All posts by Beth Caskie

(CA 80th) Honoring César Chávez in Coachella

Manuel Pérez, quoted in the  The Desert Sun recently:

Solis’ legislation gives the Interior Department three years to study sites “significant to the life of César E. Chávez and the farm labor movement in the western United States.” Officials will examine ways to preserve the sites and interpret them to the public.

…… “This goes beyond just honoring him because it helps in so many ways,” Perez said. “He was always very family-oriented and an advocate for leadership development, youth development. The fact that we can dedicate these spaces in our communities for families and youth is such a positive thing.”  Perez, who recalls working on the farms as a child, said his parents were migrant farmworkers who settled in Coachella.  Now Perez is a school board member for the Coachella Valley Unified School District and a candidate for state assembly,  which he said reminds him to “appreciate the sacrifices of people like Chávez who did it in order to build up our communities.”

Crossposted at Daily Kos

Also quoted, our own Joe Mota:

“It’s a beginning and a good start to honoring a man that did so much for the plight of farmworkers,” said Joe Mota of Cathedral City.  Mota worked for UFW as regional director for Southern California from 2001-06.

“He was a very spiritual man,” Mota added, “and giving him parks is an honorable way to remember him because not only did he care for people but he cared so much about nature.”

This bodes well for The Desert Sun, let’s hope. 

It’s a treat to find unsolicited positive press on your candidate in the morning paper, and perhaps it’s a trend away from the usual RW worlitzer fare.  Today they ran an editorial supporting the legislation to honor Chavez,  and weeks ago The Desert Sun lauded Eddie Garcia, the new mayor of Coachella, for his rapid success in attracting businesses and providing civic services, just as he said he would. 

César Chávez so shaped many lives in this district.  It’s no coincidence that Manuel Pérez devoted his career to his community, that Joe Mota and Eddie Garcia did the same, and that they’re supporting Pérez’s run for State Assembly.  The UFW isn’t just a political ally or a social issue for Pérez, it’s family. 

Last night Democrats of the Desert presented Kian Kaeni of People for the American Way at the Peppertree Bookstore in LA Quinta. DoD members, DWD and other club members, and Manuel and Gladys and Amalia were there.  We talked about winning in the CA 80th, which was a priority for Kian, though the regional PFAW offices are now closing.  (New election cycle, new PFAW org structure.  Kian was philosophical about it.)  Kian believes that given the intransigence of the CA 45th voting patterns so far, we need to first win the 80th to win the 45th.

We talked about the gap between registration and actual voting, especially in Imperial County where Dems should dominate on election day, but so far we don’t.  This brought up questions about the southeastern end of the 80th, and Manuel Pérez had the answers.  Manuel brought our group of  western Coachella Valley Democrats up to date on the Democratic organizations in Mecca, Brawley, Calexico, also the newly formed Eastern Coachella Valley Democratic club.  Few knew how much good news there is for Democrats lately in the local Latino community. 

This candidate knows the whole district.  He lives the labor movement, the school reform issue, the healthcare crisis, and he’s completely committed to his community.  This is what the people-powered politics looks like in the 80th.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket  Let’s put some energy into my Californians for Manuel Pérez Act Blue page, my fellow dfh brethren.  Manuel Pérez is exactly what we’re talking about.  For Pérez, the UFW is part of his life.  He doesn’t need to build alliances with labor, he can just call his parents to the podium.  They met working these fields.  It’s good that Representative Solis introduced HR 359 which will honor Chávez appropriately, and it’s good that so many of the generation to follow Chávez honors his work with their own.

Speaking of the Perez family, if you’re in the Coachella Valley, don’t miss the party:

Birthday Bash Fundraiser
Bring $35 for Manuel’s 35th

July 28, 2007
38-300 Rancho Los Coyotes, Indio
Rsvp: 760-772-3466
Come celebrate and enjoy food, drinks, & music.

