Tag Archives: CA-36

CA-36 Streaming Forum On Thursday Night

(We just wrapped the debate, but you can catch the archive at http://CourageCampaign.org/CA3… – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

CA 36 Congressional Forum

I helped organize this event with the Courage Campaign.

In case you hadn’t heard, there’s an election heating up in California’s 36 Congressional district, as Jane Harman has unexpectedly retired.  The “primary” election is coming up in mid-May, so this is something of a sprint now.

Well, now you have the chance to hear about the candidates straight from the horses’ mouths.  On Thursday evening, 6-7:30, the Courage Campaign is hosting a candidate forum (with a boost from yours truly) with four major candidates for the seat: Democratic Secretary of State Debra Bowen, Republican Redondo Beach Mayor Mike Gin, Democratic LA City Councilwoman Janice Hahn, and Democratic educator Marcy Winograd.

You can RSVP to get a reminder email, ask a question for the candidates, and then tune into the forum, right here: CourageCampaign.org/CA36Forum

You can also submit questions at #Courage36 on twitter and on the Facebook event page.  If you are interested in one of the most interesting races, well, check it out on Thursday night.

CA-36 Act Blue Fundraising Stats Only A Geek Could Love

As of this morning, Janice Hahn is leading, with Debra Bowen a close second, and Marcy Winograd a distant third. Here’s how this breaks down:

Janice Hahn – $49,467 from 207 donors (average donation = $238.97)

Debra Bowen – $40,755 from 474 donors (average donation = $85.98)

Marcy Winograd – $1,320 from 34 donors (average donation = $38.82)

It’s important to note that Act Blue accounts for only a portion of a candidate’s fundraising efforts (I’ve heard estimates of anywhere from 10% to 30%), but as an indicator of fundraising progress I think it’s probably pretty representative of where the candidates are in relation to one another.

There’s a couple of things I take away from this. First, Hahn has half the donor base of Bowen, but their pockets are far deeper. In the last 24 hours alone, 2 donors were responsible for $7,500 in donations to Hahn’s campaign.

Secondly, Winograd’s campaign this cycle is far different than her campaign against Harman in 2010. In that campaign, she raised nearly $90,000 from 3,182 supporters.  

Winograd and her supporters may have a heavy presence on the California Progressive Caucus listserves, Twitter, and the comment sections of blogs this election cycle, but their passion has yet to translate into real world results.

Meanwhile, up to 19 candidates have filed so far for the CA-36 race, including our first Tea Party candidate, Republican Craig Huey, who announced his candidacy at a dinner meeting of the the South Bay Open Carry movement.

The number of candidates pretty much guarantees no one candidate will succeed in winning the May 17th election outright. Under the new “top two” primary election rules, if no candidate receives 50%+1 of the votes, the top two voter-getters will advance to a July 12th election.  If the Act Blue numbers are any indication, it’s looking more and more likely that those candidates with be Debra Bowen and Janice Hahn.

Debra Bowen Supporters:Let’s Get Calling

crossposted at DailyKos

Hopefully, you’re already on board supporting Debra Bowen as the next representative for the 36th Cong. District in California in the seat that Jane Harman quit from just a couple weeks ago.  (If you’re not yet familiar with Debra Bowen and why she’s worth supporting, take a look here: “Why Debra Bowen”) The Governor today set the election date May 17, just two short months from now.  (If no one gets over 50% of the votes cast, then the top two will go head-to-head in a July 12 election.)

This diary isn’t going to be asking you to donate to her campaign (although there’s an Actblue page for Kossacks to show support here).  Instead of asking you to give money – which, sadly, is a limited resource – I’m going to ask you to donate (in a way) something more valuable which paradoxically you may have an endless supply of:  Weekend Minutes!

For those of you with an internet connection and free weekend minutes, you can make phonebanking calls for Debra’s campaign without any cost to you.  Without coming up with any money to contribute or having to travel to get to this district, you can accomplish the same exact important work that volunteers are doing here locally by phonebanking from your home.  

Whereas Janice Hahn has a lot of the local political machinery behind her, Debra has connection with a wider grassroots and netroot community.  We made sure she got elected as Secretary of State, and her campaign is needing us to step up again for her.

