Nunez Forced to Recuse Himself on ALL Healthcare-related Bills?

Nunez Forced to Recuse Himself from ALL Healthcare Votes??

In a stunning turn, it appears that Speaker Fabian Nunez must recuse himself from any votes on healthcare legislations-including any attempts to revive AB 8, the healthcare bill that Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed this month.

The Sacramento Bee reported this morning that Maria Robles, the wife of Fabian Nunez, has accepted a six-figure salary with Californians for Patient Care, a front group for the hospital industry that receives approximately 99% of its funding from the California Hospital Association.

We’ll take a look at this, and more from the drive for guaranteed, single-payer healthcare…cross-posted at the National Nurses Organizing Committee/California Nurses Association’s Breakroom Blog, as we organize to make 2007 the Year of GUARANTEED healthcare on the single-payer model.

Nuñez has already established a precedent for abstaining on issues affecting another of his wife’s employers. In 2006, Robles accepted a six-figure salary to work as a consultant for the South Coast Air Quality Management District.  As a result, Nuñez pledged not to vote on legislation that affected them that year.

Under California law, “no member of the legislature shall… receive or agree to receive, directly or indirectly, any compensation, reward or gift from any source, except the State of California” with very limited exceptions for certain speech fees and expense reimbursements (California Government Code 8920). This broad provision covers a spouse’s income, as Nunez’ prior actions with the Air Quality Management District demonstrate. Additionally, the law specifies that no legislator shall “participate, by voting or any other action, on the floor of either house, in committee, or elsewhere, in the passage or defeat of legislation in which he has a personal interest.”
I don’t have the penalties at hand for violating this law-add them in the comments if you, please.

But does this mean AB 8 is dead?  Has the insurance industry failed in their attempts to create a “forced market” for their products?

Interestingly, this couldn’t happen at a better time.  It appears that the coalitions of Sacramento insiders pushing the grand Nunez-Schwarzenegger compromise may be breaking apart.  Fabian’s backers are now apparently on the warpath against Arnold.  They’ve hired consultant Chris Lehane, a true-blue Democrat and Clinton/Gore/Clinton operative who has no interest in polishing Arnold’s resume as he heads into the possible 2010 showdown against Boxer.

Of course who knows what’s going to happen? Nunez’ wife is working for Arnold’s plan, and his allies are working against it. 

Meanwhile, Al Gore comes out swinging for single-payer healthcare, in a new Current video.  Go Al!

I strongly support universal, single-payer, government-provided-or, government-funded-healthcare….I think it ought to be a matter of right and our current system just doesn’t work, its way too expensive….And I think that to eliminate the incredibly ridiculous cost of all this unnecessary paperwork and different standards for different companies, it is time to have universal health insurance.

And check out the video of these beautiful, powerful, activist nurses on strike against Sutter.

Finally, superstar columnist David Lazarus continues his advocacy on behalf of single-payer healthcare.

To join the fight for guaranteed healthcare (with a “Medicare for All” or SinglePayer financing), visit, a project of the National Nurses Organizing Committee/California Nurses Association.

LA City Council votes for immediate withdrawal from Iraq

Today is a historic day in Los Angeles city history. By a vote of 12-2, the Los Angeles City Council passed a resolution calling for the immediate return of our troops from Iraq. Originally drafted and spearheaded by the great Councilman Rosendahl, it was great to see the city put on record for this.


Nearly 100 citizens filled the city council in support of the resolution this morning. Of those 100 citizens, roughly one dozen of them (including myself) spoke in 1:30 minute increments about the importance of passing the resolution. There was only one dissenting voice in the audience in opposition to the resolution.

Passing the resolution was important for Los Angeles and the country because of the impact the war is having here at home. California has lost nearly $60 billion in tax revenue because of the war, with Los Angeles losing approximately $5 billion in revenue. In a stroke of perfect timing, the discussion prior the ours was about 17 bridges that are rated structurally deficient in the city of Los Angeles.

