The Weekly Radio Addresses: A Study in Realism vs. Fantasy

In the weekly radio addresses, we get some Governator talking points from former Secretary of State George Schultz and a frank discussion from Assembly member John Laird.

In the Governor’s address, we hear that we spend too much money, and that Ronald Reagan wanted to restrict spending. The trouble with that comparison: Ronald Reagan was also willing to look at tax increases and fixes as well. This Governor seems to be taking adjustments to the revenue stream off the table while saying that nothing is off the table. In other words, he’s devouring that cake that he’s hold onto. As George Skelton said today, Arnold “talks like FDR, but walks more like Scrooge.”

On the other hand, Assembly member John Laird talks about actually addressing how we fund our state. He points the finger squarely where it belongs, at the Governor for his full-throated assault of the VLF. Laird acknowledges that cuts seem inevitable, but does not yield to the idea of a cuts-only budget. We must adjust our revenue as well.

Check the flip for the transcripts.

The Governor’s Address, given by former Sec’y of State, George Schultz:

 Hi, this is George Shultz, former Secretary of State, filling in for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger with another California Report.

    This week the Governor released his budget proposal for the next fiscal year and revealed that California is facing a projected $14 billion deficit. As expected, we’re already hearing cries for higher taxes to close the gap. But the Governor is absolutely right to say we can’t tax our way out of this problem and as he said in his State of the State address, California has a spending problem, not a revenue problem and the people shouldn’t pay for Sacramento’s overspending.  And the numbers back him up. Just a decade ago, the state’s annual budget was around $70 billion, this year taxpayers will send almost $130 billion to Sacramento. Think about that. $130 billion. That’s nearly doubling the size of government – in just 10 years.

    But as I’ve learned in my 50+ years in public service, for the spending lobby, there will simply never be enough to go around.

    As the Governor explained earlier this week, quoting him, “if we can’t function with that kind of money, then there is something wrong with the system rather than with the people.”

    That’s why, rather than raiding the wallets of hard-working taxpayers, his budget reduces spending across the board by 10 percent. This spreads the cuts evenly and doesn’t favor one program over another.

    But just as important as solving this year’s mess, is ensuring that Californians never have to go through this again. This is why I am so encouraged to see the Governor once again push for comprehensive budget reform.

    Throughout my career, whether in Washington, as when I was director of the budget, or Sacramento, I have seen time and time again the inability of legislative bodies to exercise the type of fiscal discipline demanded of families and businesses. There’s always one more program, one more lobbyist, one more special interest group with their hand out and they simply can’t say “No.”

    That is why the only way to permanently solve California’s budget woes is a mechanism to force legislators to live within their means. Governors as far back as Earl Warren have proposed spending controls, including Governors Reagan and Wilson, but none could break through the entrenched spending lobby.

    Governor Schwarzenegger has proposed reforms twice before, but failed. And we have seen what’s happened as a result. Unchecked spending binges, chronic deficits, and the same budget fights year after year in the Capitol.

    Under the Governor’s plan, the legislature would be required to set aside surplus money in the good years, to cover shortfalls in the bad years. Any business or family does that, and so should the government.

    This promises to be a tough year, but the Governor’s budget has laid out a great foundation. Reducing spending, along with long term budget reform, is exactly what California needs and taxpayers deserve.

    This is former Secretary of State George Shultz, thank you for listening.

Democratic Address by Assembly Budget Chair John Laird:

    During this week’s State of the State address, the Governor invoked the name of President Franklin Roosevelt when he said that we need to be visionary in tough times.

    And with California facing a $14 billion budget deficit, these are tough times indeed. But the difference between Roosevelt and the Governor is that FDR leveled with the people in times of crisis. For five years now, the state has been spending at a level that’s higher than the amount of cash we’ve been taking in. The people of California have been getting a higher level of education, parks maintenance and access, and prison services than they have been paying for. We either have to cut these popular services dramatically or pay more ~ one or the other, or a combination of the two. It’s as simple as that.

    The Governor’s approach would have us make significant cuts to every single state service without bringing any new revenue into the system. His budget relies on higher fees and enrollment limits at UC and CSU campuses, and he supports mid-year cuts to K-12 education.  He wants to close state parks and release prisoners early, and he expects low-income Social Security recipients to handle significant cuts to their aid.

