Tag Archives: Steve Poizner

eMeg Joins Grover Norquist to Drown California in a Bathtub

Desperate to win over the wingnut base of the California Republican Party, and likely herself a true believer in the “let’s destroy government” cause, Meg Whitman has joined Steve Poizner and taken the Grover Norquist “no new taxes” pledge:

“By signing the Pledge, Whitman makes clear that if elected she will stand up for taxpayers and not the tenured bureaucrats, coercive utopians, and union bosses that currently run Sacramento,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. “In a state with one of the highest tax burdens in the country, a dismal business tax climate, rampant overspending, and a government that is so costly that Californians had to work 235 days this year, well over half the year, just to pay for it, higher taxes should be a non-starter for all elected officials and candidates. In signing the Pledge, Whitman has made clear that she recognizes this.”…

“Californians are fortunate to have two high quality candidates who have made this important commitment to defend the overburdened Golden State taxpayers,” added Norquist. “I strongly encourage, and challenge, Tom Campbell, Gavin Newsome [sic] and every candidate for governor to sign the Pledge.”

Presumably this means Whitman and Poizner oppose making the wealthy pay more to help keep teachers in the classrooms, that they enjoy seeing classes with a whopping 42 students in them, and that they are happy to prolong the recession in order to carry out their shock doctrine of California’s once-great prosperity.

Interestingly, you’ll note that of the other candidates Norquist challenged to sign the pledge, Jerry Brown was not among them. He hasn’t officially signed that pledge, but as Brian mentioned last week, he might as well have:

Brown said he would not raise taxes if he became governor, noting that the public is opposed. “We’re not in the revenue raising business,” he said.

Of course, the polls tell a different story. Californians are quite willing to raise certain taxes to restore and preserve vital public services. How exactly Brown would balance the state’s budget without embracing the kinds of cuts eMeg has proposed is quite unclear.

If we are going to beat Poizner or Whitman, Democrats will have to offer a different vision for California’s future. And that means rejecting the “no new taxes” mantra that is destroying our state and the economic prosperity of the working and middle classes. If Jerry Brown won’t offer that vision, will Gavin Newsom?

Black or White: Prisons and the Next Governor

As we drift headlong into the 2010 Governor’s race, there are some very big issues facing the state.  One of these, is the prison crisis.  The legislature and the Governor were only able to come up with cuts that would reduce the population by somewhere in the 25,000 range, while the federal courts are looking more in the 44,000 range.

The Bee took a look at how the candidates are talking about this issue, and let’s just say that some of the positions are semi-reasonable, and others simply aren’t.  Now, for those of you who were wondering about the Michael Jackson “Black or White” Video, well, I give you Steve Poizner’s black or white take on the world:

Whitman and Poizner, on the other hand, have tried to out-tough each other, railing against legislation passed last month by the state Senate that would have let some inmates out earlier and appointed a commission to rework state sentencing laws. The ultimate version of the bill passed this month did not include the sentencing commission or a provision to release more than 6,000 inmates to home detention.

“You have to be a really bad person to get into state prison,” Poizner said. “So I’m opposed to releasing people who are dangerous, absolutely opposed. That’s no way to balance the budget.”

Whitman went even further, saying she opposed rewriting any prison and parole guidelines that would shorten prison terms for any inmate.(Sac Bee 9/23/09 emphasis mine)

Poizner simply takes the reactionary view, that is, that if you are in prison, you are a bad, bad, person.  Of course, this ignores the crazy, messed up world of parole violations that lead to people going to prison to serve out a term because they missed a meeting with their parole officer or some other technicality.  So, yes, you have to break the law to end up in prison, but painting all prisoners with such a wide brush serves neither the prison system, the prisoners, nor the state very well.

And then you look at eMeg‘s statement, and that seems all the more bizarre when you put it together with her statement from yesterday saying that she wants to can 40,000 state workers.  As the governor’s staff has pointed out, you can’t fire that many workers without firing a bunch of prison guards.  And if you plan on increasing the prison population as eMeg seems to be saying here, well forget about cutting state employee roles, you’ll end up hiring another 10,000 prison guards.  And that doesn’t even consider the overtime pay that the guards get in spades.

