Tag Archives: Red County

A Brave New GOP?

Yesterday over at Red County was an interesting stab at what the purpose of the California Republican Party should be now that they’ve demonstrated an inability to prevent tax increases. It’s a fascinating amalgam that’s roughly equal parts proof that there’s no particular logic governing the GOP and a blueprint to a Republican version of the DLC.

Answering the question “why do we exist?”, the leading principle as stated is

We exist to find solutions to problems that do not increase the size or cost of government.

Which of course means government can only get smaller. We’ve heard this before when Grover Norquist was having wet dreams about drowning government (sidenote: why doesn’t anyone call Grover Norquist an anarchist? He wants to eliminate government.). But it sets the tone nicely by establishing that there’s nothing new here, just an attempt to paint over the fundamental failures of GOP ideology. But we’re just getting started.

We exist to ensure a responsive, transparent, competent government that provides essential services in an efficient and timely manner.

Those are all nice words, but none of them alone or in combination actually equal “effective” essential services. Note that “effective” is not the same as “cost effective.” If I wanted to maximize the cost effectiveness of my grocery shopping, I’d just spend all my money on rice and die of scurvy. But I digress. Presumably this is a subset of the first principle of not expanding government. So you only get responsive, transparent, competent, efficient and timely as long as it costs no more than what you’re getting now. In other words, the plan is straight from Homer Simpson: “Can you guys work harder?” But this is reasonable next to…

We exist to lower healthcare costs through competition, not regulation.

Healthcare costs are set via competition right now. Has anybody noticed their healthcare suddenly getting cheaper lately? But wait, there’s more. MUCH more!

We exist to guarantee that every Californian will receive an above-average primary and secondary education and that our state will continue to have the world’s foremost public system of post-secondary education.

Well sure. Me too. But the explanation leads off with “…I love beating up on the teachers’ unions as much as anyone (probably even more)…” In my experience, being the enemy of the folks delivering the education is step one to getting the best product from those people. Then comes gems like “We need to let parents know that we’re willing to spend more money on education” and “I think we should actually go a step farther and reclaim the promise of a free college education for every qualified student.” You know where I’ve heard this? From Democrats. For my entire life. And for generations before that.

Thing is, I suppose being “willing to spend more money” isn’t the same as actually spending it since that would presumably not maintain or reduce the size of government. Neither, presumably, would the additional professors, administrators, support staff, classroom space, textbooks and other supplies needed for all those new free college educations likely be free or less than free. Alright, but something has to make sense right?

We exist to preserve our environmental heritage and to protect the environment against the worst abuses in ways that do not harm economic growth or undermine personal liberty.

You may have heard this argument before in its original form “the environment is a top priority right after any other priority” or “let’s absolutely protect the environment except from anything that actually poses a threat.” The suggestions from this post focus largely on clean parks and beaches, conservation and underfunded state parks. Mind you, we aren’t going to increase the size of government, so we’re going to increase funding for state parks by cutting funding elsewhere. Maybe education. No wait, we’re expanding education. No wait, the GOP just spent months holding the budget hostage to cut education. My head hurts. And this is getting long, so let’s take the next two together:

We exist to protect individual rights and fight laws that detract from those rights.

We exist to ensure the stability and virtue of our society through traditional values.

These statements seem like they would be natural enemies in the wild, no? Of course, because imposing morality in a libertarian manner isn’t exactly possible. By definition. No matter though. Why? Because “that’s the burden of being the party of conservatism, but I’m happy to bear it.” Right. The burden of being the party of conservatism is trying to package and sell doublethink. That’s gotta leave you feeling good at the end of the day. And finally we wrap up with another classic:

We exist to create a business climate where entrepreneurs of all kinds are allowed to thrive.

Is this last for any particular reason? Is it supplicated to the previous or the most important saved for last? I ask because there are times when the bottom line health of a business is not, in fact, the same as the best interest of society as a whole. I know, I know. Even allowing such a thought to flicker in my mind makes me a communist. Whatever. I’m pretty sure that if we’ve learned anything in the past 12 months, it’s that entrepreneurs can screw things up pretty badly, and not because they were chasing after the greater good for humanity. Should we try to allow people to flourish? Of course. Are there limits on the quest for personal wealth and power based on the negative impact on society as a whole? That’d be nice too.