Calitics Event Calendar listing (with map)

Netroots 101 for Democrats in the Desert (CA-45)

Updated: Original title: Netroots 101 for Democratic Women of the Desert 

By request of Sandra Stone, president of Democratic Women of the Desert, and George Zander, president of Desert Stonewall Democrats, I took my fellow Democrats down the rabbit hole with me.  Many of our best Democratic activists here in the desert are still unfamiliar with a lot about the blogosphere, and I hope to bridge the gap a bit.  Word got around after Howie Klein’s visit with Democrats of the Desert last May.  These are politically savvy, experienced Democrats who show up, fundraise, canvass, and phonebank.  Time to join forces more effectively.  I want them in here. 

I’ve pulled some notes together and collected pertinent links.  The goal is more Democrats from the CA-45th active in the blogosphere.  Follow below the flip for the working outline of Netroots 101, a friendly introduction to the blogosphere:

Crossposted to Calitics

Netroots 101 – An introduction to the liberal blogosphere

Short version:  Read TalkingPointsMemo, DailyKos and Calitics (links below), and be an online advocate for your community.  It’s really, really fun in here, and worthwhile for any citizen.

“Some of you in the DNC may see us as barbarians at the gate. Some of us see ourselves as the cavalry.  The truth is, we are fresh horses.” Miles Kurland, a grassroots DFA activist speaking directly to a large group of DNC members at the DNC Western Regional Caucus, 1/22/05

What is the Netroots Community? 
What are blogs?  Not necessarily journalism, nor literature, nor punditry.  Just free speech on the internet, homespun, in the best American DIY (Do It Yourself) tradition, with all of its potential consequences.  And pootie pics and ponies

Excellent example of campaign blogging:  Kid Oakland on why Howie Klein is a netroots hero

Daily Kos & Calitics
Click the sitemeter.  Review the blog reader survey.

Structure:  Login, Frontpage, Diaries, Comments. 
  Importance of rules, especially copyright issues, and wisdom of lurking at first. 
Daily Kos has an extensive FAQ

Types of Diaries/Posts: Recommended, rated, rescued, campaign round ups.
  Getting crossposted, evidence that someone else found merit in your posting.  Google always knows.  If Calitics front posts your diary, you will be read by the California political media. 
  Example of a comment on Daily Kos  – in this case, I’m adding Mary Bono’s latest gaffe to a posting about astronomic GOP stupidity.  Comments in front page postings are more likely to be read than your extensive diary on your candidate.  Participate in the conversation, and add your candidate’s POV where it’s pertinent to the conversation.  Include a link to the campaign webpage.

Database/Info Mgmt elements of blogs:  Links, tags, ratings, trusted user status, hidden comments.  Posting is relatively simple on most blogs, with handy buttons to add boldface, italics, links & pics

Community Features:
The Scotty Show, Sunday Talk, BlueAmerica interviews, Cheers & JeersDigby Revealed at the Take Back America Conference, June 07.  This was the first time her millions of readers got a chance to see or hear the person behind the brilliant words.

Jargon:   snark, trolls, concern trolls, flame wars, meta, DFHs, WATBs, WTF?
  wingnuts/moonbats, Sockpuppets (Lee Siegal example)  Bwahahahaha. 
For your reference, the Lexicon of Liberal Invective

Netroots ethos:  Transparency is mandatory, though real names are not.  Why.

Commenting Policy for Crooks and Liars 

The Debased Mainstream Media – now part of the Beltway elite, often worse than useless
Media Matters, working the refs, corporate takeover, stenography
The Deborah Howell re Abramoff Affair, Judy Miller, Broder, Klein, Hiatt, Tweety, Timmeh.  Cocktail weenies.  HuffPost’s Russert watch.  We want professional journalism, and we react to bad work.  Remedies applied:
*Firedoglake and the Libby Trial  Legal expertise, and giving a damn about outing a spy made the difference. 
*TPM and the US Attorneys issue – Having some regard for the role of the Justice Dept. made the difference.  Document dump teamwork.
NB:  You will be held to the same standards when you post a diary or comment.  Expect feedback on style and substance.  Do Not expect it to be uniformly flattering. 

Flip side:  The netroots give proper support and attention to writers like Paul Krugman, Frank Rich, Sy Hersh, Dana Priest, Dan Froomkin, Murray Waas,  Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, etc.  We have their backs. 

Issues with DemocratsThe DLC’s sticky fingers and why centrists are perceived as tools, not pragmatists, in the current political environment-  Buying into RW frames and media fatuousness.  Lieberman, the Fox News Democrat, Short Ride Joe.  The whole Rahm v. Dean tension.  Shrum/Consultants, feh.