I’ve done some phonebanking from the campaign office using the online system and it’s pretty simple to use since you don’t have to fumble with any papers – it’s all on your screen.  

So if you have an interest in helping out the campaign, an internet connection, and a phone that won’t cost you to make calls, please sign up as a virtual phonebanker for an hour or two each week.  Our contact person at the campaign office is Peter Berg who can be reached at 310-212-6792.  Let him know you are a netroots supporter of Debra’s and want to virtual phone bank and he’ll set you up with an account and you’ll be ready to call.  If you want to shoot me a message over DKos to let me know you’re doing calls, that would be great so we coordinate activities as a group signs on to get involved.  If there’s enough of us doing it, there’s a lot of potential to coordinate efforts with a scheduled DKos phonebank day and combine it with a fundraising drive.  

I’m not especially talented at coordinating something like this, so if you’d like to help out, it would be certainly appreciated, please chime in or send a message.  

I would also request that if you’re a Kossack for Debra Bowen, please rec the diary to send that message and/or chime in with a supportive word for Debra in the comments.  If you’re a supporter, let everyone know it!

(And if you’re local, come to Torrance and make calls from the campaign office, which is just down the street from the Red Car Brewery, which has fabulous beer for a post-phonebanking refreshment.)

BREAKING: Marcy Winograd Officially Announces Run for CA36

The Pasadena Star News is reporting tonight that Santa Monica resident Marcy Winograd will officially enter the race to replace her long-time opponent Jane Harman.

Anti-war activist and progressive Democrat Marcy Winograd said Thursday that she’s planning a run for a soon-to-be-vacated South Bay congressional seat.

An official announcement is scheduled to be made at 10 a.m. Saturday at Fox Drugs, 1327 El Prado Ave. in Torrance, Winograd said.

Winograd, a Santa Monica resident, took 41 percent of the vote in last June’s 36th Congressional District primary against Rep. Jane Harman, who is expected to resign Monday to lead the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, a Washington think tank.

Explaining her decision to run, Winograd said, “I feel that we need a real progressive in the race, somebody who has been advocating for a long, long time that we need to transition from a war economy to a green economy.”

As I reported earlier, Janice Hahn’s campaign apparently baited Winograd into running, hoping to split the progressive vote with Debra Bowen, a development which would benefit Hahn.

A PCCC poll released earlier this week between Bowen and Hahn put Bowen 4 points ahead. But an internal poll released by the Hahn campaign, which included Winograd, put Hahn 5 points over Bowen.

CA-36: Run, Debra Bowen, Run!

As was noted by the the Sacramento Bee’s Capital Alert and the The Oakland Tribune’s Josh Richman, legendary online communicator Debra Bowen took to twitter to say she was “giving serious thought” to running in the special election for the 36th congressional district seat being vacated by Rep. Jane Harman.

And netroots and progressive leaders immediately began signing a petition urging her to run. Calitics readers will recognize many of the names, people like Brian Leubitz  and Robert Cruickshank and David Dayen and Dante Atkins and Matt Lockshin.

Here are the benchmark numbers online:


Janice Hahn: 635 Followers

Debra Bowen: 3,693 Followers


Janice Hahn: 916 “likes”

Debra Bowen: 5,054 “likes” (or loves?)

As Dayen pointed out, about “progressive favorite” Debra Bowen:

She would have the highest name recognition and the most passionate support if she entered the race, without question.

Indeed. If you’re on twitter, you can sign the petition here

CA-36: Jane Harman to Resign from Congress

Harman (left) and Hahn with LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Daily Breeze

Jane Harman has an interesting history.  She was recently re-elected to her ninth term in the 36th Congressional district, with her main challenge being from the left.  However, it looks like we will be having a special there soon:

California Rep. Jane Harman (D) will resign from Congress, according to two senior Democratic leadership aides, a surprise announcement that will set off a special election in her 36th district.