Lest you think our blogger is too much a dreamer and are concerned because:

“We’re never going to be able to attract environmentalists, convince the education establishment and their supporters that we care about kids, or get poor people to believe we’ll give them a better deal on healthcare than the Dems.”

Take heart. None of that matters:

You’re right, but that’s not the goal. The objective is to break down the growing resistance that the electorate has towards all things Republican.

It seems to me that another option would be actually taking a meaningful look at all the things the electorate is resisting and…like…changing some of them. But the concession here that the brave new GOP will not actually care about kids or give poor people a better deal on healthcare is convenient at least.

But that’s just me. I don’t want to come off like a total curmudgeon though. If there’s an option to have a pony with my cake, sign me up.

Calitics Is #5 Most Influential Blog in California!

(H/T to The Liberal OC and OC Blog for this!) : )

Take a look at this! Blognetnews.com has released its first list of “California’s Most Influential Political Blogs”, and Calitics has been rated #5! Oh my goodness, we made the Top 5! I guess people are actually paying attention to what we have to say about advancing progressive values in California. This is just terrific.

But you know what’s also terrific? Many of our fantastic friends in the California (and especially Orange County!) blogosphere also made the Top 20 list! The Liberal OC hit #14! California Progress Report hit #10! Orange Juice hit #6! Total Buzz hit #3! And yes, my favorite local right-wing blog, OC Blog, hit #1. Congratulations to my conservative friends at Red County/OC Blog for being the #1 most influential political blog in California!

So what else can I say? Well, I can start by thanking all of you who faithfully read our fine blog. And thanks to all of you who constantly share your point of view with us in the comments. And thanks to all my fantastic colleagues who contribute to the blog with all their informative and insightful stories. And most of all, thanks to our fearless leader Brian for heading up one of the best blogs on the web… Which now also happens to be one of the five most influential blogs in the state! : )

Scandalicious Saturday Night Open Thread Spectacular!

It’s over! It’s over! It’s finally over! The Liberal OC has the last word on the crazy rumor about the Nancy Pelosi fundraiser, and the Republican spinners at OC Blog have clearly failed in their attempt to create civil unrest among Orange County Democrats. Horray, the non-scandal has died! ; )

OK, and now for more scandaliciousness… Bill O’Reilly now claims that the liberals have declared war on the white, male Christians! Cheese louise, when will these crazy right-wing folks learn to stop stirring up s**t over non-scandals?!

So what “scandals” are happening in your neck of the woods? What non-issues are the Republicans trying to stir up in your area? And is Bill O’Reilly crazy, or is he just talking nonsense? Go ahead. Make my day. Fire away! : )

CA-47: The Truth About Loretta Sanchez & That Fundraiser

OK, so you’ve probably seen this by now. Or perhaps, you’ve seen this. Wherever you saw Matt Cunningham’s post about the cancelled Nancy Pelosi fundraiser in Orange County, don’t believe it.

Yes, the fundraiser was cancelled. But no, Loretta Sanchez didn’t “put the kibosh” on a chance to raise money for the Democratic Party of Orange County. No, Loretta Sanchez isn’t against a stronger, better-funded DPOC. No, the Democratic Party is not weak and incompetent.

Follow me after the flip to get to the truth of this matter…

Here’s what Matt Cunningham said on OC Blog and FlashReport

… Rep. Loretta Sanchez’s ego got in the way.

Sanchez adopted a proprietary view of the dollars the Pelosi/DPOC event would raise. Rather than seeing a stronger, better-funded DPOC as a benefit to her continued representation of the 47th Congressional District, in Loretta’s view the fund raiser would take money away from her.

And here’s why this is completely wrong. The fundraiser actually was for the DCCC, not the DPOC. The fundraiser was on April 29 in Newport Beach, even though many OC Democrats were still in San Diego for the state Democratic Convention. And even though the individuals that scheduled the dinner promised that Loretta Sanchez was already on board with the fundraiser, they did NOT contact her to make sure that she was actually available for this fundraiser.

Basically, this fundraiser was just a disaster waiting to happen. So you don’t believe me? Believe Wylie Aitken. He knows what he’s talking about when he talks about Loretta. Wylie Aitken has been with her since the beginning as a campaign adviser to Loretta. But of course, he also knows what he’s talking about when he talks about the Democratic Party. He has always been a good friend of the DPOC. Read what he said to Total Buzz about that fundraiser.

The cancellation of the event had little or nothing to do with Loretta Sanchez.

