Tag Archives: 2008 election

This Week With Barack Obama, December 16-22, 2007

cross posted @ One Million Strong


Iowa Caucus Center

Nevada Caucus Center

Obama Iowa Mailer


                                   obama at storm lake, ia, december 17th

Obama Apperances and Campaign Events

December 26, 2007 – Town Hall Meeting with Barack, Mason City, IA

December 26, 2007 – Meet the Candidate with Barack Obama, Webster City, IA

December 26, 2007 – Rally with Barack, Fort Dodge, IA

December 26, 2007 – Rally with Barack, Carroll, IA

December 27, 2007 – Meet the Candidate with Barack Obama, Nevada, IA

December 27, 2007 – Meet the Candidate with Barack Obama, Marshalltown, IA

December 27, 2007 – Meet the Candidate with Barack Obama, Toledo, IA

December 27, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Vinton, IA

December 28, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Willamsburg, IA

December 28, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Coralville, IA

December 28, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Clinton, IA

December 28, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Davenport, IA

December 28, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Muscatine, IA

December 29, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Burlington, IA

December 29, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Fort Madison, IA

December 29, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Keokuk, IA

December 29, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Mount Pleasant, IA

December 29, 2007 – Rally with Barack, Ottumwa, IA

December 30, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Knoxville, IA

December 30, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Newton, IA

December 30, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Indianola, IA

December 30, 2007 – Barack’s ‘Stand for Change Tour’, Des Moines, IA

December 31, 2007 – New Year’s Eve with Barack, Perry, IA

December 31, 2007 – New Year’s Eve with Barack, Jefferson, IA

December 31, 2007 – Meet and Greet with Michelle Obama, Grinnell, IA

December 31, 2007 – New Year’s Eve with Barack, Boone, IA

December 31, 2007 – New Year’s Eve with Barack, Iowa Falls, IA

December 31, 2007 – New Year’s Eve with Barack, Ames, IA


                                                               obama on 527s

Obama Hitting His Stride in Iowa

Obama Says He’s Ready for White House

Obama Describes Faith Amid False Rumors

Selling Obama Door to Door


Obama Says Clintons’ Attacks Will Backfire

Guess what?  I believe that too.  We have witnessed the undoing of an inevitable campaign, due to the sheer fact that Team Clinton truly believed the poll numbers, and that Team Clinton underestimated Barack Obama.

Barack Obama, stung by a fresh Bill Clinton attack on him, predicted that the Clinton campaign’s increasingly negative tone will backfire by reminding voters of the bad, old “blood sport” days of the 1990s.

Speaking to reporters in this frozen central Iowa city yesterday, Obama said he was less than impressed by Hillary Rodham Clinton’s apology for an aide’s suggestion that he once dealt drugs. Asked if Clinton’s mea culpa was sincere, a stone-faced Obama replied, “I’m not going to characterize it.”

Many have watched in amusement, disbelief, sadness as Bill Clinton, on  Charlie Rose’s Show stated that Barack was not ready for this presidency.  That he was a “roll of the dice”.  Well, wasn’t Bill Clinton that in 1992?  No one knew him from Adam’s Hatrack.  A govenor from a tiny state, that was last in virtually everything, all of a sudden on that national scene.  Much was written about Bill Clinton’s age, inexperience, etc.  But somehow, the country believed it was time for someone new, fresh, not entrenched in Washington, D.C.

Now the quiet, rumblings, anger in the African-American Community is being talked about daily, and it is about the antics of The Clintons.  Whoever is advising Hillary Clinton should be fired.  Her misleading and mishandling of her staff is atrocious.  The outwardly racial baiting from her hench men Joesph Wilson, Bob Kerrey and Bill Shaheen has not bid her well to the African-American Community.

From Bob Johnson’s Diary:

A piece in Sunday’s Washington Post confirms what many people here have been discussing over the last month as Obama has crept up in the polls:

Racial Undercurrent Is Seen in Clinton Campaign

It has unfolded mostly under the radar. But an important development in the 2008 Democratic battle may be the building backlash among African Americans over comments from associates of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton that could be construed as jabs at Sen. Barack Obama’s race.

These officials, including Clinton aides and prominent surrogates, have raised questions or dropped references about Obama’s position on sentencing guidelines for crack vs. powder cocaine offenses; on his handgun control record; and on his admitted use of drugs as a youth. The context was always Obama’s “electability.” But the Illinois senator’s campaign advisers said some African American leaders detect a pattern, and they believe it could erode Clinton’s strong base of black support.

This article is accurate and precise.  Many don’t understand the Black Community and the radio.  teacherken was one of the first to shout out, “hey something is going on here.  The Black Community is livid about The Clintons insinuation of Barack Obama selling drugs and her campaign using racial tactics.” (paraphrasing)  And this was his synopsis by listening to Black Radio.

The Clintons missed a mark here.  The Black Community is angry.  Period.  Many don’t care if Clinton attack Obama on the issues, it is politics, it is hardball.  But to slither to the depths of slimy snakes and use his ethnicity, race, family against him?  Sorry, Hillary, you now have Black Voters who were firmly in your corner, moving to Barack Obama.  And whose fault is that?

If it don’t smell right, it ain’t right.


New Iowa Ad, Enough; Iowa Ad, Candor; Nashua Telegraph Editorial Board Video; Michelle Obama Video; Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr and Govenor Tim Kaine in Columbia, SC; Barack in Indianola, IA

Obama Fires Up Crowd in Iowa

Obama Touts Rural Plans in Iowa

Second Choices In Iowa


                                                      portsmouth, nh, dec 20


Yes, coming daily, sometime two and three.  Expect this through January.

Boston Globe NH Poll; Reuters Poll On Clinton’s Negativity; USA/Gallup National Poll; Survey/USA Iowa and General Poll; Zogby National Poll; Washington Post/ABC Iowa and Internals; Insiders Advantage Georgia Poll; Insiders Advantage Iowa Poll; CBS South Carolina Poll; Wall Street Journal Poll; Survey/USA California Poll; Rasmussen South Carolina Poll; Hotline National Poll

Obama for America by Femlaw

Endorsing Barack Obama for President 2008 by GirlZero

Obama Campaigns Comes to Nashville by GoldnI

Populista’s Obama Rising Roundup: Iowa Edition December 6-13

shoutouts:  clinton loses luster; bill clinton downplays wife’s chances in iowa; say goodbye to the fec by adamb; black kos; food pantries turning people away as demand doubles by bink; nyceve; online forum on foreclosure and bankruptcy relief by rep. brad miller; huckabee, my way; john edwards, will you stand up? by adamb

JustAngry has put out a great series broken down into six pieces, focusing on all the aspects you need to know about Barack Obama.  Simply titled, The Only Thing You Need To Know.  This is well worth a read for anyone who is searching more specific information about Senator Barack Obama.


Obama: I’ve Fought Harder Against Special Interests

Obama Makes Big Gains in California by Femlaw

Appealing to Indy Voters

Obama Finds His Address


                                                    happy holidays from the obamas

Big Battle For South Carolina

In barely more than a month, the political attention now focused on the early voting in Iowa and New Hampshire will turn southward, to a Georgia neighbor with a proven record of helping decide presidential nominations.

South Carolina’s first-in-the-South primaries are set for Jan. 19, and tracking is already well under way. CNN released an Opinion Research poll Friday that showed former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee claiming support from 24 percent of the state’s Republican voters, surging eight percentage points ahead of one-time front-runner, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), former Sen. John Edwards (center) and Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) are locked in a close race in South Carolina.

Aong Democrats, Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York was holding on at 42 percent against the rising Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, who had moved up seven percentage points since a July poll to 34 percent.