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, who broke the news of Harman’s resignation, has reported that the California Congresswoman will take over as director of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington. That job is currently held by former Indiana Rep. Lee Hamilton (D). (WaPo)

She is probably better known around these parts for her rather controversial positions on warrentless wiretapping, the defense budget, and the wars, but she was also active on health care issues, and was an early opponent of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

As for the district, the speculation so far has been on Janice Hahn, who previously ran for the district back in 1998.  She lost to the Republican Steve Kuykendall, but since then the inclusion of Venice and Mar Vista means that it is a pretty strong Democratic seat.  However, it is likely to change in the redistricting for next cycle.

Find her letter to supporters over the flip.

UPDATE: Toss Debra Bowen’s name into the mix.

Dear Friends –

           Earlier today, I filed paperwork notifying the House of Representatives that I am in discussions to succeed former Rep. Lee Hamilton as President and CEO of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.  I send this note because a decision is imminent and I wanted you to hear the news from me first.

This is an excruciating decision because the distinction of representing the smartest constituents on earth will never be surpassed – nor will my relationships with my exceptional staff and colleagues in Congress.  But shaping and leading the Wilson Center is a thrilling new challenge.

           I have always believed that the best solutions to tough problems require a bipartisan approach, and bipartisanship is the Center’s “brand.”  Serving at its helm provides unique opportunities to involve the House and Senate, top experts, and world leaders in “great debates” about the most pressing foreign and domestic policy matters.

Should this opportunity come to pass, I would be required to resign my seat.  But please know that I would remain in Congress for some weeks and do everything possible to ensure an orderly transition to whomever is elected to succeed me.  Sidney and I will always retain our residence in Venice, be home frequently, and stay engaged at USC and active in the community.

           You have elected me to nine terms in Congress – an honor without equal.  I hope you understand how truly grateful I am for your friendship and support.


CA-Primaries: Races to Watch

With the California primaries only days away, I decided to make a list of races worth watching this coming Super Tuesday. Cross-posted at Swing State Project and Democracy for California.

U.S. Senate (R) – Fiorina seems to have consolidated the “outsider” vote, seeing as she is the only one of the three that has not held elected office and it seems that being an outsider will get one far in the Republican primary (though not so much in a California general election).

Governor (R) – Exactly as I predicted, this race has unfolded to be 2006 in reverse. Whoever wins the GOP primary here will be so radioactive that many Republican voters likely will cross over to vote for Jerry Brown, like many Democratic voters did for Arnold last time. If Jerry Brown pulls similar numbers among Republicans that Arnold did among Democrats, then Brown is likely gonna win big. And I’m unsure about how indies will go, so I just went with an estimate similar to the 2006 numbers.

DEM 42%-GOP 33%-OTHER 25%

Brown: 93%/22%/60% = 61%

GOP nominee: 7%/78%/40% = 39%

Lt. Governor (D) – This race will be very interesting: a classic NorCal/SoCal matchup, between Gavin Newsom and Janice Hahn.

Lt. Governor (R) – Newly-appointed incumbent Abel Maldonado will face a tough primary with more conservative State Senator Sam Aanestad. Given that moderates have fared pretty poorly in California elections of late, I give Aanestad the edge.

Sec. of State (R) – Any race with the Birther Queen just has to be a race to watch, more so for the comedy value, though I think most Republicans don’t buy her BS, so I see Dunn getting the nomination. No matter who wins, Debra Bowen is likely a cinch for a second term.

Attorney General (D) – Very crowded primary here, with 3 term-limited Assemblymen, Torrico, Nava, and Lieu; S.F. District Attorney Kamala Harris; Facebook attorney Chris Kelly; and disgraced ex-L.A. city attorney Delgadillo, though the race seems to have narrowed to just Harris and Kelly. From what I have heard of Kelly, I am rooting for Harris.

Controller (R) – Not much drama here, but I am hoping for Tony Strickland to win so he can lose to John Chiang even worse than in 2006. Unfortunately, he is not up for reelection to the State Senate until 2012, so if he wins the nomination but loses the general, he will still be in the senate (hopefully until 2012).

Insurance Commissioner (D) – Here we have two strong candidates in term-limited assemblymen Hector De La Torre and Dave Jones. I have no preference in this race, but since Jones has more money and establishment backing, I think he’ll win the nod.