Jerry Brown, who mentioned that he would consider the position, and SF Mayor Gavin Newsom have stated fairly similar positions. Both want to reduce recidivism (good!) but haven’t stated whether they would support a sentencing commission or any serious reform (bad!).  

On the other hand, Republican Tom Campbell has actually been quite the reasonable guy on this front.  He supported the Senate bill (Good!) and has put out specific, pragmatic policies on this and some other issues, many of which are pretty vanilla milquetoast. Nonetheless, a candidate that is willing to talk about the issue from a logical viewpoint, rather than an emotional reactionary viewpoint, deserves some credit.

Campbell, on the other hand, is bucking the prevailing wisdom in his party. He backed both the Senate version and the final bill although both shorten prison terms of some inmates.

“We have an opportunity to direct a more effective prison system,” Campbell said. “I’d rather approach this pragmatically, through outsourcing of prisoners, developing a triage of parole violators and focusing on more violent offenders in prisons.”

Now, Arnold supported the Senate bill too, and that hardly makes him a great Governor, does it? But, unless our elected leaders are willing to deal with thhis issue out of a place of pragmatic, problem-solving leadership, rather than out of fear of an electoral backlash, we shouldn’t expect too much progress.  

eMeg: eSlash and eBurn California’s State Government

Meg Whitman isn’t quite the punching bag of say, an iCarly. She’s dumped a bucket load of cash into her campaign, and has some actual support coming in as well.

But, she saw the red meat that Steve Poizner was dishing up to the base, and thought she better get in the action once again.  So, in a speech that she’s giving, oh, right about now, she puts a bunch of ground round on a platter and serves it up rare as can be. Joe Garofoli at the Chronicle just posted some choice excerpts from the speech:

As governor, I’ll cut taxes to create jobs. Specifically, I’ll cut taxes on job-creating businesses of every size and implement targeted tax relief to rebuild manufacturing in California. I’ll expand research and development tax credits. I’ll establish tax incentives and credits for companies that train and hire displaced workers. And I’ll establish a cabinet-level position in my administration dedicated to private sector job growth. (SF Gate)

So, R&D credits, huh? Well, her friends in Silicon Valley will love that. How about her friends in the Central Valley who are struggling to pay the health insurance bill and the mortgage? No word on that issue.  But don’t worry, because unlike Poizner, she’s got a plan on how we afford the tax cuts: Slash 40,000 government jobs.

As I committed to in February, if elected I will identify and implement at least $15 billion in permanent spending cuts from the state budget. I’ll eliminate redundant and underperforming government agencies and commissions. And I will reduce the state workforce by at least 40,000 employees. That’s a 17 percent reduction that would reset the workforce to 2004-2005 levels and save the state a projected $3.3 billion annually. (SF Gate)

Right, that’s the ticket.  I know Whitman is a business scholar, so I’ll leave this question to her: How does the state sustain an additional loss of 40,000 jobs without a consequential, and substantial, drop in consumer spending and thus private sector jobs.

The fact is that this plan is even more half-baked than Poizner’s merely ridiculous plan.  This one carries few specifics other than “we can improve IT efficiency.” Yes, that’s true, but the state government isn’t ebay, and you can’t simply apply feedback scores and tell everybody that they just have to trust reputation and then pretend everything is hunky-dory. And you can’t really outsource your labor to slave labor, as eMeg does. Nope, the state actually needs its workforce to accomplish some very important goals.  Things like fighting fires, protecting its citizens, you know, silly stuff.

I’m not even sure I need to attack this plan, as the Governor’s people have already done so. From back in June, here’s Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear criticizing the plan:

Former eBay CEO and Republican candidate Meg Whitman campaigns across California, advocating job cuts to net a 10 percent “head count” reduction in California’s 345,000-person state workforce.

But she got a brushback from Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear, who suggested such across-the-board cuts are all but impossible.

“The governor only has authority over contracts with 100,000 state employees paid through the general fund,” McLear said. “About two-thirds of those are in Corrections. So it’s unclear how you cut 30,000 positions without affecting public safety.”

Aaah, the battle royale between Whitman and Poizner, where nothing really makes sense, but you get style points just for dressing up your utility grade red-meat.

CA-GOV: Steve Poizner is Crazy or Stupid or Dangerous. Or All of the Above.