    And these are just the headlines.

    When the Governor cut the vehicle license fee a few years back, he also supported a voter-approved measure that locked in the expenditures that the VLF used to help fund.  And instead of putting the state on a pay as you go basis in 2004, the Governor supported $15 billion in debt bonds to finance the state debt over a number of years. Those two actions alone account for $8 billion of our $14 billion problem right now. And our state budget relies on sales tax and personal income tax for over 80% of its revenue. These sources swing wildly with the economy, regardless of what the state spends. We are in this crisis because our revenue dropped, not because we dramatically increased state spending.

    In his speech, the Governor proposed a new formula to deal with budget problems in the future. But in 2005, the voters rejected a similar formula proposed by the Governor by a 2-1 margin.

    We have to level with you, the people of California. You have voted to protect education, roads, prisons, local government and after-school care. This year, unfortunately, you can no longer get what you want without paying for it someway, somehow. As Assembly Budget Chair, I will make sure everything is on the table during our deliberations the next six months. We will eliminate inefficiencies, close tax loopholes, remove the tax write off for yacht owners, and much more. But ultimately, either we decimate our education, infrastructure, and social services programs, or new revenue will have to come from somewhere.

    We face tough decisions this year, and we want your input.

    Thanks for listening. This has been Assemblymember John Laird, chair of the Assembly Budget Committee.

This Week With Barack Obama, January 6-12, 2008

cross-posted @ One Million Strong


                                          arizona gov. janet napolitano endorses obama


January 15, 2008, Las Vegas, NV, NBC/MSNBC, Brian Williams & Tim Russert

January 31, 2008, Kodak Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, CNN

Nevada Caucus Information


                                 senator john kerry endorses obama in charleston, sc


                                               kerry endorses obama in south carolina

Obama Apperances and Campaign Events

January 14, 2008 – Stand for Change with Barack, Reno, NV

January 14, 2008 – Meet the Candidate with Barack, Fallon, NV

January 14, 2008 – Stand for Change Town Hall with Barack, Carson City, NV

New Hampshire, what a ride there!!

Really, everyone believed the polling from the candidates to the TV pundits, but in the end Barack lost by only 2% points.

The truth of the matter is this, “No one should believe any polls, until the votes are counted.”  I have never lived or died by the polls and only really believe them a week out to see the trend, now forget the polls.

Count the votes and pundits shut up.


                                      obama accepts culinary union endorsement, las vegas, nv

Obama Fact Check Website

Second in NH, Obama Still Fired Up!!

New Hampshire Photoblog–Canvassing for Obama by casperr

Don’t Count the Women Out for Obama


Michelle Obama:  Husband is No “Fairytale”

Michelle Obama said Sunday her husband is the person America needs in the White House right now and criticized anyone who would dismiss his campaign as being built on illusion or fairytale.

She said Barack Obama is the right candidate “not because of the color of his skin, but because of the quality and consistency of his character” and that postponing his bid for the White House was not an option.

“I know about the sense of doubt and fear about what the future holds, that keeps us hoping and waiting for a turn that will never come,” she said. “There are a lot of doubters and naysayers out there talking about, ‘I’m not sure America is ready for a black president.'”

But she declared that “we are more ready and prepared than we can ever know.”  AP

Fairbanks, Alaska…and Obama by nadeane

Kerry: “Lets Kick their Ass” (Video + pix) by al rodgers

the heart and soul of the party by kid oakland

Governor Napolitano Cites “Fresh Voice” for Obama Endorsement


                                        obama’s speech from new hampshire, “yes we can”

shoutouts:  kid oakland, a reality break: part one; bill richardson leaves the race; black kos; obama for a new majority by populista;  bonddad; one year later and nothing about the “surge” worked by clammyc


                                             obama in jersey city, nj, jan 9, 2008

Senator Dick Durbin Warns Clinton

California and Arizona See Obama Ads Running on Television

Obama Challenging Clinton in New York

Yes.We.Can by Populista

Obama Casts a Wide Net


Who’s Afraid of Obama?