CA-11 (R) – Will David Harmer, who lost by only 10% in the more Democratic CA-10 in the special election (albeit with lower turnout) be able to make it past the primary against Tony Amador and be more competitive in the general?

CA-19 (D) – I am pulling for Loraine Goodwin here. Any campaign based on health care reform is a big winner in Democratic primaries and in general elections in most parts of the state. Not sure what the HCR numbers are in this neck of the woods.

CA-19 (R) – I think I will root for Denham here, as he has won in more Democratic turf, so he is relatively saner. (And Denham is term-limited, so CA-19 run or no CA-19 run, we have a great shot at winning SD-12.) Pombo shouldn’t really be of much concern, as he has placed a distant third in the recent primary poll.

CA-26 (R) – My hometown district, where Dreier faces a primary challenge from businessman Mark Butler. While I consider Dreier to be the heavy favorite, this primary challenge could further drain his campaign coffers. If he wins the primary, Dreier has the advantage of incumbency and a year more favorable to his party (though anti-Obama sentiment is much weaker in California than elsewhere). A disadvantage Dreier has is depleted campaign coffers, from spending like crazy to win only 52% against Warner in 2008 and possibly from this primary challenge.

CA-33 (D) – Former Assembly speaker Karen Bass is likely the heavy favorite, and I hope she wins.

CA-36 (D) – Harman/Winograd redux, only with more fireworks this time around.

CA-42 (R) – Even though Gary Miller’s voting record is unabashedly conservative, he is still getting teabagged by three other Republicans. Count on yet another incumbent scoring a subpar primary performance.

CA-45 (R) – Mary Bono Mack has drawn teabag primary opposition from Clayton Thibodeau for her vote for cap-and-trade. She also voted against repealing DADT in spite of her district having the highest concentration of gays of any Republican-held district, possibly out of fear of getting teabagged. If Thibodeau upsets Bono Mack, this Obama-voting R+3 district could be put into play.

CA-47 (R) – Will Tan and Van split the Vietnamese vote, allowing Kathy Smith to sneak through?

CA-50 (D) – I like Busby, but I think her time has passed, if she couldn’t beat Bilbray in the far more Democratic-favored 2006. Attorney Tracy Emblem seems to have most of the grassroots support.

AD-05 (R) – In this open, evenly-divided suburban Sacramento seat, the Tea Party has gotten into another Republican primary, backing Craig DeLuz against party-backed Prop 8 backer Andy Pugno. I am rooting for DeLuz to win the primary so in one election we defeat a Prop H8er and increase our chances of winning this district too.

AD-30 (D) – The Parra/Florez feud continues, with Nicole’s dad Pete Parra facing off against Dean’s mom Fran Florez, who lost to Danny Gilmore, who didn’t like being an Assemblyman and that’s why he’s not running, which I at first found surprising.

AD-36 (D) – Linda Jones, who ran here in 2008, faces primary opposition from real estate broker Maggie Campbell and police officer Shawntrice Watkins. This time I am rooting for Watkins, because this Antelope Valley-centric district is very law-and-order, being the home of the Runners (Sharon and George, of “Jessica’s Law” fame), and incumbent Steve Knight also having been a police officer before being elected to the Assembly. Watkins could cut into Knight’s law-and-order advantage. Plus Watkins’ endorsement from Equality California can’t hurt either.

AD-68 (D) and (R) – I am really looking forward to an all-Vietnamese matchup here. Will be interesting to gauge the Vietnamese vote if it’s Phu Nguyen (D) vs. Long Pham (R).

And what is a California election without some ballot measures? Five are on the ballot this time.

Prop 13: Tax break to property owners for making seismic retrofits. I like seeing tax breaks used as incentives for good causes. Vote YES!

Prop 14: Top two votegetters in the primary would go on to the general election, limiting voter choices. Vote NO!

Prop 15: Repeals ban on public financing and raises fees on lobbyists to fund a public financing system for SecState election beginning in 2014. Vote YES!

Prop 16: PG&E power grab that requires a 2/3 vote to create public power districts or allow local governments to purchase their own renewable power. Vote NO!

Prop 17: Weakens consumer protections and allow car insurance companies to charge much more for late payments. Vote NO!