PhotobucketToday, our dear Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner (let us all thank Cruz Bustamante for that) released his tax plan.  You can grab the PDF here. Apparently Poizner fancies himself a George W. Bush for California, because he plans on cutting taxes with no way to pay for them. But, as we can’t deficit spend, officially anyway, I’m not sure how he plans on paying for the cuts.

But the whole plan is riddled with more inaccuracies than an intern’s all-nighter project.  Except that this is probably the work of a few interns pulling an all-nighter.  Just check the graph to the right, and somehow that’s plopped down in his PDF presentation on page 5 as if it is supposed to mean something.  Yes folks, that is total tax revenues. Not per capita, just bare dollar figures.  Shockingly, California has far more tax revenue than every other state and the leading revenue states just happen to be the largest states by population.  Now, if anybody who reads this “plan” has half a brain, they’ll think, wait a minute, this data is meaningless, what is this guy trying to pull?

Well, something extraordinary as it turns out.  Poizner is planning on setting fire to state government in a way that even Arnold would find worrisome.  His tax plan simply cuts tax rates down the line. Of course, as is the custom, the rich will get the bulk of this tax cut, thus making the middle class carry more of the burden. The bottom tax bracket, for those making b/w $0 and $7K will be reduced from 1.25% to 0.90%, while the top tax bracket, from about $93K on up goes from 9.55% to 8.37% under Poizner’s plan.  Now, what Poizner isn’t telling you as he continues to hide the ball, but that most Californians know and understand is that people who make less than $7,000 do not actually pay taxes, so this “working class tax cut” is completely illusory.  Meanwhile, even the middle rates do not fall as much as the top tax cut.  

But we should not even be shocked by this.  As we’ve seen from the Parsky Commission, Republicans are feeling their oats.  They have realized that despite defeat after defeat after defeat at the ballot box, they are still winning the war over where this state is heading. They are going to shock doctrine us, whether you like it or not.  After all, they have graphs.

The data seems to be mostly from the Pacific Research Institute, a think tank chock full o’ rightwing “thinkers.”  They are the type who sit around plotting various graphs in efforts to confuse the general public.  They come up with graphs comparing net migration to the top personal tax rate, as if the two have causal relationship.  But, why bother with showing causation when you can point to correlation.  hey, look, I found a penny on the street yesterday, and today I got fired.  Clearly, when you pick up a penny, you will get fired. It must be true, they’re correlated.

But wait there’s more to this so-called plan.  He also plans on cutting the corporate tax as well as the capital gains tax. All this with no actual plan to pay for any of this. Oh sure, he’s going to hire a Chief Innovation Officer, and “streamline” government.  But, unless you read “streamline” to mean “destroy the social safety net” like most interested observers of Poizner’s career track would do, there is nothing to indicate how this doesn’t destroy the state budget even more than it already is.

Oh, and don’t forget, he’s going to make sure that grieving parents cannot recover for the loss of their children by continuing to tighten the valve on tort deform. Because, you know, the fact that the non-economic damages number hasn’t been adjusted for inflation since its inception in the 1970s hasn’t already done that.

Ladies and Gentleman, meet the Real Steve Poizner: The Man Who Finishes The Job That Arnold Was Too Much of A Girlie-Man to Finish. He’ll go ahead and destroy the social safety net and the state budget once and for all.

The Fight Over Van Jones Comes to the CA GOP

Van Jones, in my book, is a guy who a) knows his stuff and b) can get things done. Just the kind of guy you want in the administration. And as we try to get the Green Jobs thing moving, his role as the green jobs czar will be increasingly important. And Jones tells it like it is. When asked why Republicans were able to pass legislation despite their relatively smaller minorities, Jones answered in a brutally honest fashion:

JONES: Well the answer to that is, they’re assholes.

QUESTIONER: I was afraid that was the answer.

JONES: As a technical, political kind of term. And Barack Obama is not an asshole. Now, I will say this: I can be an asshole, and some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama, are going to have to start getting a little bit uppity. (HuffPo)

Now, if you read this whole quote, you will see that he’s not really using the term in a pejorative sense, after all he goes on to call himself an asshole as well. As I read it, he is essentially saying that the Republicans were hard-nosed and dedicated to their cause. They pushed it through no matter what.  Jones is saying that is what is needed, and that he can do the same thing.

