All posts by Bill Hedrick for Congress

Rep. Ken Calvert needs to clean up his mess – sign my petition

By now, you’ve heard of that Texas Republican, Joe Barton, who apologized to British Petroleum for the inconvenience of having to answer tough questions about their oil spill.

But what you may not know is that Congressman Ken Calvert is one of Barton’s top allies – receiving $4000 just this year from Barton’s “leadership” fund.  And no wonder: Calvert and Barton are best buddies when it comes to standing up for Big Oil.  

Already in this election, Calvert has taken $16,725 from the oil and gas industry — with a lifetime total of a huge $187,374 from the industry.  That’s more than any other current member of Congress from California.

Sign the petition now: Clean up your mess, Ken.

It’s simply outrageous.  It’s plain to see where Calvert’s loyalty lies.

When I was a first grade teacher, I always told my students, “If you make a mess, you clean it up.”

Clearly, this is a lesson that Ken Calvert, Joe Barton, and their Big Oil buddies never learned.

Today I’m calling on Ken Calvert to redeem himself to the American people by donating $20,725 — all of the oil-slicked money he’s taken this election — to one of the many organizations that are helping restore the small businesses and communities of the Gulf Coast.  He’s been a champion for Big Oil in Congress, and as a result of his policies of less oversight and less accountability, we’ve got a mess.  And Ken Calvert should do his small part to help clean it up.

Click here to add your name to a petition that I will personally deliver to Ken Calvert. Stand up and help us hold Calvert and his Big Oil buddies accountable.


Bill Hedrick

p.s.  If you’d like to make your own donation to help the Gulf Coast, here’s a good list of charitable organizations to consider.


Career total –…

2010 total –…

Top California –…

The Last Straw

Yesterday, the Senate Finance Committee voted twice against including a critical public option in the health care reform bill – even though poll after poll shows an overwhelming majority of Americans want this reform!

It’s the final straw!

I’m frustrated and disappointed, just as I’m sure you are.  But I refuse to take this lying down.  Yesterday’s results mean we need to fight harder for the beliefs we share, and we need someone who shares those beliefs to go to Washington to fight for them.

I’ve been thinking back to why I initially entered this race in 2007 — my concern about the policies that were sending my son and daughters-in-law back to Iraq for a second tour of duty.  Next week I’m going to Fort Benning, Georgia, to see my son and daughter-in-law off — again.  They will be starting their third tours of duty in Iraq.

Trillions of dollars have been spent to bail out banks and to wage a misguided and costly war in the Middle East, yet when it comes to things like health care and education for average, ordinary, hard-working Americans it’s always a struggle.

And now prospects appear dim for a public option
that will help control costs and keep insurance companies honest.

There is work to be done.  I’m running for Congress to support real reforms – exactly what ordinary, hard working Americans need and are crying out for.

Help me send the message that we have had it with the empty rhetoric and political games.  Join our campaign and help me bring real reform to Washington!  

This is the final straw!



Ken Calvert named one of Congress’ most corrupt. Again.

Just a few hours ago, Ken Calvert was named one of Congress’ 15 most corrupt members – for the fourth year in a row!


Would you make a contribution to my campaign today – in Ken’s honor?…

Once again, Calvert’s ethically-challenged behavior landed him on the non-partisan Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington most corrupt list:

* Calvert’s shady land deal we read about almost weekly in the newspaper;

* The DOJ investigation into Calvert’s earmarking-for-personal-gain scandal, and

* Calvert’s association with a lobbying firm that’s under investigation.

It’s long past time to lift the cloud of corruption and replace it with honest, straightforward leadership!

While Ken Calvert has special interest lobbyists working hard to raise him money, I have you.

Can you make a contribution right now to my campaign?  We face a major fundraising deadline on September 30th.…

Four years on Congress’ Most Corrupt list is more than enough!

Thanks for all you do.



Ken Calvert’s fear mongering on health care

Last night, President Obama addressed the nation on an issue we all know is critically important: making sure every American receives quality, affordable health care.  Obama echoed the words of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy who wrote that accomplishing this goal will truly show the “character of our country.”

Ken Calvert’s response?  Falsehoods, fabrication and fear mongering.  Just read what he had to say:

“It’s the pathway to nationalized health care.” – Press-Enterprise

“The public option is an absolute deal killer.” – Orange County Register

Enough is enough!  

The public option is designed to do two things – keep costs down by increasing competition, and ensure coverage for all Americans.

Calvert’s line in the sand stands in the way of progress and it helps no one.  That’s not the kind of leadership we need.

My position couldn’t be more clear: I support fundamental health care reform – and I support it now!



Bill Hedrick is the Democratic candidate for Congress in California’s 44th CD.  In 2008, he came within 2% of defeating a 16-year incumbent after being outspent 5 to 1.  For more information please visit  

Deadline Approaching – I Need the Grassroots!

