Tag Archives: sheep

Animation Celebrates Bush Departure

Finally something we can all agree on!

The Waiting Is Over    While the outcome of the 2008 presidential election remains unknown, one certainty goes unappreciated: the Bush presidency will soon be over! A new animated film offers a joyful musical tribute to the end of an era.

   “The Waiting Is Over” shows a glimpse of what the future may hold with the passing of the presidential torch. It’s a hand-clapping, foot-stomping celebration guaranteed to lift your political spirits.

     Americans have finally found something they can all agree on: the end of the Bush presidency will be a welcome event. And a new animated film musically celebrates the end of this unprecedented era. How many have dreamt that terms like “warrantless wiretapping” and “troop surge” might one day vanish from our vocabulary? This nonpartisan sing-a-long reassures us that dreams become reality the closer we get to this long anticipated finale.

    “The Waiting Is Over” features presidential candidate, “Sheep”, who proclaims that a new America is just around the corner. “We need to remember that no matter the outcome of the election,” says Sheep, “things are going to get a whole lot better. That’s something to celebrate.” He also believes the film serves to remind Bush’s successor of the country’s expectations of the next administration.

    If all the debates and campaign promises of the presidential contenders have left you a little disappointed, don’t despair. Now you can stop singing the campaign rhetoric blues and lift your voice in song to a new chorus. The revival of America has been a long time coming. The waiting’s nearly over. Let the celebration begin!

Visit www.Sheep2008.com

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