All posts by Ellinorianne

Calling Orange County CA Dems, Help a Democrat pay for his Ballot Statement

Cross posted at Daily Kos, go Rec if you can!

This Friday we have to come up with almost $8,000 to get our ballot statement to every voter in the 33rd district of California.  This is the best way to get Gary’s message to the voters.

Last Thursday we had our Campaign Kick off party, it was a blast and Gary enjoyed playing a bit of music and meeting different Republicans and Democrats in our district.  It was a good time and we had about sixty people come, a great turn out with the short amount of time we had to get it together.

Gary is the one playing the keyboards!  

A very generous co-worker of Gary’s allowed us to use their amazing home for our kick off party.  

Gary’s Thank you to those who attended the kick off!  I’ve been asked in the past why he doesn’t post.  Gary is just not a blogger at heart but he answers every single email he gets and he’s been knocking on doors every weekend.  It’s been a great experience!

Thanks for a Great Kickoff!

Dear Friends,

I want to thank you for turning out last night to help celebrate the

beginning of a new direction in Orange County politics. And for those

of you who sent your regrets, I want to thank you for donating to our


I want to let you know that you represent an extraordinary segment of

citizens who are paying close attention to how our Country is being

run and want to directly participate in vetting those of us who offer

up our leadership.

I’ve learned a great deal from talking to voters last night and over

the last four months of campaigning. The most consistent message I

hear is a growing sentiment among voters in both parties who are fed

up with how little our current lawmakers seem to accomplish while in

office. Therefore, it falls on all of us to be the catalyst for the

great change we seek.

Rather than rehearse ideological differences, I argue for restoring

balance. Because districts are drawn by incumbent lawmakers, most

legislative seats are considered ‘safe.’ Very few lawmakers run

competitive races after the primary. This means that their ideas are

not tested beyond their own party’s factions.

Political party takes precedence over the people in such a system.

While in Sacramento, lawmakers from ‘safe’ seats have very little

incentive to compromise, to find balance. Because I am running in a

district that has a longstanding ‘safe’ seat, my ideas are

consistently tested across party lines. This is fair. This is what

each candidate who runs in a partisan race should have to do.

We should not stand for a one party system. We should demand that, in

spite of party alliance, politicians must be accountable for their

ideas before they take office.

As you can imagine, this is a massive undertaking and far beyond the

reach of one person. But, together we can restore the much needed

transparency and accountability from our lawmakers. This starts with

letting people know that there is a choice to make in November.

A win for me in November would mandate that you would get a political

voice that is accountable to voters because you would have succeeded

in taking away a ‘safe’ seat. Long after I’m out of office, the seat

would remain competitive and our little party last night would serve

as a catalyst of remarkable change in Orange County, we would have

changed the political process for nearly the entire county with the

33rd Senate District.

In our district, there are close to one million voters who need to

know that you, the influential members of your communities, are

supporting change. As you know, all politics are local. So, our

grassroots effort will begin with talking to our neighbors. I am

asking that over the next three months each of you introduce me to

your neighbors and open your homes as Scott and Georgia did so

graciously last night.

These neighborhood gatherings will be focused on your neighbors

expressing what they want from their lawmakers in a small setting. You

provide the living room and neighbors; I will bring the coffee,

refreshments, and message.

At our website, I want to gather a list of

supporters who endorse our campaign. With your permission, I want to

add your name to this list.

Beyond this request, we need the 800,000 or so voters who missed last

night’s party to know that this race represents a cause we believe in.

We have a very expensive ballot statement to pay for that’s due next

Friday, August 8th. The ballot Statement will cost between $7,000 and

$8,000. The following link is our Act Blue Account where you can help

make change happen.…

If successful, we will have accomplished what many say is not

possible, we will have refocused politics back to the people. We will

have ignited an era of leadership that steers clear of the pitfalls of

party politics in Orange County. Our children will become the

benefactors of our decision to unite. If we are serious about change

then we must be willing to first change ourselves.

I need your help, please don’t hesitate to contact me with

suggestions, comments, and of course criticisms.


Gary Pritchard

Democratic Nominee for State Senate 33rd District

Please make donation by mail to:

Gary Pritchard for State Senate

10 Santa Clara

Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

Our walk piece!!!!  I designed it and Gary wrote the bullet points.  It needs more work, yes.  But this will probably be at least one half of our walk piece.  Just a way for you to learn more about Gary.

So, what do we need?  We need you to donate to our campaign to help pay for this ballot statement.  I know some checks are on the way and I’ve been asking everyone I know (Thanks to someone who gave me a check for $100 today!)

I’ve just not been able to think much about the National race except for wanting to Register more Democrats!  This is my political passion right now, everyone who meets Gary is impressed with his knowledge and agrees they will vote for him, Republican and Democrat alike.  I believe in this man, I know he could do something for everyone in our district and I want to get his message to every voter.

Pat Buchanan and Gary Pritchard, Native American running for State Senate

Cross Posted from big Orange, Please go rec if you can, this diary is very important to me.

It’s been at least a couple of weeks since I heard Pat Buchanan on the Thom Hartmann show and I can’t get what he said out of my mind.  Buchanan was torn up about the disappearance of Europeans on Planet earth.  Of course you know what he’s talking about.  Here is an excerpt from a review of his book…

When one remembers that if there is one cause Mr. Buchanan himself cherishes it is immigration restriction – when one recalls his words on “national suicide” and the “invasion” of America by nonwhites, and his constant inveighing against multiculturalism – when one remembers that the first pages of this very book lament that “as a share of world population, peoples of European ancestry have been shrinking for three generations,” that “we are slowly disappearing from the earth” – Mr. Buchanan’s feline criticism of Churchill stands as a piece of truly shameless hypocrisy.

NY Sun

Offensive yes.  Especially since I personally know of the true disappearance of a people, a generation lost and on it’s way out and sadly, the loss of a culture.  I hope it does not go away completely.

I’m speaking of the Mojave Indians.  My husband, Gary, is part Mojave Indian and his Grandmother was one of only a dozen or so pure Mojave Indians left.  She passed away a few years ago but Gary is grateful he was given the chance to meet her and get to know her a bit.  

Her name was Basil Fass.  She was know as an Elder among the tribe and if you mention her name to someone who knows these Elders, they know Basil well.  She helped carry on their cultural traditions up until her death and the Avi Casino in Laughlin Nevada also attempts to share some of their cultural heritage.  Yes, a Casino!

Every year the Fort Mojave Tribe holds an annual Pow Wow called “Annual Avi Kwa Ame Pow Wow” at their Casino.  

Native Americans from across the country will gather on the banks of the Colorado River in February for the 13th Annual Avi Kwa Ame Pow Wow, a festival honoring the traditional dance, costumes and cultures of the many participating tribes.

The event includes competition in various traditional Native American dances, as well as vendor booths serving up Native American food and handmade Indian arts and crafts. It is presented by the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe and takes place in the new Mojave Crossing Event Center near the Avi Resort & Casino, on the reservation just a few miles south of Bullhead City.

Pow Wows are all about drums, songs and dance. The drum – a term which describes the instrument and its complement of singers, what Americans would call a band – is the center of the arena and the center of attention. The drum performs songs for all occasions, including contest songs, flag songs, memorial songs, intertribal songs and more. Drums travel many miles to attend Pow Wows Dancers from as many as two dozen tribes will participate in dance competitions, with competitors broken into groups from toddlers through senior citizens. They’ll compete in fancy dancing, grass dancing, jingle dress dancing, bird dancing and singing, and many other structured dances.