Winograd Asks: Where is Harman? Why Silence on Israeli Assault?

Congressional candidate Marcy Winograd is mounting a tough challenge to Jane Harman in CA-36.  Following the Israeli commando assault on flotilla attempting to deliver aid to Gaza, Winograd issued the following press release:

(Marina del Rey) Congressional Candidate Marcy Winograd (CA-36) questions why her opponent Jane Harman chooses to remain silent in the aftermath of an Israeli assault on the Free Gaza flotilla carrying 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid to over a million Palestinians imprisoned in Gaza.

(continued below)

Says Winograd, “My opponent’s shameful silence only reinforces the status quo, which in this case involves Israeli aggression towards non-violent human rights activists. Once again, I invite my opponent to break her silence and join me in calling for an international investigation into what happened in international waters.”

Following the Israeli assault, which resulted in at least 10 reported deaths, Winograd immediately issued a press release calling for an international investigation into the Israeli military attack on aid ships 90 miles off the coast of Gaza.

Winograd continues, “If my opponent wanted to exercise leadership, she would demand the U.S. government condemn these murders. Her silence leaves those of us in the 36th congressional district once again to wonder whether Jane Harman truly represents all the people of this district, or just the military contractors and those who prioritize Israel, right or wrong. Her tacit approval of such violent tactics also reconfirms my assertion that Harman’s policies make us all less–rather than more–safe. ”

Harman last week launched a media campaign attacking Winograd for her promotion of equal rights and justice for all in the middle east.  Winograd states, “Millions around the world see the truth unfolding on their TV screens. My opponent can twist my calls for human rights, but the people see that there needs to be accountability for violence, and a sane policy for peace in the middle east.”

To learn more about the Winograd For Congress campaign, visit:

   www.winograd4congress.com or Marcy Winograd For Congress on Facebook


Making the Progressive Case For Jane Harman

I wasn’t going to write about this.

For the last few months, I’ve dealt with a series of family health crisis that culminated first in the death of my elderly mother, then my father exactly four weeks later.

The outcome of a contested primary in a safe Blue district hasn’t even been on my radar. But in the last couple of weeks I’ve had too many neighbors, too many friends ask about the race.

For better or worse, they want an opinion from me. So here it is.

On June 8th, I’ll be voting for Jane Harman. And I’ll be doing it as a Progressive.

Join me below the fold and I’ll tell you why.

If you’re an avid Winograd supporter – if you’ve volunteered in her office, canvassed for her, donated to her campaign – chances are what I’m about to write will piss you off. But I’m going to ask you to read on anyway. Because I understand why you’re volunteering and I deeply respect your need to make our country a better place. I’m the child of public school teachers who felt that need too and fought every day to lift their students up while everyone else worked to keep them down. I gave up 6a months of my life and worked unpaid as a regional field organizer on the Obama campaign precisely because I feel that need myself.

If I thought for a second Marcy Winograd was the best candidate to bring us one step closer to making that dream a reality, I’d be right there with you. But she’s not and she won’t.

Being a progressive is about moving forward – sometimes dramatically, sometimes incrementally – but always, and relentlessly, forward. And because politics in this country is a messy and inefficient process stuck in institutional inertia, being an effective progressive means the willingness to coalition-build with people you may not agree with on every issue.

Winograd, who’s never held even local elective office, has not yet demonstrated the ability or desire to be a coalition-builder, nor has she demonstrated the ability or desire to build consensus beyond her core group of supporters.


When Winograd ran against Harman in 2006, capitalizing on constituent frustration with the Iraq War, she managed to take 37.5% of the vote after a brief 3-month campaign. But instead of building on what was a very respectable showing, she gave up the Marina del Rey condo she’d rented for the duration of the campaign and moved out of the district and back to Pacific Palisades.

Winograd could have sold her Pacific Palisades home and actually put down stakes in CA-36. But she didn’t – buying a new home in Santa Monica (Henry Waxman’s district) in 2009 for $1.8 million. While our state faced the worst political and economic struggles in its history, Winograd could have dug in and run for State Assembly, State Senate, or even as a city council member for San Pedro, Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Torrance or El Segundo. But again, she chose not to.