CNN senior political analyst Bill Schneider predicted an “all-out fight” among candidates well aware of South Carolina’s potentially pivotal role. On the Republican side, South Carolina has picked the eventual party nominee in every primary contest since 1980. In 1992, Bill Clinton used a South Carolina win to solidify his claim on the Democratic nomination after being upset by rival Paul Tsongas in New Hampshire.  AJC

Winning Friends Among Former Rivals

Clinton Trying to Wrestle the Change Mantle from Obama

Change We Can Believe In

Obama’s Hoop Buddy


                                               obama in exeter, nh, dec 20th

Endorsements & Announcements

Nashua Telegraph Endorses Obama; Portsmouth Hearld Endorsement for Obama; Dallas Morning News Endorsement; Sioux City Journal Endorsement; Iowa City Press Citizen Endorses Obama; Reka Basu for Obama; State Representative Wayne Ford for Obama; Daily Iowan Endorses Obama; Woodbine Twiner for Obama; Illinois Black Legislators for Obama; Idaho Democratic Lawmakers for Obama; U.S. Congressman Dave Loebsack, D-IA, Backs Obama; U.S. Congressman Chaka Fattah Endorses Obama; U.S. Congressman Bobby Scott Endorses Obama; Former Rep. Bedell Backs Obama; Blue New Hampshire Bloggers Endorse Obama; Documentary Filmmaker Ken Burns, Endorses Obama; Ministers Endorse Obama; Obama Opens Nashville Office; Obama Files to Caucus in Kansas; Obama Enters New Mexico Caucus; Texas Primary

February 5th Could Decide Between Clinton and Obama

The Obama-Clinton Issue

Law Student Gave Obama Big Thumbs Up

Did Clinton Worker Blow it with Obama Drug Comment?

Obama Talks Foreign Policy

Democrat Barack Obama said Tuesday the nation’s foreign policy challenges call for a new leader who will worry more about doing the right thing than how it will look.

“There are moments in history when it is not enough to fall back on conventional ways of doing things, because the threats we face are unconventional,” Obama said in remarks prepared for delivery. “There are moments when new challenges demand new American leadership.”

He said that for too long the conventional way of thinking about foreign policy has valued “time spent in Washington over timely judgments, posturing over pragmatism and fear of looking weak over the conviction to get things right.”

He said he hasn’t been afraid to buck Washington thinking when it comes to foreign policy, including his opposition of going to war with Iraq while he was a state senator in Illinois. He said he’s the only Democratic nominee his Republican opponent won’t be able to challenge on that point.  AP

I Can’t Stop Wondering About Obama’s Mother

Job Loss A Plea for Help

Obama Proposes U.S. Ban on China Toys

60 Foreign Policy Experts Endorse Obama


icebergslim’s last word:  closing

Right now all the candidates are running around and doing the closing line.

Good, they should finalize their position with the voter and hope for the best.

But my closing is this, take a look at this map.

It is interactive.  See all the dark blue patches?  Those are the states with offices or upcoming offices to open for Obama, prior to February 5th.

How important is this?  Very important.

While all the candidates are pitching their closing argument, the real argument is who will win on February 5, 2008.  That is the question.  Meaning, who has the staffing, money, organization, etc., to win decisively on February 5th.

We know Hillary is running a chit driven campaign.  She has called the chits in and expects them to perform.  Edwards has no presence in these states, at all.

So, what should Iowans look for?  Electability?  Yes, all candidates are electable.  They all have issues but they can be elected.  The key word is viability.  Which candidates are viable?  Which candidates have the strength now and can move people through this process?  Which candidate can fund the massive February 5th primary/caucuses and win?

That is the question.  And the candidates better have answers for these caucus goers.  Because right now, I only see two candidates positioned for this task.

Finally, the two best article read of the week, “Why Did Clinton Overlook Obama?”  Good question.  Why did she?  And Michelle Obama, The Closer in the Family.

Blogs and Websites

One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama; Netroots for Obama;  Economists for Obama

If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!!  Minimum five dollars.  This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign.  We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st.  Remember to make your contribution.


well, it is cold out there.  here at my home in the chicagoland area, the wind or “hawk” is whipping through here, as I finalize my last Christmas gifts.  as, i look forward to chatting with my family the next few days, i hope that you are spending the time with your loved ones.  and while you are at it, remember the biggest fight is coming soon, january 3rd.  many of us will be in iowa, many of us will be mounting to new hampshire for the january 8th showdown.  the blogs can be brutal now, just remember to stay focus on obama and not the drama.  i am in iowa on the 27th through the caucus.  i will post a short version of ‘this week’ next sunday, and try to post updates.  keep your head up and let’s win this thing.


contact me @ [email protected]

This Week With Barack Obama

This Week With Barack Obama, December 9-15, 2007

cross-posted @ One Million Strong


                                                  barack in independence, ia

Iowa Caucus Center

Nevada Caucus Center


        Obama embraces U.S. soldier Brian Jesness during a campaign rally stop in Mason City, Iowa

Obama and Oprah’s Last Visit, Manchester, NH

More than 8,500 people attended and they were not disappointed.  To recap, over 18K in Des Moines, IA; over 10K in Cedar Rapids, IA; over 30K in Columbia, SC; and over 8K in Manchester, NH.  Now if this is not successful, tell me why it was not.  If Barack Obama gets the Democratic Nomination, without any doubt, the Oprah Winfrey effect will be one of the reasons.  Read the live account blog with photos by jhutson.

Obama Apperances and Campaign Events

December 17, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Spencer, IA

December 17, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Storm Lake, IA

December 17, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Cherokee, IA

December 17, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, LeMars, IA

December 17, 2007 – Rally with Barack, Sioux City, IA

South Carolina is Fired Up and Ready to Go!!! by Drewid

Three Weeks to Crunch Time

Hillary Following Barack’s Lead Running Ads in Nevada

The BBC on Oprah

Summing up Oprah and Obama

Running on Hope

Unlike front-runners Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Rodham Clinton, Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama aren’t selling electability or inevitability — they’re selling hope. Will that be enough to get them the nominations?

Friends and foes alike comment on the discipline of the well-oiled machine that is the Clinton campaign. Even Giuliani, well-known for sounding off at critics, has been remarkably disciplined in both his style and message. These strategic attributes may make Beltway pundits and wonks swoon, but they aren’t qualities that have much appeal for voters. It’s like the difference between getting a vacuum cleaner for Christmas versus a nice piece of jewelry. Sure, you really don’t need the jewelry, but it’s much more fun to open on Christmas morning.  National Journal


                                               obama in seattle, wa


Des Moines Register Iowa Debate (real player required); NPR, Obama and Oprah Make Splash in S.C.; What Oprah Endorsement Meant for Obama; Wish Lists for Santa, Politicians in Milford, N.H.; Democratic Debate in Iowa Good Natured; Democratic Hopefuls Make Last Pitch to Iowans; Countdown to Caucuses, Part One;  Countdown to Caucuses, Part Two; Precinct Captains leaves Clinton, Switches to Obama

Obama Signs up for Louisiana Primary

“Change We Can Believe In”, Obama Op-Ed in The Daily Iowan

Samantha Powers Discusses Obama’s Foreign Policy

Obama Goes To Work In Iowa’s Small Towns


Yes, the polls are coming out fast and furious.  Expect this through January.

Concord Monitor New Hampshire Poll; Rasmussen New Hampshire Poll; Iowa Independent Power Ranking; Quad City/Research 2000 Iowa Poll and Treadlines; Iowa Pollster.com; Georgia Poll; CNN/WMUR New Hampshire Poll; Hotline Iowa Poll; Strategic Vision Iowa Poll; SurveyUSA South Carolina Poll; Nevada Poll; Insider Advantage South Carolina Poll; CNN/Opinion Reasearch National Poll

Sorry Hillary, Obama is Electable

Obama Works Hard to Woo College Votes

Father’s Abandonment Molded Obama


Going through my reading I ran across this little tidbit “Hillary Can’t Beat Oprah”.  I thought, why would she try?  One can only speculate that the announcement of Oprah stumping with Barack and Michelle, and then Team Clinton polling the affects of a Barbra Streisand endorsement makes one wonder.  Will this really have an effect?  I think it will.  Since we are in the stretch to start the primary cycle, Obama prior to Oprah stumping, was on the incline in polling.  This is across the board.  So, one cannot state he has no momentum coming up to the January 3rd caucus.  And if there is any consolation prize, it is that Barbra Streisand had the pleasure to be polled by Team Clinton for her possible effectiveness as the blunt to Oprah Winfrey.  Notice the silence.


                                               des moines register democratic debate

Inside Obama’s Ground Game

At just 25 years old, Michael Blake may have more to do with Barack Obama’s chances of becoming President than anyone besides the candidate himself. That may sound like a stretch, but Blake has the all-important job of bringing in new Iowa voters to caucus for the Illinois Senator. And while some campaigns may focus most of their efforts on one or two constituencies – the way John Kerry so successfully courted military veterans in 2004 – Obama is spending an unprecedented amount of money and effort to turn out a wide cross section of new caucus-goers.