The event would have been primarily for the DCCC. Well-intentioned individuals scheduled the evening without making sure Loretta would be available as well as many others within the Democratic donor community.

Loretta did what she should do — in addition to scheduling problems, to give her honest assessment to the Speaker, as to whether the event was properly planned and would be a success.

So there you have it! OK, so you’re still not believing me? Believe Mike Lawson at The Liberal OC. Here’s what he was told about that fundraiser:

The DPOC (with the help of “local Democratic insider”) solicited Pelosi for this dinner. One of the selling points was that Loretta was already onboard.

After Pelosi accepted the invitation she spoke with Sanchez, who hadn’t heard of the event. Once Loretta looked into the benefit, she noticed that there were some people (like the friend of “local Democratic insider”) that were angling to make some good money off of the event; Sanchez, who was never officially onboard with this benefit, backed out. And so did Pelosi.

Maybe Matt Cunningham was right when he said that “ego” stood in the way of this event, but it wasn’t Loretta’s this time. Perhaps the “local Democratic insider” shouldn’t have guaranteed Loretta’s attendance.

So do you believe us now? Oh yes, and look who’s supporting that fundraiser for Loretta this month. So, there! Loretta still cares about us in Orange County. The Democratic Party here is doing a great job in building the party in Orange County. Everyone is doing great, and we’re all looking forward to that fundraiser at Joe Dunn’s house on the 16th.

So much for that rumor! Cheese louise, the OC Republican insiders at OC Blog can’t even come up with a credible runor against us! I guess if this is the worst they can throw at us, then we’re doing a great job here! : )

Who’s Slowing Who Down? Who’s Making Who Look Bad?

OK, I just saw this latest piece of folly from every one’s favorite Republican Insider, Jubal/Matt Cunningham of Red County/OC Blog:

The Los Angeles Times published a truly remarkable article today: “MTA Fears A Bottleneck At OC Line.”

Basically, Metropolitan Transportation Authority is complaining the Orange County Transportation Authority‘s ongoing program of freeway widening is making MTA look bad. OCTA’s freeway-centered investment collides with MTA’s lightrail-centered priorities at the LA-OC county line in the form of traffic bottlenecks. It’s a vivid illustration of the different outcomes of the two agencies priorities.

OCTA has funneled its money into transportation modes the vast majority of people actually use: freeway and roads. As a result, our freeways move faster than those in Los Angeles. The MTA, by contrast, has prioritized its money into modes of public transit that far fewer people use, i.e. light rail. Or as OCTA Director Jerry Amante put it:

“We build lanes, not trains.”

And we’re supposed to be proud of that? OK, so widened freeways may be useful in relieving traffic in the short-term. As long as we have all these cars on the road, we have to have something for them to drive on. But really, wouldn’t some long-term solutions also help here?

Follow me after the flip for more as I explain why OCTA shouldn’t exactly be gloating over this…

So why should LA County MTA not feel so bad about not keeping up with the freeway expansion happening across the county line in Orange County? Perhaps because MTA has surpassed all the other transportation agencies in Southern California in mass transit? After all, MTA was named “America’s Best Public Transportation System” due to record high ridership, very high commuter satisfaction, and the amazing success of the Orange Line rapid bus service in the San Fernando Valley. MTA should really be proud of the high quality of transit service that they offer to Los Angeles County.

But what do I know about this? What does some “crazy environazi, anti-car zealot” from Orange County know about how successful MTA has been with its transit lines in Los Angeles? Well, I actually use the subway and the bus whenever I’m in Los Angeles, and boy is it great! I can take the Red Line from Downtown LA to Hollywood, and I never have to wait too long for a train as there’s one about every 10 minutes. I can take the 720 Rapid Bus down Wilshire Blvd. from Koreatown to Santa Monica, and I can be at the pier in about 45 minutes. That actually isn’t bad when compared to the nasty congestion often seen on the freeways (with OR without widening). And even late at night, I’m never stranded as there are now 24-hour bus routes throughout LA. Just look at the MTA system map, and try to tell me that Los Angeles County’s transit agency isn’t doing a terrific job of moving people.

