Tag Archives: John Doolittle

California Blog Roundup, 4/3/06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: Old Clark, Immigration (but you have to say it with an Austrian accent), Policy Day, some Dems go without, Doolittle, a couple events, Issue 1 of The Daily Roach, money, and some nice photos.

California Blog Roundup, 3/29/06

On the flip, one will find the Californa Blog Roundup for today, if one is so inclined. Teasers: Absolute disaster with McPherson voter registration database, Reiner resigns, CA-50 polling and Busby immmigration policy, Arnold’s new consultants and their classiness, lots of immigration, a little Doolittle, Some CA-2 and CA-11, Kid Oakland, and a good lawyer.

Blog Roundup 3/28/06

Sorry for the late blog roundup. Been nonstop on other projects today since I posted the News Roundup this morning. Teasers for the flip: More Immigration, Dumptruck of Doolittle, Deep Thoughts on CA-11, Arnolds Ads, Miscellany.


  • Apparently Arnold Schwarzenegger, or at least his staff, had some things to say about immigration in an LA Times Op-Ed. Frank Russo at California Progress Report puts Schwarzenegger’s remarks in context, which is, ah, unflattering to the Governor. Bill Bradley (occasional commenter here — Hi Mr. Bradley!) is more supportive of Schwarzenegger (Bradley’s pick for Governor in the recall), and he just can’t resist an old-old-old-school jab at people who don’t care for the term “illegal immigrant”.
  • Marc Cooper has some good thoughts on immigration, including a note to the effect that the big marches around the country were driven by Spanish-language media, which went right under the radar of the English-speakers in traditional media. I think I speak for Calitics when I say that we would welcome a Spanish-language blogger to Calitics. My Spanish is good, but not good enough.
  • Politics in the Zeros says we need to take it to the streets, and wonders why Kos (as a high-profile Latino immigrant) hasn’t been more active on the immigration front. I’ve wondered why Kos doesn’t have a Spanish version of the front-paged posts.
  • janinsanfran has a great series of pictures from San Francisco.
  • The Idiotarian Savant thinks that Bradley and Kaus have the “blowback” narrative exactly backwards.

Doolittle, Doolittle, Doolittle


All of these links are from Say No To Pombo:

Everything Else

California Blog Roundup, 3/27/06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Too much stuff for teasers. Just have a look.

  • Frank Russo of California Progress Report reminds us to call our legislators to push for the minimum wage bills with inflation indexing. See also Hiram Johnson’s Corner, also at CalProgress.
  • Marc Cooper updates his post on the immigration marches over the weekend. Seriously, dump Pajamaline.
  • Apparently, I’m not the only one who got under Bill Bradley’s skin on the immigration issue. He has a post up semi-responding to Marc Cooper, but the comment thread is where all the action is. I’m sure that Bradley will be happy to know that his blowback theory is apparently also endorsed by Powerline. Bradley does have a good summary of the current gubernatorial candidates’ mostly non-responses to the marches.
  • The Citizens call for employers of undocumented immigrants to be rounded up and jailed. Demand reduction at its most direct. Americans always do seem to want to punish the lowest guy on the ladder.
  • The Talent Show has a less blunt approach, but is definitely worth a read.
  • MyDD on CA-50 polling. San Diego Politics says Busby is going after the McCain vote. Not something I would have thought of, but interesting.
  • Down With Tyranny tells us about the California Labor Federation’s endorsement of progressive candidate Louie Contreras, running against Duke Cunningham crony Jerry Lewis in CA-41. Also, they ask the question: “Is anyone in Congress more corrupt than John Doolittle?” It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
  • Dump Doolittle has a one-sided conversation with the wife of John Doolittle. Live by taking bribes for your husband, die the same way. Republican family values to warm the hardest heart.
  • Say No To Pombo has another go at the similarities to IL-06 and CA-11. They also flag the connection between the close of the salmon fishery and the dams on the Klamath. I wonder which side Pombo takes? Head of the Resources Committee, Assistant chair of the Ag Committee…
  • Gropinator is looking to help a vet get his benefits.
  • Blatherskite on housing prices in San Jose.
  • PomboWatch tells us about Pombo vs. Republicans on the question of immigration.
  • From the Capitol Observer, new official Schwarzenegger campaign ad: Arnold good for economy. Bradley notes this too, with what might be a bit of cheerleading in the comments.
  • Speak Out CA speaks out on the young culture warrior rally in SF over the weekend.
  • CA-50 The Roach Coaches