Ever since he threw his hat into the presidential ring, some liberals have worried that Barack Obama is unelectable. This country, they say, simply isn’t ready for a black president. Ultimately, the concern that Obama can’t win because he’s black says a lot more about the people who voice it than it does about the electorate it purportedly describes. So, who are these people, and what’s really behind their anxiety?

It’s tempting to say the “electability” worry is a pretext for people who really oppose Obama due to their own racial prejudices, and I’m sure that’s true in some cases. But it’s the folks who worry for Obama for his own good who are most fascinating. Lots of black people have said they think Obama can’t win and others-predominantly from the Southeastern states-have gone further and said they’ll vote against him to “protect” him from the inevitable assassination attempts that will dog a black president.

I find it hard to take this rather appalling paternalism seriously, but if it is a pretext, then what is going on in the minds of these defeatists? I suspect there are three distinct reasons for Obama fatalism among liberals of all races: false realism, once-bitten timidity, and investment-in-oppression.


                                                   eve of unlv, las vegas, nv, debate

Blogs and Websites

One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; Brown Iowa; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama; Netroots for Obama;  Economists for Obama

Clintons Move to Ease Racial Tensions

Obama Book Sales are a Boom

February 5th News

Obama Spell is Strong

Obama’s Movement vs. Clinton Campaign

David Brooks: Bush White House Would Prefer Clinton by psericks  


                                                  obama at del sol hs, las vegas, nv


Four new offices opening in California; Offfice opening in Bismarck, ND; Congressman Adam Schiff Endorses Obama; Senator Ben Nelson Endorses, (D-NE) Obama; Governor Janet Napolitano of Arizona, Endorses Obama; Ned Lamont Endorses Obama; Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) Endorses Obama; Congressman George Miller (D-CA) Endorses Obama; Maine Sunday Telegraph Endorses Obama; St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley Endorses Obama; Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin Endorses Obama; National Union:  UNITE HERE Endorses Obama; The United Association (UA)of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada Endorses Obama; California Endorsements; SEIU Nevada Endorses Obama

No Sad Faces at the Obama Camp

Democrats Eye California

The Rhetoric Sharpens

Buried in the NH Exit Polls, Obama the Most Electable


Barack Obama Announces Plan to Revitalize the Economy

Barack Obama today unveiled a plan to revitalize the economy in the short-term with a stimulus package that will immediately inject $75 billion into the economy in the form of tax cuts and direct spending targeted to working families, seniors, homeowners and the unemployed.  The plan also includes $45 billion in reserves that can be injected into the economy quickly in the future if the economy continues to deteriorate.   Obama will discuss the plan later today at events in Nevada.

“The time has come to bridge the growing divide between Main Street and Wall Street,” said Barack Obama.  “The American Dream is slipping out of reach for many families whose paychecks aren’t meeting the increased costs of their medical bills and tuition payments.  Four months ago I said it was time to put a middle-class tax cut worth $1000 per family into the pockets of workers who deserve it.  A tax cut that would eliminate income taxes for seniors who make under $50,000.  We can’t wait for the next president to act.   We need that middle-class tax cut now more than ever – not five months from now or five weeks from now, but now.   I’m announcing a plan to jumpstart the economy by putting money in the pockets of those who need it most and will spend it quickly.”

“Strengthening our economy and creating good-paying jobs will be Barack Obama’s priority from the day he takes office,” said Governor Tim Kaine, who held a conference call with reporters to discuss the plan.  “But we must act today.  Barack Obama has offered a plan that will restore fairness to the economy and ensure that hard-working Americans can provide for their families and save for their future.  Barack Obama offers us the best chance to revitalize our economy because he has the strength to unite Democrats, independents, and Republicans to pass reforms that will invest in all of America.”  more

Obama, Clinton Want High Profile Backers

Key Backing Lifts Obama

My Money’s on Obama

Obama and Clinton: The Showdown is South Carolina


icebergslim’s last word:  the clintons

First off, the lost in New Hampshire was stunning.  It was for many.  After depending on polling both campaigns, the pundits, everyone believed Barack will win New Hampshire.  Well, it did not pan out that way, and he lost by 2% points.