Obviously, LA County has figured out the secret to success in not just relieving traffic, but also reducing air pollution and doing something to stop the climate catastrophe. We all know that our vehicles emit much of the carbon dioxide that’s causing climate change. So what can we do about it? Well, how about riding the clean, efficient local mass transit service?! And with all these people riding Metro buses and trains, LA County MTA really is doing its part to fight climate change. But of course, pollutions isn’t the only thing that’s reduced by all this mass transit service. We have to realize that more people using these buses and trains also means FEWER CARS ON THE STREETS AND FREEWAYS. And fewer cars on the streets and freeways means LESS TRAFFIC! If anything, LA County is really

Now compare and contrast what Los Angeles County is doing to Orange County’s preferred “traffic relief” plan. Now yes, we do have buses. And yes, there is Metrolink rail service to Los Angeles and the Inland Empire. However, our transit network in Orange County doesn’t really cover the whole region like what MTA is trying to do in LA County. Perhaps this is because our transportation “solutions” have been centered on expanding freeways and streets. And oh yes, let’s not forget the toll roads. Now don’t get me wrong, roads are important. And so long as we have all these cars on the road, we have to improve our roads to help people with their commutes. However, this is only a short-term solution.

Over the long term, we can’t sustain all these cars on all these roads. So long as we continue developing farther and farther away from urban cores, and all we do about this is build more roads that only spark more development, we’ll never see long-term traffic relief. This is why we need smarter development and smarter transportation planning. And when it comes to smarter transportation planning, Los Angeles County is doing this. If we want long-term traffic relief, environmental health, and an overall better community, we need to figure out how to take these cars off the road and get people moving in a more efficient manner.

This is why Jubal/Matt shouldn’t be gloating about temporary bottlenecks in South LA County. LA County MTA might have a temporary problem that they will have to solve by improving the 5 and 405, but they are implementing a long-term solution to their overall traffic problem by expanding bus and commuter rail options. Hopefully one day soon, more people here in Orange County will push OCTA to do the same.

Mr. Republican Insider Does Us a Favor

And if you’re interested in reading some fine examples of Environmental Left blogging against the 241 in which the level of exaggeration, misinformation and confabulation is matched only by the certitude with which they are asserted, then visit anyone one of young Andrew Davey’s posts on his blog or lefty-blog Calitics. But he tries.

At first I saw Mr. Republican Insider’s latest diatribe against me and against this community, and I was pretty peeved. These folks at Red County/OC Blog can’t even offer up their own facts and engage in honest debate. I had once considered these folks to be rational individuals, and I used to like going there (believe it or not). Well, I guess I was wrong about that.

But then, I started thinking about this. I soon realized that Jubal/Matt Cunningham was actually doing us a favor. Follow me after the flip for more as I explain why we should be thanking Mr. Republican Insider for this…

It dawned on me last night: These folks really do reveal the emptiness of today’s “conservative” movement when they have nothing left but personal attacks and payola as policy. They don’t have any new ideas on how to govern. They don’t have any facts to back up their “vision” of what they want to see in government. They just seem to have lost their way. Now that I think of it, I’m starting to experience sorrow for people like Matt/Jubal. They must feel awfully terrible to be stuck in a “movement” that doesn’t know what it really stands for.

Matt/Jubal might be hurling attacks at me and at the site, but I know that’s not really what this is about. Now that I think of it, it’s about far more than just a toll road to Trestles or a failed war in the Middle East. It’s about the emptiness of today’s “conservatism”. They used to believe that government should stay out of people’s private lives. Now, they want to examine EVERYTHING we do in our homes and in our bedrooms. They used to believe in fiscal responsibility. Now, they don’t mind complete fiscal insanity. Is this what “conservatism” has become?

Maybe this is why even the traditional “Roosevelt Republicans”, “Eisenhower Republicans”, and “Goldwater Republicans” are leaving this party. Today’s Republicans just don’t stand for what people used to call “conservative”. The GOP truly has lost its way.

But in the meantime, look at what’s happened here. Look at all the activism happening here. Look at all the intelligent policy discussions that we have all the time. We progressives seem to have no problem coming up with great ideas, sound policy, and factual arguments to back them up. And yes, people are actually excited about what we have to say and about what we want to do.

I guess that’s why I should be thanking Mr. Republican Insider. He can call me whatever names he wants. I don’t care. I just like the fact that he’s only proving the point that today’s progressives are the ones with the sound policy and grassroots energy. : )

CA-47: The Liberal OC Loves Loretta, Too!

Mr. Republican Insider and his GOP insider friends can trash my fabulous Congresswoman all they want, but they won’t ever take Loretta down. I just love Loretta Sanchez too much to ever see her being maliciously attacked by these jerks.

See the extended.

