February 3 Open Thread


*  A judge ruled today that the State could eliminate two paid holidays for state workers.

*  Andy Pugno is running for AD-05, yes, Andy Pugno of Prop 8. He is leading the money race for all non-incumbents. He raised nearly $400,000, and kicked in another $100K personal loan. The Democratic candidate is Richard Pan.

*  In the OC, Democratic Assembly candidate Phu Ngyuyen looks like he could be competitive in AD-68, where Van Tran is termed out. (And running a half-hearted campaign against Loretta Sanchez.)

*  Lots of reaction in the Whitman vs. Poizner deathmatch. Yumm, popcorn!

* Is Gavin Newsom thinking of running for Lt. Governor? Matier and Ross have a poll today showing Gavin up big over Janice Hahn and Dean Florez.

One thought on “February 3 Open Thread”

  1. Craig Deluze is also in the running (more or less) on the GOP side, and may appeal to non-single issue voters, conservative minority constituencies, Tea Party folks, or GOP Capitol staffers residing in the ‘burbs, etc.

    For that matter, Larry Miles and Matt Gray are also running on the Democratic side.  (Gray was until recently DTS.) Larry Miles is very highly regarded locally and definitely deserves to be mentioned.

    This is a highly targeted race by local activists and both state parties, and has suffered from being construed as all about Pugno.

    And the first link doesn’t work.

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