“This is the most extensive effort to reach out to new constituencies in the Iowa caucuses, I think, ever,” says Blake, who comes from the Bronx and was in the first class of “Yes, We Can!” a program Obama started soon after he was elected to the Senate to train minorities to more effectively use the political system. “Campaigns here have traditionally gotten attention for going after one or two groups. We’re applying that principle and hopefully will enjoy similar success with multiple groups.”  Time

Kenyan Boy Dreams to be Obama

Professor Obama Will Restore the Constitution by Populista

Obama Friend Sells Candidate


                                               obama at universal city in california


Former Republican Congressman Perkins Bass to vote for Obama; Boston Globe Endorses Obama; Littleton Courier Endorses Obama; Three more Nevada Offices Opening for Obama Campaign; Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN) Endorses Obama; Iowa State Representative Paul Shomshor Endorses Obama; Former SC Democratic Chairman, Joe Erwin Backs Obama; Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH) Endorses Obama; Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) Endorses Obama; Obama wins Salinas Straw Poll; Baltimore Ministers Back Obama; UNH Mock Presidential Primary Goes to Obama

Will Smith ready to Campaign for Obama

Obama Leading Internet Traffic

Chicago Defender on Michelle Obama

Obama: Saudi Arabia fosters human rights violations


Barack Obama has opened the floodgates for Americans to view how the government is spending its money.  Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 by Tom Coburn and Barack Obama allows anyone to track contracts, grants, earmarks, and loans.  This is monumental legislation passed by a Republican Congress and President.  More importantly it shows Obama’s ability to broker relationships, across the aisle.  This is drastically needed to get anything done in Washington, D.C.  For all the information, check out barath’s well sourced diary.


Obama Rising Roundup: Iowa Edition December 6-13

Obama Now on GOP Radar

Obama Organizing Nearly 1,000 House Meetings

Barack Obama Straddles Different Worlds


  obama attends church services at the first congregational united church of christ in mason city, ia

shoutouts: after the election, by keone michaels; obama: congress’ failure to pass hate crimes legislation, truly unacceptable; not for hillary, but loves bill; nyceve on consumer guide for health insurance; The Truth About Kyl-Lieberman (DL Won’t Take off His blinders!); toxic toy alert…by jhuston; black kos; anatomy of a smear:  winfrey gets attacked with lies by bob johnson; bush’s mortgage plan:  not good on several levels by bonddad; kos on hillary being “unacceptable as our nominee”


                                              focus group after DMR Debate, obama wins

icebergslim’s last word:  slime and staying out of the mud

Another one of those, “you got to be kidding me weeks?”  Yes, we must remember desperate times call for desperate measures.  Enter Team Clinton.

We all know we keep one eye on each other, while smiling, that is politics.  We also know that whatever have been done in the past, we either can explain it or moved from it.  

What can we expect from an inevitable machine as Team Clinton’s?  Remember she brought us kindergate, staffing circulating the Muslim smear emails, oh and got caught again, planting questions throughout Iowa, astroturfing on Blue Hampshire (sigh), and now suggesting that Barack Obama may have sold drugs.

We all know Barack’s past with drugs as a teen, because he wrote about it in his 1995 book, Dreams from my Father.  So to attempt to make this an issue in the primary is just ridiculous, when he has been vetted by running and winning the senate seat for the State of Illinois.  Like Republicans did not know this?

But to insinuate, and the charge was made by Team Clinton’s now ex-New Hampshire Chairman, Billy Shaheen , that if Obama is the nominee, the GOP will question if he sold drugs, was way out of bounds.  And of course, every time Team Clinton does this slime, they apologize, as if that makes it right.  

Well, a lot of people were angered, mainly, the Black Community.  This was talked up on Tom Joyner, an African-American disc jockey with a syndicated show nationwide, and all black radio, period.  Many in the African-American community were taken aback.  Why?  Because whether you plan on voting for Barack Obama or not, the mere inference that he could have sold drugs, jolted the African-American Community.  This is the same stereotypical framing that is expected from the GOP, not Democrats.

Well, Hillary Clinton kissed the ring.  She personally apologized to Barack Obama, while waiting for him at the airport to board his plane to the Des Moines Register Debate.  She did the right thing.  This slime cannot go on, especially when you have no basis to it.  And it does make your campaign and candidacy look weak and ill-equipped to handle the real issues, when you have all this crap running around you.

Billy Shaheen, Team Clinton’s former Co-Chair in New Hampshire has resigned. Good, we don’t need the likes of him sniffing around campaign doors.  Will Mark Penn be next?  He should be, after his awful performance on Hardball.

Anyway, The Obama Campaign has and will continue to run a positive and upbeat campaign.   These tactics may be used to pull Barack into the muddy waters, but he refuses to play.  There is much at stake for these upcoming primaries and caucuses and the last thing the public need is a bunch of distractions to keep them from voting on the issues.

See what poll numbers will do to one’s campaign?

Finally, I always close out with focus on obama and not the drama.  You better believe that this message is resonating hard as we enter January 3rd.

Blogs and Websites

One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama; Netroots for Obama

If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!!  Minimum five dollars.  This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign.  We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st.  Remember to make your contribution.


mr. snowman is excited and ready for change.  he recognizes that no one has excited this country and transcended across the aisle, as barack obama.  can you imagine what caucus day will be like in iowa and nevada?  what primary day will be like in new hampshire and south carolina?  how february 5th and beyond, will be off the chain for change?  it will be people marching and voting for change.  for barack.  as, i always remind everyone, it is heating up on the boards as it should, and colder than “you know what” in iowa, but remember to focus on obama, and not the drama.


contact me @ [email protected]

This Week With Barack Obama

December 15th Kucinich Money Bomb!!!

Tommorow is the day! We need to show our support for the only candidate supporting our Democracy: Dennis Kucinich.  

From the Kucinich Campaign:

On December 15th, 1791, our founders made history when this fledgling nation adopted the Bill of Rights – that sacred, powerful, and visionary statement that establishes our freedoms and guarantees our protections. Now, we have a chance to make history again and turn this Saturday, December 15th, into another turning point for this nation.  (Click here for a special message) Our grassroots supporters – the heart, soul, and lifeblood of this campaign – have launched an inspiring effort to raise millions of dollars on one day, December 15th, to show the nation and the world that we can’t be bullied, we won’t be bossed, and our voices will be heard throughout this campaign!.    A special message and a powerful video (click here) from video blogger and Kucinich supporter Davis Fleetwood:

With the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary fast approaching, December 15th is shaping up as a turning point for the Kucinich campaign. William Scott Hunter, a Kucinich supporter, started the ball rolling for a December 15th Dennis Kucinich “money bomb” with the potential to electrify the entire Presidential campaign. “Our goal is ambitious,” says Hunter, the organizer of www.December152007.com, “but it has to be in order to have the impact Kucinich deserves. In America, candidates are considered ‘electable’ or ‘unelectable’ based on their bank accounts. It’s pretty hard to argue that a guy who can raise $10,000,000 in one day is unelectable.”

And let us not forget what Kucinich’s leadership has been:

The only Democratic Candidate to oppose the War and the subsequent Occupation

The only Democratic Candidate to show the judgement and Constitutional integrity to vote against the Patriot Act

One of only six House members to vote against the Homegrow Terrorism Act

The only Democratic Candidate who is taking the threats to our Democracy seriously and actually holding this Administration accountable through Impeachment

The only Presidential Candidate offering a truly universal, not-for-profit health care system

The only Democratic Candidate who will cancel U.S. involvement in job killing, deficit building, human expoliting, environmental raping trade agreements, NAFTA/WTO

Really it goes on. We have seen this leadership. Kucinich has been the heart and soul of this party; the only Democrat willing to stand up for the party’s principles, rather than play party politics; the only one willing to put the Constitution and all Americans ahead of politics.

We need to support Dennis because he is speaking for us. And we need to support him now before it is too late. Please follow this link and make your $100 contribution tommorow, December 15th! Support Dennis Kucinich!

