Keeping Jobs in California

What we’re talking about can be summed up with one word: Jobs. Like Art Pulaski in this op-ed from Capitol Weekly puts so succinctly: “Jobs – the number one issue on the minds of Californians.”

Check out Art’s op-ed. He puts the argument for the AT&T/T-Mobil merger into terms that make sense for working Californians.

“A Blow to Job Creation” by Art Pulaski, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the California Labor Federation:…

One thought on “Keeping Jobs in California”

  1. We’ve already broken up AT&T once because it behaved badly as a monopolist.  Now, this isn’t really the same AT&T, but they chose to go with the name, so they have to bare it.

    I just don’t see how the merger is anything but bad for California consumers, with no guarantees of anything in return.

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