(This is our top Congressional challenge in 2010.  If you have a few bucks to spare, consider making a donation. – promoted by David Dayen)

Last year, thanks to the grassroots, we came closer to beating Ken Calvert in California’s 44th District than anyone thought possible.

With that near upset, people from across the country took note of this seat – especially the Republicans!

National Republicans have already begun raising money hand over fist from their big business, special interest contributors to keep Ken Calvert in office.  

In fact, later today, Ken Calvert is set to receive $100,000 from the National Republican Congressional Committee as part of their “Patriot Program.”  They’re doing everything they can to hold on to the seat!  

According to the NRCC, these Patriots will be provided with the resources they need to build strong campaigns to help Republicans fight their way back to the Majority.  We can’t let this happen!

To donate now go to

So while Mr. Calvert is raising hundreds of thousands of dollars from big business and special interest contributors, I’m being funded solely by people like you – the grassroots.

With the Republicans’ big money machine behind Calvert, I can’t out raise him.  But with your support, I can make sure we have the resources on hand to fight back against the ugly attacks that are coming as the right-wing tries desperately to hold on to this seat.

We face a huge fundraising deadline on June 30.

With all the interest in the race, pundits, talking heads and analysts from around the country are watching to see how we do so I really need a strong showing.  I can’t buy this seat and I won’t be in anybody’s pocket so I depend on you, the grassroots, to help me fund this campaign.

I know times are tough and the election is still 16 months out (which seems like an eternity) but if you really want to help a grassroots candidate win a seat at the table in Washington to speak out on your issues, this is the time to step up and help me.

Can I count on you?

To donate now go to

Latest on CA 44 – One of 3 Congressional Races to Watch!

Last week, the Rothenberg Political Report http://rothenbergpoliticalrepo… came out and listed our race as having moved from last year’s “Solid Republican” ranking to now “Leaning Republican”.

With that new ranking, we’ve been told we’re one of the three top races in the country to watch.

As encouraging as that is, I am also being told that I now need to immediately raise huge sums of money if I want to remain competitive.

I didn’t get within 2% last cycle by raising millions of dollars and sending out flashy ads.  Instead, I did it the old fashioned way.  I walked the district and I actually talked to voters one-on-one.  I was able to connect with thousands of families who have watched their jobs disappear and their homes lost to foreclosure – even though they always played by the rules.  In 2008, I did what I do best:  connect with voters one-on-one and discuss issues to explain exactly how I would be different than their current representative.  At the heart of each issue (the economy, health care, the environment), we all share the same basic beliefs that we want our children to grow up in a safe, secure, thriving community and to do better than we did.

Unfortunately, I know that this race will be different and that strategy alone won’t work in 2010 because the other side is so desperate to retain the seat.

The NRCC now realizes this seat is vulnerable and have made it clear they don’t want to lose it.  They’ve already set up a donation page for Calvert and Newt Gingrich is hosting a fundraiser tonight to help raise money for him.

It’s going to be difficult for me to raise money within the district given the fact that the Riverside portion of my district (which makes up 80% of the electorate) has the fourth largest foreclosure rate in the country and one of the highest unemployment rates.

Last year many of you missed out on the opportunity to help me capture this winnable seat because we were under just about everyone’s radar.  Now I’m asking you to support my effort to take this seat once and for all in 2010.  Go to our Act Blue page and donate:…

I won’t change my core belief that winning in Republican districts (where people have actually been voting  against their own interests) is only possible when candidates are out there talking to voters discussing the issues specific to the district rather than focusing solely on raising money hoping to buy votes with a media blitz.

However, without a combination of the two strategies (walking and raising money), my campaign cannot be successful.  That is why I’ve always been a proponent of public campaign finance which would allow candidates to spend more time talking to voters rather than fundraising.  But until that occurs, I hope I can count on the grassroots within our party to help a true progressive win a seat in Congress!

It’s Official – I’m Running in 2010

(Good luck! – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

Ok, so no one is exactly shocked to hear that today I’ve made it official but I wanted to come here to this blog to post it myself since the folks at Calitics have always been good to me.

I also wanted to post a little more about myself so that you understand why I’m running and why you should care about this race.

EDIT by Brian for space. See the flip.

With unemployment in Riverside County now at 13.2 percent – and growing – along with the fourth largest foreclosure rate in the nation, the families in my district clearly need a leader who is on their side and I’m committed to being that leader in 2010.

The current representative (Ken Calvert) voted against the interests of his own district when he chose to vote along strict party lines which meant he voted against the Stimulus Bill, even though it will bring more jobs to this district than any other in California.  He also voted against HR 1106 which will save countless homes right here in this district from going into foreclosure.

I have lived in this district for almost 30 years, raised my five children here, and both my wife and I have been educators in Riverside County for over two decades so I understand what families in our region are up against and every decision I make will be with their best interests in mind.

