Tag Archives: peace rally

Thank You, Loretta Sanchez, to Working to End This War

My member of Congress, Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove), did something pretty amazing yesterday. She voted against four additional months of funding for Bush’s failed war in Iraq. She actually stood up and voted against keeping our brave troops in the middle of someone else’s civil war for any longer. Loretta did the right thing, and as a constituent I am proud.

Now unfortunately, she was not in the majority. The Republicans were nearly unanimous in voting to continue George W. Bush’s failed war. In the House, they were able to pull away enough Democrats to succeed in passing a bill that gives Bush four more months of carte blanche. That was enough to send the bill to the Senate, where it passed with bipartisan support.

This is a bittersweet moment for me. I am proud that my Congresswoman did the right thing yesterday. I am proud that the vast majority of California Democrats did the right thing in the House yesterday. I am proud that Senator Barbara Boxer was one of fourteen in the Senate to do thr right thing. However, I am NOT proud that Congressional Republicans would not budge in allowing Democrats to override Bush’s veto of legislation that would have actually put an end to this ridiculous war. They enabled Bush to succeed yesterday in temporarily thwarting the will of the American people.

Even though I am proud of what my Congresswoman did yesterday in listening to what the wishes of Orange County voters and the will of American voters, I am ashamed that most of Congress would not listen.

(After the flip for more…)

Now this is not the first time when Loretta Sanchez has demonstrated real courage on the House floor. She voted against the “PATRIOT” Act that has done nothing to secure this country, and everything to destroy our Constitutional rights. She voted against authorizing that invasion of Iraq that Bush so wanted. She voted against the “Partial Birth Abortion” Ban Act that did nothing to save lives, and only succeeded in destroying women’s reproductive rights. She voted against the “PATRIOT” Act again when it came up for reauthorization in 2005. She voted against a “Secure Fence” Act that did nothing to solve our immigration problem. And last fall, she voted against the Military Commissions Act that allowed Bush to completely disregard the Constitution. When others took the easy way out, Loretta Sanchez stood up and made the tough choices. She voted her conscience, and voted for what’s best for this district and this nation.

Get Active This Weekend… No Matter Where You Are!

If you’re in need of some good actions to get involved in this weekend…
Well, here it is! If you’re looking for progressive action to take ANYWHERE in the state, whether you’re in Santa Clara or Santa Ana, look no further than here! Today, we’ve got Democrats Work working their patooties off in the Bay Area, a chance to write to the powers that be about what’s on our minds in Irvine, and a Beach Impeach event at Torrey Pines Beach in Del Mar.

Oh yes, and we’ve got EVEN MORE happening tomorrow! Why don’t you join me after the flip to see what’s happening in your neck of the woods…

Today in the Bay Area:

Democrats Work in San Francisco– Join these hardworking folks today from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for two opportunities to help green the Mission.

Democrats Work on the Peninsula– Join these hardworking folks today from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, to assemble classroom kits for public school teachers.

Iraq Town Hall With Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Oakland)– If you’re in the East Bay, then come and talk to your Congresswoman about legislation to bring the troops home and end the war, efforts to stop a U.S. preemptive strike on Iran, and what YOU can do to end the war and work for peace.

Today in Orange County:

Great American Write-in– This free event will feature over forty different advocacy groups. You can learn about vital issues regarding health care, human and civil rights, the environment, education, and peace… AND you will have the opportunity to write to their legislators and other decision makers in the hopes of making this world a better place for all.

Cesar Chavez Day in Santa Ana– Join local activists in Cesar Chavez Campesino Park for food, fun, entertainment, and speakers on the legacy of Cesar E. Chavez.

Dennis Kucinich Fundraiser– If you’re supporing Dennis Kucinich for President, and you’re in OC, here’s your chance to meet the candidate and support his run for the White House. He’ll be at the IBEW Local 441 in Orange.

Today in San Diego:

Islamophobia: Root Causes and Remedies– Speakers include: Jesse Mills, Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies, University of San Diego (USD), and Edgar Hopida, Public Relations Director, San Diego Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Mike Aguirre at the Escondido Democratic Club– Come talk to San Diego’s City Attorney today at the Escondido Public Library.

Hillary Clinton Fundraiser in La Jolla– A very special luncheon for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at the La Jolla home of Ted Waitt.

Beach Impeach at Torrey PinesHere’s what you can expect this afternoon. Doesn’t it look like fun?