“They come from all different tribes across the country…we’ve had people from Canada, South Dakota, North Dakota, New Mexico,” said Debbie Bricker, Pow Wow coordinator for the Fort Mojave

Indian Tribe. “We’re expecting a big turnout again this year.”


Gary never met his Mother, Esperanza Fass but he did meet his grandmother Basil due to me being a persistent pain in the ass.  It was a few years ago that we met her and she was lovely and so happy to see him, it had been literally years, she had not seen Gary since his mother died when he was very young.

It’s tragic and sad and his paternal Grandparents helped his father raise him away from the tribe and their land.  Gary came back but it’s been hard, we haven’t been in years.  To think that you came from somewhere but you have no connection, at least it must feel like that to him.  It was overwhelming to all of a sudden have not just another whole family but a whole tribe.

We hope to return again very soon and bring Charlotte to meet her great Aunts.  Most of the elders are gone now but the Mojave people are keeping their language and traditions alive and they should be honored and admired for doing so.  This is a struggle to keep meaning and a whole people living Pat, this is what it means to see something disappear.  

The Mojave Indians suffered many injustices under the new rule of America just as many other Native peoples were.  

The late 1800s were years of change for the Mojave. In 1861, constraints of the American Civil War forced the military to abandon Ft. Mojave. Tribal leadership was in upheaval as the Great Chief Homoseh awahot relinquished his post to Yara tav, who favored peace with the Americans. He had seen their power, having traveled to Los Angeles, San Francisco and to Washington, DC to visit President Lincoln.

In March 1865 the US Government created the Colorado Indian Reservation near Parker, the southern range of the Mojave. Yara tav, though disapproving of the poor farmland, led 500 to 800 Mojaves to the new reservation at Parker Valley. Homoseh awahot resumed his post as great chief to lead those who refused to leave the Mojave Valley. The people were split into two tribes.

Those living around the fort were called Ft. Mojaves when the building and 14,000 acres were transferred from the War Department to the Interior Department in 1890. The fort became an industrial boarding school for the Ft. Mojave and other non-reservation Indians.

The plan was to eradicate native language and culture. A compulsory education law was passed, and truant children forcibly returned to school were often whipped and locked in an attic for days, and given water and a slice of bread for meals.

History of the Mojave

The Mojave have fought hard to retain and keep their traditions alive even against such odds as the attempted assimilation by American Settlers.    The Mojave have continued to fight for what is theirs from their water rights to keeping a radio active waste site out of Ward Valley (which could have impacted not just the environment but the water that the tribe has access to).

After a couple of years in the background of the dispute over a nuclear waste dump proposed for Ward Valley, five desert Indian tribes stepped in 10 days ago and brought the plan to a sudden halt.

Federal officials said they will not proceed with the plan as long as the Indian elders are on the land the tribes have declared sacred.

About 40 Indians from the five tribes of the lower Colorado River remain at the site this weekend along with an equal number of anti-nuclear activists but their role in the dispute began much less visibly.

More than two years ago the Fort Mojave Tribe obtained a permit to set up a camp at the dump site and allowed non-Indian protesters to stay there. While the white activists were more vocal in opposition, the Indians continued to fight the permit process through government channels.

“This action where tribes take the lead over an environmental issue is unique,” said Tom Goldtooth of the Indigenous Environmental Network of Benidji, Minn.


I’ve hunted via the internet for anything about Gary’s Grandmother Basil and found this one quote that ends a lovely story about tortoises joining the Ward Valley Occupation.  

This visit by our first tortoise to come into the village came on the

day negotiations between the Colorado River Native Nations Alliance – Ft.

Mojave, Chemehuevi, Cocopah, Quechan, and Colorado River Indian Tribes –

seemed to have broken off.  We, at the camp, felt honored by his visit and took it as a sign that the valley and its natural inhabitants welcome us. We have since had other visits.  The tortoises seem content with our

presence; they appear to enjoy our greetings.

Basil Fass, Ft. Mojave Elder, said, “See, they show us they are here.

They bless us when they come.  They know we will win this fight for our

sacred land. ”


Basil wouldn’t let go of our hands when we met her the first time.  We her met at a pow wow in Indio and she held both our hands for a long time, taking us to different people to introduce us but she was so happy to see her Grandson and she had eventually urged him to become involved in the tribe’s political future.  I think she would be proud that he is running for California State Senate and Gary is seeking the support of his tribe.  It would mean so much to be able to speak out for the Native people in California, Nevada and Arizona.  

Please help us if you feel compelled.  I know there are great things that Gary can do if elected to our State Senate.  There are so many people who are forgotten and unseen.  I am going to attempt to make it back to Fort Mojave and I will chronicle that journey here as well.  We have so much to learn.

Act Blue

I started this when I wrote another diary about giving to candidates down ticket.  They money I’ve raised here has been seed money for our campaign and has been a tremendous boost.  When you give here it does matter, it really does and our campaign is grateful.


Gary and Charlotte Pritchard

Gary Pritchard for State Senate

My Husband is going on Thom Hartmann’s Take Back our Country!

Cross posted from Daily Kos

Sounds a lot more interesting than it is but I’m so excited to be able to share that Gary Pritchard, my husband and Democratic candidate for California State Senate is going to be appearing on Thom Hartmann’s Air America show tomorrow morning at 10:50 am (Pacific time).  

More below the cut…

Pritchard to Appear on Air America’s Thom Hartmann Show Thursday Morning

Orange County, CA- California State Senate Candidate, Gary Pritchard will be a featured guest on national Air Americas radio program the Thom Hartmann Show, 10:50 a.m. this Thursday morning, June 12. Pritchard will be interviewed during Hartmanns regular feature, Taking Our Country Back.

During the segment, the liberal talk show host helps Democratic candidates gain traction one office, one seat, one vote at a time. “Its all about getting people to get active and supporting the folks who are willing to put themselves out there to get the job done.” Listeners are asked to help through volunteerism or financial contributions or whatever else they can do. state senatorial candidate Pritchard continued, “I became interested in running because he was tired of the constant threats to the state’s education budget.”  

“A quality education insures the future quality of life for every citizen in our state. We must allow teachers to do more of what theyre trained to do, teach!” the tenured Cerritos College Fine Arts professor explained.

Developing a sustainable economy, decreasing our dependence on oil, establishing greater transparency in government, and universal health care for Californians are issues that Pritchard believes are important and vows to fight for if elected.



Gary Pritchard is a tenured Professor at Cerritos College in the Fine Arts Division. He has a BA from Chapman University, MA from Claremont University and a Ph.D from UCI. Gary is a native Californian who currently lives in Aliso Viejo with his wife Heather and five year old daughter Charlotte. Gary is also a musician who enjoys to play music with his friends from Jazz, rock and blues.

The California 33rd


I also want to share something I learned about today during a live blog with David Sirota.  David started an organization called Progressive States Network.  It shows that supporting State candidates is a huge way to affect change and push the ideas and issues we want addressed at the State Level.  I was so happy to hear that not only Thom Hartmann gets this, but David Sirota.  There is so much focus on the National races that the little guys get lost in the shuffle.  

About Progressive States Network

Supporting Change State-By-State

Progressive States Network aims to transform the political landscape by sparking progressive actions at the state level. Founded in 2005, the group provides coordinated research and strategic advocacy tools to state legislators and their staffs, empowering these decision-makers with everything they need to engineer forward-thinking change. Progressive States also works with non-profits and a variety of constituent groups to build a swath of support for coordinated progressive policy. The overarching goals: to get good policy passed into law and change the way issues are debated in the states.