This Week With Barack Obama, December 3-8, 2007

cross-posted @ One Million Strong & Daily Kos


                                                                   michelle, barack and oprah, des moines, ia


December 13, 2007 – Johnston, Iowa, Des Moines Register Democratic Debate

December 17, 2007 – Boston, MA

January 15, 2008 – Las Vegas, Nevada


                                                                barack in new hampshire

Obama Apperances and Campaign Events

December 10, 2007 – Study Break with Barack Obama, Las Vegas, NV

December 10, 2007 – Barack in L.A., Los Angeles, CA

December 11, 2007 – Generation Obama in Seattle, Seattle, WA

December 13, 2007 – Caucus for Change Precinct Parties, Iowa

The Caucus Center

Obama Action Center

Jesse, Jr. to Jesse, Sr. You’re Wrong on Obama

Obama Gains Show Volatility of Iowa Contest

Obama Campaign Launches Web Site, Documenting Clinton Attacks


                                                     npr debate, des moines, ia


NPR Audio Debate; Iowa City; NPR, Obama Talks Taxes, Trade at NH High School; Oprah in Des Moines, part one; Oprah in Des Moines, part two; A Call To Serve; South Carolina Rally, Video in its Entirety

Wall Street Journal, Op-Ed Piece, by Senator Barack Obama, Homeland Insecurity

Obama Ad Launch on Television in Nevada

Vote Obama

Hillary Losing Backers to Barack?

The presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, the Democrat frontrunner, is facing a wave of defections by supporters to Barack Obama, as an aura of “inevitability” about her nomination fades.

With Oprah Winfrey, the talk show host and Obama enthusiast, challenging former president Bill Clinton for star power on the campaign trail, the coronation of Hillary has been put on hold.

A few days ago, Helen Quarles peeled off the Hillary for President bumper stickers from her car and replaced them with Obama ’08.

“I didn’t think anybody could turn me away from Hillary,” said Quarles, who worked as a volunteer for Clinton’s first Senate election campaign in New York. “I liked her and was very fond of Bill.”

Quarles now lives in South Carolina, which holds its primary election next month. “In the South, a lot of people don’t like Hillary, so I felt it was up to me to turn things around for her. I really wanted her to win, but there’s something about Obama,” she said. “To me, he is the one who is going to make a difference.”  TimesOnline


Let the Fun Begin!!

Yes, this is what the Hillary Clinton Campaign, who I call affectionately, Team Clinton had to say about going after Barack Obama.

Well, we waited.  And we finally got the magnificent press release from  Team Clinton, last Sunday.  Among the explosive oppo research was the reference to Obama’s aspirations to become president, as early as kindergarten.  Yes, kindergarten.  Oh, and then it expounded on his refined penmanship in kindergarten and third grade with examples of his essays on  “I want to be President” topic.

Well, the media love fest was frenzy this week.  I mean who knew???  Who knew??? Obama wanted to be president in kindergarten!!!  Hell, I wanted to be Diana Ross, one day, then I wanted to be Cleopatra Jones (yes, throwback, y’all), meaning I wanted to be so many people, my parents would just say, “that’s wonderful, sugar.”  Oh, and then Team Clinton strategist, Mark Penn, tries to clean this up on Morning Joe, and said it was a joke.  Do they think people are stupid?  

Sigh, then Team Clinton gets caught up with a tempest in a tea pot.  Their own staff was found out emailing the muslim smear against Barack Obama.  Yes, good old Team Clinton who said, “Let the Fun Begin!!”, now looks sophomoric, at best, in handling all this through the week.

Isn’t Hillary Clinton the one who is vetted, tough, tested?   Yet, doing this stuff?  And is this the best they have on Barack Obama? We must be honest here, the Iowa Caucus is three weeks away and if you want to bring someone down, now is the time, not later.  But kindergarten papers?  Getting caught sending muslim smears?  Is this the tightly run campaign that everyone has bragged about all year?

They look very amateurish, to me.


                                         university of northern iowa, cedar falls, ia


Well with Iowa Caucus 24 days away, around that, the polls are fast and furious.  All these polls show erosion of Clinton, steady for Edwards and emerging for Obama.  So, it is safe to state that Obama is catching Hillary.

MSNBC/McCLATCHY/Mason-Dixon; Newsweek Poll; Insider Advantage South Carolina Poll; Rasmussen South Carolina Poll; ABC/Washington Post New Hampshire Poll; Strategic Vision Iowa Poll; Zogby Phone Poll; USA/Gallup Poll; Iowa State Poll, this polling data is considered old, by 3 weeks, but was released as new; Public Policy North Carolina Poll


                                                     michelle and oprah, des moines, ia

The Obama Newness

Clinton Should No Longer Worry About Just Iowa

Obama:  Expand National Service Programs

Democrat Barack Obama on Wednesday advocated a major expansion of the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps and other national service programs, declaring, “This will be a cause of my presidency.”

The Illinois senator said the government is not keeping pace with those who want to help. “We will create new opportunities for all of us to serve,” he said at a rally at Cornell College.

Obama evoked the memory of President Kennedy and his Peace Corps volunteers, saying, “JFK made their service a bridge to the developing world.” Despite growing anti-Americanism around the world, he said, “the American people are not the problem, they are the answer.”

Obama, a senator from Illinois, said he also would expand the all-volunteer military but would “never send them to fight in a misguided war.”

“The burden of service has fallen more and more on the brave men and women of our military,” he said, citing “tour upon tour of duty in a war with no end.” For returning troops, he said, “We will enlist veterans to help other veterans to find jobs, and to pitch in at VA hospitals and nursing homes.”  more


4 Rural Democratic County Chairs Endorse Obama; Obama Wins Kansas Straw Poll; Hampton Democratic Chair Endorses Obama; Iowa State Daily Endorses Obama; Illinois Education Association Endorses Obama; Obama Relentlessly Pursues Iowan; Clinton Co-Chair Switches to Obama; Obama Wins Townson Straw Poll; Stanford Professor Named Adviser to Obama

Michelle Obama Meets Women from Seacoast

Robert Reich on Hillary’s desperate tactics by nevadadem

D.C. Events by howardpark


                                           michelle, oprah, barack in columbia, sc

Obama on a Roll

A Princeton professor and outspoken expert on African-American culture said he believes U.S. Sen. Barack Obama’s candidacy for president is an important breakthrough for blacks — whether Obama wins the Democratic nomination for president or not.

But Cornel West believes Obama is going to win.

Speaking Monday night to thousands in the Joe L. Reed Acadome on the campus of Alabama State University, West said he believes the Illinois Democrat, after running behind U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York for most of the presidential race, has turned the corner.

“This man’s on the move, he’s out there running hard and sounding good,” West said. Recent polls show Obama and Clinton in a statistical dead heat.  MontgomeryAdvertiser

Obama Writes Essay for SC Legal Journal

Getting the Vote Out When Campuses Are Empty

Obama’s Musical Draw

Inside the Obama Campaign


                                                             new iowa ad, “our moment”

Obama on Iran by Shaun Appleby

Obama: Publicize Names of Bad Nursing Homes

Obama say Democrats Need Decisive Win to Make Wide Changes

Obama Seeks Consumer Credit Guards

Obama Gets Grammy Nod

While Barack Obama is battling Hillary Clinton in the Democratic race, he can enjoy a small victory from those who vote with ears more than hearts and minds: He is one of five contenders for the Grammy Award for Spoken Word, one of 110 categories this year.

If only nominations on the campaign trail were decided so easily and early in December, just as primary season continues and eyes remain fixed for the 11 months until Election Day.

Like many of Senator Obama’s targets on the trail, the musicians, producers, engineers and recording professionals who will decide this race are single-issue voters looking to improve “the cultural condition and quality of life for music and its makers,” according to the news release.  more, NYT

It Takes a Movement

Experts Praise Obama’s National Service Plan

Obama: PAC Contributions Violated No Campaign Rules

African-American Leaders Rally Behind Barack

Obama Rising Roundup: Iowa Edition Nov 28-Dec 5

Blogs and Websites

One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama

Vulnerable Democrats See Fates Tied to Clinton

Obama’s Ancestral Village Cheers on its Favourite Son

Obama Fits the Bill for President

As is the custom in New Hampshire this time of year, I recently asked a woman in a coffee shop who she was supporting for president. Her answer: “The last candidate I heard speak.” The point is we have a remarkable group of candidates, so it’s no surprise most voters remain undecided.

As the date gets closer, and more and more people ask who I’m with. After many months consideration, I’ve finally made my choice.

Kucinich deserves to do well in New Hampshire. His bold and uncompromising vision needs to be heard.

Bill Richardson would make a great chief executive, with his unmatched experience. But inspiring personal presentation (also called charisma) is a job requirement which is not his strength.