    Eric Roach claims that he is not a “professional politician” and this might be the most honest claim he has made lately. However, Roach has hired a team of slick, professional political handlers to run his campaign for convicted felon Randy “Duke” Cunningham’s seat in the 50th District.

    Yesterday, we posted about an illegal Roach campaign mailer that was going the rounds in the North County. The document, purported to have been written by Roach’s wife, bears no campaign disclaimer nor does it indicate who paid for the document and postage. Violations of campaign law that will no doubt get millionaire Roach’s campaign a stiff fine sometime in 2010 or so.

    It should be no surprise that Roach’s campaign is sending out deceptive mailers to prospective Republican voters. After all that seems to be the specialty of the team of right wing pros he has hired to run his campaign.

    For example, Roach Coach John Feliz, who is on loan from the perpetual campaign of righty John McClintock, helped our pal John Doolittle (CA-4) get elected with a mailer that gained Doolittle just enough of an edge (3%) to knock out a Republican rival, who was running as an independent. In fact, Feliz’s efforts earned him a fine from the state Fair Political Practices Commission.


    Shortly before the election, Doolittle campaign consultant John Feliz coordinated the production of a mass mailer sent on behalf of Doolittle’s Democratic opponent, Jack Hornsby. The consulting services of Feliz and a Doolittle fundraiser, Jim Grubbs, along with 60,000 mailing labels, were contributed by the Friends of John Doolittle Committee to the Friends of Jack Hornsby Committee. The mailer was sent to Democratic households as a tactic to bring Democratic candidate Hornsby into the three-way race with Doolittle and former state Senator Ray Johnson, thus pulling votes away from Johnson to Hornsby for the benefit of Doolittle.

    And, then there is Roach’s internet coach, Jeff Evans. Evans has a long history working for rightwing candidates. In fact, Evans is closely associated with the California Republican Assembly, which is flooding the North County with hit piece mailers aimed at fellow Republican Brian Bilbray. Evans’ most recent brush with unsavory campaign practices surround mailers he prepared for a Los Vegas city council candidate, Janet Moncrief. The mailers were sent out under false identities by Evans’ consulting operation.

    Copies of invoices obtained by the Review-Journal show Evans billed Moncrief twice at her
    Las Vegas address.

    The first invoice, dated April 1, states it was for printing the “McDonald Union piece,” which portrayed the councilman as anti-union. The flier was mailed to union households in Ward 1.

    The second invoice, dated May 14, indicates it was for a printing a flier titled “The Moncrief Conspiracy.”

    Evans, who said he was paid by check, doesn’t recall who contacted him about printing the fliers. He said he doesn’t recall who signed the checks. But his invoices are stamped “Paid.”

    Eric Roach talks about restoring integrity to congress, but he can’t even run a campaign with any integrity.

    Blog Roundup: March 23, 2006

    The (admittedly tardy) California Blog Roundup for March 23 is below the fold:

    Doolittle’s Home Business

    Northern California’s powerful Republican congressman, John Doolittle (CA-4), won’t find anything positive to say about an article out today in the San Diego Union Tribune. In a front page story, reporter Dean Calbreath, connects the dots between Doolittle and Cunningham co-conspirator, Brent Wilkes.