A significant part of Progressive States efforts revolve around supporting state legislative campaigns. The organization offers legislators and their staff members with the technical and messaging support necessary to embrace progressive policy. Tapping into a network of experts in each state, the group catalogues existing or developing legislation related to six key values we support. Progressive States also accumulates research to support new laws in these areas. During the current legislative session, our most important values include:

   * Rewarding work

   * Helping families

   * Strengthening communities

   * Growing the economy

   * Increasing democracy

Progressive States seeks to strengthen communication between legislators and the organizations they serve, facilitating a groundswell of interest in progressive policy that spans state, regional and ideological lines. Our board consists of labor organizations, grassroots and “netroots” groups, and key policy centers. With additional support from these organizations, Progressive States makes it even easier for lawmakers to keep open dialogues with their most savvy constituents.

Finally, Progressive States acts as a “war room” to equip legislators with the information they need to advocate good policy. Organization experts put together best-practice guidebooks and serve as surrogates for legislative staff members who need talking points and need them fast. Additionally, with an up-to-the-minute news service at, the group acts as an information hub that keeps legislators up-to-date on progressive news from other states, helps them identify trends and emboldens them to educate each other on how to succeed.

In short, by supporting state legislators and other groups in their efforts to spark progressive actions and get good ideas passed into law, Progressive States proves that state policy matters, and that good policy leads to good politics for all.

How do Democrats Win in Tough Races? We Walk…

That’s right.  Gary, Charlotte and I went for our first precinct walk this weekend together in Aliso Viejo, California.  Oh man, not a good weekend to start, it was very hot and we waited until early evening to grab walking shoes and knock on doors in our very own neighborhood.  Why not start where we live?  Our community is in the heart of the 33rd State Senate district.

This will be our cheapest and best way to get the word out about Gary’s campaign and for now we are knocking on all the doors.  Republicans, Declined to States and Democrats.  We’ve found Republicans to be very receptive to meeting the candidate, especially when it’s quite doubtful that the Republican candidate will do any walking at all.  

And this is the best lesson we learned, talking to people is the best way to get them to vote for you.  And we even found some lovely Democratic neighbors who want to donate and volunteer.  What more can a grassroots campaign ask for?

It was a busy weekend for us all.  We started Saturday with haircuts for Charlotte and Gary.  It’s summer here so it was the annual cut a good four inches off of Char’s hair.  She gets her summer bob and Gary got a nice cut as well.

I found out I talk a bit too much 🙂  But that’s me and I don’t just talk, I listen.  Some of my favorite reactions were, “Go, go.  You’ve got my vote, I vote Democratic down ticket, Democrat, Democrat and Democrat!”  and then there was my favorite family of four.  Mom was reading The Huffington Post when I came up.  Her husband pointed out that they had a bumper sticker that said, “Vote Dem”.  But I still wanted to talk to them!  We need money and we need people to help us walk these precincts.  It’s all good time to me when it comes to speaking to people one on one.

Then Sunday came and we went to the Kick Off Party for Loretta Sanchez who is seeking her fourth Congressional term for central Orange County.  She was amazing, I was just so impressed with her humor and wit.  She also walks precincts religiously.  There is no such thing as a “safe” seat for Democrats in Orange County and Loretta understands how important it is to go out and talk to people.  When she won her first election twelve years ago she personally knocked on 65,000 doors.

I had a chance to introduce myself and she was so happy to hear about a Democrat running for office in Orange County and a Democrat that was stepping up to get the “D” on the ballot.  She held my hand while we talked, not awkward and was so involved with ME.  I did not take much of her time but I just wanted to let her know that we were so honored to be there and so proud to call ourselves Democrats because of all the great work she had done on behalf of the County and her district.

Since I’m the worst campaign volunteer ever, I can’t get any of my photos to upload but, I do have a photo from the Ed Chau campaign of Gary and Ed Chau, one of two Democrats running in the 42nd district (The other is well known here at Daily Kos, Ron Shepston is also running.  It’s a very tight race and both my husband and I have not endorsed, we are torn!).   Below is a photo of Gary and Ed taken by Ed’s Campaign Director (Yes, Congressional candidates have CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR, I’m so envious) Drew Cornick.

So what are the Republicans doing that are running to win in November? (There is such a thing as a safe seat for Republicans and it’s assumed that whomever wins in the Primary will most certainly win in November).  They are trading ridiculous claims and throwing around the word “liberal” like it was something heinous.  What is the winner going to call Gary?  A communist.

Below is the most egregious of the attack mailers, this one sent by Mimi Walters against her opponent Harry Sidhu.  It’s not subtle and it’s racist, clear and simple.  This race is catching eyes up in Sacramento too for being a little to nasty and locally it’s getting attention for the very same reason.

I’m still trying to raise $5,000 for Gary this month.  And as I speak he’s working on a letter to the Fort Mojave Tribe to ask for their support (Gary is a Tribal Member) as well as sending request for donations to all the organizations that have endorsed him and the people he’s personally met.  This is what I do, I blog and this is how I’m trying to help Gary at least make a dent in this so called “safe” seat.  He’s going to work hard and knock on as many doors as he can by the November election but we need door hangers, fliers and mailers and we need to hire someone to help out his frazzled wife who has a full time job.

Please support a fellow Democrat who stepped up to put a “D” on the ballot and who is willing to go out and talk to people, face to face, to get their votes.

Goal Thermometer

EENR For Progress – The Fight for Marriage Equality

Cross posted from EENR Blog

One of the most important progressive equal rights issues for me is Marriage Equality for same sex couples.  Why?  Because it’s one of the last Government sanctioned forms of discrimination.

This week there was a huge victory for Marriage Equality with the California Supreme Court striking down the State’s 2000 ban on gay marriage.  

One of the first knee jerk reactions of  Republicans in the State was to declare that the Court was legislating from the bench, just a bunch of “activist” judges (Of course the minor detail they forget to mention in their partisan bigot filled hissy fit is that 6 of the 7 judges were appointed by Republican Governors).  They also argue that this will lead to the legalization of “polygamous and incestuous marriage”.  Another whopper is that the ruling undermines the voters because the bill was passed with 61% supporting the ban on gay marriage.  And of course the best argument is that we as citizens must protect marriage and I wrote earlier in the week, Protect Marriage?  From What Exactly?.

So, what is all the fuss about?  It’s a sea change and Republicans can sense that they will probably lose this battle in the end.  This is when all politics become local politics.  A precedent in such a large State like California will resonate with other States who have yet to take this issue head on.

Here is an excerpt from a blog post by a local Republican Assemblyman.

The California Supreme Court’s Supremely Bad Decision

By Chuck Devore

The California State Supreme Court, lead by Chief Justice Ron George, repealed California law stating that marriage is between a man and a woman as set forth by both the Legislature and the people through the passage of Prop. 22.

The Court’s ruling is breathtaking for its overreach.  Using words like “dignity” (23 times), “liberty” (34 times), and “privacy” (37 times) to describe same sex partners full right to marry, the Court overturned millennia of experience and more than 150 years of state law precedence.  (For the ruling, see:…  In so doing, their strained justifications threw the door wide open to polygamous and incestuous marriage.  How?  By using the flawed logic that marriage is none of the government’s business insofar as marriage should be afforded to all to afford people privacy, liberty and dignity.  The same weak logic can be applied to the “plural” marriages of the Fundamentalist LDS cult in Texas or to a devout Muslim citizen of Saudi Arabia who wishes to emigrate to California with his four wives.  In fact, due to the equal protection provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment, both a Fundamentalist LDS cult member and a devout Muslim could argue that their First Amendment right to free exercise of religion are being violated by any restriction on polygamy – after all, their “dignity,” “liberty,” and “privacy” would be violated otherwise.

