What Good Democratic Consultants Do

Bill Carrick and Kam Kuwata are the anti-Chris Lehane.

The Writers Guild of America has retained veteran Democratic political consultants Bill Carrick and Kam Kuwata to provide assistance on the strategic and PR fronts of the 8-week-old strike.

“We both have friends in the WGA,” Kuwata told Daily Variety. “And we have landed a lot of times on the sides that are pro-labor.”

The duo came aboard earlier this month at the guild’s behest in the wake of the Dec. 7 collapse of negotiations between the WGA and the AMPTP, which insisted that the guild remove half a dozen proposals from the table as a condition of continuing to bargain. The WGA refused, and no new talks have been scheduled, while the Directors Guild of America is widely expected to set a start date for negotiations on its contract within the next week.

Kuwata said he and Carrick will work for the WGA for as long as needed.

Carrick ran the Angelides campaign and Kuwata has worked a lot with DiFi in the past.  But at least that they understand that Democrats stand with workers, unlike Chris Lehane.  I’d rather reject that corporate money and be on the side of those who just want their fair share.

More P3s? Are you kidding me?

Because apparently everybody loves an overpriced and overhyped idea, the Governator wants to do some more public-private partnerships for road maintenance and such:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday proposed an expanded push for public-private partnerships and set a goal to add 20,000 new engineers to California’s work force as part of his upcoming January budget plan.

The Schwarzenegger administration wants the state to expand the types of public projects that can be built with the financial might of private companies.Current law does not allow state government broad authority to use this type of contracting – known as a Performance Based Infrastructure – except in emergencies or through legislative approval. (SacBee 12.27.07)

The thing is, as both Robert and I have argued, they don’t actually end up cheaper, or more efficient. Sure, they have success stories here and there, but overwhelmingly, what ends up happening is once the cameras disappear from the press conferences hyping these P3s, the bill gets higher as the owners of the corporation demand higher and higher profits. Oh, and they don’t have the same labor standards as state agencies do.

So, yeah, let’s line the pockets of investors with our state general fund. Sounds like a great plan.

Wait, there are propositions on the February ballot?

The February ballot has the presidential primary (for better or worse) and it also has a few ballot initiatives. But, it looks like few have really noticed that. (My Prop 93 disclosure)

With less than six weeks to go before California’s Feb. 5 presidential primary, voters still are largely unaware of five key ballot initiatives that could have broad impact on the state’s political and economic future, according to a new Field Poll.

Proposition 93 would reduce the time a state legislator can serve from 14 to 12 years, although its passage would give some current lawmakers as many as three extra terms. But the new Field Poll found that just 1 in 4 voters – 25 percent – have seen or heard anything abut the measure. (SF Chron 12.27.07)

Furthermore,  we have the Native American Gaming Compacts, Props 94-97. There is a lot of money behind both sides of this fight, and with UNITE-HERE recently adding $2mil, it will not go quietly in the next 6 weeks.

And, for some reason, people just aren’t polling on Prop 92, the community college initiative. Prop 92 would affect the Prop 98 formulas to increase funding to community college.  Prop 92 has split the traditional Democratic constituency, with the CTA going no, and the California Labor Federation going yes. It’s still possible that something will come out tomorrow or next week from Field, though.

But, for those of you who are interested, here are the high-level numbers on Prop 93 and Props 94-97. You can also find cross-tabs at Capitol Alert.

Prop 93: Term limits reform

Yes: 50

No: 32

Undecided: 18

Props 94-97: Gambling Compacts

Yes: 39

No: 33

Undecided: 28

Green Party Presidential Debate

The Green Party will hold a presidential debate in San Francisco on Jan. 13.  The announcement is today on the Alameda County Green Party web site as well as having been posted at Third Party Watch.  

Five of the seven (7) candidates who will appear on the Green Party primary ballot will be in attendance.  They are Jared Ball, Elaine Brown, Kent Mesplay, Cynthia McKinney and Ralph Nader.  The other two on the California ballot, Kat Swift (CoChair Texas Green Party) and Jesse Johnson (CoChair Mountain Party of West Virgina… affiliated with the Green Party) have been invited and either can not make it or have not yet confirmed.

