I was polled by a group seeking to extend Prop 11 to Congress

I just was polled by an independent market research firm on behalf of a potential November 2010 ballot initiative and thought y’all might be interested in this.  The poller first established basic screening questions (I voted in 2008, I don’t approve of Schwarzenegger or the state legislature, I’m “somewhat familiar” with Proposition 11).  Then: the initiative would amend the 2008 Prop 11 to grant authority to establish redistricting Congressional districts to a Redistricting Commission rather than the state legislature.  Geographic integrity of cities/towns must be respected.  The commission must respect communities of Interest: neighboring populations with common social and economic interests.”  Italics reflect my notes, not just my faulty memory.

I was then read a number of reasons to vote for and against the initiative and asked to rate them as convincing or not.  Most for and against reasons were mirror images of each other; however, two stood out.

“The initiative is being put forth by one wealthy Republican.”

“The initiative will hurt minority members of Congress.”

Thoughts and comments, y’all?

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