Venting:  YouTube of Jim Mora, linked in blogs everywhere after the last Iraq funding vote to voice the disgust:

Beloved Democrats – Howard Dean, Russ Feingold, John Conyers, Al Gore, Barbara Boxer (except for CT primary, which just proves that no one rides for free, not even Boxer.  Ruthless scrutiny of Democrats, by Democrats.

Netroots Campaigning –  Earning More and Better Democrats
Resources:  Progressive Punch, Sunlight Foundation, WaPo Database.  Campaign bloggers tell the story of the campaign and coordinate with other Democratic activists online on behalf of their districts.  Act Blue.  Viral media.  Bird-dogging for macaca moments.  Pushing back.  Thanks to online activism, many races that no one thought were competitive added to our majority:  Webb, Tester, McNerney, Hall.  Don’t mention it, it was our pleasure.

Will the netroots get behind my guy?  Depends.  Some parameters:

Blue America (Crooks and Liars, Down With Tyranny and Firedoglake)

Howie Klein: “Blue America doesn’t ask much of our prospective endorsees. On GLBT issues, for example, we don’t ask them to promise to support a gay marriage bill; we just ask them if they will fight for gay equality, even if they have to exhibit some leadership in a tough environment.  If they can’t do that, we may still root for them to beat a much worse Republican, but we don’t raise money for them.  We expect the candidates we endorse and raise money for to support a woman’s right to choice, to support serious campaign finance reform, to favor serious proposals to end the occupation of Iraq, to support gay equality– and, like I said, to be willing to exercise leadership on difficult issues.  I mean, sure, we want candidates who are for the minimum wage and who oppose the dismantling of Social Security, but those should be the easy issues for Democrats”.

Blue Majority (Daily Kos, MyDD, and Swing State Project):

The litmus test
by kos

Wed Aug 03, 2005 at 06:33:01 AM PDT
My candidate litmus test, with edits, from James Powell’s excellent comment on Gilliard’s blog:

*Does candidate ‘distance himself’ from the party and/or its leaders, or is he proud to be a Democrat?
*Does he talk like a bureaucrat or like a regular person?
*Does she make it clear that she opposes Bush and the Republicans?
*Does she back down when the corporate press/media or Republican pundits attack him, or does she stand by her words?
*Does he sleepwalk through the campaign, or does he act like he wants to win?

Notice the complete lack of ideology. And if that bothers you, just remember who would control the committees if Democrats took charge. 


Wikipedia. Google basics.  Note:  YouTube (owned by Google) and its growing influence (Google is competing with MySpace, which Rupert Murdoch just bought.)  Pathetic RW spin offs:  QubeTV and Conservapedia.  Check the blogrolls of writers you like.  Follow the links, or you’ll miss the whole point half the time. TalkingPointsMemo is rapidly becoming a daily requirement. 


The blogosphere serves to amplify the best of journalism and commentary, and to fill in the gaps.  It’s a networking godsend to activists.  There is a RW blogosphere, but it has nowhere near our creative energy and has been repeatedly spanked with the facts.  Wingnuttia, as it is called, is just another outlet of the Norquist/Rove media machine, it features foot soldiers repeating talking points, monolithic and unified; whereas the liberal netroots challenge orthodoxy and grow from below, collaborating or not, independently. 

Sideline: Guns, Germs and Steel analogy: 
Why didn’t China conquer the Americas?  Why was it Spain? China had one emperor to ask, Europe had multiple royals.  Columbus got lucky with the third monarch.  A Chinese adventurer had no such option.  Similar dynamic here:  This is the drawback to total control, it rewards mediocre talent and punishes innovation, and it’s isolating.  Again, this is the netroots’ primary complaint of the DLC, its chief weakness and largest similarity to Rove/GOP, this top-down myopia.  This is where “the Democratic wing of the Democratic party” is still alive and kicking.  Local Democrats are demanding more say. 

What was a Dem weakness is a strength here – our cranky, insubordinate, in-house talent pool.  The grassroots are successfully re-branding the Democratic Party partly because the internet levels the playing field.  Money and access aren’t neutralized by any stretch, but they’re less omnipotent.  It’s a start. 

