All posts by Todd Beeton

Dreier, Feeling the Heat, Uses Democrats to Spin His Bush Rubber Stamp Record

(Cross-posted at

As Dave wrote on Monday, last week David Dreier twisted some arms in the 26th district to get 9 local elected and business leaders, all Democrats, to sign on to a letter endorsing him for congress. You can read a pdf of the letter HERE. The gist of why they’re voting for him this year: they’d like us to believe that David Dreier is above the partisan fray.

Riiiiight. Let’s take a look at this letter.

One of the problems facing our country is that so many elected officials back in Washington, D.C. put party loyalty ahead of problem solving.  We see it on the news and read about it every day.  Partisan attacks and party line votes persist while we miss opportunities for real solutions.

Congressman David Dreier is a different kind of leader.

Um, really? According to Congressional Quarterly (behind subscription firewall), David Dreier has voted with George W. Bush 93.6% of the time between 2001-2007. That includes 100% in 2001 and 2003. And even the San Gabriel Valley Tribune conceded that:

[Rep.] David Dreier…almost always vote[s] with fellow Republicans – more than 90 percent of the time in 2007.

Dreier is nothing BUT a partisan party line Republican. But the letter gets worse…

It goes on to claim that Dreier’s real priority is solving the 26th district’s problems.

If only.

What matters to David is that there are problems to solve and he is in a position to help.  He knows that partisanship only stands in the way of progress – and he refuses to get caught up in it. […]

David is exactly the kind of leader we need in Washington right now.  He has the know-how to get things done.  We are proud to support David in his campaign for Congress.  His service and commitment to our communities will continue to benefit all of us in the district.

OK, let’s take just one important issue to Americans: high gas prices. Most people would characterize that as a problem. So how has David Dreier voted to "solve" that problem and "get things done?"  This year alone he’s stood with George W Bush and the oil companies to oppose 6 bills designed to save consumers money at the pump and help wean us off our dependence on fossil fuels, including:

Dreier voted NO on the Consumer Energy Supply Act, H.R. 6578, which would have temporarily released almost 10 percent of the oil from the government’s petroleum reserve.

Dreier voted NO on the Drill Responsibly in Leased Lands Act and on the Responsible Federal Oil and Gas Lease Act, which would have encouraged oil companies to drill where they already have unused leases.

Dreier voted NO on The Federal Price Gouging Prevention Act which would have imposed strict penalties on companies that artificially inflate the price of gas.

Each one of these bills won a large majority of support but failed to overcome the 2/3 threshold to override a Bush veto. Thanks to David Dreier and his Bush rubber stamp obstructionist buddies, these bills all failed. This is the sort of problem solving David Dreier brings to Washington.

So, when anyone endorses David Dreier, it is this blind partisan record they are endorsing and it is George W. Bush they are endorsing. I think the constituents and peers of these 9 so-called Democrats would appreciate hearing the truth about the Bush rubber stamp record that their leaders have pledged to support in November. Spread the word about Dreier’s record to district newspapers at the Bush Rubber Stamp Letter To The Editor page.

And by the looks of things, the ‘Dreier 9’ need to be informed about Dreier’s Bush rubber stamp record themselves. So give them a call them at their office numbers below to let them know Dreier is nothing but a Bush rubber stamp (numbers of elected office holders provided.)

Paul Eaton, Mayor of Montclair 909-625-9400

Roberto Campos, small businessman, Glendora/Upland

Karen Davis, Mayor of Glendora 626-833-2425

Mary Ann Lutz, Monrovia Councilmember 626-932-5503

Kurt Zimmerman, Mayor of Sierra Madre 626-355-7135

Joe Garcia, Monrovia Councilmember 626-932-5503

Anthony Fellow, Director, Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, Arcadia 626-443-2297

Dorrie Bryan, HR Manager, Rancho Cucamonga

Eugene Sun, San Marino Councilmember 626-300-0705

CA-26: Exposing David Dreier As Bush’s Rubber Stamp

Today, I am excited to announce that the Courage Campaign has officially launched our campaign to expose David Dreier (who represents CA’s 26th district) for what he really is: one of George W. Bush’s most reliable rubber stamps in congress. Check out our new ad below and please rate it up, spread the word and contribute to get it on the air in the district HERE.

