Tag Archives: workers rights

May Day Happenings

Tomorrow is May Day, and the combination of anniversaries – the traditional holiday for workers (that started in the United States, it is most certainly NOT a Communist holiday), a day of action in the Latino community, and the 5th anniversary of “Mission Accomplished” – means that there are goings-on all over the state tomorrow.

• Latino groups will stage a May Day rally for immigrant rights tomorrow in downtown Los Angeles.  You may remember that last year’s event in Macarthur Park ended in chaos with tear gas and brutality marring a peaceful protest.  The cops have actually been practicing and preparing so that there are no such incidents this year.  Organizers expect anywhere between 25,000-100,000.

• There’s at least one budget cut/fee increase protest being planned at Cal-State Northridge, organized by students.  It should start around 12:00 on the bookstore lawn.  I believe this is part of a continuing action by students to raise awareness about the crime Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to commit on public education this fiscal year.  There’s more at The Alliance for the CSU.

• On the anniversary of “Mission Accomplished,” True Majority and CREDO Mobile are teaming up to deliver the Responsible Plan to End The War in Iraq to incumbent House members, and urge them to sign on to the bills in the plan that have already been proposed.  The House leadership is planning on cravenly offering more money in the war supplemental than even George Bush asked for, funding it through 2009 without any checks or conditions.  This is dead wrong, and there are steps Congress can take right now to rein in military contractors, aid in the humanitarian crisis, and increase regional diplomatic efforts, instead of allowing Bush to muddle through and pass off the disaster to his successor.  You can find one of the 210 events in your area by clicking this link.

• The west coast chapters of the International Longshoreman Worker’s Union (ILWU) is planning on shutting down all west coast ports on May Day to protest the ongoing occupation of Iraq.  Information on Bay Area events is here.  There’s also information at this blog.  This is the biggest general strike I can remember, and coming from longshoremen it can hardly be considered the work of dirty hippies.  This is a very important event.

• And in what may in the final analysis be the most revolutionary event, word has it that Tesla Motors will open their very first store tomorrow in West LA, on Santa Monica Boulevard just east of the 405 Freeway, which paradoxically is one of the most congested spots in the city.  Tesla has created an electric vehicle that runs like a sports car, and in future years their sedan model will be relatively affordable while getting the equivalent of 135 miles per gallon.  As this event is the closest to me, I might actually get to this one. 🙂

The Do-Nothing American Eagle

American Eagle has the money, power and influence to ensure the workers at its contractor’s warehouse are treated fairly and justly.  Sure, they can sit back and take the easy road.  AE uses the excuse: we don’t own the warehouse anymore…our hands are tied…we can’t do anything about it.  That’s BS.

American Eagle’s do-nothing attitude is a slap in the face to workers around the world.  It surprises me coming from an otherwise socially responsible company but their unwillingness to stand by workers’ rights demonstrates that AE wants to be responsible only when it is convenient (read: when there’s $$ to be made). 

It’s August and we’re all in back-to-school mode.  Vacations are wrapping up and “normal” routines begin to reemerge.  Before heading to the mall in search of back-to-school clothes, I encourage you to join UNITE HERE’s Back-to-School Boycott of American Eagle Outfitters.  Union members and college students joined together in June to launch this international boycott with the hopes of getting American Eagle to stop ignoring workers’ rights.

As I alluded to, the executives at American Eagle are hypocrites.  They say they care about workers.  The company’s own Code of Conduct requires contractors to respect the right of employees to form a union, yet workers at the warehouse, contracted to ship AE’s clothing in Canada, faced harassment and intimidation when they tried to improve conditions. 

The workers at NLS wanted to organize because they hadn’t received raises in 2-3 years, lacked a fair process to move into permanent employment and dealt with daily disrespect from managers.  When word got out, NLS management took out all the stops by hiring a US-based labor relations firm to stifle efforts to organize. 

It is obvious American Eagle executives don’t want to stand up for workers’ rights.  They continue to make excuses saying they don’t have any influence over NLS management. Come on now, we aren’t naïve. This is a multi-billion dollar company we’re working with here people.  Moreover, American Eagle owned and operated the warehouse until early 2006 and AE is currently NLS’s largest client. 

Bottom line: AE hasn’t taken any steps to enforce its Code of Conduct for Vendors and Contractors that specifically protects freedom of association.  I hope you’ll join us as we prepare a student week of action September 10 – 16.  Don’t worry – even if you’re not a student, we can still use your help.  Here’s what you can do:

• Sign the American Eagle Back-to-School Boycott Pledge – Use the power of the purse strings to hold American Eagle accountable.  They say they can’t do anything but they know they can. American Vulture.org

• Student Week of Action – Encourage your campus organizations to join in the week of action.  Become a Campus Boycott Leader and participate in back-to-school boycott activities at your local American Eagle store.

• Volunteer – Distribute “American Vulture” materials around a college campus near you.

• Spread the Word – Send the boycott pledge to your friends, colleagues and neighbors; post the news on your listserves and blog it. Utilize our Myspaceand Facebook profiles. 

• Enter “Defeathering the Eagle” Contest – We’re looking for the best ads that mock American Eagle’s marketing and image. Details here.

Participating Colleges and Universities. Is your school on the list? 

UC Berkeley
UC Santa Cruz
Santa Clara University

University of Miami

Washington University

New York 
Vassar College
Columbia University

Fanshawe College
Queens University
Carleton University
York University
Ryerson University
University of Toronto

McGill University
Montreal University

University of Texas, San Antonio
Texas Christian University

Washington, DC 
Georgetown University