Thank you to all of the citizens that took time out of their busy day to attend this and support the resolution. And I’d like to extend a special thank you to all councilmembers who voted their conscience and supported the troops today by calling for their safe and expedient return.

Below is text from the resolution as passed:

CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION (ROSENDAHL – PARKS – WESSON – ET AL) relative to the withdrawal of United States military personnel from Iraq.
Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE CONCURRENCE OF THE MAYOR:
RESOLVE that the City of Los Angeles include in its 2007-08 Federal Legislative Program the following positions:
a. On behalf of the citizens of the City of Los Angeles, the City URGE the President of the United
States to immediately commence a rapid, humane, and complete withdrawal of United States
military personnel, contractors supporting the military effort, and military bases from Iraq.
b. URGE the United States Congress to appropriate medical, psychological, financial, and educational assistance for veterans.
c. URGE redirection of the financial resources used to prosecute the war in order to address
neglected domestic needs, including health, education, mass transit and infrastructure, and
homeland security.
d. RECOGNIZE that the stability of Iraq is crucial to the security of the citizens of Los Angeles andto all Americans, URGE the United States government to provide the people of Iraq with nonmilitary material aid to support the security of Iraq’s citizens and the rebuilding of Iraq.

Hey CDP – What’s the Plan?

(Check out the comments. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

The main points of Art Torres’ 2007 “58-County Strategy” for the California Democratic Party (CDP) are cited below.  Following each heading from the 58-County Strategy text are comments and/or questions on specific goals.  I would like to know what they are.  I posted this yesterday on a discussion list for delegates to the California Democratic Party (on which lurk Party brass).  No responses so far.  Can anyone fill in the gaps?


1.  What are the 2008 Statewide numerical goals for:

  A. Number of new Democratic voters to be registered, and

  B. Number of Decline to State voters to be re-registered as Democrats?

2.  How many California voters does the California Democratic Party intend to contact by phone in 2008?

3.  How many California voters does the California Democratic Party intend to contact in person in 2008?

4.  How many voters will the California Democratic Party contact by mail in 2008?

5.  Whose job is it to assure the 2008 goals (if they exist) are met?

1.  What voter contact system will the California Democratic Party use in 2008?

2.  Will Democratic volunteers have the ability to created targeted lists for voter contact?

3.  Will Democratic volunteers have the ability to update the voter contact system with notes on voters, updated contact information, etc.?


The California Democratic Party’s commitment to train local Democrats on financial requirements is commendable.


The CDP’s “liability insurance program” for county committees and clubs to cover events, fair booths, fundraisers and other organizing activities is very helpful.


Will the California Democratic Party provide an online interactive feedback service so that average Democratic volunteers can get answers to their questions and offer feedback on best practices?


Does the California Democratic Party have specific goals for numbers of people to attend campaign training in 2008?  For example what are the specific goals for training of the following groups:
1.  Local candidates for non-partisan offices
2.  CDP Regional Directors
3.  CDP County Chairs
4.  CDP County Committee members
5.  Democratic Club Chairs and officers
6.  CDP Delegates from ADs
7.  Appointed CDP Delegates
8.  Grassroots Volunteers
9.  Netroots volunteers


1.  Does the California Democratic Party have a commitment to recruiting and supporting a Democrat for every partisan office in the State?

2.  Does the California Democratic Party have a commitment to run a Democrat in a certain percentage (or even 100%) of non-partisan races in which there is a Republican incumbent or a retiring Republican?

In short, we need clear goals and lines of responsibility in order to:

· Build the Democratic brand,
· Obtain a veto-proof majority in the State legislature,
· Infuse California State Government with our professed values, and
· Do our part to obtain a veto-proof majority in the US Congress.

In solidarity with all California Democrats,

Has Arnold Killed The Special Session on Health Care?

Last week Arnold announced his health care reform plan for the special session – a plan that Anthony Wright of Health Access California describes as his January plan, except worse. By insisting on an individual mandate with few subsidies and hardly any cost controls or care guarantees, Arnold offered a plan that was certain to satisfy nobody.