More on Courage’s Dreier Bush Rubber Stamp campaign over the flip…

While Dreier’s reputation in the district (which runs from Pasadena through the San Gabriel Valley all the way east to Rancho Cucamonga) is that of a “moderate” “independent” voice in congress, the reality is that David Dreier is one of George Bush’s greatest obstructionist allies, having voted for everything from the war in Iraq to Dick Cheney’s energy bill as well as against raising the minimum wage, against expanding education benefits for veterans, against extending unemployment benefits for those hardest hit by the economy and against the recent anti-gas price gouging bill. This guy’s unbelievable. But yet so many in his district still think of Dreier as a sort of above the fray moderate and as someone who truly represents them.

Sorry, Congressman, the honeymoon’s over.

In addition to our ad (which we hope will be the first of several,) we’ve launched a website over at — where else — where, among other things, you will find a partial, but still quite damning catalog of some of Dreier’s worst votes.

So, again, please watch the ad, spread it around and contribute to get it up on the air in the district HERE — anything you can do to help us expose David Dreier’s Bush rubber stamp record.

RIP Double Bubble

(cross-posted from the Courage Campaign blog)

I received my Democratic primary ballot in the mail and I was pleased to see right there at the top of page 1 these fateful words: "NONPARTISAN VOTERS ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED TO MARK AN ADDITIONAL BUBBLE TO CROSSOVER."    

Check it:


Back in February, The Courage Campaign led the charge not only to educate DTS voters in LA County about the bizarre requirement to fill out the "Democratic Party" bubble in addition to requesting a Democratic presidential primary ballot but then faught hard to get the LA County Registrar of Voters to count the votes of DTS voters in February 5th’s primary. Thanks to that effort, acting LA County Registrar Dean Logan reversed himself and ended up counting 50,000 or so Democratic presidential votes where the intent of unaffiliated voters was clear.

What’s great about the triumphant post-script that the disclaimer at the top of the LA County Democratic ballot represents is that it signals that our victory was not fleeting and it was not merely putting a bandaid on a wound. Thanks to the mobilization of progressives by the Courage Campaign and Secretary of State Debra Bowen’s leadership, thousands of Los Angeles DTS voters will no longer have to fear being disenfranchised because of a stupid rule and a poorly designed ballot, which is progress indeed.

RIP Double Bubble

(cross-posted from the Courage Campaign blog)

I received my Democratic primary ballot in the mail and I was pleased to see right there at the top of page 1 these fateful words: "NONPARTISAN VOTERS ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED TO MARK AN ADDITIONAL BUBBLE TO CROSSOVER."    

Check it:


Back in February, The Courage Campaign led the charge not only to educate DTS voters in LA County about the bizarre requirement to fill out the "Democratic Party" bubble in addition to requesting a Democratic presidential primary ballot but then faught hard to get the LA County Registrar of Voters to count the votes of DTS voters in February 5th’s primary. Thanks to that effort, acting LA County Registrar Dean Logan reversed himself and ended up counting 50,000 or so Democratic presidential votes where the intent of unaffiliated voters was clear.

What’s great about the triumphant post-script that the disclaimer at the top of the LA County Democratic ballot represents is that it signals that our victory was not fleeting and it was not merely putting a bandaid on a wound. Thanks to the mobilization of progressives by the Courage Campaign and Secretary of State Debra Bowen’s leadership, thousands of Los Angeles DTS voters will no longer have to fear being disenfranchised because of a stupid rule and a poorly designed ballot, which is progress indeed.

CRP Sending Out Dirty Trick Petition To All Members

Every now and then, thanks to my attendance at last year’s CA Republican Summer Convention, I receive mail from the beloved CRP. My favorite was a letter stating that they hadn’t received my membership donation for 2007 yet and included my FREE! membership card (one of those flimsy fake cards you get from credit card companies…) in anticipation of my forthcoming donation. I received another fundraising ask the other day but this time they were asking for more than money…this time they wanted my assistance in getting a certain initiative on the June 2008 ballot.

