I had an email to day from Brian. The subject was Yes, California Matters. I agree with most of what he had to say. In particular, there are a set of Congressional Races that are close and really need to have all of the support that they can get. Durston, Brown, Cook and Leibham need all the help they can get.
It has been a long time since the day I first suggested to Pete McCloskey that he take a look at CA-46. I knew Pete has no love lost for Crazy Dana Rohrabacher. A lot of people have been involved since, but it was the right thing to do by someone who, as Robert Drake commented, put “his principles before his party.”
I am beginning to wonder just how far that goes. I will find out on Nov. 4. As many of you know, I have blog called California Greening. I share the writing with Alex Walker, a Green from Compton. Alex has a post today about why he will not vote for any California Democrat this year.
My point is that the ongoing vilification of all things Republican, however much deserved, brings us to the point where a lot of excess and skulduggery is forgiven or ignored just because the person is not a Republican.
Even Alex finds the Republican candidates to be laughable. Which makes the failures of so many Democrats to be even more puzzling, because they don’t need to be that way to win election.
However, my litmus test for this will come on election day and I will be watching the results of the 2nd CD in Louisiana. That is where Cold Cash Jefferson is in a runoff for the Democratic nomination with a special election to be held on December 6. The winner of that runoff will have to face Republican Joseph Cao and Green Malik Rahim. Rahim runs a non-profit in NOLA. He kept it running, kept it with food and kept the lights on during Hurricane Katrina. Now, his non-profit is another organization that is building or re-furbishing housing in the 9th Ward.
If Jefferson wins the primary, as I have an indication he might based solely on the race issue, then I will look for the creation of a Democrats for Rahim committee. Anything less that that does not follow the lead of a Pete McCloskey. I would follow McCloskey about anywhere. I wouldn’t follow Jefferson to the door other than to make sure he closed it behind him.
Yes, California Matters. But the only way that we will make it right is to be more like McCloskey and less like Don Perata.