She knows what’s best for Orange County, and for her constituents. They don’t. It’s really that simple. Here’s the always fabulous Chris Prevatt from The Liberal OC:

CA-47 Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez has taken a few hits this past week for her support of Congresswoman Susan Davis’ efforts to save the San Onofre State Park from bisection by the 241 toll road extension that has other routes it can follow.

Andrew Davey, over at Calitics, has a post today lauding Sanchez for her efforts. There is a myth out there that somehow her stance will cost her support from organized labor, thus allowing a Republican (Van Tran) to take the seat.

Oh, we love you too, Chris! The Liberal OC is THE BEST LOCAL BLOG in California! But anyways, back to Loretta:

To our friends over at Red County/OCBlog a word of advice…

Don’t hold your breath! The Democrats and organized labor will never let the likes of anti-worker, anti-environment Van Tran skate to victory in the 47th.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: LORETTA IS OUR CHAMPION! She is doing what’s right for our community, and she won’t let a bunch of right-wing bullies pressure her into doing otherwise. That’s why we’ll always love Loretta! : )

Will Mr. Republican Insider Fight the War He So Wants?

(Looky, looky here! It’s none other than Jubal/Matt Cunningham coming onto our fair site to respond. Hi, Jubal! ; ) – promoted by atdleft)

Tell you what; you’re still a relevative [sic] young man in good health who obviously supports this president and this war. Do what hundreds of other soliders have done. Put your life on hold and go enlist. Ask to be assigned a unit going to Iraq. Support this war and this president all you want. But the veto is not supporting the troops. The veto is a sentence to extend this quagmire to satisfy a tyrant president’s stubborness and refusal to admit mistakes.

Dan Chmielewski said that to Republican insider/consultant/”blogger” Jubal/Matt Cunningham on Monday, after Jubal/Matt spewed out the same old Republican talking points that Democrats hate the troops. Well, all hell soon broke loose as Jubal/Matt had his fit. I guess it’s so much easier to “support the troops” by blithely sticking a yellow ribbon on a Middle-Eastern-oil-guzzling SUV while ignoring the real hell that our troops must suffer in Iraq.

Well, The Liberal OC just couldn’t let go. Chris Prevatt offered Jubal/Matt the challenge once more:

So Matt/Jubal, since you seem to support this debacle in Iraq so much; since you seem to believe that this war is really about terrorism and not an occupation; since you support this President and his stubborn insistence that there is something over there that can be won, other than oil and no-bid contracts for his friends; why don’t you put your butt where your mouth is, step up to the plate, and become part of King George’s noble cause.

So will Matt Cunningham take up the offer? After all, doesn’t he share King George the Chimpy’s vision of victory? Oh wait, aren’t we headed toward victory?

We All Got April Fooled in OC!

OK, I’m sure you figured this out by now. My post yesterday on Mike Lawson’s announcement of The Liberal OC seeling out to Red County/OC Blog was a COMPLETE JOKE! Still don’t believe me? Here’s Mike Lawson’s latest post:

By now, most of you have figured out that our redesign and the press release we sent out regarding our acquisition by Red County magazine was an April Fools prank.

A lot of people smelled the prank right away, but a few people (including one very good political reporter at the Orange County Register) were a little slow on the uptake.

OK, so I’ll admit that it took me about two minutes after the first glance of that press release to realize that this was THE BEST APRIL FOOLS’ JOKE EVER
But poor Peggy Lowe at The OC Register actually CALLED MATT CUNNINGHAM TO CONFIRM THE BUYOUT!

So, as the old-school reporter that I am, I called Matt Cunningham early this morning seeking confirmation on this Blue Minority deal… He called me back and all I could hear was laughter.

Yep, I fell for it. And no, the Red County boys aren’t taking over The Liberal OC. Guess it was the blogosphere version of the whoopee cushion. Still waiting for a return e-mail from Mike Lawson, the jokester.

Friends don’t let friends blog until the second cup of coffee is in the bloodstream.

So you still can’t believe how big this got? Follow me after the flip for more…

OK, now… Here’s the topper! Matt finally made an announcement last night on OC Blog:

Although this is a Red County, it has a definite Blue streak. So why persuade and engage the other side when you can just absorb them?

The good people at TheLiberalOC.com reached a similar conclusion: why not indeed?

Yes, this seriously must be the best prank ever pulled off! I know I’ll fondly remember this for many years to come. ; )