Tomorrow in Orange County:

When Women Run for Office– Join La Habra Mayor Pro Tem Rosie Espinosa; Pam Keller, Fullerton City Council; Kitty Jaramillo, Fullerton Council candidate; Florice Hoffman, Congressional candidate 40th District, and more great women candidates for this informative forum on how women can make a difference in public office.

Environmental Action Group at Tapestry– Find out how you can put your faith into action to be a good steward of God’s creation by joining us in Mission Viejo.

Greater Newport Beach Bay Democratic Club– Meet your fellow progressive Democrats in Newport Beach and Irvine, and find out how to get active in your area.

OC Clean Money Campaign– Join the OC Working Group in Garden Grove as they advance clean elections and real election reform.

Interfaith Peace Ministry Annual Dinner– Join the Interfaith Peace Ministry in Orange for dinner as they honor some of OC’s finest peacemakers.

Tomorrow in San Diego:

“Iraq for Sale” Screening– The documentary “Iraq for Sale” will be shown by Current Events Theater. The film features information about Blackwater, a private contractor in Iraq who is proposing a mercenary training camp in Potrero, in East San Diego County.

Public Forum on the Proposed Blackwater Camp– Public Forum on the proposed Blackwater training Camp near Potrero, featuring Blackwater Execs from D.C. Issue: Should Blackwater take over a portion of the Cleveland National Forest and change its use from agricultural to a 385+ acre paramilitary training camp?

OC for Peace: These Pictures Tell the Story

UPDATE: by Brian…As long as there is some space here, let’s talk about tonight’s activities.  There are going to be lots of Iraq War vigils all over the country.  Four in California are listed in the event section, but there will be a lot more.  Moveon.org has an archive (by Zip) here.Check it out if you are so inclined…

For more pics from Saturday’s event, as well as a little verbal explanation, follow me after the flip…

We began at Pioneer Park in Garden Grove. I joined my friends at the Orange County for Obama group to raise awareness about the upcoming election, as well as about Barack Obama’s progressive campaign of hope. I’d say that we were quite successful in reaching out to Orange County’s progressive community. [And yes, Brian and all you Bay Area people, THERE ARE ORGANIZED PROGRESSIVES IN ORANGE COUNTY! hehe : ) ]

After the rally at Pioneer Park, WE ALL got up on our feet, and we began to march together. We marched to my Congresswoman’s office, politely asking (or at least, most of us were…) Loretta Sanchez to take some real, binding action to end this war. Unfortunately, she was not in her office. However, we left her our “troop withdrawal slips” and marched on. Finally, we landed at the busy intersection of Chapman Avenue and The City Drive in Orange (near The Block, a popular shopping area).

I think most everyone driving by heard our message loud and clear. ; )

So overall, I think that we were quite successful in raising awareness AND raising hell. Hopefully, all of us will keep up the good work until ALL OF OUR TROOPS ARE SAFELY OUT OF IRAQ! And hopefully, that will be very soon.

To find out more about making peace in The OC, check out what the OC Peace Coalition is up to. And if you want to take local action to help a truly great progressive win the Presidency in 2008, please join us at OC for Obama. THERE ARE PROGRESSIVES THROUGHOUT ORANGE COUNTY, and we’d love for you to join us in making a difference.

(And finally, I should thank our fearless OC for Obama grassroots leader, Zinnia Menardi, for sharing with me all these great photos…
All so I can share them with all of you!) : )

Get Active This Weekend in OC!

OK, sorry for the fairly late announcement…
But here it is! If you’re looking for progressive action to take in Orange County, look no further than here! We’ve got a big rally for peace later this morning in South County, a convention delegates’ meeting in Irvine tomorrow, and even more after the flip…


OC Peace Coalition General Meeting in Orange at 10:00 AM.

“Surge Toward Peace” Rally in Laguna Woods at 11:00 AM.

Screening of “Call Me Malcolm” in Costa Mesa tonight at 7:00 PM

And tomorrow:

For everyone who wants to see a heartfelt documentary about the real human cost of war, as well as meet up with other progressive people of faith in South County, then go see “I Know I’m Not Alone” playing at Second Sunday Movies at Tapestry in Mission Viejo at 12:30

And if you’re an AD 70 (Irvine, Laguna Beach, Newport, Lake Forest, Tustin) Delegate going to the state convention in San Diego next month, then you might want to go to this meeting at 1:00 PM at the Irvine Ranch Water District HQ.

So if you’re looking for something to do this weekend, and you want to do something truly meaningful, then look no further than here! And oh yes, I hope that whatever you do, that you enjoy your wild and wonderful OC weekend! : )