OC Blog

Lovely isn’t it?  I love how Republicans can use words such as “dignity” as being something supremely evil when talking about the individual rights of another human being.  And of course, they go into the straw man argument that by legalizing same sex marriage the next thing you know you will find people wanting to marry their brother or attempting to turn their personal life into a legal version of “Big Love”.

Ultimately the most important issue here is fighting back on these poorly argued oppositions and labeling them for what they are, flat out bigotry and homophobia.  The Chief Justice in this case understood why it was so very important that the right decision come down from the highest court in the State.  He said it was the hardest decision of his life.

But as he read the legal arguments, the 68-year-old moderate Republican was drawn by memory to a long ago trip he made with his European immigrant parents through the American South. There, the signs warning “No Negro” or “No colored” left “quite an indelible impression on me,” he recalled in a wide-ranging interview Friday.

“I think,” he concluded, “there are times when doing the right thing means not playing it safe.”

Asked whether he thought most Californians would accept the marriage ruling, George said flatly: “I really don’t know.”

He indicated he saw the fight for same-sex marriage as a civil rights case akin to the legal battle that ended laws banning interracial marriage. He noted that the California Supreme Court moved ahead of public sentiment 60 years ago when it became the first in the country to strike down the anti-miscegenation laws.

California’s decision, in a case called Perez vs. Sharp, preceded the U.S. Supreme Court’s action on the issue by 19 years. Even after that ruling, Californians passed an initiative that would permit racial discrimination in housing. The state high court again responded by overturning the law, George said.

Rather than ignoring voters, “what you are doing is applying the Constitution, the ultimate expression of the people’s will,” George said.

LA Times

To me this is the most compelling argument that Justice George makes for his ruling, it’s not about subverting the people’s will, just as we’ve seen in the past, the “people” have been wrong before.  It’s about upholding the State’s constitution and in that way supporting the ultimate will of the people.

I believe that the new initiative that Republicans are fighting to get on the ballot in November will not pass this time though.  Even in my conservative area of town in the local paper of record, the OC Register, the online poll they have shows 52% supporting Gay Marriage.  In the article I quoted Justice George in, the margin was much larger, 72% of respondents support Gay marriage.  Now granted, many Republicans are hoping that such a ballot initiative will bring out Republicans in droves but they forget something just as important, many new Democrats will also be coming out to vote and they will more than likely vote against change the State Constitution to ban Gay Marriage.  

And another factor to consider in California for this November?  Republicans in the State are stepping away from wedge issues like Gay Marriage.  

“I think we have bigger fish to fry than do people have a right, if they are gay, to get married or not,” Schwarzenegger said. “I think that we should think about fixing the budget system and think about fixing the health care system and rebuilding California.”

Sacramento Bee

And you know what, I agree with the Governator.  We do have bigger issues to deal with and as it stands, gays will be able to marry legally in this State if the initiative in November doesn’t pass.  I hope that moderate Republicans will heed the Governor’s logic and  reject yet another ban that violates the State Constitution.  

I would love to see my gay and lesbian friends have the right to marry so they too can have the same protections that many married straight couples take for granted.  I also hope then that in such a case we can put more energy into issues such as universal health care and education.  Wouldn’t it be nice to say we’ve moved passed the issue altogether?

California Gay Marriage made legal! Press Briefing & Rally

“Full and equal recognition of our relationships means that we have crossed a final barrier toward full and equal citizenship, at least in California. This day has been years in the making, but we know we can’t celebrate for long…

today we celebrate. Today we savor the full and equal recognition of our relationships, our families, and our responsibilities that come with it. But tomorrow, we organize. Our equality did not come easily. We will not let it go. – Ed Bennett, President of Sacramento Stonewall Democrats

Dan Chmielewski, on May 15th, 2008 at 10:27 am Said:

Its a great day for equal rights and personal freedom and liberty. Nice job on this Andrew

The Lovable Curmudgeon, on May 15th, 2008 at 10:32 am Said:

I had prepared for the worst. Now I’m numb. Truly a historic day.

Does anyone know of any celebrations scheduled in OC?

(And my security word was “equality”)

Sean H. Mill, on May 15th, 2008 at 10:44 am Said:

This is truly a great day. California should have been on the forefront of this and led the way in this fight for equal rights. Being the second state isn’t half bad though. I am proud to be a Californian today!

Vern Nelson, on May 15th, 2008 at 11:21 am Said:

SWEEET! Equality and justice, as they do too infrequently, lurch forward another step! And TEH GAY ROCKS!!!

OCDemoGrl, on May 15th, 2008 at 11:21 am Said:

It is great to see discrimination take a hit today. To my best friend, a proud gay American, who said he would not see gay marriage in his life-time, the door has swung open in your favor. Go forth and be marry!

Drew C., on May 15th, 2008 at 11:48 am Said:

This is absolutely awesome! Coming from working on the Equality for All campaign this is great progress…Congratulations to everyone in the LGBT community, I am so exited for you guys! As I always said, “Live better, promote equality!” Oh yea…thanks for coming out to phone bank for equality Andrew!

Bill Spaulding, on May 15th, 2008 at 12:55 pm Said:

Great news indeed. It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Celebrate in Long Beach this weekend at the Pride Festival both days and the Parade on Sunday morning.

Celebrate by donating to and/or volunteering for candidates who support the community.

Celebrate by helping in whatever way you can to make sure the initiative likely to be on the ballot this November fails to undo the court’s decision.

But first: Savor the moment.

OC Liberal

Protect Marriage? From what exactly?

My God, I know I shouldn’t do it but I visit the conservative blog Red County to keep up on the latest hatefest from the Republicans running against each other in the June 3rd Primary, mostly Walters and Sidhu, one of which will be the Republican that my husband Gary Pritchard will be running against in the GE.

So, I found myself drawn to the idyllic photos of married couples for the advertisement, “” and I had to click on it.  Why?  Why do I do this to myself?

Look, this poor family frolicking on the beach could be attacked by gays at any second?  Shouldn’t we protect them from such an onslaught?   Huh?  Doesn’t make much sense does it?  Well, after the cut, I’ve listed the organizations, elected offices, churches and individuals who support the latest attempt to ban Gay Marriage in California.  Call them, let them know that you don’t need your marriage protected, I know I don’t.  And if you are one of the many people who want to marry their love who happens to be the same sex, call them and let them know that you deserve the same rights as they take for granted. Coalition Endorsements (partial listing)


Focus on the Family –

Family Research Council –

Faith2Action (Janet Folger) –

Pacific Justice Institute  –

Concerned Women For America –

Center For Reclaiming America –

California Family Council –

California Family Alliance –

Capitol Resource Institute –

Coral Ridge Ministries –

Proposition 22 Legal Defense and Education Fund

Alliance Defense Fund, serving as legal counsel  –

Institute For Families and Taxpayers

Association of Christian Schools International, Northern and Southern Districts of CA

Values Advocacy Council  –

Family Leader Network –

Holistic Integrated Service Foundation (HIS), Fullerton

Liberty Counsel –

Meridian Magazine –

Eagle Forum of California  –

Eagle Forum of Sacramento

Advocates for Faith and Freedom –

Public Awareness Minstries

Preserve Liberty –

The Western Center for Law & Policy –

Traditional Family Coalition –

Traditional Values Coalition –

Confraternidad Hispana Bautista de California (Hispanic Southern Baptist Fellowship)