Highly Recommended: Crashing the Gate by Markos Moulitzas Zuniga and Jerome Armstrong, and Anatomy of Deceit by Marcy Wheeler


Lurk first, and if you have to think twice about posting that comment, don’t.  Not everything has to be expressed in print for global consumption, and there is no taking it back.  Revise & extend, yes.  Erase, no.

• Real names aren’t necessary, but absolute transparency is.  Note your conflicts and associations frankly.

• Follow the rules, cite your sources, and know your facts.  Give us a link.  We love a link.

• Don’t feed the trolls.  If an emotionally stunted creature goes after you, ignore it.  Veterans will deal with it.

No law says you ever have to post a thing.  The majority doesn’t  (I think).  I didn’t for over a year at first.  But there’s excellent reading in here, and a nourishing fellowship of liberals.  Your candidate will benefit from your browsing alone.  Some of the writers in here are breathtakingly good.  It’s a tonic.


Some Handy Hyperlinks (please note – you don’t have to read all this to keep up.  Just dKos and Calitics to start will cover quite a lot, as everyone reads everyone else and quotes their favorite bits):

These first three are unfailingly appropriate for genteel eyes and ears:

Hotline’s Blogometer…

Dan Froomkin of the WaPo  http://www.washingto…

Scott Horton’s No Comment/Harper’s Magazine…

Some profanity may occur (most likely in the comments) but it is usually merited:

Daily Kos  http://www.dailykos….

Firedoglake  http://www.firedogla…

Down With Tyranny  http://downwithtyran…

Crooks and Liars  http://www.crooksand…

Hullaballoo  http://www.digbysblo…

TalkingPointsMemo:  http://www.talkingpo…

Americablog:  http://americablog.b…

Atrios:  http://atrios.blogsp…

Calitics  http://www.calitics….

Hotline on Call  http://hotlineblog.n…

Local talent! Elle’s Blog http://www.desertdem…

Glenn Greenwald…

Blog Reader Survey  http://www.blogads.c…

Daily Kos FAQ  http://www.dkosopedi…

Calitics Rules  http://www.calitics….

Crooks and Liars Commenting Policy http://www.crooksand…

ActBlue Formatting Guide  http://www.actblue.c…

Blue Majority  http://www.actblue.c…

Blue America 

Firedoglake Archive – Plame 

New York Times regarding the Firedoglake Libby Trial Liveblogging  http://www.nytimes.c…

Jane Hamsher on Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Matt Stoller of MyDD on what’s wrong with Dem consultants 

Gilliard after the 2004 elections 

YouTube – Have You Had Enough of Mary Bono?  

YouTube Jim Mora, proxy of choice for liberal bloggers after the Iraq funding vote

Now go forth and find your own favorite links!

Updated at 12:20pm Wed. June 13 to add links and some features (Cheers & Jeers, ponies, Lexicon, copyright issues)

Updated for clarity and tidiness on July 6, again on July 14, 2007

Pérez in the CA 80th AD

Even at 100 degrees Farenheit, the Coachella Valley is gorgeous.  Here’s a pic from a house party for Manuel Pérez, Democratic candidate for the 80th AD.

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As I mentioned earlier, I support Pérez because he is the strongest, best qualified candidate of a good set of Democrats.  As dday notes, this House seat leans Dem:

AD-80 (Bonnie Garcia)

Democratic: 45.59%
Republican: 37.37%

Follow me over the flip for more photos and a breakdown of why Manuel Pérez is the best Democrat to represent the 80th, and the most likely to beat the predicted Republican candidate, Palm Springs police chief, Gary Jeandron. 

Here’s another photo of Pérez speaking to supporters in Bermuda Dunes.  Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Here’s a Map of the CA 80th AD.

Now, about the primary challengers:
The other Democrats in this race are Greg Pettis, Cathedral City councilman, and Rick Gonzales, Wells Fargo investment banker.  Both are great guys.  If Manuel Pérez didn’t match their strengths and up the ante considerably, I’d probably be stumping for one of them.  (A recent addition, Gilbert Ramirez, Jr. just jumped in, but I know little about him yet.  The little I do know tells me he’s no threat to Pérez.)   But as I noted in a previous diary, we have a good farm team of liberals growing in this district now, and I feel strongly that Pérez is the best in this race.

