All posts by wes

How far can California’s economy grow?

In 1992, as the World Bank prepared to release a report entitled Development and the Environment, there was a battle between groups of economists over a single chart that was resolved by not using the chart at all.   The original depicted the economy as a black box with one arrow pointing at it labeled “inputs” and another arrow pointing away from it labeled “outputs”.

A dissident group of World Bank economists wanted to surround that with another box labeled “Environment.”  Had they done that, the implications are obvious.  The economhy has limits.  If you hypothesize a continuously growing economy, eventually, it will fill then entire box and there will be nothing left.  So, perpetual growth is a myth.  


This raises many questions for us now.  Since this is economics, you can view the environment like an account of our natural economy.  You can continue to make withdrawals to support the human economy (the inputs) as long as something replenishes the natural economy.  How long we can exceed that is determined by the relative sizes of the boxes.  

This month we passed the day on which we used more planetary resources than can be replenished in a year.  We are now borrowing from our children and their children.  But no one celebrated this milestone and it was definitely NOT on the Nightly Business Report.

For California politics, we need to be asking how much growth can be expended here.  We continue to run the state on borrowed funds in the human economy and borrowed resources in the natural economy. We can not continue taking more than we can return.

It is possible to throttle our economic throughput to such a level as is sustainable, but that has major implication for employment.  If we reduce throughput how might we provide jobs and keep our standard of living?  Hard answers to come up with and no one is even asking the questions.  


Back in 2010, the California League of Conservation Voters put up a GreenGov 2010 supporting Jerry Brown.  It is still up:

Given Brown’s lack of performance on the issues of water and fracking, I wonder how happy CLCV is with their candidate now.  From my vantage, the most recent problems surround the Brown Administration’s being hell bent for leather to find one way or another to put a couple of tunnels under the Sacrament Delta.  That trades saving about a dozen homes for a 5 year disruption to the Sandhill Crane reserve and nesting grounds.  It still means that 19 homes will be lost.  

Brown’s lackey, Jerry Meral, wants to paint this as an improvement?  What does CLCV think?  I know the Restore the Delta position.  

The non-partisan CLCV

I keep getting emails from Susan Rose, CEO of the California League of Conservation Voters.  Most of them ask me to take some action that I agree with.  The rest ask for money to support what they are doing.  They all claim to be non-partisan.  But, if the CLCV is non-partisan, have they ever endorsed a candidate who is NOT a Democrat?

I ask this question because I don’t think that the Democratic Party anywhere is going to pay the attention to the environment that we deserve until Democrats start losing elections for that failure. There are some who start off in the right direction: Jared Huffman, Fran Pavley, but in the end they get out of their special interest and just join the rest of the crowd.  

I have even seen Sierra Club endorsements of a Green, but not CLCV. What would it take for the CLCV to actually endorse a Green?  Maybe, is they made such an endorsements and backed it up with publicity, it would actually have an effect on Democratic Policy.  

Climate Change is NOT on the table: LCV

This morning, I received the following email from a long time ecological advocate.  Since I fully agree, I post it as received. The main point is that neither Obama nor Romney really take climate seriously… not enough to do what has to be done.

Since the election is only weeks away and neither candidate has discussed climate change (much less come up with any proposal), LCV should have blasted them both to smithereens already.

This petition is a fraud. If you go to the LCV website, you will find a large box containing  a comparison of environmental positions of Romney vs. Obama (taken from the Sierra Club) and a statement asking readers which one they support. The Romney ones are all negative; the Obama ones are all positive.

And of course what is relevant is that lots of negative policies of Obama are completely left out. Drill for oil in Alaska? Loan guarantees for nukes? Secret Trans Atlantic trade negotiations that will put corporations in charge of all foreign trade regulations? etc, etc.


A box showing how NEITHER of them has shown any interest in climate change

would have been honest. Climate is off the Democratic and Republican tables. It

will never reappear no matter who is elected.

The Democrats are no less dishonest than the Republicans. Why is the LCV taking

orders from the Democrats? I thought they were supposed to represent VOTERS.


Petition is at:…

Move to Amend in Monterey, 2/9/12

David Cobb, a fiery speaker, and former Green Party presidential candidate, is touring California giving his talk “Creating Democracy & Challenging Corporate Rule.”  This presentation is part history lesson and part heart-felt call-to-action!

