Tag Archives: CA-50

Heads-Up: NRCC Buys $360K of TV Ads in CA-50

So says The Stakeholder.  It should average out to 9-10 viewings per voter between now and April 11.

There is no candidate for the NRCC to back, so this is going to be purely negative advertising attacking Francine Busby.

This says that the Republicans are scared.  Their field is weak, their leadership is corrupt (including Duke Cunningham, the former holder of CA-50 and Tom DeLay) and they know it. 

All they’ve got left is smear tactics — the choice of a weak party afraid to face the voters with what they’ve really got.

Kaloogian’s History of Deception

Howard Kaloogian’s campaign seems to have an integrity leak of monumental proportions. First, came his mislabeled Baghdad photo. It could have been an honest mistake. Still, it seems pretty sketchy that a photo that Kaloogian felt demonstrated the pro-terrorist bias of main stream journalists could have been posted for months at Kaloogian’s Move America Forward site and then for months more at his campaign website, without any oversight by the candidate. Whoops.

Today, we read that Kaloogian’s campaign had distributed a mailer that implied that conservative State Senator Tom McClintock endorsed Kaloogian. McClintock says, no, he doesn’t endorse Kaloogian. Whoops again.

In the San Diego Union Tribune, we read about another “mistake” on the Kaloogian website. Apparently, someone decided that a group called the California Pro-life Council had endorsed Kaloogian. They hadn’t and Kaloogian had to have their “endorsement” removed from the site. Another whoops.

More Kaloogian “mistakes” follow.

Sacramento conservative talk radio host, Eric Hogue, has some historical perspective on a potential source of Kaloogian’s problem getting his photos and endorsement straight.

Howard Kaloogian’s campaign is being run by Republican Strategist Sal Russo. This is the same Russo who operated GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Simon’s race against Gray Davis in 2000. A campaign that featured an alleged photograph of Davis receiving a campaign check from the state’s CCPOA ‘in the governor’ office’…problem, it was proven that it was NOT the governor’s office!

Simon lost that election by 5%, and many point to the ‘photo-flap’ as the cause.

How about that, Sal Russo, Kaloogian’s partner in Move America Forward and a principal in the Republican public relations firm of Russo, Marsh + Rogers, made a false photo claim while running the Simon campaign in 2000. Maybe whoops isn’t the right expression.

Hogue has another complaint about the Kaloogian campaign. This one is a lot more critical than just misleading voters who bogus endorsements or doctored photos. Apparently, Move America Forward’s membership list was made available to Kaloogian’s campaign. Now Kaloogian is a director of the non-profit, non-partisan organization and Sal Russo is its chief strategist. It would be unethical and possible violate Move American Forwards tax exempt status if it were to work directly with specific political campaigns. When someone signs up for information from Move America Forward they are not signing up with the Kaloogian campaign. Or are they?

Again from Eric Hogue via California Republic:

“Eric, I have been on MAF’s e-mail list for a long time. When Howard announced he was running for Congress, I suddenly started receiving e-mails and updates from his campaign, even though I never signed up for them. They continue to this day. So it appears that MAF either gave or sold their e-mail list to Howard.”

Nice racket…campaign donations going to MAF for non-profit, fund stunts and chairman endorsements, or…MAF “donated” the email list to Kaloogian, which means non-profits collecting cash (material) and using it to support a former founder in a congressional race.

Isn’t this the race to replace “Duke” Cunningham? Hmm.

From another political campaign and contender for the 50th Congressional…

“This is typical Kaloogian sleaze. If he did not pay fair market value to MAF for the list, then they are breaking the law.”

One mistake earns the benefit of the doubt. Continual mistakes and oversight failure, that’s a pattern. A pattern of dishonesty and deception.

California Blog Roundup, 3/29/06

On the flip, one will find the Californa Blog Roundup for today, if one is so inclined. Teasers: Absolute disaster with McPherson voter registration database, Reiner resigns, CA-50 polling and Busby immmigration policy, Arnold’s new consultants and their classiness, lots of immigration, a little Doolittle, Some CA-2 and CA-11, Kid Oakland, and a good lawyer.

Latest Polls CA-50

Two new CA-50 congressional race polls surfaced today. Both have similar results and both have much more immediate meaning for the crowded field of Republican challengers than they do for front running Democrat, Francine Busby.

A Lake Research poll, released today by the Busby campaign, conducted among likely voters on March 18-20, found Busby leading the pack with 39% of the projected vote.

Among her top three Republican rivals, Brian Bilbray came in at 15% with conservatives Howard Kaloogian and Eric Roach tied at 7%.

The rest of the Republican pack was far behind.  Big spender Alan Uke and state senator Bill Morrow at 4% and 3% respectively.

A Datamar poll, commissioned by local CBS affiliate KFMB, was conducted four days later than the Lake poll, also among likely voters. Datamar pegged Busby at 36%, but found the top three Republicans very closely clustered. According to Datamar, Bilbray and Roach were in a near dead heat, Bilbray at 11.7% and Roach at 11.2%, with Kaloogian barely trailing these two at 10.7%.

As with the Lake poll, the remainder of the predominantly Republican field is far behind the three Republican front runners. Morrow and Uke continue their lackluster performance at 4.8% and 3% respectively.

The Datamar poll leaves 3.6% undecided, where the Lake poll asks the undecided to select the candidate to which they are leaning.