In Greg Pettis’s case, he represents a solid vote for gay rights and labor.  However, Pérez is a lifelong advocate for all civil rights, including protection for gay students, and you don’t get more pro labor than Pérez, whose UFW parents met working in the fields right here in the 80th district.  Also, Perez is a married Latino family man who is both prochoice and pro gay rights.  That’s a powerful combo for our advocate in Sacramento.  Greg’s been a fixture of Democratic politics in the area for some time, but he’s lost this race before.  Pérez is new to politics and offers a very compelling new option. 

Rick Gonzalez has a great background in D.C., working with Bill Clinton and Al Gore years back, but he doesn’t have Pérez’s experience and track record of working for social justice here in the 80th.  Rick has roots here, but so does Pérez, deep and broad roots.  As my initial Pérez diary indicates, Manuel Pérez served Riverside and Imperial Counties his entire career.  Other than short absences to attend Harvard and to work in Sacramento, Pérez has been bringing healthcare and education to the 80th as a nonprofit manager and CVUSD trustee.  Rick has excellent businesss experience with Wells Fargo, but so does Pérez, with local government and nonprofit healthcare.  The biggest difference: Gonzalez doesn’t have Manuel Pérez’s support from labor.

Finally, Steve Clute, the previous Democratic candidate for the CA 80th AD who garnered 49.57 % of the last vote, endorsed Pérez

At the house party, Pérez talked about the interaction between California’s schools, our prisons, and our social services, and how they don’t work cooperatively.  He knows what it is to be the at-risk-youth, the teacher, and the policy wonk.  He knows it from experience acquired here, and he can express it equally well in the salons of Rancho Mirage y las iglesias de Coachella.  This is the candidate we’ve been waiting for.

About Gary Jeandron, I hear he’s well-liked in Palm Springs where he’s been police chief for some time.  However, this Desert Sun article about veteran volunteers getting an unceremonious boot from the Citizens on Patrol program doesn’t speak well for Jeandron’s judgement.  Nor does his willingness to have intelligent design taught in Palm Springs public schools, according to this Press Enterprise article about his school board race. 

Riverside and Imperial Counties deserve a strong, compassionate, smart progressive for a change.  And the California Assembly needs all the Democrats we can get!  Please help us get there – come pay a visit to my ActBlue page for Manuel Pérez.
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Crossposted from Daily Kos

Mary Bono-Not Just Incompetent, Also a Liar.

(people seem to have issues with official records today – promoted by juls)

Rep. James Oberstar had an OpEd in our local paper, The Desert Sun, today.  Seems the Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure doesn’t appreciate Mary Bono’s attempt to hide her incompetence by smearing him.

Her statement that I “was simply unwilling” to include the project in the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) legislation that was passed by the House on April 19 is not only a mischaracterization of my personal conversations with her, but it is contradicted by the official record of the floor debate on the bill.

Translated from DC euphemese:  Mary Bono is a bald-faced liar.  She failed to follow through with her constituents’ major concern, the Salton Sea, last year.  I helped her out, and promised to fix it for her, and this is how she thanks me.

Kudos to The Desert Sun for printing it, that surprised me.  Now if they’ll just allow more sunshine on Mary Bono’s overall record, the voters might wake up in the CA-45th.

Goodbye, Bonnie Garcia-Hello, Manuel Perez

(Woo-hoo! Say hello to restored sanity in the desert! : ) – promoted by atdleft)

Manuel Pérez is a hands-on, no bs, Harvard-educated community organizer from the heart of the Coachella Valley.  You want direct, unapologetic progressives with experience in building a just and healthy society?  I’ve got one right here.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Here’s where he’s been:  Escuelas Si Pintas No, Youth in Focus, CVUSD.  Here’s what he’ll do as a legislator for California.  Manuel Pérez represents the very best of our community, and I’m honored to be volunteering for his campaign for the California State Assembly seat representing the 80th District.

