Tag Archives: brothel

Jerry Hill in trouble in AD 19

Out here in San Mateo, things are getting sexy.  Last year our Sheriff was nailed in a brothel in Vegas, but since the johns were not charged, he walked.  There was a stink, as one could imagine, but in the end nothing happened.  Flash forward to a year later, our new Congresswoman Jackie Speier, joined by Congresswoman Anna Eschoo came down hard on the Board of Supervisors for sitting on their hands last year and demanding a full investigation.

What makes this interesting is that over the course of the last year, Munks has donated to the campaigns of all five Supervisors, and between him, his wife, and his in-laws, he gave Hill, candidate for the 19th AD around 10 grand.  The County is going into full-bore ass-covering mode like I’ve never seen before, and it looks like it’s anyone’s race from here on out.  Links below for those who are interested, and I’ll be adding on as things get more interesting.