According to the post at Third Party Watch:

California, which will likely control between 20 and 25 percent of the delegates at the national convention, is the big prize and the race to watch.

I am working with the event organizers to try and establish a live blogging feed from there as well as a live audio feed.   If nothing else, we will have someone blogging from there and posted to California Greening.

Help – David vs Goliath

(I wish we’d hear from all of our challenger candidates more regularly. – promoted by David Dayen)

I am Steve Young, the Democrat challenging John Campbell [R, CA-48] the sixth richest member of congress. My challenge is truly a David vs. Goliath battle — and we know how that one turned out.

I am writing to ask for your help. Two reasons make the House race in California’s 48th district important:

  1. We need a representative with the spine to vote his heart; and
  2. As we have learned from sad experience, we don’t have the votes in Washington to pass necessary legislation.

We need a voice – reflective of our values – in the U.S. House in Washington.

Democrats need to "hold the line" in the House.

If you agree with these two statements, then please take a moment to make a secure online contribution of $25 to my campaign right now.

Let me explain.

I am Steve Young. I am not a career politician. I have never been on the public payroll. I do not answer to special interests, or PACS. I am definitely different from the traditional member of the House of Representatives who has “moved up” to avoid unemployment under term limits. I have run my own business, and have had to do without to make payroll. I understand the struggles Americans face today.

I will bring a different perspective to the U.S. House. To do that I need your help.

Please make a secure online contribution of $25 or more to my campaign today.

Your help is absolutely critical. I plan to launch ads in the media in February after super Tuesday. That is slightly over a month away. I can purchase 1 ad slot in my district for $25.

I have made advertisements to remind my district of the many examples of John Campbell’s hypocrisy including:

  1. His attack on SCHIP “because it is a publicly funded health care system,” while he took publicly funded health care as a Congressman.
  2. His justification for voting to cut veterans’ benefits because, “Veterans commit fraud.”
  3. His support of waterboarding because it is, “a psychological interrogation technique that does not inflict physical pain or permanent damage.”
  4. His vote to sustain Bush’s veto of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 belying his many media pronouncements concerning his "dedication to the environment."

If he is reelected to the House, John Campbell will continue under the banner of “unburdening business” to rail against laws that give us clean drinking water, safe work places, and a retirement safety net.

Help me stop him by helping me get my message out next month.

Make a secure online contribution of $25 or more to my campaign right now so I can buy much-needed media in February.

John Campbell is the sixth richest member of Congress. He made millions as a car dealer. I will need to match him and the corporate interests that raised almost $2 million for his election. And that’s why I need your help.

The money battle will be like David and Goliath. We know who won that one.

Earlier I told you there were two reasons I needed to win this race. One was so that Californians will have an unfettered representative.

But the other reason is as important.

You see, House Democrats are struggling to pass necessary legislation. We need additional House votes to make a difference in Washington.

Help me launch my media ads by making a secure online contribution of $25 or more to my campaign right now.

Thank you for your help.

Your friend,

Steve Young

U.S. House Candidate

“I am not one of them!”

Paid for by Steve Young for Congress


Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the following information for each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.

Contributions to Steve Young for Congress are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. The maximum allowable contribution is $2,300 per person to each of the primary and general elections. Couples may give up to $9,200 from common funds for the primary and general elections, but both names must be on the account. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals, labor unions and federal government contractors are prohibited.

101 Pacifica #100 Irvine, California 92618

Email: [email protected] | Phone: 949.640.4400 | Fax: 949.788.3993

What Do We Think About This Tiger Attack? Open Thread

When I lived in San Francisco, I remember the zoo being one of the more dingy and depressing parts of the city, racked with charges of mismanagement and even mistreatment.  So this tragic Christmas Day attack resulting in one death and two injuries didn’t fully surprise me.

I also find zoos to be fairly inhumane.  I remember going to the Mirage Casino in Vegas, where they had two white tigers on display, in their natural habitat of a marble veranda.  And the tourists would come by and point and exclaim to each other “Aw look, he’s resting.”  He’s resting?  He’s DYING!  It’s 110 degrees and he’s sitting on marble!

So, let me open the floor and ask what you all think.  This is an open thread.