Voters in our district wouldn’t hear from Winograd again until a byzantine scandal surfaced last April involving Harman, AIPAC, the House Intelligence Committee and a prominent Democratic Party donor named Haim Saban. As scandals go, this one had all the staying power of cotton candy on hot asphalt (for a very comprehensive – and hilarious – review of the saga, check out this segment from the John Stewart Show ), but it was enough to give Winograd the opening she needed. Within a month she announced she would run against the suddenly vulnerable Harman.

Winograd moved into another rented condo in Marina del Rey and the race was on.

Now, Winograd isn’t doing anything “wrong” (there’s no legal requirement that a candidate has to live in the same district they are running for, only the same state), but when a candidate puts more effort in creating the illusion of representing her potential constituents than actually participating in the daily, mind-numbing grind local politicians have to go through to make their constituent’s lives better, that ought to raise some red flags.

Even as she seeks to ride the coat-tails of progressive candidates Bill Halter (elected Arkansas Lt. Governor in 2006) and Joe Sestak (who spent 31 years in the Navy and served in the Clinton White House as Director for Defense Policy, and is now serving his second term as Congressman for PA-07), she chooses not to pay her dues as they did.

It’s one thing to say you want to change the political landscape, it’s quite another to grab a shovel and start digging.


If you’re a registered Democrat in California, right around election time, some helpful soul will hang a brochure on your front door knob that lists all the official California Democratic Party (CDP) endorsements for the election in your district.

So here’s how a Congressional candidate in California gets that endorsement: Local CDP delegates, county committee members and representatives of local Democratic clubs get to vote in something called a pre-endorsement conference for the Congressional candidate they would like to see endorsed. If 70% of the voters at that conference endorse a candidate, then that recommendation is sent to the full CDP Convention a month or so later where, usually, the recommendation is accepted by unanimous consent and placed on the coveted CDP Door Thingee.

If you’re a candidate with relatively low name recognition and even less money (Winograd), and you’re in a contested primary with an opponent who has high name recognition and a lot of money (Harman), you can see why getting your name on the coveted CDP Door Thingee would be very helpful indeed. In fact, candidates in this state would kill for a place on the damn thing, and the ensuing drama surrounding the acquisition of said Door Thingee is entertaining indeed.

Jane Harman received 72% of the local delegate vote, enough to send the recommendation to the full CDP Convention. But it wasn’t that simple. Before the Convention, opposing candidates can collect 300 signatures from delegates across the State to force another endorsement vote among local delegates at the Convention, which is exactly what Winograd did. This time, the only participants were CDP delegates in the 36th Congressional District. At that endorsement caucus, Harman got a whopping 82% of the vote – far more than the simple majority she needed to put her name back on the consent calendar for ratification. But at the Convention, Winograd was able to gather the 300 signatures from delegates outside the district needed to pull the recommendation off the consent calendar yet again and send it to the Convention floor for a vote. Winograd lost that floor vote 599 to 417, and Harman ultimately received the endorsement.

There’s a reason why you, as a non inside-baseball-California-Democratic-Party-delegate-nerd-geek-policy-wonk, should care about this.

Winograd’s campaign didn’t do substantial outreach to the local CDP delegates – her potential constituents – to make the case for Winograd. I know, because I’m one of those delegates who voted in the pre-endorsement meeting. I received not one phone call from Winograd’s campaign. No emails. Nothing.

Contrast this with Harman’s campaign – who reached out to all the delegates regardless if they were known Winograd supporters or not – to secure their vote for that meeting. They worked the phones, they held meetings, they asked questions and heard concerns. They organized and made the case for Harman to her own constituents and, in the end, the work paid off.

Winograd chose to reach out to supporters outside the district to get the recommendation of Harman’s constituents overturned. And when the final vote didn’t go her way, instead of thanking her supporters and moving on, she questioned the validity of the vote.

Again, Winograd didn’t do anything “wrong” – she followed CDP rules. But every action she took, every statement she made during the Convention process and afterwards was only meant to play to her base. She had the chance to organize support and build a winning coalition within CA-36 and beyond her choir of hard-core supporters and usual suspects. But she made a conscious choice not to, spending more time creating the illusion of constituent support than building it.