    Many of those connections go directly through Doolittle’s wife, Julie, who ran a one-person fundraising business out of the couple’s Virginia home. Her primary client, John Doolittle.

    Acting as her husband’s campaign consultant, Julie Doolittle charged his campaign and his Superior California Political Action Committee a 15 percent commission on any contribution she helped bring in.

    As a member of two key committees in the House – Appropriations and Administration – Doolittle is well-positioned to help contractors gain funding through congressional earmarks. Between 2002 and 2005, Wilkes and his associates and lobbyists gave Doolittle’s campaign and political action committee $118,000, more than they gave any other politician, including Cunningham.

    More on how to start a money-making home business follows.

    Julie Doolittle’s business, Sierra Dominion Financial Solutions, operates out of the couple’s home in an affluent Washington, D.C. suburb. Although she claims to have other clients, the only identified patrons of her services represent a who’s who of disgraced lobbyist elite.

    …Greenberg Traurig, the lobbying firm that employed Jack Abramoff, who has pleaded guilty to conspiracy, mail fraud and tax-evasion charges. The second was Abramoff’s Washington restaurant, Signatures. The third was the Korea-U.S. Exchange Council, founded by Ed Buckham, one-time chief of staff for former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. 

    The Korean group, which lobbied for improved U.S.-Korean relations, was based at the headquarters of Buckham’s Alexander Strategy Group, which dissolved in January because of negative publicity over its ties to Abramoff. Wilkes also was an Alexander Strategy client.

    Julie Doolittle’s home business earned her over $180,000 in commissions from campaign contributions to John Doolittle’s Superior California Political Action Committee.  Money that, based on community property laws, also belongs to her husband, Representative John Doolittle. The Doolittle’s jumped on this particular gravy train virtually the day John Doolittle became a member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee.

    Julie Doolittle launched Sierra Dominion Financial Solutions in March 2001, two months after her husband was named to the Appropriations Committee.

    The business, which is based at the couple’s home in Oakton, Va., has no phone listing or Web site. The firm has no known employees other than Julie Doolittle. The congressman’s office would not specify what previous fundraising experience she had.

    Within months of its opening, the firm was receiving commissions from her husband’s campaign. Within the next two years, it was planning fundraising events for Abramoff and handling bookkeeping for the Korean lobbying group in Buckham’s office suite, where DeLay’s wife, Christine, also was working.


    Brent Wilkes connection with the Doolittle’s lines up closely with Doolittle ascension to power.

    Julie Doolittle was working at Buckham’s offices in 2002 when Buckham introduced Brent Wilkes to her husband. Federal contracts for his flagship company, ADCS Inc., were drying up, partly because the Pentagon had been telling Congress it had little need for the company’s document-scanning technology. So Wilkes was trying to get funding for two new businesses.


    In October 2002, as Doolittle pushed for funding for PerfectWave, Wilkes and his associates donated $7,000 to his campaign and $10,000 to his political action committee. Julie Doolittle made $1,500 from Wilkes’ contributions.


    In November 2003, Wilkes held a fundraising dinner for Doolittle at ADCS’ headquarters in Poway that was catered by Wilkes’ wife, Regina, who ran a catering company based in the corporate cafeteria. The 15 guests on Wilkes’ invitation were all ADCS employees or partners on projects Wilkes was trying to get funded, together with their spouses.

    Over the next four months, members of the group gave a total of $50,000 to Doolittle’s political action committee.

    Guess who got a 15% commission on every penny of that $50,000? Yes, Julie Doolittle’s company, run out of the congressman’s home in Virginia. A $7,500 payday for going to a political dinner that was organized and financed by a contractor trying to influence Representative Doolittle to earmark funds for his companies. According to numerous sources, this November dinner was organized and catered by Brent Wilkes wife, Regina.

    In May 2004, vehement anti-gambling crusader, John Doolittle held a major fundraiser for his political action committee at a Las Vegas casino-resort. Brent Wilkes was there and, as always, Julie Doolittle’s home business was raking in a piece of the action for the family bank account.