Crossposted from Daily Kos

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI knew I’d like this candidate as soon as I heard that JC Sanchez was supporting him, and Amalia DeAztlan was his campaign manager.  But as Joshua Grossman of Progressive Punch reminded me, the issues come first.  So Pérez is smart, effective, a local hero, and trusted by those I trust.  But where is he on the issues?

Pro-choice?  Yes, and so much more.  This man is bringing women’s health to the forefront of social welfare.  Environmentalist?  He was formerly in the Green Party.  Education credentials – he brought the first ethnic studies curriculum to the Coachella Valley as a teacher.  Law and order views?  Pérez fights crime at its major source:  poverty.  I have over a year to address these things in an orderly and logical way, so I won’t try to tell it all with this first posting.  Here’s what Manuel Pérez has to say for himself:

Manuel Pérez
Candidate for the California State Assembly 80th District
“Crunch-time” in America

After much deliberation and critical self-examination I have decided to seek a seat in the California State Assembly representing the 80th Assembly District. I do so with a deep sense of obligation to serve the people and best interests of my District and my beloved country.

We are a prosperous country and a prosperous District, but we have become a divided people. We have become a divided people because we have lost touch with the human ideals of equality that first shaped our republic and that bind us together. We have lost our senses of caring and sharing; of equity and common interests; of a greater good; of shared values and personal dignity; of humanity. 

In short, we have placed narrow, short-term economic interests above our longer term goals of helping others excel, unifying our diverse populations, and elevating the lives of all. Too many of our current leaders seem to believe that technology and “the market place” will solve all problems, despite rapidly- growing evidence to the contrary.

The key to problem-solving is “problem definition” and we continue to try to solve new problems with old definitions and tired beliefs. We need a new breed of leadership: someone who can bring new visions to complex matters. We need a leader who recognizes that the whole purpose of our democratic enterprise is the enrichment of the human condition. We need a thoughtful person who understands that our constitution is not only a recipe for political stability and human advancement but a tool for economic stability and progress.

In the course of my campaign I will discuss several important issues in more detail. For now I will simply mention two of our highest priorities. First, we must invest much more in the talents and well-being of our people; and we must become much more insistent upon better returns from those investments. Second, our sluggish institutions must respond more quickly and more adeptly to change — the one constant in life is change. We now live in a time where change occurs more rapidly and with farther-reaching consequences; but our institutional responses are too late and too lame.

I could go on, but my main point is this: we need new approaches for solving today’s problems in fresh but practical ways. I promise to you that I refuse to indulge in any “blame games.” We are all in this together. I welcome all those of goodwill who share my concerns for the future health, safety and well being of our communities, our District and our nation to join with me in the search for better solutions — solutions which embody our ideals and our beliefs in the noble experiment that we call the United States of America.

Please help us put Manuel Pérez in the State Assembly!  Contribute via ActBlue here.

Howie Klein at Democrats of the Desert

(Oooh! Sounds like it was a lot of fun! : ) – promoted by atdleft)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHowie and Irwing came to talk to Democrats of the Desert yesterday, and it was fantastic.  Howie has an encyclopedic knowledge of our district, our neighboring districts, and the interests that the DCCC and PFAW have in challenging our GOP incumbents.  Our members are longtime veterans of local politics in most cases, and they were amazed at how much they didn’t know about the current landscape.  I’m still getting emails about how great it was, and as I hoped, more people want to get active in the blogosphere. 

Howie told how he got into blogs, gave us a bit of his own history of political activism, and took many questions on what we can do here in Riverside County: how to stop eating our young, how to overcome the blind paternalism that Mary Bono enjoys, what’s coming next for crooked Jerry Lewis, and many other great questions that I lost in my previous draft diary.  Damn.  More good stuff on the flip:

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Here’s Howie helping Renee and Eleanor find a Sinatra single that Eleanor has been trying to recover for years.

Irwing vlogged the session (so sorry, blogswarm, I forgot to post a reminder – I am covered in shame).  Highlights:

Our members were all active in David Roth’s campaign last year, and they knew of Blue America’s support, but hadn’t fully understood its impact.  As Howie noted, he only started working with David in the last month of the campaign.  Had we engaged the netroots earlier, who knows? 