Cobb is an organizer and national spokesman for, a coalition of over 160,000 people and organizations whose goal is to amend the United States Constitution to end corporate rule and legalize democracy.

This event is free and open to the general public, donations requested, no one turned away for lack of funds.

Event Details

February 9, 2012

7:00 – 9:00 PM

Carleton Hall

400 West Franklin Street

Monterey, CA 93940

Winograd re-registers

I had a note today that Marcy Winograd had re-registered into the Green Party.  I cam back to Calitics to see if anyone had commented yet…. no one had, so I guess that her change was not noticed.

As an active Green, I hope that we can help Winograd accomplish what she wants.  

Twisted priorities

In a time when Lester Brown is writing about a World on the Edge: How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse it seems that the political forces in California make for strange reading.  Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose overall environmental polices were as destructive as any CA governor, made an impassioned speech this week on the need for strong action on climate change.  It may be the only environmental issue that he got right.  

At the same time, Representative Jim Costa was voting with the Republicans to continue subsides to the petroleum industry… subsidies that cost the US Taxpayers Billions a year.  It is yet one more piece of evidence that cutting the federal budget is not really a goal, but rather a question of whose ox is going to be gored.  In this case, Republicans in Congress are making sure that their ox is protected.

We all know how we are being manipulated, first by a national that considers Charlie Sheen to be the big story of the day year, but also by the political operatives who draw a public salary to be lobbyist.  One time John Doolittle / John Ashcroft aide, Kevin Ring, made that very clear on his Daily Caller blog post this month.  

If I did not know these critical facts as the lead staffer on the bill, how little did other Hill staffers (and their bosses) know when they agreed to let this bill pass? I know this for certain: If someone had objected, I would have recommended that we accuse the objector of not being serious about saving Americans from this deadly threat.

Ring was talking about how federal legislation regarding methamphetamine and the manner in which offenses are punished.  But we surely know that the same type of mnanipulation goes on in every are. BTW – Ring awaiting sentencing for Abramoff associated dealings.  In California, we need to pay attention to how demands for additional growth and invective against the EPA will play out, especially with CA Reps Buck McKeon and Darrel Issa in positions of power right now.

Schwarzenegger was right.  This is a time when we will have to manage the climate as best we know how or pass on the consequences of our non-action to our children and grand children. The Climate, Energy, Water nexus of issues will define our future.  

As a one time thespian, I am thinking of the line from Death of a Salesman: Attention must be paid.


The California League of Conservation Voters has once again proven itself to be the mouthpiece for Demcoratic Incumbents. A more appropriate name for this organization might be the Conservation League of Democratic Party.

Nothing underscores this more than the manner in which they have lauded Sen. Feinstein with her 100% score, as pointed out by Dan Bacher.  

Feinstein has taken a long list of environmental issue, dressed a solution to look like a bipartisan compromise, and watched it fail.  This includes the compromise that she negotiated on the Headlands Redwoods Forest which benefited family friend Charles Hurwitz and allowed him to defraud the people of California of $ Millions.  Now, we have her acting on behalf of another family friend, Stewart Resnick, who is also becoming rich at the expense of the tax payers of California, positioning himself and his Water Bank to cash in.

NOTE to self: Start a campaign to change State / Fed law so that anyone, or any corporation, securing subsidized water for agriculture must return any profits made on the sale to that water to the State or Federal Government. Taxpayers take the risk. Taxpayers should get the profits.

Feinstein can not even get the story straight.  She talks of job loss in the San Joaquin Valley, but the LA Times unmasks that fiction. In her latest releases, she tries to draw a parallel between the situation in CA and that in NM earlier in this decade century.  However, John Fleck, who lived those events in NM, points out that DiFi is re-writing history.  A Feinstein press release is beginning to read like the script to a Sean Hannity segment on Fox.  

One of the implications for Sen. Boxer is whether the Sr. Senator from CA is going to get enough environmental votes upset that it will carry over to Boxers 2010 campaign or will she have to separate herself from Feinstein.   I don’t think that even top scorecard from CLCV will be enough to rescue Feinstein’s reputation.