    John Doolittle’s last known meeting with Wilkes came in May 2004, when Wilkes flew to Las Vegas to attend a fundraiser for the congressman’s political action committee. Wilkes used his corporate jet to bring the keynote speaker, Tom DeLay, and one of DeLay’s staffers.

    Federal election records show that Julie Doolittle took a 15 percent commission for contributions made during the event at The Venetian hotel-casino, including an estimated $1,650 from the $11,000 donated by Wilkes, ADCS and Karl Gallant, a Buckham employee who was then lobbying on Wilkes’ behalf.

    To say that Doolittle is running a perfect scam would be an understatement. It’s not the big league bribery and extortion that put Wilkes’ other partner, Randy “Duke” Cunningham in jail, but it is a scam that nets Doolittle a nice income directly from his political action committee, with no strings attached and no reporting requirements.

    Considering Doolittle’s position of power on a key congressional committee, how much effort is required to keep funds flowing?

    “After several years on the Appropriations Committee, John Doolittle has reached the point in his career where fundraising should be on autopilot,” said Massie Ritsch, communications director for the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group that monitors campaign fundraising. “He shouldn’t have to rely on his wife or anyone else to keep his coffers full.”

    Perhaps it is true that John Doolittle doesn’t have to rely on his wife to keep money flowing into his political action committee, but it is nice to have her depositing PAC money directly into the family bank account.

    March 16, 2006 CA Blog Roundup

    Californa Blog Roundup for March 16, 2006

    All on the flip…

    That’s it for today. Use the comments to let us know of other bloggy California goodness.

    Doolittle’s Rat PAC

    Representative John Doolittle (CA-4) is, by all reports, a devote Mormon. He doesn’t drink. He doesn’t smoke. And, he is vehemently anti-gambling. Except, apparently, when being pro-gambling helps out his friend Jack Abramoff’s clients.

    Why would a straight-laced guy like Doolittle hold a Republican Party fund raiser in Las Vegas? Why do people rob banks? That’s where the money is says Doolittle in the Sacramento Bee.

    According to Doolittle, Las Vegas “is a place that our target audience, namely these $5,000 donors, would like to go.”

    More from the Strip follows.

    The Bee focuses on a major Doolittle fund raising event held at the exclusive and expensive Venetian Resort Hotel Casino on the Las Vegas Strip. The 2005 event was designed to haul in big bucks for Doolittle and the Republicans.

    Behind the need for fundraisers such as Doolittle’s is the increased demand for money to fuel political campaigns. As a member of the House leadership, Doolittle is required to raise $250,000 for House Republicans each year.

    When asked about that, Doolittle said he had just been told he needed to raise an additional $100,000 for an upcoming House Republican dinner.

    So, in essence Doolittle was sent out by his party’s leadership to raise money so that the crew in Washington could have a nice meal.
    We don’t know what kind of deals had to be struck to insure that congressional Republicans were able to eat filet mignon instead of hamburger, but we do know that Doolittle’s event featured a stellar cast of co-conspirators and potential government witnesses.

    …the biggest draw of all for the Doolittle event – then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas.

    DeLay, now facing a trial in Texas for campaign finance irregularities, knew them all. Under pressure from House Republicans worried about the growing Abramoff scandal, DeLay permanently surrendered his commanding leadership job in December.

    Former DeLay staffers who started the now-infamous Alexander Strategy Group lobbying firm were there with DeLay.

    The firm, which closed its doors last month as a result of the scandals, employed DeLay’s wife. Among its clients were those connected both to Abramoff and to defense contractors whose cash payments to Cunningham brought down the Vietnam War hero.

    DeLay flew into Las Vegas on the private corporate jet of Group W, one of the companies owned by Brent Wilkes. Doolittle’s PAC paid $358.50 for DeLay’s privileged seat.

