Tag Archives: open government

A Victory For Sunlight And Accountability At The Energy Commission

They say you cannot fight city hall, but recently some folks unhappy with the California Energy Commission’s decision to give hydrogen-fueling station contracts only to bidders approved by the major automakers won a victory. It’s a reversal of what they called “sweet heart” deals.

Citizens don’t often get change from their government ofiicials. This, however, is a classic case of how sunlight can still be the best disinfectant.

Tom Elias, a long time syndicated columnist, broke the story of the boondoggle and its collapse. After enough heat and light, the Commissioner responded by saying it would nix the automakers’ veto power in the contracts.

Elias writes:

Less than two weeks after this column exposed a situation where tens of millions of state tax dollars were given to billion-dollar corporations —- but only with approval from other billion-dollar corporations —- the California Energy Commission suddenly ended that practice.

In a message sent late May 25, the commission said it “is canceling its grant solicitation for hydrogen fueling stations in order to revise solicitation protocols. The commission will issue a new solicitation at a future date.”

The grants, funded by vehicle license fees under a 2007 law authored by former Democratic Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez and signed by then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, amounted to $15 million in 2010, with an additional $12 million winning tentative approval in April. Those grants have now been canceled.

The grants are designed to encourage construction of refueling stations for hydrogen fuel cell cars that are due to hit showrooms by 2017. These will be built by eight automakers:Nissan, Toyota, Honda, GM, Chrysler, Volkswagen, Daimler and Hyundai.

The Energy Commission’s Schwarzenegger-era policy was to require that at least one automaker approve any refueling location before a grant application could even be considered.

Elias’s first column on the scandal ran statewide at a time when the goverment is trying to sell austerity and prudence to the public, which will vote on tax hikes in November.  Government officials need voters’ trust. The Commission felt the heat and changed the recipe.

Whether hydrogen vehicles are the best way to go remains to be seen, and most at Consumer Watchdog are skeptical. But at least the contracting for the developing fueling system won’t allowed to be rigged in favor of the major automakers and their allies.


Posted by Jamie Court, author of The Progressive’s Guide to Raising Hell and President of Consumer Watchdog, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing an effective voice for taxpayers and consumers in an era when special interests dominate public discourse, government and politics. Visit us on Facebook and Twitter.

An Independent City Hall?

Do you think the SFMTA President should have received a $384,000 golden parachute for walking off the job 6 months after he signed a new contract?

Is it acceptable that the San Francisco Ethics Commission is appointed by the same politicians it is supposed to be policing?

Does it help the city that unregistered lobbyists, representing downtown interests, spend hours in City Hall bending the ears of our leaders?

No way. But that’s what’s happening right now. Help us stop it.

This past weekend, we are released our plan and petition for an independent City Hall direct to the voters via email, Facebook and Twitter.

Will you join me and let the insiders know you won’t take it anymore? Read the plan. Sign the petition.

For 23 years, I have been a champion of open government and a proud independent voice — independent of the downtown interests, of the city hall insiders, and the political powerbrokers.

Join me in creating an independent City Hall and let the insiders know you won’t take it anymore. Read the plan. Sign the petition.

Recently, the San Francisco Bay Guardian wrote about the tight-knit group of shadowy powerbrokers that run City Hall.

“They desperately fear that Yee will win the mayor’s race and clean house, kicking out…all of the…cronies, greatly reducing their power in San Francisco.”

It’s time to create an independent City Hall. Here’s what I’ll do:

  • Create a Citizen Ethics Commission. No longer will city politicians appoint the very people assigned to watch them and monitor ethical violations.
  • No more golden parachutes. Insider appointees get special treatment. It’s not fair to the taxpayers and it’s bad for the city.
  • Crackdown on unregistered lobbyists. Powerful, political insiders are gaming the system to their advantage. It’s time to stop them.
  • Increased enforcement from Ethics Commission. Without sufficient enforcement, shadowy outside groups break campaign rules without fear of punishment, hurt our democracy and impact key policy decisions.
  • Improve sunshine ordinances. Our open government and sunshine laws have become toothless. We need to create a faster more accessible way to make records available to the public for review.

Will you join me and let the insiders know you won’t take it anymore? Send them a message that it’s time for an independent City Hall. Sign the petition.