I originally threw my hat into the ring in 2008 because of a personal issue, the Iraq war.  I have two sons who, combined with their spouses, will have served a total of 10 deployments in Iraq by the end of the year.  Mr. Calvert was a champion of the ill-advised occupation of Iraq and continued to push for its continuation long after everyone else knew what a terrible mistake it had been.  I had children over there that were being directly affected by that partisan way of thinking and I wanted to be a voting voice on the side of reason in ending the occupation and bringing our troops home.

I also understand the burdens placed on military families when loved ones are serving overseas.  With lengthy and multiple deployments, soldiers and military families often face undue financial hardships. I don’t think most Americans realize that many service members and their families are actually living at the poverty level.  This is something I find unconscionable and will work on changing.

I have an uphill battle on my hands so I hope all of you will help me this next cycle.  In 2008, flying under just about everyone’s radar, I was able to win the Riverside portion of the district (totaling 80 percent of CA 44) by 4 percent and came within 2.4 percent overall of unseating a 16 year incumbent.  With expanded resources, help from the Netroots community and a strong voter registration effort, I am sure I can close the gap in 2010 and capture the seat.

For more information, visit my website at or follow me on Twitter at

DCCC Targets Six GOPers in Latest Ad Series

(The D-Trip is really taking an interest in CA-44. – promoted by David Dayen)

I’m excited to announce that my district is one of only six nationwide being targeted by the DCCC in a series of radio ads being rolled out next week.

The ads will target Republican members of Congress who opposed the middle class tax cut in President Obama’s economic recovery act.  These ads are the DCCC’s way of taking the message of middle class tax cuts and economic recovery directly to the public in radio ads called “Tax Man” that will run in the lead up to April 15th (tax day).

My opponent Ken Calvert is one of the six Republicans being targeted for his vote against the middle class tax cut.

This is the DCCC’s fourth phase of the “Putting Families First” campaign and we’ve been fortunate enough to be included in the other phases as well.

Here’s a link to the DCCC site where you can hear the ad and read more about the campaign.…

Calvert Playing Politics as Usual

Representative Calvert is back in usual form – putting politics rather than families first.  He released a newsletter this week touting the fact the he’s once again defied the new administration.

Of particular interest was his slam against what he calls the “Mortgage Cram-Down Bill” (H.R. 1106), saying it would allow judges to “cram down” the principle amount on home mortgages.

Has Mr. Calvert somehow forgotten that the largest city in his district (Riverside) now has the fourth largest foreclosure rate in the country?

In today’s LA Times, there’s an article on just how bad the housing market is.  The Los Angeles area market, which includes Orange County (again – Rep. Calvert’s district), is down 39% from 2006.

Does he honestly believe his constituents don’t want any help from the government?

He also proudly voted against he Stimulus Bill doing everything in his power to stop the 10,000 new jobs from coming to his district – even though this district has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.

What Mr. Calvert seems to forget is that elections are about choices and America made a clear choice last fall when they elected President Obama to lead this country.  The new administration has introduced an aggressive plan to move the country forward but needs Congress working with – not against – the president.

Calvert has voted against each and every part of the president’s recovery plan and seems to be proud of that fact – even though he barely squeaked out a win himself in November.  During the 8 years of Bush, Calvert was a YES man voting with that administration 94.4% of the time yet in two short months under an Obama presidency, he’s somehow joined the party of NO doing everything in his power to stall the country’s recovery.

With every vote Mr. Calvert casts, he’s helping my 2010 campaign.  Unfortunately, his help is coming at the expense of the working families he supposedly serves in this district.

Mr. Calvert’s Hypocrisy Continues

It turns out that Rep. Ken Calvert is at it again.

First, he voted against the Stimulus Bill.  In his world of bizarre partisan purity, Calvert said that the Stimulus Bill spends too much. This argument would be more compelling if it were not coming from someone who voted to bailout banks and corporate CEOs to the tune of $700+ billion with no oversight just a few months ago, and who repeatedly voted to spend a budget-busting trillion dollars in Iraq.

After that last vote, he came back to the district for a series of town hall meetings where he spoke about the Stimulus Bill and the 9800 new jobs that would be created in the 44th and told the local paper, he’d do what he could to direct as much money as possible to the Inland Empire.

He followed that up by voting against the spending bill, complaining about the earmarks that had been added to it.  But in today’s Press Enterprise, it was reported that Mr. Calvert included 34 of his own earmarks totaling more than $42 million to it.  When the Press Enterprise asked about adding those earmarks to the bill Representative Calvert said, “That doesn’t obligate me to vote for the spending.”

I think a more accurate statement to the press would be “In spite of all my efforts to prevent it from happening, there will be 10,000 new jobs and $42 million coming to this Congressional District.”