    Doolittle pays the standard commercial airfare and DeLay rides out to Vegas on Brent Wilkes’ private jet. Just business as usual for Doolittle. But, not only did Wilkes provide DeLay with a $20,000 private jet ride, Wilkes also had some sugar for his pal Doolittle.

    Wilkes also attended Doolittle’s event, giving Doolittle $10,000 in personal and PAC checks, almost certainly unaware that his businesses would be raided about two months later as federal agents built their bribery case against Cunningham.

    Also attending was Ed Buckham, DeLay’s former chief of staff and a founder of the Alexander Strategy Group. Buckham was Wilkes’ lobbyist.

    Doolittle said it may have been Buckham who first introduced him to Wilkes, setting up a relationship that the congressman says he still cannot believe was tainted by corruption.

    Karl Gallant, another Alexander Strategy Group lobbyist, was there. He also ran DeLay’s political action committee, Americans for a Republican Majority.

    Not since the days of Sinatra has Vegas seen a “rat pack” to equal this crowd. Although, now days the “pack” has been replaced by “PAC”. And speaking of PACs, Julie Doolittle was in attendance with her husband.

    By the time of the fundraiser – Doolittle’s second at the Las Vegas complex – his wife, Julie, already had been subpoenaed by the Justice Department for business records related to work she had done for an Abramoff interest, the Capital Athletic Foundation.

    John Doolittle continues to insist that he has done nothing wrong. Yet, it is hard to understand how a man who claims to have such a strong moral compass could surround himself with so much corruption and remain untainted by it.

    Doolittle’s personal morality may not have been compromised by his association with Abramoff, Wilkes, DeLay and their retainers, but his public morality certainly seems to have been sold to the highest bidder.

    Doolittle’s Abramoff Connections

    Dan Walters at the Sac Bee wrote a great article about John Doolittle’s ties to the now infamous lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

    What’s evident is that [Doolittle] wrote letters in 2003 to federal officials that sided with Abramoff’s clients on disputes – a fact that was uncovered by the Associated Press. The letters appear to undercut Doolittle’s rote assertions that he’s opposed to gambling and has had no improper dealings with Abramoff, whose ties to politicians are being investigated by federal prosecutors after he pleaded guilty to conspiracy and fraud. Before the AP revealed the letters, Doolittle – who has ducked direct questioning by reporters – insisted on a radio talk show that he welcomes any investigation. Sac Bee 2/3/06

    Check out the flip…

    Now, Walters notes, and I agree that “Unless prosecutors turn up a smoking gun, it’s likely that Doolittle will remain a congressman for many years.” There is a lot of evidence against him, but not that one smoking gun.  It’s unfortunate.  However, his seat is a very safe GOP seat. 

    But, it is definitely another example of another corrupt Republican.  While the evidence may not be perfect, there is plenty:

    What’s evident is that he wrote letters in 2003 to federal officials that sided with Abramoff’s clients on disputes – a fact that was uncovered by the Associated Press. The letters appear to undercut Doolittle’s rote assertions that he’s opposed to gambling and has had no improper dealings with Abramoff, whose ties to politicians are being investigated by federal prosecutors after he pleaded guilty to conspiracy and fraud.


    Were it just two letters, one could agree that there’s smoke but no fire. But one of Abramoff’s tribes helped by a Doolittle letter, based in Mississippi, later made a $5,000 campaign contribution to the congressman – part of the $130,000 Doolittle has received from gambling tribes with ties to Abramoff. Furthermore, Abramoff hired Doolittle’s wife as a consultant and placed a former Doolittle aide on his payroll. Those and other facts add up to a pretty cozy relationship between Doolittle and Abramoff – more than mere coincidence.

    The GOP in California, especially the House delegation, is corrupt.  Perhaps if we keep repeating the mantra “culture of corruption” we can take back a few of the seats.  Plus, it can’t hurt with the Governor’s race.