CRP Chairman Ron Nehring describes the Dirty Trick:

Since each state has the right to determine how their electoral votes are allocated we can change the way we select our presidential electors!

Instead of a winner-take-all approach, a referendum has been proposed that would allow California to cast its 55 electoral votes in 2008 based on the candidate who wins a majority of the popular vote in each of the state’s Congressional Districts, plus two votes would be awarded to the statewide winner.

This new process gives weight to the size and diversity of our great state.

But the letter didn’t merely promote the Dirty Trick Initiative, it was accompanied by an actual copy of the petition and urged recipients to sign, circulate and send it back.


The ask reads as follows:

First, take the time right now to sign the attached petition supporting this new referendum and return it to our office today We must have the signatures back in the next week to qualify this referendum for the June 2008 ballot.

Second, in addition to your signing the enclosed petition, have your family and friends sign it as well.

Finally, I hope you will send as generous a contribution as possible along with the petition so we can make this critical effort a reality.

They went
In 2004 5.5 million Californians voted for President Bush, and he won 22 of the 53 congressional districts in our state. But due to the way the current process is structured, these votes did not count since he did not win the overall popular vote…As a result, our concerns and issues have not always been heard by the candidates.

Some Thanks and Some Thoughts

I wanted to write a proper thank you post for all the nice words in the comments of juls’s post. Today was pretty crazy jumping on board with mydd and I discovered the post late. This is not a GBCW by the way, I’m not really going anywhere although out of necessity I’ll be posting here a lot less as you can imagine. But I’m continuing with Courage Campaign and look forward to remaining an active part of the calitics community (especially if my Dean post never leaves the Rec list! 🙂 )

A bit more self-indulgence and some meta over the flip…

I wrote to some of you that the whole mydd thing would not have happened without my experience here at calitics, which of course came out of my blogging at Courage Campaign and it’s so true. And it got me thinking about how great it has been to be here for the emergence of the California blogosphere and to experience first hand the vitality and importance of local blogging. It seemed to really grow out of an organic need for change and despite the size of the state and our various interests and issues, we coalesced as a cohesive whole and developed, seemingly effortlessly, a chemistry that is as strong offline as it is on.

What I’ve experienced here at calitics is exactly what local blogs should be doing — developing conventional wisdom, driving stories from the ground up into the national netroots and ultimately into the media and driving narratives. I’ve seen you guys do it so many times, it’s really been cool.

After originally blogging the hell out of the 04 election and finding much needed focus to my blogging here in the California netroots in early 06, as you know, I’ve definitely found myself back in election mode — I think there’s something about that election on the horizon that is motivating and the unlimited and unknowable variables make it exciting. I’m extremely lucky it happened to be what Jerome was looking for and I look forward to blogging the frak out of the 08 elections even more. And if I can give some extra exposure to my California friends along the way, all the better.

Anyway, thanks again and consider this a late night (although probably morning by the time anyone reads it) thread.

My Evening With The Chairman

(also in blue)

I had the pleasure of seeing Howard Dean speak at a fundraiser in Los Angeles Wednesday night. He addressed us, a crowd of 100 or so who’d paid $50 each both for the privelege of hearing him and to support the 50-state strategy. That was $50 well spent indeed.

My overall reaction to seeing Dr. Dean this time was to marvel at how deftly he walks the line between the establishment and the activist base. He spoke to us firmly, with optimism, cheerleading as one would expect the head of a party to do, but he wasn’t evasive…he addressed head on the hard question, namely WTF with that last vote on the war supplemental? Only Howard Dean could bring up that vote to the party faithful (including a good number of activists by the sound of it), defend Pelosi and Reid and get out of there alive. He didn’t pander, he didn’t condescend, he spoke to us like the idealist who got a job that requires pragmatism that he is. And the crowd loved him.

