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Rogelio V. Morales–New Candidate for the 44th Congressional District

Rogelio V. Morales is a new Democratic candidate in the 2008 congressional elections for the 44th Congressional District (map) of California. He is seeking the Democratic nomination to challenge incumbent Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.). The primary will take place on June 3, 2008. He is going up against Bill Hedrick and Louis Vandenberg.

Here’s his biography and background information, from http://www.sourcewatch.org/ind…

“Rogelio V. Morales’s life is a testament to the continuing vitality of the American Dream.

Rogelio (pronounced row-hell-leo) was born in Los Angeles, CA. As a first-generation American, Rogelio was raised by illiterate Mexican immigrants whose combined schooling totaled a third-grade education. He also attended 92nd Street Elementary School in Watts, Los Angeles, CA. Throughout his childhood, Rogelio was often surrounded by gang violence, poverty and drugs.

In 1987, Rogelio’s family moved to the Inland Empire after his father’s job relocated to Riverside, CA. He attended several schools in the district, including Myra Lynn Elementary School, La Sierra Academy and La Sierra High School. In June 1995, Rogelio graduated from John W. North High School. A month later, he joined the United States Marine Corps.

Throughout his enlistment in the Marine Corps, Rogelio received several awards and commendations. In 1997, at the age of 20, he was selected by his unit commander to represent his infantry company in the Marine Corps’ Annual Rifle Squad Competition (ARSC). At the competition’s end, his unit was recognized as the “most combat ready rifle squad in 1st Marine Division.” According to his Navy Achievement Medal citation, Rogelio’s leadership as a fire team leader was “instrumental” to his rifle squad’s first place finish. Later that same year, Rogelio was awarded the ARSC Badge by the Commandant of the Marine Corps, General C.C. Krulak, at an awards ceremony held at Marine Barracks, in Washington, D.C. Looking back on his achievements, however, Rogelio remains humbled by the awesome privilege of once being in command of Americans who had chosen to serve their country.

After being discharged from active duty in 1999, Rogelio enrolled at Riverside Community College (RCC). At RCC, he excelled at academics and student government. Rogelio graduated in the summer of 2002 and earned the honor of being named the student commencement speaker. That summer, he transferred to the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). In 2004, Rogelio graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in Political Science. Then in September 2005, Rogelio enrolled in the Juris Doctorate program at the University of Washington, in Seattle, WA. Rogelio expects his law degree in March 2008.

Truly, Rogelio V. Morales represents new, exciting leadership the 44th Congressional District can be proud to call its own.”

Here is some background information on the candidate as well:

• Full Legal Name: Rogelio Vergara Morales

• Place of Birth: Martin Luther King, Jr. Hospital in Los Angeles, CA.

• Age: 30 years old (as of 12/31/2007)

• Military Rank Attained: Corporal (E-4)

• Type of Discharge: Honorable

• Marital Status: Single/ Never Married

• Political Party: Democrat

• Religion: Christian – Protestant

• Other Languages: Spanish

• Reason for Running:

“Congressman Calvert has lost touch with the values and priorities of the 44th Congressional District. What’s worse, Congressman Calvert is no longer an effective representative to aid our district’s emerging political and economic importance. As your congressman, I promise to restore the special trust and confidence voters demand from their representatives. Indeed, I believe the best and brightest days for our district are still ahead, and I intend to hasten their long-awaited arrival.”  –Rogelio V. Morales, Democratic Candidate, U.S. Congress —

See contact info below:

[email protected]

Contributions can be sent to:

C/O Cardenas, P.O. Box 51748, Riverside, CA 92517

Make checks payable to: Morales for Congress