As a result of this craptacular plan, as today’s LA Times reports, “Unions give up on governor’s health plan”:

Abandoning their facade of cooperation, a coalition of California labor unions and consumer groups says it is gearing up a campaign to discredit Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s healthcare proposal as too expensive for many workers.

Organizers say they will trail Schwarzenegger throughout California to challenge and rebut him, hold prayer vigils and news conferences, press elected officials to oppose his proposal and run critical ads on television. They plan to deride the governor’s program as the “Arnold Middle-Class Gouge.”

The coalition, which includes most major unions and two prominent consumer groups — Health Access California and Consumers Union — has hired one of the nation’s most aggressive Democratic strategists to run the campaign [that would be Chris Lehane – RinM].

The campaign represents a break from labor leaders’ strategy, which had been to encourage Schwarzenegger’s efforts while gently prodding him in their direction. Leaders say they no longer believe that the governor will ever agree to their priorities without pressure.

Jordan Rau’s coverage of health care in California has been excellent, but I think he’s been saddled with a bad headline here. It’s not the unions who are giving up on the governor – it’s Arnold who gave up on them, and on the state, when he reasserted his non-starter plan.

The article notes that “labor leaders walked out” of a meeting last week with the governor and his staff over healthcare, specifically the insufficient employer fees and lack of subsidies. Lehane is crafting a strategy that points out the obvious – that individual mandates are a recipe for widespread financial ruin:

Starting Wednesday, they plan to publicly argue that Schwarzenegger’s plan is unaffordable for many. It would require individuals earning more than $35,735 and families of four making more than $72,275 to buy insurance without any subsidies for the costs. Unions say those thresholds are at least $10,000 too low.

(Personally I think even higher thresholds won’t help make an individual mandate workable, but the unions are right that these thresholds are not very helpful.)

With the shift to outright opposition, it is difficult to see how a health care deal will be concluded this session – especially as Arnold, captive of the Cal Chamber of Commerce (as Brian and Julia have explained), is highly unlikely to move in the direction that Dems and labor would like him to.

Instead this, like everything else in California politics these days, is headed for the ballot:

The labor groups are threatening to bring their own proposal to the voters in a ballot initiative next year. Itwould place on employers most of the financial responsibility for providing insurance on employers, as did the Democratic healthcare overhaul vetoed by Schwarzenegger last week.

A similar measure that passed the Legislature in 2003 was narrowly rejected the following year in a referendum brought by business groups, but labor groups thinks Californians’ concern about health care has risen to the extent that the public would accept such a measure now.

And of course, when we speak of taking things to the ballot – a costly project in terms of money, effort, and time – it raises the question of why we should not instead expend that effort toward a successful single-payer ballot initiative.

When the Chamber Calls, Arnold always takes the call

To the tune of 12 for 12. 12 Vetoes for 12 Good Bills.  That kind of record would make even the Colorado Rockies smile. And it's sure making the Cal Chamber of Commerce smile

In recent years, the chamber has focused much of its lobbying firepower on an annual list of “job killer” bills. This year, Schwarzenegger complied with 12 out of 12 chamber requests for vetoes on those bills. In 2006, he vetoed nine of 11 bills that the chamber listed as job killers.

“The chamber has had more success than most in getting vetoes,” said Steve Blackledge, legislative director for the California Public Interest Research Group, a consumer advocate. “They draw a bright line in the sand and say, 'These bills have to be stopped.' They've got the governor as their backstop.”(LAT 10/16/07)

Some of those bills over the flip.

A bunch of these bills involve green building codes. You see, the California Chamber of Commerce didn't dig on the Global Warming Bill, AB32, and doesn't much dig on any implementation of that bill.  You see, they are into a “wait and see” approach on climate change. You know, “wait” until we have no water left, and then “see” if they can move to Canada to get their water. So, we get a raft of “job killers” on that front. AB 35 (Ruskin) would require new state construction to live up to the standards of the gold rating from the United States Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for buildings after 2010. AB 888 (Leiu): would require that standard for all buildings where planning ends after 2013. AB 1058 (Laird) would require the Dept. of Housing to issue green standards for housing. And somewhat related, the Governor vetoed SB 210 that would have created standards for alternative fuels.