Chris Dodd is consistent on every issue, and is a terrific speaker. I wish his numbers were at least as high as Kucinich. Same goes for Joe Biden – great on the issues, a captivating speaker too. Just not connecting enough.

That leaves the “top three.” Before the Republicans have laid a glove on her, Clinton starts out with 50 percent of Americans saying they would never vote for her. She’s relied on an engineered aura of inevitability. She buys into the all-things-to-all-people style, the course laid out for Kerry by his political director Jeanne Shaheen. Straddling everything doesn’t win.

Some people say it’s time for a woman. Martin Luther King hoped we would judge people by the content of their character, not by their color, or by extension, their gender.

A new direction? What about support for the war in Iraq, her prideful refusal to accept that she made a mistake, her unconscionable vote declaring part of Iran’s government to be a terrorist organization (giving Bush the carte blanche to attack)? Her commitment to keeping combat troops in Iraq and her refusal to say she’d get them all out by 2013? Her blatant pandering to the right on flag-burning, and on late term abortions?

And then there’s planting softball questions for herself to answer.

Experience? Aside from spouse of the president, I can’t seem to remember her cabinet post.  more

Obama:  Keep Americans Warm+Action by Populista

Obama Rising–New York Edition by casperr

Michelle Obama Emphasizes Family Life


                                     lining up in manchester, nh for obama and oprah

icebergslim’s last word:  oprah.  dirty campaign tactics.  change.

This was another weird week for Barack.  It was.  

First it was Team Clinton’s hilariously, funny press release last Sunday.  The cincher was that Barack has had aspirations, ambitions to become president in kindergarten and third grade.  And the witness to his third grade papers, promptly waved for everyone to see.  Oy!!!  Nothing is nicer than to be in a tight race in the early states and folks laughing at the front runner’s pettiness.

Then Barack had to deal with the on-going muslim email circulation.  Obama is not a muslim, he is a Christian and now his name is being used against him.  Well, guess what popped off?  Team Clinton’s staff caught sending and spreading this rumor.  Of course, the culprits were dismissed but the damage is done.  One cannot do anything but view Team Clinton as desperate and will do anything to win, even if it means spreading a lie.  Oh, yes, Team Clinton denounced it, but the damage is done.  It really is.

Then we have Oprah Winfrey.

I am one who has repeatedly said endorsements mean nothing.  It does not.  The candidate must seal the deal him/herself, no endorsement can do that.  But as this week has progressed, so did the energy of the Obama/Oprah weekend.  Suddenly, everyone was talking about it and when Columbia, South Carolina had to move the venue to an 80K stadium, well what else could one say.

I was more interested in what Oprah had to say than Barack.  What was she going to say?  Would it be quoted?  Will people listen?  Well, she gave a home run speech and no one can denounce or argue that point.    This phrase has stayed with me:

“When you listen to Barack Obama, when you really hear him, you witness a very rare thing,” she said in Des Moines. “You witness a politician who has an ear for eloquence and a tongue dipped in the unvarnished truth.”

Yes, a politician who is so eloquent but will not mince words.  He will tell it to you with a tongue dipped in the unvarnished truth.  That statement said it all for me.  It is about time we got a statesman in the White House.  It is about time we got someone who is honest and unafraid of the truth in the White House.  This has been missing so long, we forgot how it sounds.  Since the 90’s to now, we have had to deal with untruth in the White House.  Yes, we have had to deal with it.  And we are tired.  Just sick and tired of it.

Change.  This battle is about change.  It is.  It is not about electability because the three top runners are electable.  No, this argument is change and what kind we want.  After seeing over 18K in Des Moines, over 10K in Cedar Rapids, over 30K in Columbia, SC, what do you think?

People do not go to political rallies for anything.  They go searching and seeking an answer to the question.  And as Oprah Winfrey said, “I am here to tell you, Iowa, he is the one. He is the one!”

Yes. He is.


If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!!  Minimum five dollars.  This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign.  We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st.  Remember to make your contribution.


well, as we see the 30K crowd out to hear barack, oprah and michelle, in columbia, sc, things are moving and evolving at break neck speed.  we are in ties or slightly ahead in many of the early state polls, which shows we have the momentum.  people are showing that they want change and barack obama is that change.  as we move into the holiday season, remember the nastiness and sheer jealousy will continue to increase.  rise above it.  keep your eyes on the prize.  focus on obama and not the drama.


contact me @ [email protected]

This Week With Barack Obama

Today’s “Gag Prize”: the GOP Presidential Nomination

I wrote this for today’s Beyond Chron.

Remember the 1970’s game show with Monty Hall called “Let’s Make a Deal”?  Contestants on the program would pick a prize behind one of three curtains, and some would inevitably get stuck with a “gag prize” – such as a high chair with a screaming baby, a giant hot water bottle, or a pet donkey.  Today’s gag prize is the 2008 Republican Presidential nomination, as the political climate for next year should be very problematic for the G.O.P.  While the Republican presidential field is more fluid this year than the Democratic side, that’s because (a) each candidate is seriously flawed, (b) voters aren’t happy with any of them, and (c) unless the Democrats really screw up, 2008 should be a terrible year for Republicans.  Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee can enjoy the sudden burst of media attention that his high placement in the polls has garnered, but – assuming he wins the nomination – how much would that prize really be worth?  Nobody should care who wins the Republican nomination, because it probably won’t matter much in the end.

It is readily apparent why the Democrats are favored to win the White House next year, regardless of which candidates get nominated.  The American people have so tuned out George W. Bush, and want his Administration to be over, that no Republican candidate wants to be his heir-apparent.  I can’t think of any historical precedent where a two-term President leaves office so unpopular that the candidates in his own party don’t want his support.  In 1988, the Republican candidates all ran on the Reagan legacy – and in 2000, Clinton was very popular so that Al Gore could be his anointed successor.

But on the issues, the Republican candidates have learned nothing from the Bush fiasco.  They unapologetically support our quagmire in Iraq, engage in sabre-rattling on Iran that would make Dick Cheney blush, and every debate they have is about who can “out-torture” the other.  On immigration, the Republicans have a ticking time bomb that will cause them to pay dearly at the polls – as the growing Latino population in Texas, Colorado, Arizona and other states will be voting in droves next year.  In the House and Senate races, the Republicans are having a tough time recruiting candidates – and their fundraising has been anemic.

Which brings us to Mike Huckabee, who until recently was a second-tier candidate largely ignored by the mainstream media.  While he currently leads in Iowa, and has a good shot at winning some early states, I don’t believe that such a low-budget campaign can withstand the avalanche of front-loaded primaries on Super Tuesday to win the nomination.  I can only find one explanation for the Huckabee phenomenon: the other Republicans are so bad, that by default he has surged to the top.

Let’s start with Senator John McCain.  One year ago, he was the front-runner for the Republican nomination – due to his maverick nature and good reputation from the 2000 race.  But more than any other candidate, McCain has tied himself to the train wreck that is Iraq.  He now supports the Bush tax cuts he once opposed, sucks up to a Religious Right he once denounced, and is now so delusional that he jokes about bombing Iran.  Once a rising star in his Party, McCain’s stock has fallen to virtual obscurity.

Then there’s Mitt Romney.  He’s got lots of money and delivers red-meat rhetoric to social conservatives, but they hate him because he’s Mormon.  While I think he’s gotten a bad rap for this, it’s hard to generate sympathy for an opportunist who has changed what he believes in so many times to suit his needs.  He was a moderate to get elected Governor of Massachusetts, but now wants to make conservatives think he is one of them.  He wants to double the size of Guantanamo Prison, and says he won’t appoint a Muslim to his Cabinet.  As Michael Dukakis said, the guy is “a fraud with a capital ‘F.'”

Rudy Giuliani?  At first, I thought there was no way that Republicans would nominate a New York Mayor who is pro-choice and supports gay rights.  But his 9/11 talk has helped him with the “national security” crowd, and until recently he was the front-runner.  Then the mistress story hit, which is not your garden variety sex scandal.  Rudy used the NYPD to escort his mistress around, and billed it to other city agencies – so it’s also a taxpayer corruption scandal.  Republicans quickly remembered why they didn’t like him in the first place, and are deserting him like the plague.

The only way I see Republicans possibly winning the White House is if Giuliani survives the scandal to win the nomination, and the Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton.  A nasty general election between these two polarizing figures would be brutal and anything could happen, but I still think that Clinton could pull it off to win.  But it won’t be pretty.