United Families California –,


Legacy Law Foundation –


State Senators

Senator Dick Ackerman (R-Tustin) –

Senator Sam Aanestad (R-Redding) –

Senator Roy Ashburn (R-Bakersfield ) –

Senator James Battin, Jr. (R-La Quinta) –  

Senator Dave Cox (R-Fair Oaks) –

Senator Jeff Denham (R-Merced) –

Senator Bob Dutton (R-San Bernadino) –

Senator Tom Harman (R-Huntington Beach) –

Senator Dennis Hollingsworth (R- El Cajon) –

Senator Abel Maldonado (R-Santa Maria) –

Senator Bob Margett (R-Arcadia) –  

Senator Tom McClintock (R-Thousand Oaks) –

Senator George Runner (R-Antelope Valley) –

Senator Mark Wyland (R-Carlsbad) –

Assembly Members

Assemblyman Greg Aghzarian (R-Stockton) –

Assemblyman John Benoit (R-Palm Desert) –  

Assemblyman Chuck Devore (R-Irvine) –

Assemblyman Bill Emmerson (R-Redlands) –

Assemblyman Guy Houston (R-San Ramon) –

Assemblyman Bob Huff (R-Diamond Bar) –

Assemblyman Rick Keene (R-Chico) –

Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa (R-Biggs) –

Assemblyman Bill Maze (R-Visalia) –

Assemblyman Alan Nakanishi (R-Lodi) –

Assemblyman Roger Niello (R-Sacramento) –

Assemblyman George Plescia (R-San Diego) –

Assemblywoman Sharon Runner (R-Lancaster) –

Assemblywoman Audra Strickland (R-Camarillo) –  

Assemblyman Van Tran (R-Costa Mesa) –

Assemblyman Michael Villines (R-Clovis) –

Assemblywoman Mimi Walters (R-Laguna Niguel) –

Local Elected Officials

Imperial County Supervisor Wally Leimgruber (District 5)

Mayor Jeff Miller, City of Corona

Mayor Neil C. Blais, City Rancho Santa Margarita

Other Public Officials

Fr. Keith Acker

Ken Campbell, Placer County Republican Chairman

Former Assemblyman Ray Haynes (R-Murrieta)  

Former Assemblyman Tim Leslie (R-Roseville)


Abundant Life Assembly of God, Copeland

Alpha and Omega Arlington Apostolic Church, Riverside

Alpine Anglican Church, Alpine

Bundy Canyon Christian Church and School, Wildomar

Calvary Assembly, Milpitas

Calvary Chapel of Anaheim

Calvary Chapel of Corona

Calvary Chapel of Orange

Calvary Chapel of Upland

Canyon View Church of Christ, San Diego

Chinese Grace Bible Church, Sacramento

Core Christian Fellowship, Murrieta

Elsinore Christian Center, Lake Elsinore

Faith Chapel, San Diego

Faith to Faith Fellowship, Temecula

First Baptist Church of Hesperia

First Foursquare Gospel Church of San Jose, San Jose

Freedom Community Christian Church, Perris

Freed Indeed Christian Fellowship, Perris

Friendship Christian Fellowship Church, Moreno Valley

Freewill Missionary Baptist Church, San Diego

Gem of the Valley Church, Murrieta

Golden Alter Ministries

High Desert Church, Victorville –

Highland Springs Fellowship, Banning

House of Luke, Hemet

Independent Church of Lake Elsinore

Koinonia Evangelist Center

Lighthouse Assembly of God, Murrieta

Luke Four Eighteen Ministries International, Temecula

Nations Harvest Church, Sunnyvale

New Birth Kingdom Covenant, San Diego

Our Redeemer Lives Church, Lake Elisinore

Menlo Park Community Church of God in Christ, Menlo Park

Meridan Baptist Church, San Diego

Mountain View Community Church , Temecula

Mount Pisgah Baptist Church, San Diego

Rancho Baptist Church, Temecula

Revival Christian Fellowship, Menifee

Rose Drive Friends Church, Yorba Linda

The Rock Church, San Diego

San Diego Christian Worship Center, San Deigo

San Jose Church of Christ, San Jose

San Jose Foursquare Church, San Jose

San Jose Open Bible Church, San Jose

San Jose Word of Faith Christian Center, San Jose

Set Free Ministries of San Diego, San Diego

Skyline Wesleyan Church

South Valley Christian Church, San Jose

Southwest Christian Church, Temecula

Survivors of Assault Recovery/Living Word Christian Church, San Diego

The Church of God of Prophecy, National City

The Home Church, Campbell

Tyler Baptist Church, Riverside

Valley Christian Church, Chino

Victory Outreach of Eagle Rock

Whittier Church of Christ, Whittier

Windsor Hills Baptist Church, La Mesa

Zion Christian Fellowship, Spring Valley


Pastor John M. Almaraz

Arnez Alon

Filipina Antiforda

Madelyn Amini Kharrazi

Rolland Au

Tiffancy Baker

Frank Baldus Jr.

John and Shirley Baldwin

Sarah Benson

James E. Blum

Pastor Charles Campbell

Jerry L. Chapman

Lisa Chavez

Wesley Chou

Pastor Chris Clark, East Clairemont South Baptist Church, San Diego

Ruth Conley

Francis B. Connolly

Pastor Jim A. Contreras

Rachel Copeland

Joshua Crawford

Pastor David Daniel

Barbara Davenport

James E. Davis

Memrie Davies

Mona Davies

Shane DiLisi

Pastor Roy Dixon

Pastor Jim Domen

Joyce Edge

David Eltistie

Stephen Flores

Pastor Edward C. Flowers

Lucy Foster

Pastor Jim Garlow, Skyline Wesleyan Church, San Diego

Amaya Genaro

Vicki Gerlek

Eugene Gordon Sr.

Jerry and June Green

Alan J. Hall

Donald C. Hamer

Shirley Haskins

Peter Henderson

Brian Hendry

Pastor Jay Hernandez

Pastor Jim Hilbrant

Pastor Bill Hogenson

Eleanor Howell

Pastor Matthew P. Hsieh

Jennifer Hsieh

George Hu

Michaeh Hunter

Shan-Jye Jack Hwang

Arthur L. Johnson

F. A. Johnson

Utah Jones

Pastor Erik Keeling

Clarissa T. Kayser

Pat Kintzer

Pastor Rick Lancaster

James H. Lau, M.D.

Shirley Lau

Greg Leddy

Pastor J.D. Loveland

Samson B. Lubag

Vlade Momayed

Isaac Martin

Pamela A. McAnally

Pastor Miles McPherson, The Rock, San Diego

Joshua S. L. Mehr

Daniel Mendoza

Steve Meyer

Carl Meyocks

Roger Moon

Laura Morris

Walter Morris III

Pastor Earl Norwood

Willie. G. Nutt

Joseph and Cheryl Palechek

Pastor Pete Perez

Kate Peterson

Nichole Peterson

Billie Jo Phipps

Patty Prokop

Andrew Pugno

Darren and Heather Quella

Eduardo E. Quimson

Robert W. Radcliff

George Riley

Larry Roberts

Pastor Archie Robinson

David Rodricks

Lorraine Rodricks

Pastor Mike Rodriguez

Patricia Rodriguez

Claude and Patrica Russell

Pastor Lewis A. Russo

Stan Rutkowski

Natali Sanchez

Moises D.U. San Luis

Pastor David Sawkins

Jessica Sears

Bishop Jack A. Sheets Sr.