Dean got the room going with a solid dose of old fashioned partisan Democratic pride, speaking about the success of the 06 elections, Nancy Pelosi’s being the first woman (and first Californian) Speaker of the House, and hitting on three succinct  points that really seem to sum up the message he’d like us all to spread to other Democrats far and wide:

1. There’s no such thing as a red district anymore
2. We will win when we talk about values
3. Change takes time


The first point will come as no surprise, of course, as it is the heart of the 50-state strategy. Dean spoke eloquently about campaign events he’d headline during his 03-04 race in the middle of red America where he was amazed to see all these Democrats come out to see him. That’s when he knew — there are Democrats everywhere and they need support! And certainly 2006 showed us how important it is to compete everywhere. Dean talked about all the unexpected places Democrats won in November, traditionally conservative strongholds such as Indiana, upstate New York and Arizona. And he spoke about his cousin, Peter Corroon, Democrat and Salt Lake County mayor. If we can win in Utah…

Dean also spoke about values. This is where he really impressed me in a “wow, he gets it” sort of way. At one point during his speech, he touched his chest firmly and said “people vote from here.” The presidential race is not going to be won on the varying points of the candidates’ healthcare proposals, it’s going to be won when the candidates speak about values and appeal to a voter’s gut. Now, I remember, back in 05, going to an event where depressed Democrats gathered in a large room to watch a video of George Lakoff giving a sort of primer on framing. We then were all tasked with coming up with a list of values that defined the Democratic Party that could rival the Republicans’ “smaller government, lower taxes, strong defense” line, which believe it or not, used to actually be the envy of aspiring Democratic framers everywhere. Well, Wednesday night, Dean laid out the values that he believes the Democratic Party represents today:

  • fairness
  • fiscal discipline
  • toughness

What I like about this is that it mixes arguably the central tenet of the progressive movement (fairness, which informs our stances on everything from healthcare to labor to immigration) but then also appropriates two that have traditionally been seen as strengths of Republicans, and in so doing, reveals the extent to which Republican leadership has failed on these two points, thus making them all the more ripe for the picking. When Dean spoke to us about values, it was certainly a message for candidates outside that room, but it was also meant for us, his loyal foot soldiers and our circles’ political taste makers. Dean’s message, albeit unspoken, was that when WE speak about the Democratic Party, we need to do so in these terms.

And finally, Chairman Dean made a really interesting point about the length of time it takes for change to take root. We perhaps have been spoiled, having witnessed a dramatic electoral turnaround in 4 short (although they seem like an eternity) years, but he urged us all not to lose sight of how far we still have yet to go and when it seems like there are setbacks, to just remember, it’s a long struggle. Dean spoke of being in college in 1968 when Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated. He pondered how proud King would be today to see the diversity of the Democratic candidates for president but also noted that it took 40 years after King’s death to get here. This is a point he said it is especially important to make sure young people understand — changing our country is not an instant gratification proposition. The youth vote is crucial to our ongoing electoral success. It was the only demographic John Kerry won and if you get them early, you get them for life.

Needless to say, seeing Howard Dean on Wednesday was awesome as always, and it was really great to be able to actually afford one of these events. Getting an offline perk for giving online is a rare treat for us small-dollar donors. Thanks, Dr. for taking the time to speak directly to us and for sharing your vision, I hope I’ve done it some justice here.

Dreams Across America to Lou Dobbs: “Get on the Train!”

(cross-posted from Courage Campaign)

Yesterday, the Dreams Across America train took off from L.A.'s Union Station, one of four trains around the country carrying 100 “dreamers” to Washington, D.C. to tell the stories of their own immigration or how immigrants have touched their lives. There will be blogging from the train (Courage Campaign's own Rick Jacobs will have daily updates) to capture these stories both in written and video form, the goal being to humanize and personalize immigration the way a rally of hundreds of thousands in the street can't.

All of the immigrants on the train are legal American citizens but that didn't stop Lou Dobbs from attacking the Dreams Across America campaign yesterday. He likes to call it “The Amnesty Train” or “A Train” for short (ain't he clever!) So today, one of the dreamers, Cathy Gurney, shot back, challenging him to get on the train to hear the real stories of immigration in this country.

Cathy Gurney's statement and her story over the flip…

Her statement:

To me, talking about fixing a broken immigration system is not about policy; it’s about my life. I work hard each and everyday to live the American dream, which is really the American story:  to be my own boss, to run my own business that I can pass along to my children. My husband and I have worked very hard to build our dream.