Moving along to Fred Thompson.  The only reason this former Tennessee Senator and washed-up actor is running for President is because John McCain’s campaign has hit rock bottom.  For Democrats who fear that people underestimated another actor who ran for President, Thompson has not exactly proven to be another Ronald Reagan.  His campaign has been described as “lackluster” and “awkward,” and it really doesn’t seem like he wants to be in the race.  And this is who Republicans were pinning their hopes on to be their savior?

Will Mike Huckabee bail out the Republican Party from its woes?  Don’t count on it.  The evangelical Christian may be the “flavor of the month,” but will Republicans still support him when they find out that he allowed the early release of a serial rapist?  Unlike the current Barack Obama surge – which could really help the Illinois Senator win the Democratic nomination and become our next President – Huckabee is the Republican media darling by default.

This is not to say that Democrats should get over-confident and complacent in the general.  Who gets elected President will matter a great deal over the next four years, and whoever takes over the White House will inherit the disastrous mess that George Bush has left behind.  That’s why Democrats and other progressives should be constantly on guard for the next year, although the odds are certainly in their favor.  My intention in writing this piece is not to make Democrats feel good.  It is to call out the mainstream media for continuing to cover the Republican nomination as if it mattered.

Following the Republican field is exciting – if your definition of excitement is watching a car accident and predicting who will have the fewest injuries.  There’s a reason why the Democratic field has been static for months between three front-runners, while the Republican side has been volatile.  Democrats like their presidential candidates, while Republicans are looking elsewhere.  When CNN asked 24 undecided Republicans at the last debate for their opinion, only one had an idea about who she’ll be voting for: John Edwards.

The media is not doing anyone a favor by focusing on the Republican presidential race.  It is an irrelevant sideshow of dysfunctional candidates, and a distraction from the real race: the Democratic nomination.  What will happen in Iowa within the next month between Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Edwards can be decisive about who will be the next President.  But the Republican field doesn’t matter – and the media’s only justification in following it is to cover a “horse-race.”

A horse-race to see who wins the “gag prize.”

Send feedback to [email protected]

Electoral College Initiative is Running out of Time

(This thing is starting to make more sense to me.  There is a firm deadline to make the June ballot, January 24.  Secretary of State Bowen recommended an early deadline because local election boards basically have no time to do all the random counting needed to qualify the initiative.  By missing that deadline the dirty tricksters risk missing the June ballot, as election boards must ramp up for the February 5 primary and that takes priority.  The SacBee article is one of the first to inform what’s really going on here. – promoted by David Dayen)

The SacBee is reporting tonight that State Election officials are saying that backers of the California electoral college initiative are at risk of missing the June ballot. Election officials said it will be difficult to finish counting the signatures in time for the January 24th state deadline.[Link]

Despite a recommendation from Secretary of State Debra Bowen that the proponents submit the signatures to the counties three weeks ago, they have yet to submit the necessary signatures. Supporters of the initiative need 433,971 signatures to qualify for the ballot. They are aiming at collecting 700,000 signature to ensure that they have enough to qualify for the ballot.[Link]

Supporters originally the aimed at turning the in the signatures by Friday December 1st. They received a late infusion of cash when the Orange County Lincoln Club made a $100,000 contribution to the initiative effort.[Link] The Republican political consultant Dave Gilliard, who is heading up the effort to qualify the initiative for the ballot, didn't return phones repeated phones calls to the SacBee on Monday.[Link]

Cross posted on San Diego Politico

Kucinich Questions Himself?

Well, after so many grossly unfair debate formats that virtually tell each audience which candidates they are supposed to be interested in, Dennis Kucinich finally figured out a way to highlight this fundamental absurdity to his own advantage: Socratic Irony!

After again not receiving a fair amount of time to the other candidates, when it was his turn to participate in a segment that called for each candidate to actually ask a question to any candidate they choose to, Kucinich managed to display that sense of sarcastic wit and pragmatic questioning that Socrates turned into philosophical method; a dialectic which both entertains an audience preoccupied with what will be shown to be absurdity, as well as instructs to something more rational.

What’s more, Kucinich asked a question no moderator ever would:

Are you the only candidate that is offering a single-payer, not-for-profit healthcare system…”

That’s a question that we will not be hearing in any of the future debates, never mind the question of why the other candidates won’t take on the insurance/pharmaceutical companies and offer a single-payer, not-for-profit system like Kucinich or virtually every other major industrialized nation.

The media, just as our other Democratic Candidates, usually like to ignore the option. Whenever the issue does arise they mindlessly “argue” that it “cannot pass through Congress”, or more aggresively propogate the many false criticisms regarding the system.

For them I’ve put together this short Q&A that debunks the most common of these myths and further begs this issue: Why will no one besides Kucinich actually offer what is the most rational and comprehensive solution to our healthcare crisis?

Single-Payer and H.R. 676: Debunking the Myths

Here’s some responses to the false, but commonly made, criticisms of single-payer health care plans. H. R. 676 is a Congressional bill co-authored by Dennis Kucinich, has now gained over 75 cosponsors and the endorsements of powerful unions and organizations, such as the AFL-CIO, California Nurses, PNHP and One Care California, as well as Michael Moore. It would set up a national, not-for-profit, health care system in the United States and provide fully comprehensive health care to ALL Americans, including all primary, emergency and long term care, office visits, medication costs, dental, vision and mental health, as well as drug and alchohol counseling. Further it, eliminates all co-pays, deductibles and medication costs. It is the simplest, most reasonable and dependable solution for the U.S. health care crisis.

1.) We already spend so much on healthcare, so we can’t afford a universal healthcare system that covers everyone:

This is false. In fact, H.R. 676 spends $56 billion less each year, while covering all Americans with fully comprehensive medical benefits. The reason is because, as a for-profit industry, the current private system wastes 31% of the $2.2 trillion spent each year on non-healthcare related costs such as, marketing/advertising, billing and paperwork, and corporate profit. H.R. 676 eliminates profit and is thus able to operate at a much more efficient 3% administration cost, saving over $4oo billion a year. Utilizing this money is what makes true universal healthcare for all Americans possible.

2.) I’ve read about other countries with healthcare systems similar to H.R. 676 that have experienced rationing. Wouldn’t H.R. 676 lead to rationing:

No. There are quite a few things to be said about rationing, but first and foremost, H.R. 676 is designed to eliminate rationing. Though other countries operating with a single payer healthcare system have sometimes experienced rationing, they devote only half as much money towards the system. And that is the critical point involved here. Under H.R. 676, the U.S. will spend almost twice as much as other countries and get the best care because of it. Under the current private system, the U.S. also spends twice as much as any other country, yet ranks consistently lower on vital indicators of health, such as infant mortality, average lifespan, and rates of terminal illness like heart disease and diabetes. As stated above, this is because the current system wastes more than 1/3 of all healthcare spending on non-healthcare related costs. To paraphrase Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, for other countries the problem is money, for the U.S. it is the system.

Furthermore, it must be pointed out that the current private system is already effectively rationing access to healthcare. Same-day access to primary-care physicians in the U.S. is 33%, significantly lower than other single payers like the U.K. at 41%, Australia at 54%, and New Zealand at 60%. Poll after poll reports many Americans admitting to going without needed care because of out-of-pocket expenses like co-pays and deductibles. Moreover, 46 million Americans are uninsured and another 50 million are considered underinsured.

3.) H.R. 676 is socialized medicine:

This is false. H.R. 676 is not socialized medicine. It is a publicly financed, privately delivered healthcare system. This means that the government is the sole provider of insurance, paying the healthcare providers (physicians, nurses etc.) who remain private. So, under H.R. 676 you have free choice of healthcare provider. There is no out-of-network.

4.) I wouldn’t want my benefits to drop and also, I wouldn’t want to change physicians:

Under H.R. 676 the large majority of Americans’ benefits would dramatically increase. This is fully comprehensive coverage including office visits, hospitalization, long term care, all prescription medications, and even dental, vision, and mental health services.

You will not have to change physicians unless you choose to. You have free choice of provider. Further, when changing jobs or place of employment, under the current private system people often must change physicians or even go without coverage temporarily. However, under H.R. 676 coverage is not affected and patients can continue to see the same physician.