Loretta Smith

Virgina Solis

Pastor Mike Spradlin

Pastor Wayne A. Stockstill

Alan and Denise Taylor

Randy Taylor

Julie Timm

Earl Totty

Steve R. Waters

F.R. Walker

Phillip Walker

Shelly Wells

Jennifer Williams

Pastor Jo Anna Williams

Vanessa Williams

Pastor Jerry W. Westholder

Randal C. Wing

Nadene Wolf

Rev. Art Wooten

Rose Wun

Jeffrey Yuan

Kathy Yoak Rieses


I know this is not the most intellectually sound argument for gay marriage but I get so worked up when I see such blatant homophobia, to think that this is acceptable in this day and age is mind boggling to me and it saddens me to no end.  No more.

I hate to see people on strike!

Yes, you read that right.  When workers are striking that means that someone, somewhere is refusing to negotiate health care, a living wage or safe working conditions.  

And even worse, this strike is happening right outside my workplace.  I scanned the flier I received while walking to get my lunch.

That’s not too much to ask, is it?  Orange County, CA is one of the most expensive places to live in the US and the people who work theif forty hours a week should be able to afford to live here!

The dream of sending one’s child to College is an admirable one and it’s something that many parents aspire to.  It’s a basic right that can help lift an entire generation out of poverty and provide the strong work force that not only California needs to move into the 21st Century, but our entire Country.

And guess what?  Because the Governator is cutting Education budgets across the board the California State University system and the University of California system are raising their tuition fees.

Despite angry protests from students that led to 16 arrests at UCLA, California’s two public universities took actions Wednesday to charge higher fees for education in the fall.

The trustees of the Cal State University system voted to raise annual undergraduate student fees 10%, or $276. A key committee of the University of California regents approved a 7.4%, or $490, raise per year for undergraduates that is expected to be endorsed by the full Board of Regents today.

Student expensesThe actions would bring average statewide undergraduate costs to nearly $3,800 at Cal State and to more than $8,000 at UC, not including housing, books and other expenses, which can total $12,000 to $16,000. Graduate students will face even higher increases.

“This is one of the most painful things we do. None of us wants to raise fees,” UC President Robert C. Dynes said at the regents meeting at UCLA. “We’re between a rock and a hard place. The state doesn’t support us the way they should support us.”

LA Times

Why don’t Republicans get it? Affordable education is what will allow people to care for themselves and to lift themselves out of the poverty they were born into, it’s practically the only way to do it.  Should not all our children have this opportunity?

The whole reason we have the CSU system is to allow lower income students the ability to get a higher education.  And the reason we have Unions is so that hard working families can care for their children and their dreams of having something better for themselves.  The Republican way of thinking is absolutely antithetical to their supposed core belief, they are so opposed to tax hikes that they would cut their nose off to spite their face.  

Don’t workers deserve a chance to make their children’s lives better?  Shouldn’t Government be part of that opportunity rather than an impediment to it?  

California’s public universities pay for themselves: For every $1 spent, about $3 comes back to the state as a byproduct.

LA Times

You would think that conservatives would understand the importance of investing?  But they can’t let go of their personal beliefs of “I’ve got mine, screw everyone else”.  That’s what it comes down to.

So you see, I hate to see a strike.  It means that the people who help keep my office clean and workable are being asked to forgo their dreams for the children so that big corporations can have a higher profit margin for the few of the people on their board of directors.  The many must suffer so the few can prosper.

But if you do see a picket line, please take the time to say you support their dreams and you support their needs because in the end, this is about supporting everyone in our soceity and declaring that we all deserve a better life for not only ourselves but our children.  


Please help me Raise $5,000 for my Husband’s Campaign

(promoting a California race. – promoted by shayera)

Cross Posted from Daily Kos

Yes, it’s a lot of money.  But if just 1,000 readers here gave five dollars that would help me reach my personal goal of raising $5,000 for my husbands State Senate campaign.  He’s running because of me, I have to support the deadbeat.

Yes, that’s humor.  He’s a good guy and we are working on many other means to raise money.  The official campaign stationary is on the way, unfortunately the wrong paper was delivered, we are insisting on recycled paper and are using a local union printer.  All important choices on our part.

So, what can I share about Gary?  Well, he got the Democracy for America (Orange County Chapter) endorsement last week and that meant the world to both of us.  I will include his questionnaire behind the cut so you can learn more about what he believes.

I’m a 37 year old California native who was born in the Central Valley town of Bakersfield and raised near the southern entrance of Yosemite National Park.

I now live in Aliso Viejo with Heather my supportive spouse of 10 years; Charlotte our exuberant five year old daughter; and Sophie our

family’s high-strung weimaraner.

I am a dedicated educator in the public school system. I completed college in Southern California where I attended Chapman University, the Claremont Graduate School, UCLA, and UCI. I hold a Ph.D. in the Social Sciences and am a tenured professor in the Fine Arts and Communication Division of Cerritos College where I have taught since 1999. In the summer, I am also a lecturer at UCI.

As a tested leader in the California Community College system, I have served as a department chair, sat on curriculum and program review committees, co-authored grants for the National Endowment of the Humanities and federal vocational education programs. I have chaired tenure committees, reviewed textbooks, authored new curriculum including distance education courses, and have participated in a variety of local and national conferences and symposia.

* Why are you running? What are your goals in office?:

My first reason for running was to just get a “D” on the ballot, but then I decided that if I was going to run, I was going to do my best.  The only way to make progress in red areas in the Country is to run.  Democrats can’t win if they don’t run and every contest contributes to Governor Dean’s vision of the fifty state strategy.

* How are you socially progressive and fiscally responsible?:

I support civil unions for same sex couples as well as adoption rights and protection from discrimination.  I would include transgender and transsexuals in equal protection laws as well.  I support a woman’s right to choose.

Most importantly I believe in the idea of the common good, that we are all in this together and that Government should provide a safety net for when we fall on hard times.   This would include universal health care in the form of a single payer system (universal health insurance really) as one of the most important socially progressive issues of our time.

I would demand Fiscal Responsibility that would allow a surplus so that in the boom times we sock away money for the lean times, such as now, and the state would not have to sacrifice such things as funding for education.  

As Democrats, we have a responsibility to redefine how Americans perceive taxes.  They serve a purpose and they provide for many of the things that we need as citizens.  It’s time to stop demonizing them and to also emphasize that spending should also be prudent and balanced.  It should also be transparent, taxpayers should have the ability to easily find out where their money is going through the local, State and Federal level.

And most importantly is the need to change the perception of Government by redefining it as something that works for the people again and not special interests and corporations.

1. What are the top three issues that you are running on? Please explain your stances and provide any personal background and experience that you consider important for implementing, if elected.

If I were to win, I would forward the very important goals of Universal Single Payer Health Care in the state of California.   Everyone should have health care access where people are put before corporate profits.  People are starting to understand the importance of single payer as well as eliminating such issues as pre-existing conditions as a means to exclude people from coverage.  It would also eliminate the connection of employment to health care meaning people would not have to worry about losing their health care when they lose a job or change their profession, it would also take the burden of health care costs away from employers.

Another goal would be promoting green jobs, protecting our water supply and promoting different ways for our communities to lower their consumption of water and other limited natural resources (gas).  It would also include attempting again to reclassify hemp as a legal sustainable crop, more incentives for electric cars, solar power on individual homes and other areas and more uniform and consistent recycling programs throughout the state.

Education is the largest part of our State’s budget, as it should be. It is what allows California to lead the way in technology, keep business thriving and maintain our high quality of life. Education is a lifetime process from K-12 to our State’s public Colleges and Universities. Parents should be able to expect a quality public education for their children and for themselves, learning is a lifetime pursuit.

More money per student does not mean better teaching but funds for the classroom, teacher pay and school improvements are important for a quality public education. Bureaucracy and endless paperwork takes time away from the classroom and we have to not only fully fund our schools but make it possible for teachers to spend more time doing what they are there to do, teach!

