CA-10: Polls Still Show us on Top, Public Option Remains a Top Agenda Item

Last night Survey USA and KPIX CBS 5 released a new poll showing that our campaign for Congress remains largely unchanged. With 25 percent of the vote, I still lead the pack, with Senator Mark DeSaulnier at 16 percent, Assemblymember Joan Buchanan at 12 percent, Anthony Woods at 9 percent, and undecided voters at 5 percent. This largely mirrors every publicly released poll since I entered the election.

Among Democrats, my lead is even starker: 37 percent favor me, 23 percent favor DeSaulnier, 18 percent favor Buchanan, 13 percent favor Woods, and only 2 percent are undecided. Most importantly, our great team of volunteers is effectively converting the support identified in the Survey USA and other polls into actual votes cast. Among those who have already voted, our considerable lead holds: 27 percent voted for me, 18 percent for DeSaulnier, 13 percent for Buchanan, and 10 percent for Woods.

Our lead holds among all demographic groups, including Obama voters, men, women, all age groups, all races, all levels of educational achievement, and all income levels. Our support is broad based and diverse. As the only candidate who has represented all corners of the 10th Congressional District, the voters know where I stand. As CBS 5 explained, “DeSaulnier and Buchanan have failed to make inroads since CBS 5’s last poll 16 days ago.”

Clearly, with Election Day fast approaching this Tuesday, we like where we stand.

The poll explains the what, but it fails to explain the why. I’m proud of the campaign we’ve run. We’re convinced the polls are a reflection of voter support for a positive issues-based campaign that has emphasized solid Democratic principles and experience that can deliver results.

Health care over the flip…

We’ve made it clear that the 10th Congressional District will be represented by a proven Democrat unafraid to stand up to the insurance companies, unwavering in the need for a public option in health care reform, and undeniably committed to advancing single-payer Medicare for All health care as the long term solution to our broken health care system. Today our campaign released a new podcast on health care policy, and I’d encourage you to take a listen. You can also visit our health care issue page for a more thorough rundown of where I stand on the key issues surrounding health care.

I have the endorsement of the California Nurses Association, and the largest progressive weekly in the Bay Area, the San Francisco Bay Guardian, called me “California’s first and best insurance commissioner” for a reason. I took on the insurance companies and turned the agency into the best consumer protection agency in America. I was also a persistent advocate for universal health care and many of the principles I laid out in my first term in office became the health care blueprint Bill Clinton used in his 1992 presidential campaign. During the 1992 Democratic convention, I had the honor of being invited by President Clinton to be the primary speaker on health care policy, and in this campaign, I am proud to have received endorsements from President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, and the region’s major newspapers.

On September 1st, voters in California’s 10th Congressional District will elect their new representative. For those whose passion is health care reform, it must be noted that my experience battling the insurance companies is not only unique among my competitors in this election, but it is unique among other members of Congress. We think the polls are a good reflection of where this election stands, and if so, our side in the health care fight will have a new effective advocate in Washington soon.

Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi, a candidate for California’s 10th Congressional District, is the chair of the California Commission for Economic Development and a twice elected State Insurance Commissioner. He stands with Dr. Howard Dean in demanding a robust public option. For more information, please visit

5 thoughts on “CA-10: Polls Still Show us on Top, Public Option Remains a Top Agenda Item”

  1. Will you pledge here and now to sign the letter to Secty. Sebelius stating that you will not vote for any bill that does not contain a public option?

    August 17, 2009

    The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius

    Secretary, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

    200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201

    Dear Secretary Sebelius,

    We write to you concerning your recent comments about the public option in health insurance reform.

    We stand in strong opposition to your statement that the public option is “not the essential element” of comprehensive reform. The opportunity to improve access to healthcare is a onetime opportunity. Americans deserve reform that is real-not smoke and mirrors. We cannot rely solely on the insurance companies’ good faith efforts to provide for our constituents. A robust public option is essential, if we are to ensure that all Americans can receive healthcare that is accessible, guaranteed and of high-quality.

    To take the public option off the table would be a grave error; passage in the House of Representatives depends upon inclusion of it.

    We have attached, for your review, a letter from 60 Members of Congress who are firm in their Position that any legislation that moves forward through both chambers, and into a final proposal for the President’s signature, MUST contain a public option.

    Raul Grijalva


    Congressional Progressive Caucus

    Lynn Woolsey


    Congressional Progressive Caucus

    Barbara Lee


    Congressional Black Caucus

  2. Lt. Gov. Garamendi-thank you for your post above.  I have supported you in past elections.

    However in light of the comments in this post, your statement at the August 6th Solano County Debate (“When I was Insurance Commissioner in 1990 up to this day, no insurance company money”) and the fact that progressives are fighting hard for reform against corporate special interests, I was hoping you could explain the following entries from your FEC Reports.

    6/19/09—$1,000 from HealthNet Lobbyist—HealthNet is strongly opposing the Public Option

    6/24/09–$2,000 from Managing Director of East West Bank–(East West Bank received $316 million in Federal Bailout funds)

    6/29/09—$2400 from CFO of Universal Home Care, Inc.

    6/30/09–$500 from Chairman of HealthFusion (their website reads, “Your Prescription for a Healthy Revenue Cycle”)

    (6/30 and 7/31/09)–$2,000 from the President of Ground Zero Pharmaceuticals

    7/17/09–$2500 from The Doctors Company Federal PAC

    7/27/09-$1,000 from SVB financial Group PAC—(SVB took $235 million in Federal Bailout Funds)

    7/29/09–$1,000 from the Presdient of Telecare Healthcare Company

    7/30/09–$2,000 from Pacific Life Insurance Company Federal PAC

    8/3/09–$2,000 from Molina Healthcare Federal PAC:  An excerpt from Molina’ May 18th letter to Senators Grassley and Baucus Reads–“Molina Healthcare opposes the creation of a new government-run ‘public’ health insurance plan. Such a plan public option would give the government-run plan an unfair advantage…it is impossible to act fairly as a regulator while simultaneously competing against other health plans.”

    8/3/09–$1,000 from Sempra Energy Federal PAC

    8/10/09–$250 from CEO of Transdel Pharmaceuticals

    8/24–$1,000—Safeway PAC

    8/24–$2500-Micra PAC-Norcal Mutual Insurance Company

    8/27–$2,000—American Health Care Association PAC-AHCA is actively decrying Healthcare Reform to seniors, and calls the Employee Free Choice Act “anti-democratic”.

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