Amalia DeAztlan came and thanked Howie for his great work on behalf of David Roth.  They hadn’t met in person before, so that was lovely.  Richard Roth, David’s father, came, too.  Howie emphasized how crucial it is that David run again now that he has name recognition and a good campaign behind him.  David’s working overseas right now, but we’re all still hoping for a rematch. 

Our treasurer, Art, asked when Howie was going to run (he does have that facility with electoral details and an easy humor that many candidates lack) and Howie answered, “I did, and I won.  I was the freshman class president of my high school.”  But no dice, we failed to recruit Howie, despite the universal admiration of the audience.

Mary Bono Doesn’t Get It, Part Two

(It is great to see her targeted, maybe we’ll have an excuse to visit Palm Springs (and better yet, Joshua Tree). – promoted by blogswarm)

Hat tip to dday for this treat for CA-45th Democrats from Robert Salladay at Political Muscle:

Retired generals and veterans from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars are targeting California Rep. Mary Bono (R-Palm Springs) as part of a $500,000 media campaign to peel off support for President George W. Bush and the Iraq war.

Ah,  I hadn’t noticed that Bono is the only California target – sweet.  So will this convince Mary Bono to unplug herself from the loyal Bushie borg and really support the troops?  Somehow I doubt it.  She didn’t learn much from the last ad

Crossposted to Daily Kos

Just last month, Americans United for Change popped Mary upside the head with their ad, and she immediately issued a fundraising letter, asking for help to fight the liberals’ “nasty early attacks,” and calling the ad a “clear sign that the liberals will do anything, say anything and spend anything to increase their majority next year.”  WATB alert – yes, epiphany – no.

Our local GOP-friendly paper, The Desert Sun puts it this way:

She was the target of another ad last month that Americans United for Change sponsored.  The group, which is working with, questioned Bono’s support for the war before a recent vote on Iraq War funding.

She voted against the Democrat-sponsored legislation, which would have required Bush to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq by October. Bush vetoed the legislation.

Mary Bono and Barbara Boxer had side by side OpEds in The Desert Sun on April 8th (diary here)  Here’s a sample of her principled rationale for opposing that Iraq funding bill:

The purely political approach to this issue does a disservice to our armed forces serving in harm’s way and to the American people who are tired of politics as usual.

But, it is not just the excessive pork that is contained in this bill that concerns me. It is the message we send to our troops and to our enemies abroad.

While there are many serious issues upon which Americans differ, our brave men and women who protect our national security always have received strong support from the vast majority of our citizens.

Congress has a responsibility to demonstrate the same support for our troops by passing an emergency supplemental funding bill that gives our forces the funds they critically need without the pork.

Our future national security is too important to allow this type of political gamesmanship to continue.

  Well, the latest bill stripped other issues, so what will be her excuse this time?  Norquist will provide, and the GOP fans here will buy whatever they’re hocking as usual.

That’s what makes this VoteVets ad so very interesting, though.  Because if the default-Republican voters in the 45th are ever going to give our side a hearing, it will likely start with nonpartisan emissaries like (Ret.) Major General Batiste.  I thank him for his honorable service, and for the courage to tell an unsavory truth to those who don’t want to hear it. 

Let’s hope it sinks in somewhere.  Clearly, reality still eludes Mary Bono, and will until the GOP leadership gives her the OK to change her tune.  Twas ever thus.

Howie Klein is coming to my Dem club

(Howie rocks, he has a heart almost as big as his mind. Please spread the word on this. – promoted by blogswarm)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHowie Klein, of Down With Tyranny and Blue America,  will speak to Democrats of the Desert about the netroots here in Palm Springs on May 16th.  This is such a gift to us, the latest of many.  Thank you, Howie!

Like most Dem clubs, our membership is largely senior, and many of our members don’t drive at night.  Imagine the manpower they’d represent if they spent those evenings in the blogosphere.  I’m also hoping to appeal to the younger set, who already spend excessive time online, but don’t yet get involved in politics.  They really need to see what Howie’s doing. 

So much more after the jump:

I first discovered DownWithTyranny while googling for mentions of Mary Bono, and soon found this: Nobody Knows the Trouble I’m In, complete with excellent photoshopping of Bono as a rubberstamp.  David Roth found a trusted and valued ally in Howie Klein.  Here’s the Blue America profile of David Roth.  Here’s the Team Roth staff profile on TRex’s Virtual USO Tour which got picked up by Hotline, btw.