2. What is your strategy for a viable plan to win this race? Please include considerations of grassroots organizing and support, obtaining finances needed and how DFA’s support will help in your race.

We plan on raising money through reaching out to our community with house parties and fund raisers at local gathering spots (We plan on having a fund raiser at Steamers Café in Fullerton).  I am seeking the endorsement of as many unions as possible and hope to garner their support as a union member myself.  

Grass roots organization by getting people registered as Democrats and speaking to as many independents and Republicans as possible.  We plan on using any money we raise to hire one person for the summer so that he can learn how to run a campaign (A politics student who interns with DPOC) and have a chance to work towards the goal of turning Orange County blue.  Our goal is also to raise enough for four pieces for mailers and walk pieces to hand out during canvassing.  We would also like to have enough to get a statement on the ballot.  All of this is realistic and important to building on a future run for other Democrats in the County.

3. To the extent that you have not covered the issues below in your answers to question I, please address your stances/proposed solutions for each. The particular order in which you address these categories is up to you. There is an overarching theme that runs through these categories, i.e., how to ameliorate the disproportionate control by corporate big money interests in all aspects of the functioning of our government. Please address that theme, where you can, in each category.

a. Restoring the Constitution, the rule of law, Civil Liberties/Rights,

Congressional checks and balances and meaningful oversight functions.

All signing statements and activities leading up to the war in Iraq should be reviewed by the incoming President.  All torture and war crime activities should be investigated as well as the immediate closure of Guantanamo Bay.  There should also be the restoration of Habeas Corpus and no immunity to the telecommunications companies for their involvement with the illegal wire tapping of American citizens.

On the local level, California needs to force for the funding of the 9/11 Commission recommendations from our airports to our ports.  

b. Economic Justice

America has experienced the largest redistribution of wealth in its history in the last eight years.  The rich have literally gotten richer under the current tax structure and many more people have become poorer.  The top one half of one percent has amassed the same amount of wealth as the bottom 40 percent which has driven down the quality of life for so many in our Country.

Things must change from raising the capital gains tax to closing unfair loopholes that only benefit the wealthy (such as the yacht tax loophole in California).  But our tax code should be fair.

Economic justice also includes access to loans based on credit score not zip code.  Many minorities are subject to higher interest rates and unfair practices by predatory lenders.  Payday loan shops should be closed and access to banking accounts, savings and checking accounts should be more readily available.

There should also be a living wage in California and our minimum wage should increase with the rate of inflation.  California also needs to deal with the pay inequity that still exists between men and women.

c. Health Care

Universal single payer is the only way to go when it comes to health care.  Health Care coverage should not be connected to employment and should cover every single person.  We need to eradicate the term “pre-existing condition” as no one should be denied coverage.

The biggest challenge to UHC is changing the talking points from “socialized medicine” to single payer insurance.  People need to understand how much time doctors spend in paperwork and bureaucracy rather than in treating patients and by having single payer it will in no way affect our quality of care.

d. Environmental Issues (global warming; environmental protection and conservation)

California needs to invest in green technology (Solar and wind, no nuclear) and green collar jobs.  Our infrastructure is sorely in need of repair and improvement and it offers us the opportunity to change things for a more green option.

There should also be the encouragement and incentives on the local level for homeowners and businesses to move to green alternatives.  All residents should be encouraged to do away with their lawns for more water saving alternatives.  We should also encourage the purchasing of local produce.

California cannot wait for the Federal Government to cap green house gas emissions, we need to institute our own standards and enforce them by incentives rather than punitive means.  We also need to raise gas mileage standards so that other states can follow.  

Hemp should be legalized as an industrial crop to serve as a sustainable option for paper products and other things commonly made from trees and cotton.  Hemp is also environmentally friendly because it requires no pesticides.  Currently hemp is imported for use in products and it could easily become a crop in areas where other things are not viable.

The US must sign the Kyoto accord.

e. The war/occupation of Iraq, the Middle East, and care of military personnel

Our government has a responsibility to provide life time health care for our veterans and a guaranteed free education as well (The first GI Bill following WWII is credited with creating the middle class).  The tour of duties by our active soldiers should be returned to sane lengths and those who do serve should be protected from losing their jobs, their homes and their families due to their long absence.

There also has to be something done about our 200,000 plus homeless veterans with accessible mental health care and low cost housing.  They should also have access to job training and employment opportunities by encouraging small and large businesses to hire and invest time and money in our veterans.

And although I am running for a State position, I feel that is the responsibility for all elected officials to put pressure on their federally elected representatives to begin the immediate and safe withdrawal of troops from Iraq.  The US has to restore its moral authority in the world by complying with international law.  We must demand that the Iraqi Government take over in its own rule and protection and ask the surrounding nations who have a more vested interest in a stable middle east to participate in rebuilding Iraq.  We also should implore other industrialized nations to help rebuild Iraq’s infrastructure.  All contracted military personnel should also be removed from Iraq, such as Blackwater and the Government must stop employing them.

f. Election Integrity (public financing; election protection; voter intimidation)

A large part of election integrity is linked to the consolidation of our media and the lack of real information regarding many important issues facing our Country and the world.  Any election reform must be accompanied by the restoration of the Fairness Doctrine.

There also must be a paper trail to any election so that in the need of a recount there is a means to verify the actual vote.  Everyone should have safe access to voting as well as time off in order to do so.  There also needs to be more uniform election law in national contests, such as a Presidential Election.

All candidates should have access to the airwaves as well as publically funded campaigns.  The influence of lobbyists and corporations on our elections have skewed the agenda in the wrong direction for far too long.

There is also a huge need to outlaw the thirty second campaign ad and the use of robo calls to unfairly influence voters (They should at least say who is funding and supporting the call).

g. Media Reform

Restore the Fairness Doctrine to allow real fair and balanced coverage on radio, TV, print and internet news by ensuring the change from corporate media that is concentrated to a small number of owners to a more unconsolidated media system.  We should find a means to encourage all media to return news to being non-profit driven and ratings driven entities that have a responsibility to cover events rather than sensationalizing them.

So here is my meter and I’m asking that you help me raise $5,000 for Gary Pritchard, he’s on the ballot because of me.  And he’s on the ballot because no other Democrat would run in this district.  When good people step up to get a “D” on the ballot, they need your help.  Our main goal is to hire someone to help us, someone we could employ through November.  Imagine being able to pay someone’s salary, I think it’s the best thing we can do with our campaign money.

Goal Thermometer

Candidate Throws Himself Under a Bus

Not really, but it did make you look, didn’t it?  

Please, wait, just stay for a little bit and read about my husband’s campaign?  I know you are busy and I know there are a lot bigger fish to fry, but I’m hoping you will hear me out, please?

You see, Gary needs your help.  In order to raise money you need to raise money.  Make sense?

Follow me…

Gary and I met with the Democratic Party of Orange County and we also got a chance to meet with a wonderful grassroots organizer.  Well, he’s actually a full time student who is an intern at the DPOC and we want to hire him to help us with our campaign.

Gary is running as the “Sacrificial lamb” in this contest but we also both promised that we would do whatever we could to forward the Democratic cause and issues in our so very red County.  So, for me, personally, I think one of the best things we could do would be to hire a student, who wants to work in campaigns and also forward the Democratic Party in our very red County.

Does this make sense?  The best way for him to get experience is to actually help run a campaign, but right now, we don’t have enough to pay for him.  We do desperately need help because I’ve promised that I would only do as much as I could without losing my job or neglecting my child!  It’s quite an undertaking and we are fighting in quite a large district.  Take a look.