Winograd, describing herself as the only “real” Democratic candidate in the race, has consistently gone after Harman as being “someone beholden to big banks, Wall Street, or the weapons industry.”

Winograd has made Harman’s wealth a prominent issue in the campaign, and has called on Harman to divest from Dow Chemical after the EPA identified Dow as a potentially responsible party for toxic pollution in the Harbor-Gateway area, suggested Harman’s vote on extending biologic drug patent protections was tied to her investments in Pfizer, Abbot Labs and Johnson & Johnson, and most recently “rebuked” Harman for a wave of spring-time foreclosures that hit CA-36 during the first three months of 2010.

“If Harman were to suddenly lose her 300-million dollar portfolio and find herself unable to pay a mortgage on her three-lot home in Venice, she might feel some compassion for the hundreds of homeowners in West Los Angeles, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Harbor City, San Pedro, and Wilmington facing foreclosure because of her support for draconian bank legislation.”

Winograd hopes to paint Harman as someone irredeemably corrupt and out of touch, an insular multi-millionaire profiting from Big Pharma, Big Banks, and Big Polluters.

Frankly, this argument would be more effective if Winograd herself wasn’t a multi-millionaire heavily invested in Big Pharma, Big Banks and Big Polluters too.

Winograd’s own financial disclosure statement, reveals substantial investments in Baxter International (biologic drugs) , Merck (which spent $3.2 million lobbying against health care reform in the first quarter of 2009 alone), and UnitedHealth Group (which made headlines last August, when it sent a letter to it’s employees directing them to anti-health care reform events hosted by the right wing America’s Independent Party)

Winograd, who owns two properties in Santa Monica and a Four Seasons Resort time share in Carlsbad, CA (combined worth over $2 million), also has a substantial investment in Wells Fargo, one of the banks at the forefront of a $1.4 million-a-day lobbying assault to stop reform efforts in Washington and which is currently embroiled in numerous consumer lawsuits, including one involving the city of Baltimore, which charges the financial giant with targeting African-Americans for questionable sub-prime loans that resulted in hundreds of foreclosures.

Lastly, Winograd has smaller investments with the timber and paper industries. One of those companies, Clearwater Paper Corporation, was charged with violating federal and state air-emission standards more than 50 times in 2009.

It’s important to note that Winograd’s investments aren’t part of a mutual fund package – these are direct, chosen, targeted investments and annuities, that as a trustee, Winograd herself would have been responsible for executing. She knows exactly what companies she’s invested in.

Are any of these investments illegal? Nope. But, again, Winograd is talking the talk, not walking the walk. If you’re going to portray yourself as the moral authority in this primary race, railing against the financial sector, health insurance, pharmaceuticals, and polluters, you’d better be as pure as the Dalai Lama in a snowdrift or else you’re traveling in the same circles of hypocrisy as George “lift my luggage” Rekers or Mark “Appalachian Trail” Sanford.


In 1998, during a failed bid to win the Democratic nomination for California governor against Gray Davis and Al Checchi, Harman infamously said she was proud to be called the “best Republican in the Democratic Party.”

It was a statement her opponents would use against for the next 12 years.

By the time Marcy Winograd ran against Harman in 2006, she’d become a target of national Progressive frustration, thanks mostly to her support of Bush’s NSA warrentless eavesdropping program and her vote to authorize the Iraq War in 2003.

The irony of that ill-fated statement? She was attempting to describe herself as a coalition builder, who could reach across party lines. Harman actually ran to the left of Gray Davis, vowing to repeal 1996’s Proposition 209, the ballot measure that outlawed racial and gender preferences in state hiring and school admissions, and to sign gay marriage into law if elected.

And therein lies one of the great weirdnesses of modern Progressive politics in this country – that Jane Harman, a lawmaker who scores better for her voting record on War and Peace legislation than Dennis Kucinich, should become so synonymous with the disastrous foreign policy of George W. Bush, that Harman’s detractors have literally said support for her equaled killing babies.

