shortly after noon, the crowd began to march down Market Street toward the Castro.  A baricade was set up a Church Street, so many of the protesters turned around and marched back down Market Street toward Union Square.  According to the Chronicle, a small group of protesters were arrested when the blocked the freeway onramp at Octavia. 

A couple more pictures on the flip.  The entire set of pictures is here.

Anyone else with pics or stories of the SF Protest, please comment!