This area covers over 500,000 voters, yes, that’s more than any of the congressional districts in California.  It’s 100,000 more than the largest Congressional District in our area, CA-48 which is just over 400,000 registered voters.  Yes, we really do need help!

So yes, this is a plea for money.  And you are just the tip as they say, I’ve made phone calls to our families and friends and we need to get access to donor lists.  If you want to know something about Gary, here is his ‘About Gary’ page on his website.

And here is our “priorities” information on the website.


Transparency and Responsibility in Government

Transparency and responsibility are the first priorities. Every resident should have access to how their taxes are spent in the State of California. It should also be easy to understand and to know who exactly was responsible for parts of the budget and who put forth earmark spending. Fiscal responsibility is imperative at all times, the good and the bad. Why doesn’t the State currently have a surplus from when our economy was booming? Important revenues were cut and spending was expanded without any regard for unforeseen future economic circumstances. Would the average household not prepare for hard times by saving when times are good? Should we not expect the same common sense approach in our Government by demanding our legislature treat our money like theirs?


Education is the largest part of our State’s budget, as it should be. It is what allows California to lead the way in technology, keep business thriving and maintain our high quality of life. Education is a lifetime process from K-12 to our State’s public Colleges and Universities. Parents should be able to expect a quality public education for their children and for themselves, learning is a lifetime pursuit.

More money per student does not mean better teaching but funds for the classroom, teacher pay and school improvements are important for a quality public education. Bureaucracy and endless paperwork takes time away from the classroom and we have to not only fully fund our schools but make it possible for teachers to spend more time doing what they are there to do, teach!


Our Environment is one of our most important assets and resources which shouldn’t be taken for granted. Many are arguing about whether Global Warming is happening and if it is man made, it’s not relevant since our dependence of foreign oil has put our Country at risk. By working on alternatives to many of the resources we rely upon that are not renewable or sustainable we can lead the way as a State and show how greening our jobs and our communities can be profitable and improve our quality of life. The State should be investing in new technologies and rewarding companies that transition their businesses to greener solutions.

One failure of our current Governor was to veto the bi-partisan bill AB 1147 which would have reclassified industrial hemp as a safe crop and not as a “drug”. The current laws allow the importation of hemp to be sold here and manufactured into products but does not allow it to be grown. Hemp is a highly sustainable plant that could be used for paper, food products and beauty care products. It makes no sense to block such innovations because of arcane drug laws.

The economy is a very important to our quality of life in Orange County and depends upon the above priorities in order to thrive. Without sustainable resources and a supply of well educated and trained workers, businesses are free to go elsewhere to find what we cannot provide as a County and a State. This does not mean that business should not pay its fair share in taxes. Most businesses use our resources at a much greater rate than an individual taxpayer and they also rely on our infrastructure, court systems and Government. It is important that the business/community relationship does not come at the cost of our quality of life.

Health Care

Health care insurance is another very important issue that needs to be addressed by our State. There are just some things that should not be profit driven and when lives don’t come before the bottom line Health Insurance is not working as it should. There is no need for “Universal Health Care” what we need is Universal Health Insurance. By getting rid of red tape and letting Doctors decide what is best for their patients we can insure that every Californian can afford health care. The burden of this benefit should not fall on businesses since there are so many different kinds of employers. If we can take the burden of cost from our business we can encourage them to stay in California where they can thrive as can their employees knowing they will have coverage no matter where they work.

All of these vital priorities directly affect our quality of life and we should not have to compromise education, the environment, the economy and our wellbeing in order to find a balance between work and family and what we want for our children and grandchildren. The State Government should make it easier to live in Orange County and it’s the job of your Senate Representative to be sure that your interests as a resident in South Orange County are a priority to them. Even if they do not have all the solutions they should be willing to work towards balanced solutions to difficult problems that will not get better with time and legislative gridlock.

So, I ask that you give a little bit to help us raise the money to hire a local organizer, so he can help us raise more money, put up a good fight and let this guy learn how to run a campaign.  I’ve met him, he’s worth it and I seriously don’t want another campaign to snap him up.

I believe this is why we support Obama, it’s not just about the campaign, but about organizing, registering Democrats and getting more people involved in the process.

Thanks for reading if you got this far.  We will probably be running against Mimi Walters, check out her hit piece against the other Republican running against her in the Primary.  Ouch.  Seriously, it scares me that Gary has put himself in the shark infested waters of politics.

Writing a check for $400 is not considered a tax?

( – promoted by Robert in Monterey)

South Orange County families are being urged to donate $400 per student to save the jobs of 266 teachers in the Capistrano Unified School District.

Parents at Long Beach’s Longfellow Elementary are among countless statewide who are launching fundraising foundations. Bay Area parents launched a campaign featuring children standing in trash cans; the theme is “Public Education is Too Valuable to Waste.”

A free public school education is guaranteed by the state Constitution to every California child. But as districts grapple with proposed state funding cuts that could cause the layoffs of thousands of teachers and inflate class sizes, parents are being asked to dig deeper into their pocketbooks to help.

“Public education is free, but an excellent public education is not free at this point,” said Janet Berry, president of the Davis Schools Foundation, which recently launched the Dollar-a-Day campaign, urging citizens of the Yolo County city to donate $365 per child, grandchild or student acquaintance. But “we never really imagined the magnitude of the problem, the budget cuts, would be this great.”

LA Times

And even though parents may be able to afford this extra money, can other districts say this?

“Parents in well-to-do communities can raise significant sums of money to augment their local schools’ budgets, while schools in low-income neighborhoods fall further behind,” said state Supt. of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell. “This is part of the reason that we have an achievement gap in California. We have an economic and moral imperative to close this gap.”

In the Anaheim City School District, four of every five district students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch, a poverty indicator. A district volunteer-led foundation raises about $50,000 annually through employee contributions and fundraisers to send all sixth graders to overnight science camp in the San Bernardino Mountains.

The Anaheim parents are never asked to do more than volunteer for small fundraisers, such as bake sales or selling gift wrap or entertainment books.

“It’s not even a consideration to be able to ask them for money,” said district spokeswoman Suzi Brown. “When we look at what other districts are doing, they’ve got foundations that have paid staff. We don’t compete with that at all. We are in a completely different league.”

Why so short?  I find myself at a loss at times  when trying to wrap my brain around this.  And I’m tired of it coming down to Libs and Reeps and whatever other derogatory name people use to call the other partisan in the conversation.  Ultimately it doesn’t matter if our children cannot rely on a free and public education (Yes, I know, nothing is free, I get that).  What are we telling our children by not making their future a priority?  And what good does the name calling do, does it fix one thing we disagree with?  Does it change anyone’s mind?

I ask myself why I even bother blogging about politics because it can bring out the worst in people when I want to bring out the best.  I do take it personally because this is personal.  Education, the environment and our communities are very personal to me.  I get that I am naive and I refuse to change that.  But this nonsense I write about now, it’s what turns people off from politics and it’s what makes them tune out except in the most dire circumstances as the one we face right now.

Why bring this up now?  Because I am tired of the people who attempt to make things better for people having to defend the most trivial of issues in order to try to do their job or to try to be elected to office.  Politics was meant for all to be involved in but we’ve turned so many away and we’ve set the divide to be so deep and far that I wonder if the process matters anymore.

People should come first, before the partisanship and before the endless name calling and fighting.  The most important thing gets lost in this muck, that people should come before profit margins and that our priorities say a great deal about who we are as a society.   So call me a lib or a pinko, but this is not about Democratic, Declined to State or Republican, it’s about what is the right thing to do for our children and our community.

Cross Posted from the Liberal OC