Lesson.   Wait for the returns.  Forget the pundits and spin, wait for the return.  Everyone learned a lesson on that one.

Next.  Hillary Clinton.

There has been much talk this past week about not only Hillary Clinton but her husband, Bill Clinton.   This campaign is being run straight out of the Karl Rove playbook.  After watching Meet the Press it was painfully clear.

I don’t agree about the vetting of Barack Obama.  Look what he has gone through since his announcement and is still standing.  You must also remember, all the smears, foul tactics are from Clinton surrogates and Bill Clinton himself.  Let us review their playbook.

Prior to Iowa, there were two different times that Clinton staffers/volunteers were caught spreading the email Muslim smear against Barack Obama.  And again, we get a limp, “I did not know.  I did not authorize it.”

The Billy Shaheen incident.  Shaheen was Clinton’s campaign manager for New Hampshire.  His very unsettling remark of the “GOP will ask if Obama sold drugs”, not only outraged the African-American community, but many black establishment picked the phone up and weighed in on The Clintons and their smear tactics.  Result, Hillary Clinton, publicly apologized to Barack Obama in D.C. at the airstrip as they were about to fly to Des Moines, Iowa.  Billy Shaheen removed from the campaign.  Shaheen’s wife, Jeanne Shaheen, former Governor of New Hampshier is now running for the senate seat, against, Sununu.  Polling has her losing ground since her husband’s incident.  The good folk of New Hampshire don’t like or appreciate slimy campaign tactics.

A former senator from Nebraska, Bob Kerrey, came on board for Hillary Clinton.  In doing so, he also made menace of Barack’s heritage, family and name.  So many found that over the top and offensive, Kerrey had to apologize.

Hillary referenced the Civil Rights Era as had it not been for LBJ and passing the Civil Rights Act, it would not have been.  Stating it took the power of the president to get it done.  Well with Martin Luther King, Jr. anniversary upon us in a week, ask many of those who are still alive what they went through.  Meaning, many blacks and whites were beaten, dogs attacked, hoses put upon these individuals, and many were killed for ending segregation and justice.

Bill Clinton.  Notorious for being all about me, then referenced Obama’s campaign as a fairy tale.  Bill Clinton then had to go on Al Sharpton’s radio program to explain his answer and himself.  Why?  The African-American community was shocked and now angered.

The Clinton Campaign complained and tried to suppress the college, youth vote in Iowa.  The campaign complained about out-of-state students participating in the caucus, when the law states clearly that they can.  As Clinton advisers stated, “Our people look like caucus-goers [and Obama’s] look like Facebook.”  Now the Clinton Campaign is entrenched in suppressing the caucus goers in Nevada, targeting the casino workers.

All of this leading up to Clinton’s performance on Meet the Press.

Through this program, practically every answer from her mouth was about Barack Obama.  Watching this program, you would think Barack was sitting next to her.  Literally and figuratively.  Tim Russert, then questioned Hillary Clinton’s vote for Iraq, she could not answer straight because she was on the Barack Obama bandwagon.

Since, Donna Brazile, a Democratic Strategist and Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC) have weighed in with displeasure of The Clintons campaign tactics, they have been under the gun.   Both are neutral on the race, as for endorsements, Clyburn is insinuating that he may just endorse.  While all this is going on The Clintons are still implying that the Obama Campaign is the one who have started the veiled race notions, when it is clear and evident that all this has been started by Team Clinton.

As for Barack Obama’s response, read it here.

The Democratic Party is a big tent.  We have people of all races, ethnicities, backgrounds, etc.  This is the party of inclusion, not exclusion.  It pains many to see these nasty, dirty tactics being used against Barack Obama.  Does vetting from your own party mean, all the above?  If so, what kind of party is this?

GOP tactics have no business in this primary season.  It does not.  Which only make it perfectly clear what The Clintons are about.  Winning at all cost, don’t care about any opponent, winning just narrowly, abide by 50+1 guideline, don’t care about a 50 State Strategy, and only care about themselves.

The last time I read, The Democratic Party was not named “The Clinton Party.”  We must vote for total change, not some change, total change.


Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC) will remain neutral for any endorsements for South Carolina.  At this point, one is not needed, the damage by The Clintons has already been done.  Read here.


If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!!  Minimum five dollars.  This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign.  We are in the beginning of the caucuses and primaries, with our eye on the Tsunami Tuesday of February 5th with 22 states voting.  If you have not made your contribution, do so today.


the above picture is in las vegas with gov. napolitano of arizona.  much has happened this week, but we must move on.  all the negativity by the clinton campaign, just make all those out there watching this angered that a democrat would stoop so low towards another democrat.  again, we are the democratic party, not the clinton party.  remember this, as we march forward….and always focus on obama and not the drama….


contact me @ [email protected]

This Week With Barack Obama

Unbelievable! CNN narrows the Field of Candidates!

Once again in the Corporate Media makes an “Executive Decision”, about who America should see as their Viable Choices:

Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama

John McCain

Rudy Giuliani

Mike Huckabee

Mitt Romney

Only these Candidates were the Focus of the latest CNN Poll

Where is John Edwards in this Poll?

(for that matter where is Ron Paul?)

[Edwards has done better than Giuliani, by a long shot!]

So much for Free Speech! So much for the Democratic Process playing itself out! So much for letting the People decide.

The Media Executives apparently feel it’s their Constitutional Right to narrow down your choices for you — They Know What’s best for us!

(Or is it really they know what’s best for them?)

New Poll results from that COM (Corporate Owned Media) with the “best political team on Television”:

CNN Opinion Poll

Interviews with 1,033 adult Americans conducted by telephone by Opinion Research Corporation on January 9-10, 2008. The margin of sampling error for results based on the total sample is plus or minus 3 percentage points.


Here is a typical Question from this Poll, using their “filtered” version of reality:

11. For each of the following candidates, please tell me whether you will definitely vote for that person in November if they won their party’s nomination, whether you might consider voting for that person, or whether you will definitely not vote for that person in November. (RANDOM ORDER)

Definitely For | Consider Voting for | Definitely Not Vote for | No Opinion

Hillary Clinton 37% 19% 43% *

Barack Obama 30% 32% 38% *

John McCain 22% 35% 43% *

Rudy Giuliani 19% 25% 55% *

Mike Huckabee 15% 31% 52% 1%

Mitt Romney 13% 25% 62% 1%

A search of this entire Poll, shows Edwards Name is NOT mentioned anywhere! … (apparently he “was abducted by Aliens”!)

Did Edwards quit Running?

Did Edwards do worse than Giuliani or Romney?

What gives CNN the Right to Censor Edwards from this Opinion Poll?

(An Opinion Poll that the Media Bobble-heads, will no doubt repeat at nauseum for the next week, too.)

Could it be that CNN did not quite like the Results, when Edwards was included in their last Poll?

CNN poll: Edwards DESTROYS GOP candidates
(with graphs!)

by BruinKid – Thu Dec 13, 2007

Maybe CNN was worried about another strong showing by Edwards, if he was included in their Jan. Poll?

This is simply Outrageous!

No matter which Candidate you support, the Media should not be empowered to make arbitrary decisions like this!

In my opinion, if John Edwards received half the coverage that Obama and Clinton have, the results of those 1st two elections would have been very different.

The corporate media blackout of John Edwards gets worse

by JedReport – Sat Jan 05, 2008

The Constitution vested the power to pick our Candidates with us — WE the People

And NOT Them the Corporate Media!

Where will this Media’s “streamlining of reality” end?

They sold us the Iraq War, with a smile and a cheer — what will they try to sell us next?

If you care about Free Speech and a free and open and fair Democratic ProcessPlease let CNN know how you feel:

[email protected]

while your at it give these other sponsors of the “powers that be” a piece of your mind too:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

It really is time to take OUR Country Back!

John Edwards is right: Enough is Enough!

thank you.

——— [some Fun Facts] ————-

Current Delegate Count

Obama 25

Clinton 24

Edwards 19

Kucinich 0

Romney 21

Huckabee 14

McCain 12

Thompson 8

Paul 4

Hunter 1

Giullani 1

Looks like Corporate Media-Bias to me!
