All posts by AmiBera

Karl Rove and Dan Lungren

Today the Sacramento Bee reported on Dan Lungren’s latest conflict of interest. While Karl Rove’s shadowy front group tries to bail out Lungren in a tough election, the Congressman advocates for unlimited corporate campaign spending. Even worse, if Lungren does win reelection and becomes Chairman of the House Administration Committee, he would have jurisdiction over campaign finance regulation — Lungren would be responsible for regulating the same shadowy corporations that are funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to save him.  

This news comes just one week after Karl Rove and Big Oil billionaires invaded our living rooms, laundering over $690,000 through Rove’s shadowy slush fund, American Crossroads, hoping to hijack our election through false and misleading advertisements.

It’s not surprising that Big Oil is protecting Lungren – he’s taken $84,950 from oil and gas companies, then does their bidding in Congress – voting to give Big Oil $2.6 billion in tax breaks.

It’s also not surprising that Karl Rove is working for Dan Lungren, since Lungren’s opposition to transparency paved the way for American Crossroads.  Lungren voted against the DISCLOSE Act to require transparency in corporate campaign spending, and applauded the Citizens United Supreme Court decision on the floor of the House. These actions set the stage for American Crossroads to launder billions from the mega corporations who are corrupting our government. Even more egregious, Lungren accepted $15,000 from Citizens United, and is even starring in an incendiary Citizens United film alongside Ann Coulter.

It’s not surprising that Karl Rove and Big Oil want to keep Dan Lungren in Congress. But we have a surprise for them, because Rove and Lungren have forgotten the most important part of our democracy: you – and thousands of voters just like you. We don’t support shadowy corporations polluting our democracy, and we won’t stand by while Karl Rove tries to hijack our election.

You are the strongest weapon we have against American Crossroads, and we need you now. Please, support us in any way you can, and together, we will fight back against Karl Rove and his corporate billionaires, and we will bring the kind of change our country needs.

Big Oil, Big Money

In this election, we have a choice.  

There’s a clear difference between how Dan Lungren and I view our responsibilities as leaders, Americans, and members of our community.

And this contrast is clearly illustrated in how we view the tragedy that is unfolding around the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.  

As a father, I have no greater responsibility than making sure I leave our world better for the next generation.  As a doctor, it’s my job to listen to my patients, understand their challenges, and work with them to make the necessary decisions.  As a person of faith, I know it is our responsibility to protect and preserve the planet with the utmost of care.  

If I’m elected to Congress, I know it is my obligation to represent your interests, and the interests of your children and grandchildren above the interests of corporate America.  It’s time we remove the corruption and greed that is grinding our government to a halt.

Together we can begin to chart a new path for America and a clearer future for our children.  

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

On this day, 234-years ago, the leaders of what would become the United States declared independence from England, guaranteeing our freedoms of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As we join our families to celebrate this weekend, it’s important to reflect on the sacrifices made by so many for the freedoms we enjoy today.

How we conduct ourselves over the course of this campaign is one way to exercise those freedoms. The choices Dan and I have made in the course of our careers should be part of an open and honest dialogue with voters. That’s why I have called for a series of debates so the people can hear directly from us, instead of hiding behind handlers.

But questioning our patriotism has no place in this campaign. I love our country. I know Dan loves it too. But we have very different views on how to get our economy moving and people back to work.

I was born and raised in California, my parents’ experience taught me that if you work hard and play by the rules you can get ahead.

Those are the values that guide me. After listening to hundreds of people at campaign events and house parties, it’s clear we have to fight for more opportunity on Main Street, not Wall Street.

I’m running for Congress because I want everyone in this Great Nation to have the opportunity to enjoy the freedoms our Founding Fathers and generations of soldiers have fought and even paid the ultimate price for.

If we want to want to create more jobs here, we have to change the way things are done in Washington.

I look forward to meeting you at a house party or canvassing event soon. For more information, visit

Happy Fourth of July!

Ami Bera

The Gulf Between Us and Dan Lungren

Dan Lungren is out of touch.

That’s the only way to explain why Dan stood silent in Congress while his colleague, Texas Rep. Joe Barton, offered an apology to BP and as the Republican Congressional policy group he’s a member of called the compensation fund for victims of the oil disaster a “shakedown.”

Dan had a choice: Stand up for his constituents, American taxpayers and those in the Gulf affected by this disaster, or do nothing. After taking more than $75,000 from the oil and gas industry, and as a leading supporter of off shore oil drilling, Dan’s silence speaks volumes about who he’s working for. 

The sad truth is this: it’s big corporations, not us.

As a doctor, I understand how actions can affect lives. What you say and do in a crisis matters. There isn’t the luxury of remaining silent, or standing on the sidelines. There is a need for clear and decisive action. If I was in Congress, I would act to protect taxpayers and the environment; Dan chose to stay silent and avoid upsetting his campaign contributors.

That’s the difference between Dan and me.

My campaign for Congress is about reaching out to our local communities to have a real, honest discussion about how to create jobs, improve our schools and make health insurance more affordable.

To be blunt, Dan’s campaign is about taking care of his big corporate contributors. Instead of accepting invitations to debate the issues, he continues to hide behind handlers. Instead of saying where he stands and rising up to the challenges we face, Dan canceled joint appearances at the last minute – not once, but twice.


This is a far cry from the Dan Lungren who once said: “Let’s have an old-fashioned Lincoln-Douglas style debate… Why can’t we be without handlers? Why can’t we just say who we are, what we are and what we stand for?” (Dan Lungren, Los Angeles Times, May 14, 1998…

I agree with Dan on this point. That’s why I have challenged him to a series of five debates, one in each county of the Third Congressional District.

The people deserve an open and honest debate on the issues that illustrate the choice they will have this November.  

Will Dan have the character to answer his own question? Or will he just keep hiding behind his handlers and their negative attacks?

Either way, I invite you to learn more about my campaign at Tell me what you think and I hope you can join us for a house party where we can discuss the issues.