Tag Archives: prostitution

Vote No on San Francisco’s Proposition K

There are many flaws with San Francisco’s Proposition K.  Alarmingly, there is a proven global connection between legalization/decriminalization of prostitution and an INCREASE in sex trafficking.  If we are to enter into an intelligent conversation over ideas for any policy change designed to keep women and girls safe, first these connections need to be more thoroughly explored. The outcome could have dire consequences for the advancement of women’s human rights. On one hand, Proposition K could bring the job title of ‘prostitute’ into a legitimate labor category in San Francisco with possibilities of unionization, employer-provided health insurance, and access to disability and unemployment benefits. On the other hand, we could be making our community more susceptible to pimps, traffickers and violent predators while simultaneously creating a group of women and girls that are legally sanctioned to be bought and sold by anyone with the ability or power to do so. Research the connection between prostitution and sex trafficking in Australia, Netherlands, and Germany. Illegal sex trafficking, prostitution of children, and quality of life crimes EXPLODED as a result of their legalization/decriminalization of prostitution. Google ‘connection between prostitution and trafficking’ and you will be provided with a plethora of information.

Another dangerous outcome of Proposition K is that it mandates the city to stop supporting FOPP or any similar programs. FOPP is a highly effective restorative justice program that enables social service agencies to provide free services to women and girls who are involved in or at-risk for prostitution. These free services include mental health counseling, addiction treatment, and job-skill training. Proponents of Proposition K like to slander these social service programs by calling them ‘sex-negative’ and ‘shame-based.’ Anyone who has had any direct experiences with these programs will say the exact opposite. Anyone who has had any actual involvement will tell you of the compassion, empowerment, healing and sisterhood that these programs are built on. These programs provide education on healthy-sex, healthy relationships, building self-esteem and most importantly, provide the tools necessary to help women and girls heal from their traumas and develop into the beautiful and powerful women they were always meant to be. Thousands of lives have been transformed as a direct result of these programs. There is absolutely no sound reason why these life-changing services should be denied to ANYONE!

Proposition K is being sold to San Francisco voters as an opportunity to grant sex workers equal rights. In actuality, it is a convicted pimp’s personal vendetta against San Francisco and the SAGE Project. Before jumping on anyone’s bandwagon, do a little background research. http://www.sfexaminer.com/opin…

Proposition K is not the solution to advancing women’s human rights. It sadly would do the exact opposite. There is a reason Gloria Steinem is one of the major opponents against Proposition K. You can learn more at www.noonk.net.

Jerry Hill in trouble in AD 19

Out here in San Mateo, things are getting sexy.  Last year our Sheriff was nailed in a brothel in Vegas, but since the johns were not charged, he walked.  There was a stink, as one could imagine, but in the end nothing happened.  Flash forward to a year later, our new Congresswoman Jackie Speier, joined by Congresswoman Anna Eschoo came down hard on the Board of Supervisors for sitting on their hands last year and demanding a full investigation.

What makes this interesting is that over the course of the last year, Munks has donated to the campaigns of all five Supervisors, and between him, his wife, and his in-laws, he gave Hill, candidate for the 19th AD around 10 grand.  The County is going into full-bore ass-covering mode like I’ve never seen before, and it looks like it’s anyone’s race from here on out.  Links below for those who are interested, and I’ll be adding on as things get more interesting.



Try Getting This Image Out Of Your Memory


A prostitute whom prosecutors say a defense contractor provided to former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham testified Wednesday that the congressman fed her grapes as she sat naked in a hot tub before they headed to a bedroom at a Hawaiian resort.

Is dry heaving due to something I read that’s not work-related on company time covered on my group plan?

(This came out in the Brent Wilkes trial, by the way, as just one of the gifts offered in bribe from the defense contractor to members of Congress.  But if you’re reading this far, you have an AMAZINGLY strong stomach.)