The Chamber really hates workers comp. They think that if you get injured on the job, well, that's the risk you take. Suckas!  SO, the fact that an injured worker got only $45K for a amputated leg seems totally fair to them. Yay! But the Legislature insists on trying to make them pay injured workers, those meanies. So, more job killers like SB 936 (Perata) which would have revised the formula for computing those payments for injuries causing permanent disability. SB 942 (Migden) would have given permanently disabled workers a supplemental job displacement benefit, And a very important piece of legislation, SB 622 (Padilla) would prohibit willful misclassification, as defined, of employees as independent contractors. 

Of course, The Chamber hates when their workers organize, so they blast two Migden bills SB180 and SB650 which affect labor organization, and Asm. Swanson's AB 504 that would have punished fraud in bargaining.

And, of course, they hated the Perata-Nunez health care plan, AB 8.  So, 12 for 12. Good Work Chamber!

With Numbers Like Those, I’d Ask Him To Leave Too

Faced with a 100:1 cash disadvantage for his re-election bid, GOP leaders are trying to show John Doolittle the door.

Muck-encrusted Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA) is in so much political trouble that GOP leaders are convinced he has no chance of winning reelection next year and are privately urging him to retire, according to Roll Call (sub. reqd.) […]

According to the paper, House GOP leaders held off on urging Doolittle to drop his reelection plans, hoping that he’d voluntarily decide to retire over the summer. But when Doolittle pressed ahead with reelection efforts, GOP leaders — worried about losing an otherwise safe seat — privately sat down with him and told him the game’s over. No word on what Doolittle will do yet.

Of course, GOP leaders told Larry Craig the game’s over, so that’s not a guarantee.

Doolittle has maintained his innocence and his intent to press forward with re-election plans.  And that stubbornness intestinal fortitude should be encouraged!

Are You Crazy?

(Another great post from akogun on CA-03. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

CA-03 is a “Safe” District. It is a Republican “stronghold” and the rethugs have a unshakeable stranglehold on it. Are you crazy? Do you seriously believe that your candidate stands a chance against the “shock and awe” political juggernaut of the incumbent? That’s what they tell me.

You are crazy – aren’t you? You are a lunatic, yes you are. You must be a certifiable loco to believe that the 2006 elections would have turned out as posititvely as they did for the Democrats.

30 House Seat net gain? Did you ever think that was possible? If you did, you have more than a few screws loose. Not only that, there is thyme mixed into your bong.

6 Senate Seat net gain? I mean, seriously, that pony you are riding is a unicorn.

You must be crazy to think that the “next big thing since grated cheese”, the inimitable, imposing and everlasting honorable Macaca himself, the next annointed “shoo-in-for-the-Presidency” would lose his seat to a neophyte, a political nonentity.

Too much mushroom mixed in with your free-basing concortion led you to even entertain the possibility that Roach-Man Tom Delay, the inventor of pecuniary lubrication, the super-duper exterminator himself, will not only lose his seat, but also be impelled to ignominously relocate his domicile.

You didn’t listen to your Doctor’s advice not to mix your prescriptions, right? That led you to believe that an uppity farmer from nowhere will be replacing the “Guatemalan importer” and “Abramoffed” Conrad Burns.

That Santorum will be a past tense today?

That the highly-connected Mike Dewine will not only be disconnected, but also won’t be wining and dining with anyone not wearing orange jump-suit?

That all this will come to pass in your life time? And that all you had to do to be a witness to all this is just believe in the efficacy of your own confirmed insanity?

You must be insane. To think that you could move mountains with nothing but the power of your lonesome self. That when your very individually-insignificant self joins forces with other Lilliputians of indeterminate lucidity, you actually make things happen.