5.) Isn’t government control of our healthcare system going to lead to a much less efficient and more bureaucratic operation:

No. In fact, the current private system is much more bureaucratic and much less efficient. Not only does the current system waste 1/3 of all spending, but it interferes in the patient-physician relationship, making doctors justify every test and procedure-while attempting to influence these decisions through financial penalties and incentives. Physicians have to hire administrators just to keep up with the excess of claims and administration. Insurance companies also invest in drug companies, so when covering medications they have corporate duty to cover these medications even if others are cheaper and/or more effective. When further considering the confusing mass of bills, E.O.B.’s, deductibles, co-pays and the up, down and in the middle communication of physicians to insurance companies, insurance companies back to physicians and then the patient’s to both, the current private system is one impressively bureaucratic system, indeed.

H.R. 676 eliminates the administrative waste, patient billing, co-pays and deductibles, by funding the system directly through tax dollars. Further, H.R. 676 leaves the medical decisions to the physicians themselves, reviewing their performance regularly instead of directly interfering with the patient-physician relationship.

6.) Isn’t the market based competition of the current private based system the best way to control costs:

Obviously not, since the costs of premiums rose 86% between 2000 and 2006; three times faster than inflation. The rise of income in the same period rose only 15%. Medical bankruptcies are up 2200% since 1981 and profits for the largest pharmaceutical companies hit $62 billion back in 2004.

H.R. 676 addresses cost control immediately by cutting out the profit and wasteful administration of the private system. Further, by being the sole insurer, the government will have the necessary influence to negotiate fair drug prices. Finally, the promotion of preventative medicine, which is virtually non-existent in the private based system, will control costs in the long term by reducing chronic diseases that require expensive treatment, such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

7.) Isn’t the reason that healthcare costs keep rising is that we are unhealthy as a country:

Yes and no. First, through there are many factors to rising costs in healthcare, one important reason is poor health; with the consequent cost of treating chronic diseases. But, it is here again that the private system fails us. As a for-profit industry, there is no incentive to promote preventative medicine, the cost of such programs being immediate and the long-term financial dividends uncertain; uncertain because clients often switch coverage and companies. The fact is, not only do the private insurance companies rarely promote preventative medicine, they actually invest in industries that cause chronic illnesses. For instance, an insurer may invest in the tobacco industry.

However, the “no” is that there are other important factors in the rapid rise of healthcare costs, not the least of which are corporate profit, poor administration, and the outrageous cost of medication.

8.) I’ve read that trial lawyers and malpractice suits are driving up healthcare costs:

Yes and no. These do drive up costs, but only fractionally compared to the factors mentioned above, accounting for only 0.46% of our total healthcare spending. This is not the real problem.

9.) There seems to be a lot of factors involved in the high costs of healthcare. Can’t we just make reforms to the current system instead of changing over to another system:

This is the critical point: no matter what reforms take place, keeping the for-profit, private insurance healthcare system requires wasting billions of dollars on non-healthcare costs. This system exists first and foremost to make money, not provide care. In fact, as a business it is in their best interest not to pay on claims, to deny claims whenever possible. As for-profit companies, they must use money to market themselves to prospective clients, they must hire administrators and marketers to do the job, and this is factored in to every premium dollar. As for-profit companies they must profile clients and underwrite them, they must promote medications based upon money instead of efficacy. And they must generate billions in profit; billons which don’t go towards healthcare.

Consider further that as for-profit companies they have a vested interest in not insuring the elderly or the sick because they are too “expensive”, that they pass off the chronically ill to government programs in the long run anyway. And consider their inability to control pharmaceutical prices. With these considerations, as well as those of above, it becomes evident that reform is not really an option. For, it is the for-profit system that is the problem.

Late Edition: This Week With Barack Obama, November 25-December 2, 2007

cross-posted @ One Million Strong & Daily Kos


                                                      obama in harlem

December 4, 2007 – Des Moines, IA, NPR News/Iowa Public Radio Debate

December 13, 2007 – Johnston, Iowa, Des Moines Register Democratic Debate

December 17, 2007 – Boston, MA

January 15, 2008 – Las Vegas, Nevada


                                                               Time Cover Story

Obama Apperances and Campaign Events

December 4, 2007 – Rally with Barack @ Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA

December 4, 2007 – Rally with Barack @ University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

December 5, 2007 – Speech by Barack Obama @ Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA

December 5, 2007 – Town Hall Meetting with Barack @ Wartburg College, Waverly, IA

December 5, 2007 – Meet Michelle Obama in Peterborough!, Peterborough, NH

December 7, 2007 – Change Rocks Concert with Barack, Chicago, IL

December 8, 2007 – Rally with Barack & Michelle Obama, Special Guest, Oprah Winfrey, Des Moines, IA

December 8, 2007 – Rally with Barack & Michelle Obama, Special Guest, Oprah Winfrey, Cedar Rapids, IA

December 9, 2007 – Rally with Barack Obama and Special Guest, Oprah Winfrey, Columbia, SC

December 9, 2007 – Rally with Barack Obama and Special Guest, Oprah Winfrey, Manchester, NH

December 10, 2007 – Barack in L.A., Los Angeles, CA

December 11, 2007 – Generation Obama in Seattle, Seattle, WA

Clinton, Gore in Obama Administration

turneresq on Clinton Blasting Obama for Character Problems

Whose Afraid of Barack Obama? by Frank Rich, a must read

Hillary Clinton is having a rough time, lately.  Now she is attacking Obama for not only asking students for their votes, but to ask them to come back from out of state to vote for him.  The thing is this, it is legal.  The Secretary of State in Iowa said it is within the law.  Now she is whining that Iowa is for Iowans.  Ummmm.  Disenfranchising students?  What is next?  psericks, runs it down here.


                                                                                                                     brown and black forum, des moines, ia

Fox/Opinion Dynamics NH Poll

Rassmussen NH Poll

Clemson University South Carolina Poll

Suffolk University NH Poll

Des Moines Register Iowa Poll


                                                     michelle gets real

Blogs and Websites

One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama L.A.; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama

Is Obama a Terrorist?

Obama Files First in Virginia

Obama Fires Up Iowa Support Online


                                                      obama in des moines, ia


NPR on Polls, Iowa; DNC Fall Meeting, Speech by Obama (real player required); Michelle Obama in Indianola, IA (real player required); Brown & Black Recap; Video of Obama Supporters @ Black & Brown Forum

Obama Pitching to the Women

Obama’s Statement on Global Aids Day

Obama’s Super Tuesday Surplus (What the National Polls Aren’t Telling You) by horizonr


                                                 obama in boston with thousands

Endorsements/Office Openings

Office Opening in Tuscaloosa, AL; AFSCME Illinois Backs Obama; Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie Backs Obama; Salt Lake Office Opens; Linda Nelson, President of Iowa State Eduacation Association, Endorses Obama; Obama Opens San Diego Office; Iowa State Representative Deborah Berry Endorses Obama

Dodd and Clinton, Stop Killing the Democratic Pary, by DemocraticLuntz

Obama Mamas Getting Organized in Colorado

Spelman Women Ponder Clinton vs. Obama

Michelle Obama in Ottumwa, Iowa

Need Obama information?  Don’t know where to go?  Well, here is the Obama Campaign one-stop-shop for information, right here.  Everything you need to know pertaining to media is a click away.  Also, the Obama Campaign has launched a fact check page which is part of their website.  This is critically important since Senator Hillary Clinton has decided to go all out negative, due to the Des Moines Register Poll, released Sunday.  Obama is about addressing the issues and having a civil, lively debate.  But when the opposition decides to attack character, you need to protect yourself with fact.


                                                            bloomberg and obama

shoutouts:  iraq:  its worse than you thing, turkana; cnn:  corrupt news network; clammyc; rudy and his shag fund; booman on the primaries; DNC Cancels CBS Debate; paul hogarth; bill clinton’s “truithiness” broblem by wmtriallawyer

Q&A with Obama

Michelle Obama, Her Heart’s in the Race

Ex-Foe Campaining for Obama

Obama Pledges to Fix Education System


On Oprah and Our Votes

Does Oprah Winfrey’s endorsement help Sen. Barack Obama? She doesn’t hurt.

The question seems to be on everyone’s lips. Obama’s campaign announced Monday that Winfrey will join the presidential hopeful next month in the important lead-off states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

I doubt that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, was thrilled to hear that news. The conventional wisdom holds that celebrity endorsements don’t mean much, if anything. But, hey, this is …Oprah!