Of course, Fox News and the Gang are UP IN ARMS over this. Of course, they don’t look at the whole context, but take away the one line and go play the victim on national TV. Van Jones is a bully, they say, and just plane rude. And a communist, of course!

Steve Poizner, who seems to be growing a little antsy by all the attention that eMeg is getting, thinks that he can tie this all together.  A few weeks ago, eMeg commented on Jones and the time that she spent with him on a cruise to the Antarctic for a research/publicity kind of thing. She gave him a few shallow comments, calling him bright, articulate, and passionate.

Poizner is now making it an issue after the leaders of the GOP, aka the radio shock jocks made it an issue. One “Jaz McKay” is having none of this mushy middle:

JAZ MCKAY: Just to do it. I’m just going to. I’m not voting for her. I’m telling you right now. Her position on the 2nd Amendment has already pissed me off to no end. I ain’t voting for her.

JOHN HAWKINS: Come on. Who doesn’t love a Republican who wants to take your guns?

JAZ MCKAY: Who doesn’t love a Republican who goes on global warming cruises with communists, right?

JOHN HAWKINS: And talks about how much she loves them after.

JAZ MCKAY: Ah, just loves them.

Whitman and Poizner have been swapping barbs for a while now over some really petty stuff. But hey, grab a snack, and just enjoy. Jones isn’t going to lose sleep over this, and this will make not one iota of difference in the grand scheme of things. It’s just another distraction from the real issues that face Californians.

Peep the flip for the radio transcript and a video of Whitman talking about Jones.

JAZ MCKAY: She is the eBay chick, right? And she is running for governor. She has more money than Steve Poizner, who’s the only hope the state really has at this point. Here are her comments and I… This is … When was this? March? April? When was this?

JOHN HAWKINS: This was May.

JAZ MCKAY: May? May 6th. There it is-May 6th 2009. Meg Whitman, so called conservative Republican, talking about Van Jones and how much she likes Van Jones.

MEG WHITMAN: There’s a guy over in Oakland. I think his name is Van…


WHITMAN: Jones. And he and I were on a cruise last summer in the arctic for climate change. And I got to know him very well and a lot of the work he’s doing to enfranchise broader communities. I am a big fan of him. He’s done a marvelous job.

UNKNOWN: He’s been appointed to Obama’s–

WHITMAN: So who’s? Is he going to put someone in charge of what he’s doing here in Oakland?

UNKNOWN: He’s going to have to. unintelligible

WHITMAN: He really is. I’m a huge fan of his. He’s very bright, very articulate, very passionate.

JAZ MCKAY: Huge fan.

WHITMAN: So, I think he is exactly right.

JAZ MCKAY: Meg Whitman, a huge fan. John, this won’t have any effect on her campaign whatsoever, will it?

JOHN HAWKINS: Well, it’s California, Jaz. You’re lucky you’re not getting Arnold back for another term.

JAZ MCKAY: No, you know what? If she ends up… well, if she ends up winning the nomination and Jerry Brown is running against her or Feinstein, you know what? Just to be a little a-hole, I’m going to vote for the Democrat.


JAZ MCKAY: Just to do it. I’m just going to. I’m not voting for her. I’m telling you right now. Her position on the 2nd Amendment has already pissed me off to no end. I ain’t voting for her.

JOHN HAWKINS: Come on. Who doesn’t love a Republican who wants to take your guns?

JAZ MCKAY: Who doesn’t love a Republican who goes on global warming cruises with communists, right?

JOHN HAWKINS: And talks about how much she loves them after.

JAZ MCKAY: Ah, just loves them.

Listen to the audio of Jaz McKay’s show here.

Yup, the National Media Really Isn’t Paying Attention

Yesterday, I found an example of the national media understanding the situation in California in Hendrick Hertzberg’s article in the August 24 issue of the New Yorker. It didn’t take long to remind me that he’s the exception to the rule.

Take today’s Wall Street Journal. I practically fell out of my chair when I read this:

California’s fiscal crisis is giving Tom Campbell, an ex-congressman with few resources, a fighting chance to become the state’s next governor. (WSJ 8/18/09)

Yes, that is a direct quote from what is supposed to be one of the world’s leading newspapers. But, apparently the Wall Street Journal didn’t bother to check the financial reports. A serious candidate doesn’t have $317K in their bank account at this point. (And lest you think there’s big money coming in since the report…let’s dispel that now.) Considering that Meg Whitman has somewhere over $20 million in the bank, you just can’t compete in California without raising more money.