CA-03 is a safe, R+7 District, they told me. And I am crazy to think that Dr. Bill Durston – a Vietnam Veteran – can do to the incumbent what Jerry Mcnerney and his loquacious bunch of “rabid rabble rousers” did to the “unbeatable”, never-met-a-forest-I-didn’t-wanna-plunder Richard Pombo.

I am crazy. But I know that I am in the midst of more irredeemable keyboard-analysts. I am surrounded by lunatics who are more lost than I am.

And now, I ask you. Please act crazy. Help me bring some insanity to the equilibrium that dictates that CA-03 is a “safe” district where a Publican can hold sway forever, without any semblance of accountability to the constituents.

More than anything else, please tell your fellow lunaticos about this crazy movement. Have anyone on your IM, mailing list, rolodex, or buddy list in CA-03 ? Rather than Foley’ing around with them, please send them our way. More than your money, the Campaign NEEDS more Crazy and Phony dis-Believers. PLEASE VOLUNTEER

Disclaimer: I do not speak for the Durston for Congress Campaign in ANY official capacity.

Coachella Valley: Presidential Campaign Contributors From Cathedral City, DesertHS, & Palm Desert

It is time for an addition to the Roster of Shame, i.e., your neighbors in the Coachella Valley who provide financial support to the reactionary GOP candidates.  As you probably know already, the Palm Springs/Coachella Valley area is a must-see destination for Presidential campaigns.  We know this from the visit from the so-called President when he skulked into Indian Wells in 2006 to raise money on behalf of other Repugnants in the Coachella Valley as well as for his own trough.  What you probably don’t know, that, at least in Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, and Palm Desert, Fred Thompson has raised $0.00 to date.  (It seems that he is as lazy at the money trough as he is on the campaign trail.)  So much for the Thompson factor in the Coachella Valley thus far.

What follows is the money trail as reported by the FundRace 2008, as of October 15, 2007.  See below the flip to understand who your neighbors support, and, indirectly, what they probably think of you, your politics, and your beloved country.

Click for below the flip….

Here is the information for zipcode 92234 (Cathedral City):

Wayne Goff, Engineer, Self-Employed, 38295 Chuperosa Lane, Cathedral City: $500 to Ron Paul

Dorothy Lundberg, Retired, 320 Coyote, Cathedral City: $600 to John McCain, the BushBootLicker

Zipcode 92235 (Cathedral City):
No Contributions Found

Zipcode 92240 (Desert Hot Springs):

Patricia McAllister, General Manager, Albertson’s Bakery, 65223 Dunes Pass, Desert Hot Springs: $400 to Rudy Guliani, the Liar

Zipcode 92241:
No Contributions Found

Zipcode 92210 (Palm Desert):

Holly Merrigan, Real Estate Investments, Self-Employed, 45-395 Espinazo, Palm Desert: $2,300 to Rudy Guliani, the Liar

Mike Salta, Retired, 75-203 Peppewood, Palm Desert: $2,000 to Rudi Guliani, the Liar

Andre Horn, Retired, 75304 St Andrews Court, Palm Desert: $2,300 to Rudi Guliani, the Liar

Molly Montgomery, Banking, El Paseo Bank, 78745 Montre Sereno Circle, Palm Desert: $500 to John McCain, the BushBootLicker

Ray Plote, 74-405 Quail Lakes Drive, Palm Desert: $2,300 to Mitt Romney, the Theofascist

Shirley Carroll, 47-785 Vintage Drive E, Palm Desert: $2,300 to Mitt Romney, the Theofascist

Richard Carroll, 47-785 Vintage Drive E, Palm Desert: $2,300 to Mitt Romney, the Theofascist

Mary Milbach, Concierge, El Paseo Bank, 78145 Monte Sereno Circle, Palm Desert: $500 to John McCain, the BushBootLicker

James Willingham, Retired, 45695 Sugarloaf Mountain Trail, Palm Desert: $250 to John McCain, the BushBootLicker

David Erwin, Attorney, Best, Best, & Krieger, 45525 Navajo Road, Palm Desert: $2,100 to Rudy Guliani, the Liar