Mr. Dobbs has one opinion on the broken immigration system in this country. I am part of a group telling a hundred stories of real people who deal with this issue everyday. Therefore, I call on Mr. Dobbs to join us on this tour, to see the real America and hear the real stories of our broken immigration system.

Gurney and her husband run a landscaping business in Chico. For her, a lack of a legal workforce could mean the end of her business, her livelihood. As she says in her video:

Am I breaking the law by trying to support my family?

She goes on:

I understand that they came to this country illegally, but I also understand that they came to this country for the same reason my grandfather, a hundred and some odd years ago, came to this country through Ellis Island from Russia because he was coming for the American dream.

Gurney makes the compelling case that lack of action on immigration reform not only stifles entrepreneurism but it threatens her livelihood. What's interesting about this story is that it hits at such so-called conservative values as the virtue of free market enterprise and the importance of the family. That's what this whole Dreams Across America project really is about, reframing what immigration reform means. There are a ton of really cool stories on the website that help do just that.

You can join the dreamers virtually on the train, letting them know you stand with them, by signing the Dreams petition HERE. And if you have an immigration story YOU want to tell, you can do that too HERE.

While the project doesn't take a side in the legislative debate, clearly a path to citizenship is central to a humane immigration policy. Stoller had an interesting piece the other day about why the issue is so difficult for progressives. As we know, conservatives are a lot clearer and a LOT more vocal on the issue, which is largely why the bill died in the Senate last week. Certainly it wasn't because the American people are opposed to reform or even a path to citizenship. A new LA Times poll shows that only 23% of Americans oppose a path to legal status for the undocumented.  Part of what Dreams Across America hopes to accomplish is to engage the progressive community on this issue by appealing to our values of fairness and the expansion of opportunity.

LA Sheriff’s Dept. “Mistakenly Deports” US Citizen

(cross-posted from Courage Campaign also in orange)

“Mistakenly deported.”

That’s the phrase the LA Times uses to describe what happened to Pedro Guzman, a 29-year old developmentally disabled construction worker from Lancaster, CA (and American citizen) who was taken from his L.A. County jail cell on May 11 and dumped in Tijuana by the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department. According to a lawsuit brought by the ACLU this week:

the Sheriff’s Department identified him as a non-citizen, obtained his signature for voluntary removal from the United States and turned him over to federal authorities for deportation.

To this day his family doesn’t know where he is or if he is even still alive.


After being arrested for misdemeanor trespassing, Guzman was sentenced to  120 days in Los Angeles County’s Men’s Central Jail, a sentence that he began serving in April. A month later, he called his family from Tijuana telling them he’d been deported and was in Mexico but the call was interrupted before he could tell them exactly where he was.

The ACLU has filed suit against the Department of Homeland Security and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in Los Angeles federal court to demand that the US government help find Guzman.

Up until now, Guzman’s mother has been searching Tijuana on her own without help from either US or Mexican authorities.

While searching for her son in Tijuana, she lived in her car at a banana warehouse owned by a man from her village of Jalcocotan, in the Pacific Coast state of Nayarit. Immigrants from Jalcocotan often use the warehouse as a way station.

Each day, Carbajal said, she would set out through the city’s chaotic streets, asking people about her son, but returning to the warehouse alone each night.

She said she left fliers bearing her son’s image at the morgue, hospitals, cantinas, churches and shelters for poor immigrants.

“I’ve gone places where I know I shouldn’t go. I’ve gone down into the rivers alone,” she said, referring to riverbeds and ravines in Tijuana where people live and sometimes where bodies are dumped. “No one tells me anything. They just say, ‘I don’t know.’ “

So how can this happen in the United States of America in this day and age?

Under a cooperative program by state and local law enforcement, sheriff’s deputies trained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel conduct immigration checks at Los Angeles County jails. The ACLU and immigrant rights groups opposed the program.

“The deputies who interviewed Mr. Guzman are poorly versed in the complexities of immigration law and were bound to make this tragic error,” the suit states. “Additionally, the deputies are pressured to process inmates through the (jail system’s) Inmate Reception Center as quickly as possible with little regard for his rights, because there are so many inmates to process.”