For the past 4 years, Winogorad has made a cottage industry out of promoting Harman as the House version of Joe Lieberman, but it took me all of 15 minutes of web surfing to find that even as Harman took positions on national security issues and the military that drove Progressives (and me) nuts, she amassed one of the most liberal voting records in Congress on almost everything else.

The liberal website Progressive Punch.org gives Harman’s voting record an lifetime progressive score of 81.43. NARAL has given her a 100% pro-choice rating.

I also found:

In 2006, the ACLU praised her efforts to improve FISA, and that 18 months before Barack Obama became president, she introduced legislation to close Guantanamo.

She strongly opposed DADT when it was first implemented in 1993 and was one of 77 lawmakers who signed a letter to Barack Obama demanding it’s repeal. She voted against the Defense of Marriage Act (one of only 67 lawmakers, Republican or Democratic to do so), and for modifying bankruptcy rules to help consumers avoid foreclosures.

Last year, Harman broke with the Blue Dog caucus to support health care reform, becoming an outspoken proponent of the public option and at one point even threatened to vote against any bill that didn’t include it.

In December, she objected to Obama’s Afghanistan “surge”, saying that expanding our military footprint would be a mistake.

Earlier this month, she co-sponsored the West Coast Protection Act, legislation that would end new oil and natural gas leases on the West Coast.

(For an exhaustive list of her voting record, go to this link.)

Folks, a legitimate conversation can be had about Harman’s stands on national security, defense issues and Israel (As a J-Street Jew, I actually have issues with both Harman and Winograd when it comes to Israel), but baby killing? Really?

Look, I don’t doubt for a second Winograd’s passion and the passion of her supporters. The goals she promotes – withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, single-payer health care reform and a new economy built on green technology – are good, solid, progressive goals I agree we should all be working towards.

Yet I have no confidence she’ll move us one step forward in that direction if elected. Marcy Winograd is a protestor, not a legislator, and for all the reasons I’ve listed above I have serious concerns about her judgment, values, and ability to provide effective representation for me and my neighbors.

Contested primaries are healthy – I do believe Winograd’s challenges may have had a hand in moving Harman to the left on national security issues (although I doubt they’ve had any effect on her when it comes to social issues, since Harman was already pretty far to the left). But I can think of any number of progressive politicians in our congressional district who’ve put in years of public service (Los Angeles Councilwoman Janice Hahn and Secretary of State Debra Bowen immediately leap to mind) who’d I’d love to see make a run for Congress instead.

Until that happens, for me at least, the choice is simple.

Jane Harman remains the progressive choice for my district and I’ll be voting for her June 8th.

I hope you will too.

Help Marcy Winograd’s campaign – Donation match offer

The purpose of this diary is to get you to donate to or volunteer for Marcy Winograd’s campaign.  I’ll match the first $5 you give to Marcy at my ActBlue page for her.  Also, if you pledge to phonebank or precinct walk for her, I’ll kick in to her campaign as well.  (Volunteer signup form here).

Why contribute to Winograd?  I’ll give you 3 reasons:

Because your support could make a difference: Winograd has a shot at winning. She’s raised over $300K for the race (with no corporate donations) and Winograd’s recent poll of the race found Harman to be well below the 50% threshold considered safe for incumbents.  Most relevant, the poll found that “…approximately 70% of all voters who have formed an opinion of Winograd are likely to vote for her.”  .  Your money or phone calls could get Winograd votes just by getting info about her to voters in the district.  

Because you need not worry that a Republican could be elected.  This district is tailor made for a BETTER Democrat, not just a tolerable one.  We can demand a great Democrat who we can trust will be with us when it matters, not saying the right things in public while privately trying to do the opposite.  

Because she speaks clearly on the issues, and will be accountable to us.  If Winograd gets elected, we’ll know where she stands on healthcare (a supporter of Medicare for all) and on Iraq and Afghanistan (she’s pledged to appropriate no money for those wars other than what’s needed to get the troops home. Pinning down Harman is impossible – usually she doesn’t take public positions on legislation prior to a vote.  

Please give what you can to Marcy, or pledge to make some calls/canvass in the comments.  I’ll match you the first five bucks (it would be great if you could give more), or I’ll kick in $5 to her if you pledge to do at least an hour of calling or canvassing for Marcy.