Kevin McGuire, Chairman/CEO, Palm Desert National Bank, 45655 Apache Road, Palm Desert: $2,100 to Rudy Guliani, the Liar

Dan Finnane, Retired, 46300 Amethyst Drive, Palm Desert: $2,000 to Mitt Romney, the Theofascist

Russell Davis, Attorney, Self-Employed, 45660 Paseo Coronado, Palm Desert: $500 to John McCain, the BushBootLicker

Marilyn Tennity, Retired, 47451 E Eldorado Drive, Palm Desert: $1,750 to Rudy Guliani, the Liar

Marilyn Tennity, Retired, 47451 E Eldorado Drive, Palm Desert: $1,000 to John McCain, the BushBootLicker

Zach Brinkerhoff, Oil & Gas, Self-Employed, 75900 Carnelian Lane, Palm Desert: $500 to Rudy Guliani, the Liar

Toni Peebler, Retired, 47200 W Eldorado Drive, Palm Desert: $2,300 to Rudy Guliani, the Liar

William McComas, Retired, 75395 Morningstar Drive, Palm Desert: $2,300 to Rudy Guliani, the Liar

Sam Spinello, Commercial Real Estate, Spinello Co., 75535 Desierto Drive, Palm Desert: $1,000 to John McCain, the BushBootLicker

Ann Tisdale, 75273 Spyglass Lane, Palm Desert: $375 to Rudy Guliani, the Liar

Stuart Tisdale, 75273 Spyglass Lane, Palm Desert: $375 to Rudy Guliani, the Liar

Steven Pfrenzinger, 75395 St Andrews Court, Palm Desert: $1,000 to Rudy Guliani, the Liar

Larry Hatfield, Developer, Steven Ross, 75276 Morningstar Drive, Palm Desert: $2,100 to John McCain, the BushBootLicker

Stanley Sperling, Retired, 74735 Arroyo Drive, Palm Desert: $2,300 to John McCain, the BushBootLicker

Fortunee Sperling, Retired, 74735 Arroyo Drive, Palm Desert: $1,900 to John McCain, the BushBootLicker

Gloria Sage, Business Owner, Self-Employed, 74590 Palo Verde Drive, Palm Desert: $1,000 to John McCain, the BushBootLicker

Paula Foley, 74-380 Quail Lakes, Palm Desert: $2,100 to Mitt Romney, the Theofascist

Patrick Foley, 74-380 Quail Lakes, Palm Desert: $2,100 to Mitt Romney, the Theofascist

James McElvany, Retired, 49-672 Hidden Valley Trail, Palm Desert: $1,000 to John McCain, the BushBootLicker

Evelyn Hall, Homemaker, 75-171 Pepperwood Drive, Palm Desert: $4,200 to Mitt Romney, the Theofascist

Mary Kay Taylor, Retired, 75-179 Pepperwood Drive, Palm Desert: $2,300 to Mitt Romney, the Theofascist

Robert Taylor, Retired, 75-179 Pepperwood Drive, Palm Desert: $2,300 to Mitt Romney, the Theofascist

More DownValley info to follow.

October 15, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed.

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How a Bill Becomes a Law
(or not)


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The Rest

CA-04: Brown With An Amazing Haul

It’s deadline day for 3rd quarter FEC reports, and the one I was really waiting for was from Charlie Brown.  He didn’t disappoint.

Cash raised in Q3: $212,091
Total cash raised this cycle: $495,830 (wow!)
Cash on hand: $382,767

Media’s not cheap in that district, but certainly nowhere near as expensive as in many other parts of the state.  So this is an even bigger haul, comparatively.

How much did John Doolittle take in, you ask?  This is embarrassing.

Cash raised in Q3: $50,308
Total cash raised this cycle: $296,332
Cash on hand: $37,995

That’s LESS than Eric Egland, one of his primary opponents, raised.  AND, 15% of that goes to Doolittle’s wife, right?

Things are looking good in the Sierras…