Blue America gave David Roth the Have You Had Enough? video, a fundraising link on the BlueAmerica page, a slot in the BlueAmericaVirtual Tour, and raised over 6 grand for Roth online.  Even so, many active Democrats here still don’t realize the scope of the netroots role.  I know you’re wondering- Is Roth running again?  Well, we don’t yet know if Roth is running again, but Democrats here in red, red Riverside County need this information for 2008 no matter what.

Event details are posted at the Calitics events calendar.  If you’re in California, you’ll find it extremely helpful.  Naturally, the local media got a presser as well:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketDemocrats of the Desert will welcome Howie Klein of Blue America on Wednesday, May 16th from 5:30pm to 8pm.  Howie will address the current state of national politics and the 2008 races from his perspective as a netroots activist.

Who  After completing university Howie Klein spent 7 years wandering around the world and living in places like Afghanistan, Nepal, Holland and Morocco.  He moved back to America when Richard Nixon resigned and promptly helped start the first punk rock radio show in the country and then a DIY punk rock record label.  His adventures in the music business ended a couple of years ago when he retired as president of Reprise Records.  He began blogging almost immediately, starting Down With Tyranny.

What  Blue America works actively in congressional districts and states (in Senate races), collecting money and placing radio and TV spots, like the “Have You Had Enough?” video.  Blue America is an online collaboration of Firedoglake, Down With Tyranny, and Crooks and Liars. In the last 4 months of 2006 they raised $545,000 online for progressive Democrats and helped elect Jerry McNerney (CA), Jon Tester (MT), Joe Sestak (PA), Ben Cardin (MD), John Hall (NY), Mike Arcuri (NY), Chris Carney (PA), Bruce Braley (IA), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Patrick Murphy (PA), Paul Hodes (NH), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), and Jim Webb (VA).

When Wednesday, May 16th from 5:30pm to 8:00pm

Where The Cathedral City Senior Center
  68-727 East Palm Canyon Dr., Cathedral City (across from Starbucks)
  $10 suggested donation, easy parking, refreshments

Contact: Beth Caskie, VP Programs for Democrats of the Desert
  at [email protected] for more information.

Democrats of the Desert is the largest and oldest Democratic Club in the Coachella Valley, chartered by the State Democratic Party of California.  Its mission is to advance Democratic values and to elect Democratic candidates at all levels of government. Democrats of the Desert has active programs of speakers, publications, political action, fundraising, and outreach.  Membership is open to all registered Democrats.

Here’s a photo of the Roth team from last year:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I know I’m not the only one grateful for the chance to thank Howie in person.  If you live in driving range of Palm Springs, you should come.  There’s an outside chance we’ll experiment with some video live-blogging. 

Mary Bono still loyal to Bush on the “Iraq thing”

Oh, Lordy, help us.

Today’s Desert Sun features two OpEd on the Iraq war funding bill: one by Mary Bono and the other by Barbara Boxer, prompting this letter to the editors:

Will The Desert Sun please ask Rep. Mary Bono what objections she made to the pork in the 2006 war funding bill?  If “politics” is so dreadful an element in legislation, why wasn’t Mary Bono outspoken about the bird flu/agricultural subsidy pork back then?  As usual, Bono suffers from selective fiscal concern in her current “loyal Bushie” OpEd. 

Senator Barbara Boxer’s presence here in the GOP-dominated CA-45th is such a relief.  Before Bono’s extremely limited perspective went unchallenged.  Not so anymore.  Rest of the short letter on the flip. 

Mary Bono needs to read Barbara Boxer’s immensely sensible OpEd, which points out we spend $8 billion every month in Iraq.  That spending dwarfs the “perks” that so offend Ms. Bono.  Mary Bono, our troops need actual support, not good Bushie lip service.  Congress is finally representing the people, thanks to the recent election.  Whom does Mary Bono represent, Bush or us?

Anyone familiar with Mary Bono’s “This Iraq thing will blow over” mentality knows the answer to that one. 

2008 can’t come too soon.

Crossposted from Daily Kos http://www.dailykos….