Gov. Brown Talks Drought and Bay Bridge

Governor looks to maintain cautious approach

by Brian Leubitz

Carla Marinucci of the San Francisco Chronicle has a way with a video camera like few else. She readily acknowledges the less than high tech camera work, even going so far as to name her video series “Shaky Hand Productions.” But she has a way of being in the right place at the right time to ask some very pertinent questions.

Yesterday she posted another such video, this time a dimly lit interview of Gov. Brown. He covered the drought and the frustrating Bay Bridge situation. On mandatory water restrictions he hewed his refrain of letting local governments ride lead:

I like to focus attention and responsibility on local government, local school districts, whenever possible. So I certainly encourage every local community to do exactly what they need … and when it becomes necessary for the state to take over and actually order (rationing) … I’ll certainly do that. “

Cruise on over to her blog post to get the full transcript. Looks like he’ll officially kick his campaign off soon.