Shorter Sheriff’s Department: “not our fault!”

Steve Whitmore, a Sheriff’s Department spokesman…denied that deputies act as federal immigration agents. He said deputies interview foreign-born jail inmates before their release and turn the information over to the immigration agency.

“ICE makes the decision” on whether a person stays in the country,” he said. “We don’t know how that occurs.”

Shorter ICE: “we did nothing wrong.”

ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice said in a statement that the agency partners with the county jail “to ensure that criminals, who are identified as aliens, are screened for removal from the U.S.”

“ICE only processes persons for removal when all available credible evidence suggests the person is an alien. That process was followed here, and ICE has no reason to believe that it improperly removed Pedro Guzman Carbajal,” she said.

Except you f**king deported an American citizen who is lost in Mexico.

The ACLU has confirmed that at the time of booking, Guzman declared that he was born in California but his family says that, in addition to having difficulty reading and writing, he is “unusually prone to the suggestions of others, due to his diminished mental abilities.” The ACLU’s suit also charges that local and federal authorities

failed to identify Guzman’s disability and improperly obtained his signature for deportation from the United States.

Pedro Guzman is the victim of the sort of perfect storm that can develop when you merge the worst of California’s broken prison system with the worst of our broken federal immigration system.

Much credit to the ACLU for getting involved although it never shoulld have taken a lawsuit to get the federal government involved to correct a wrong that their incompetence clearly caused. Hopefully because of the ACLU’s efforts, Mr. Guzman will return safely to his family and this mistake can be avoided in the future.

Death With Dignity? (part 2) – Tell Your Assemblyman to Support AB 374

(Find your Assembly member and contact them. Email contact info here. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

Following up on Brian’s earlier post, which focused on Assemblywoman Patty Berg’s framing of AB374: The Compassionate Choices Act, I wanted to go directly to the source, a piece that Berg herself wrote for CPR.

In it she describes the disturbing triangulation the right is engaging in to try to defeat the bill. Republicans know they can’t win if Berg sets the terms of the debate, i.e. if Berg’s frame that allowing a terminal patient to end ones own life as he or she chooses IS a matter of choice wins the message war and it becomes pro-choice forces vs. anti-choice. The bill would pass. So they’ve marginalized the right-to-lifers and instead attacked Democrats where they’re vulnerable.

If you think California should be immune to the anti-choice message, you’d be right. But that’s what makes this play so unnerving. Anti-choice organizers are keeping the zealots in the closet, and cloaking themselves as protectors of the underclass. In short, they’re using liberal ideology against the liberals.

UPDATE: from da in the comments, use this great Speak Out! tool to send an e-mail to your Assemblymember in support of AB374.


While Berg doesn’t explain exactly how they’re doing it, the bill’s opponents are essentially making the case that AB374 would hurt the poor.

They’re trying to get good solid Dems to ignore the strong support of the ACLU, MALDEF, NOW, AFSCME, one of the state’s largest physician organizations, and every major Senior Citizen group in the California. Heck, the Speaker of the Assembly is one of the authors of the bill – when was the last time he did anything to hurt the poor?

The rightwing anti-AB374 campaign is joining forces with the Catholic church to target “fence-sitting” Democrats to convince them that their support for this bill would result in political catastrophe for them.

You kiddin’ me?

Never mind that statewide polling consistently shows that 70 percent of California voters support choice at the end of life. Never mind that support among Democrats is closer to 80 percent. Never mind that the Democratic Caucus’ most trusted private pollster says there is no way anyone could be hurt by this vote – the anti-choice campaign is nonetheless gaining traction.

Berg calls on us to urge all of our Assemblymembers not to fall for these tricks and to stand up for the will of the people of California and for the rights of the terminally ill to end their lives on their terms, with dignity. As Berg has said, it’s not suicide if life isn’t one of the options.

I’d really like to hear Assemblyman Levine’s take on this as both one of the bill’s authors and a calitics diarist. I know it’s a busy week but if he could give us a real time status report and further context, it would be much appreciated.