We’re talking about the queen of all media taking on the diva of Democratic politics.  Chicago Tribune


                                                           caucus video for iowa

On Clinton and Obama: Even Jacksons Divided

DNC Meeting and Lively Speeches

College Students Ready for President Obama

Obama’s Color Line

Obama Racks up Point at HS Visit


The Identity Card

The first thing I ever heard about Barack Obama was that he had a white mother and a black father. I heard this over and over again, never in a snide or gossipy way, always matter-of-factly. Apparently this was the way we Americans had to introduce Obama to each other. For some reason, knowledge of his racial pedigree had to precede even the mention of his politics–as if the pedigree inevitably explained the politics.

Of course, I am rather sensitive to all this because I, too, was born to a white mother and a black father, though I did not fully absorb this fact, which would have been so obvious to the outside world, until I was old enough to notice the world’s fascination–if not obsession–with it. To this day it is all but impossible for me to actually stop and think of my parents as white and black or to think of myself, therefore, as half and half. This is the dumb mathematics of thinking by race–dumb because race is used here as a kind of bullying truth that pushes aside the actual human experience. Time

Racial Flyer Slurs Clinton, Obama

Govern by Principle.  Stand up for Equality. by Barack Obama

Obama ‘The Man for the Moment’

Iowa State Shows Big Support for Obama

Obama Outlines Diplomatic Path

Obama Hits Stride


Historians for Obama

Our country is in serious trouble. The gap between the wealthy elite and the working majority grows ever larger, tens of millions of Americans lack health insurance and others risk bankruptcy when they get seriously ill, and many public schools do a poor job of educating the next generation. Due to the arrogant, inept foreign policy of the current administration, more people abroad mistrust and fear the United States than at any time since the height of the Vietnam War. Meanwhile, global warming speeds toward an unprecedented catastrophe. Many Republicans and overwhelming numbers of Independents and Democrats believe that, under George W. Bush, the nation has badly lost its way. The 2008 election thus comes at a critical time in the history of the United States and the world.

We endorse Barack Obama for president because we think he is the candidate best able to address and start to solve these profound problems. As historians, we understand that no single individual, even a president, leads alone or outside a thick web of context. As Abraham Lincoln wrote to a friend during the Civil War, “I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me.”  more


                                                        chris rock @ the apollo

icebergslim’s last word:  terror of the polls.  negative attacks.  kindergarten essays.

Well, David Yepsen wrote an op-ed piece about getting hot.  And the candidate who is hot since the JJ Dinner is Barack Obama.

It is apparent by the new Des Moines Register Iowa Poll.  This poll shows that Barack Obama is up 3 points and that the race is fluid and within the margin of error.  But the most telling of the information is the lost ground by Hillary Clinton to women.  Women are moving towards Barack Obama and away from Clinton.

Why telling?  Women are her firewall.  They are.  And this is scaring her to death.  So, what happens?  She is going negative and toward attacking Barack Obama’s character.

I say, bring it on.  Why?  Hillary Clinton does not own the trust nor honesty issue.  She does not.  Repeatedly in polling this has been her weakness.  Now it has come to fruition.  People are questioning her truthiness, unwilling to be candid, do they like her, and if they trust her.

All the above are valid.  And we must thank her husband for his lapse of truth when he announced he opposed the War in Iraq, from the start, only to get blasted because he supported the War in Iraq.  All this is a reminder of the Throwback Clinton Years that Democrats are finding out they don’t want again.

I am for a jousting, civil debate on the issues.  I am.  But, when you go negative to attack one’s character that is a stretch for me.  If many recall wasn’t it Clinton crying about her contemporaries attacking her?  And hasn’t it been Bill Richardson, lately when given a microphone, stating in nice subliminal terms, “Don’t attack each other?”  Now, Hillary has thrown all of this out of the window because of one poll?

Damn.  She must really live and breathe polls.  If one poll does this, what will she do if she loses Iowa or New Hampshire?  Perish the thought!!

And finally, Hillary, I thought you of all the candidates were the most thorough on oppo research.  To have to read that you are citing Barack Obama’s kindergarten and very early school years for his ambition to be president is well, just desperate.  For a child to aspire to be president is a good thing.  What is wrong with that?  Clinton does not get it.  Now she has resorted to taking Obama’s kindergarten and early school essays of “I Want to be President”, as serious oppo research and is using this against him.  This is truly profound and pathetic.

I would hope any child would aspire to be that president, astronaut, teacher, doctor, nurse, firefighter, policeman, etc.  These are proud professions that aid the public, but to actually use his kindergarten aspirations as an attack weapon?

All I can write is, “Hillary have you lost your mind?”


                                   For the 2008 Race, Google Is a Crucial Constituency


Judgment, Not Experience, Makes a Leader by AdamB

Populista’s Take on Why Historians Matter

Washington Post on February 5th Organizing by psericks


If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!!  Minimum five dollars.  This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign.  We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st.  Remember to make your contribution.


As the Iowa Caucus is nearing, need to know what to do?  Find everything at The Caucus Center.


as the cold is starting to set in and the holidays are upon us, remember we must stay focused and resolved.  many of us are taking time off work, leaving family members at home, to push senator obama over the top in these early states.  we are the obama advocates and supporters.  whether you donate money, time, trips to these early states, always remember to focus on obama and not the drama.  because the drama is being slung, rapidly.


contact me @ [email protected]

This Week With Barack Obama

Tommorow Is Last Day To Double $$ On Kucinich

According to public, campaign finacning regulations tommorow, November 29th, is the last day to receive matching funds through public financing.

So if you make a contribution tonight or tommorow to Dennis Kucinich, this means that your $50 contribution becomes a $100 contribution, $200 equals $400 … up to $250.  

From the Kucinich campaign:

There are literally just weeks left before the primaries in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. We are proud of how far we’ve come, and the way the American people have embraced our message of “Strength through Peace.” According to recent polls we are in 4th place in New Hampshire. You could help put us over the top in New Hampshire by making a contribution today, and Double Your Impact, by taking advantage of the federal matching funds program.

Your support is essential as you can help us:

* Run advertisements and media

* Hire field coordinators and staff

* Provide housing for volunteers willing to come to New Hampshire to help get Dennis’ message out.

* Have all the resources we need to compete in New Hampshire and other early primary states

You know our campaign does not take contributions from corporations or from special interest groups. We have relied on people like you to help support our campaign. You have always come through during our end of quarter drives.

This is such an important opportunity for us and we cannot let it go by. Kucinich has disporpotiantely been supported by small donors and so the fact of doubling our contribution is something that we simply need to take advantage of. Even a small donation now becomes more significant. If you have already donated, I sincerely thank you. But, if you can make the extra committment for Mr. Kucinich’s leadership, it will go twice as far until tommorow.

Let us not forget what Kucinich’s leadership has been:

The only Democratic Candidate to oppose the War and the subsequent Occupation

The only Democratic Candidate to show the judgement and Constitutional integrity to vote against the Patriot Act

One of only six House members to vote against the Homegrow Terrorism Act

The only Democratic Candidate who is taking the threats to our Democracy seriously and actually holding this Administration accountable through Impeachment

The only Presidential Candidate offering a truly universal, not-for-profit health care system

The only Democratic Candidate who will cancel U.S. involvement in job killing, deficit building, human expoliting, environmental raping trade agreements, NAFTA/WTO

Really it goes on. We have seen this leadership. Kucinich has been the heart and soul of this party; the only Democrat willing to stand up for the party’s principles, rather than play party politics; the only one willing to put the Constitution and all Americans ahead of politics.

We need to support Dennis because he is speaking for us. And we need to support him now before it is too late. Please follow this link and make your contribution now.

Thank you for your support!

OC Lincoln Club joins fight to steal electoral votes

(Well, looks like the rightwing is going all out on the Dirty Trick – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

Capitol Alert from the Sacramento Bee is reporting that OC Lincoln Club is donating $100,000 to help qualify the Electoral College reform initiative for the ballot. [Link] The measure, if it qualifies for the June ballot and passes, would award California's electoral votes by Congressional district instead of the present winner-take-all system.

The initiative qualifying effort was dropped by its original sponsors, but in recent weeks was pickup “by a group led by Republican strategist David Gilliard.” Their goal is to turn in 700,000 signatures by the end of the week.[Link]

The OC Lincoln Club joins 49th Congressional Representative Darrell Issa as the single largest contributors to the effort by the California GOP to malapportion the electoral system here in California. Here is a list of some of the donors who have contributed to this effort.

Cross-posted at San Diego Politico