I will give Campbell some props for the DailyKos/R2K poll numbers. The fact that he’s only down 5 points is pretty astounding considering the money disparity. I think that poll might say more about Steve Poizner’s unpopularity in the GOP electorate more than anything else (9 pts? ouch!).

Would Campbell be a strong competitor in the general election? Probably. If he could raise the money, he has some interesting ideas that could capture a sizable chunk of the Decline to State crowd. Is he more moderate than Whitman and Poizner? Sure, but it’s not like that takes a lot. Poizner is running a campaign to defund California. And Whitman has some issues with the gayz as well as slave labor.

The Wall Street Journal may not understand the CA GOP electorate, but I do. Unless Campbell starts skewing hard to the right, the votes just won’t be there.  In today’s Zombie Death Cult, “moderates” – or the slightly sane- just cannot win a statewide primary.

On another note, as I was cruising the virtual pages of the WSJ, I also came upon this article on mortgage lending. It was critical of Vermont for not letting their lenders give out crazy loans that brought down the economy. Seriously, they thought it would have been better if VT had played the game like everybody else and fed the bubble. Yes, ladies and gentleman, meet your media.

Oh it’s Already Been Brought: Poizner Slams Whitman

Month Poizner Whitman

$       281,792.78 $                  

February $       188,808.70 $      528,782.10
March $       189,856.86 $      867,914.66
April $       284,203.14 $   1,419,185.37
May $       279,805.38 $   1,261,555.42
June $       210,664.09 $   1,672,637.70


$     295,175.64

 Nonmonetary Adjustment

$     108,556.71

$   1,551,328.73 $   6,154,146.97

There’s not a lot of love lost between Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner. That much is clear.  However, they’re making it really clear with how much money they are spending beating the crap out of each other. While Poizner’s $1.5 million spent at this point is pretty high, it’s really not all that shocking.  On the other, Whitman’s $6 million is quite the total, and puts her on a pace to make Al Checchi’s $40 million look like chump change.

The fun part of all this, is cruising through some of the expenses, which the campaigns have each helpfully itemized for their opponents.  Poizner’s really isn’t that much fun, but I’ll get some more deets and post them over the flip. But as for Whitman, where’s she spending it? Well, there was $100K for private jets, $10 K for Wolfgang Puck, $2.1 Million in consulting, and nearly $1 million for internet consulting.

To say that number is huge is an understatement. That amount of money would fund a decent presidential campaign’s internet department. To spend that in 6 months, is rather astonishing.

Yet, despite spending those big bucks, she has less than 4,000 supporters on Facebook and  3,000 followers on Twitter. It’s rather pathetic, given the numbers Newsom has. Heck, even Brown has that many supporters and he’s spent less than $250 grand TOTAL in the last 6 months.

Keep it up eMeg. The GOP political consultancy is depending on you.

CA-Gov: First Half Money Race

While perhaps not a sign of the better side of our politics, the money race in California politics is crucial. This is especially true for the Governor’s race, where the campaign has been mostly fought via air war in the last few elections.  Thus, it is time for a Calitics look at the money situation in some of the statewide races.  We’ll start with the Governor’s race, and within the next few days, I’ll post information on some of the other races of note.

So, let’s get right to it. First, the Republicans:

Meg Whitman

Ending Balance – $4,962,065.61

Debts – $295,175.64

What isn’t included in this report, however, is that Whitman donated a bit of money to her campaign.  You know nothing, major, just $15,000,000. Yes, you read that right. Whitman has now donated over $19 million to her campaign. Money will be no issue for the Whitman campaign. There is a litany of problems for Whitman, both with the Republican primary electorate as well as with the general election voters.  However, if she has an overwhelmingly large a lot of money, she might simply be able to drown out any message that isn’t exactly to her liking. It is a bit worrying, despite all the fun that you can have with Meg Whitman.

Steve Poizner

Ending Balance – $3,701,993.79

Debts – $176,186.66

Steve Poizner hasn’t dumped the kind of money that Whitman has into her campaign. He’s getting some decent level of grassroots support from the right-wing, as there has been no real hard-right McClintock-esque type of candidate. Poizner doesn’t have quite the wealth of Whitman, but he can afford to drop a few million into his campaign if he begins to get overrun by the Whitman machine.

Tom Campbell

Ending Balance – $317,381.69

Debts – $0

Poor Tom Campbell.  Not that Campbell is a poor man, but compared to the other two, he simply cannot donate to his campaign. He cannot get the right-wing grassroots support as he has consistently ticked off the right-wing with his positions on Prop 8 and taxes.  At some point unless his fundraising picks up steam rapidly, you begin to question whether this is a serious campaign and not some platform for him to talk about the budget. If that’s the case, well, it’s a fairly good tack, and would give him some power over the discussions in the campaign.  He’ll need to raise a lot more to actually be competitive in the Republican primary though.  

On the Democratic side, it’s starting to look like an un-fair fight.  Attorney General Jerry Brown (and supposed candidate for that race again) has a lot of money heading into the Democratic primary,  SF Mayor Gavin Newsom had a fairly disappointing first half of the year for fundraising, considering he was the only announced candidate. Running for Governor also allows a substantially higher maximum, so Brown can go back to a lot of his maxed out donors when (if?) he declares for the Governor’s race.


Ending Balance – $7,386,669.12

Debts – $0

Brown has been extremely thrifty, with his staff very limited. His wife, Anne Gust, is doing much of the day-to-day work, and Joe Trippi is doing a bit of consulting. But, there just hasn’t been much money flowing out of his campaign. If he goes back and double-dips to his other contributions, he’ll have even more money.  This is a train with a lot of steam now.


Ending Cash – $1,244,919.85

Debts – $334,482.67

In years past, these numbers wouldn’t have been terrible. But costs have gone up, and you simply need a lot of money. With the exodus of Eric Jaye and the now unquestioned authority of Garry South, it is a fairly safe assumption that there will be a big push on traditional fundraising methods over new media and grassroots fundraising. Whether Newsom will succeed with such methods is still an open question.

Republican Candidates Fundamentally Miss the Point of California’s Voters

Thanks to the power of twitter, we have some real-time reporting from this afternoon’s “debate” between Tom Campbell and Steve Poizner.  They each came kitted out with props. Campbell apparently is a fan of whiteboards, and Poizner brought massive copies of the current California budget.  Ooh, fun!

But neither actually addressed the real problem: the economic crisis in California. Instead, they choose to address the symptoms by cutting spending from the California budget.  Robert described Campbell’s “plan”, but Poizner is even more ludicrous. Apparently a “process” makes massive cuts palatable

Poizner says it’s “distasteful” to talk about cuts without a “process.” LAT’s George Skelton says “process doesn’t solve budget problem.” (John Myers twitter)

And despite any stories about tea bags in the ballot, the plural of anecdote is not data. (My apologies to Raymond Wolfringer.) Is the symbolism more robust with a teabag in the ballot? Sure, but symbolism alone does not and should not drive the narrative.

The narrative is this: Californians are sick and tired of a dysfunctional government. They want quality schools and services that work for California. And while some taxes aren’t all that popular, there are a lot of taxes that could pass provided that the Governor provided some real leadership. Rather than just sitting behind a podium trying to scare people, we need a leader that is willing to go to bat for Californians.

Tea bags are a distraction from what is the sad fact facing California: we are about to Hoover our economy, and the Republicans are cheering it on.

Tom Campbell and Steve Poizner Get Jiggy with the Props

Tom Campbell and Steve Poizner are going around “debating” the propositions. Campbell says yes on 1A, 1D, and 1E, Poisner says no on everything, owing to the fact that John and Ken said so. John Myers will be at their next stop, the Sacramento Press Club, and will be doing some live tweeting.

Ultimately both Poizner and Campbell fundamentally misunderstand the electorate. Californians are angry at their politicans, yes. They want them to do what they sent them there to do, which is work for the people.  The people want a stable government which works. Sure, there are a few people who only vote based on what John and Ken say, but a much larger share of Californians are terrified of the cuts that are looming and the Failornator just hasn’t helped things with his scare tactics.