At the heart of both polls is the reality that Busby is going to dominate the field in the special election and then have to go to battle with Bilbray, Roach or Kaloogian in June. Preliminary polls show that in a head-to-head contest between Busby and either Bilbray or Roach, the contest is too close to call.

On the Republican side, it is hard to determine if the ground Roach appears to have made up between the March 18-20 Lake poll and the March 22-24 Datamar poll is real or just within the two polls’ margin of error.

California Blog Roundup, 3/27/06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Too much stuff for teasers. Just have a look.

  • Frank Russo of California Progress Report reminds us to call our legislators to push for the minimum wage bills with inflation indexing. See also Hiram Johnson’s Corner, also at CalProgress.
  • Marc Cooper updates his post on the immigration marches over the weekend. Seriously, dump Pajamaline.
  • Apparently, I’m not the only one who got under Bill Bradley’s skin on the immigration issue. He has a post up semi-responding to Marc Cooper, but the comment thread is where all the action is. I’m sure that Bradley will be happy to know that his blowback theory is apparently also endorsed by Powerline. Bradley does have a good summary of the current gubernatorial candidates’ mostly non-responses to the marches.
  • The Citizens call for employers of undocumented immigrants to be rounded up and jailed. Demand reduction at its most direct. Americans always do seem to want to punish the lowest guy on the ladder.
  • The Talent Show has a less blunt approach, but is definitely worth a read.
  • MyDD on CA-50 polling. San Diego Politics says Busby is going after the McCain vote. Not something I would have thought of, but interesting.
  • Down With Tyranny tells us about the California Labor Federation’s endorsement of progressive candidate Louie Contreras, running against Duke Cunningham crony Jerry Lewis in CA-41. Also, they ask the question: “Is anyone in Congress more corrupt than John Doolittle?” It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
  • Dump Doolittle has a one-sided conversation with the wife of John Doolittle. Live by taking bribes for your husband, die the same way. Republican family values to warm the hardest heart.
  • Say No To Pombo has another go at the similarities to IL-06 and CA-11. They also flag the connection between the close of the salmon fishery and the dams on the Klamath. I wonder which side Pombo takes? Head of the Resources Committee, Assistant chair of the Ag Committee…
  • Gropinator is looking to help a vet get his benefits.
  • Blatherskite on housing prices in San Jose.
  • PomboWatch tells us about Pombo vs. Republicans on the question of immigration.
  • From the Capitol Observer, new official Schwarzenegger campaign ad: Arnold good for economy. Bradley notes this too, with what might be a bit of cheerleading in the comments.
  • Speak Out CA speaks out on the young culture warrior rally in SF over the weekend.
  • News Roundup, 3/27/06

    California News Roundup for today on the flip. Teasers: Pot, minimum wage, end of life choices, three strikes, State Senate District 35, CA-50, salmon, immigration, stem cells, and the race for lieutenant governor.

    Blog Roundup , 3/25/06

    Today’s blog roundup is on the flip. Teasers: Pombo’s immigration failure, BradBlog on the radio, more CA-50 Republican shenanigans, and some more Arnold doublespeak.

    That’s all, folks.

    CA-50 – Latest Polling

    The most recent publicly available poll regarding the special election to replace convicted felon Randy “Duke” Cunningham in the 50th District continues to be bad news from most of the candidates in the crowded field.

    A SurveyUSA poll conducted the weekend of March 18-19, finds just four candidates with 20% or higher “favorable” public perception:

    Francine Busby (D)  38%
    Brian Bilbray (R)  23%
    Howard Kaloogian (R)  20%
    Eric Roach (R)  20%

    As far as familiarity goes, Democrat Busby is far ahead of all candidates. The poll found that most of the vast number of Republican candidates are simply unknown in the district. Only former congressman Brian Bilbray comes close to Busby in name recognition.

    When asked about the candidates, district residents had the following degree of unfamiliarity with the top tier candidates.

    Francine Busby (D)  20% (unfamiliar)
    Brian Bilbray (R)  29% (unfamiliar)
    Eric Roach (R) 32% (unfamiliar)
    Howard Kaloogian (R) 40% (unfamiliar)

    Perhaps the most disappointing revelations of the poll relate to State Senator Bill Morrow, who has achieved a rare political double-double. Despite his years in public service, Morrow is unfamiliar to 35% of the voters in predominantly Republican district and his unfavorable rating is higher than his favorable rating. Morrow’s recent mud slinging support from the California Republican Assembly isn’t likely to do much to improve his already shaky image.

    Blog Roundup, March 21, 2006

    There’s lots of California bloggy goodness from the last couple days.


    There’s really only one story for CA-50 today. Francine Busby is coming up to the special election on April 11. She’s posted a diary on MyDD, and is asking for one more push for cash and phonebank volunteers. (Email to volunteer)


    Democratic candidate Charlie Brown receives the Californa Labor Federation’s endorsement in the Democratic primary. I note as well that Charlie Brown will be at the Plough & Stars this Sunday for a fund-raiser. That might be worth the price of admission.



    • Bill Bradley tells us that the Angelides and Westly campaigns are going to stop the attack memos emailed to bloggers and reports. We at Calitics are grateful — now we can take our fingers out of our metaphorical ears.
    • Shari of An Old Soul reminds us that partisan rancor in state capitols is a Grover Norquist goal, and points out some of the structural problems that help create that rancor in California.
    • Alliance for a Better California points us to an LA Times article on Schwarzenegger’s big-money, fat-cat big-spending ways.
    • And last, Cab Drollery points us to an LA Times Op-Ed on the political money trap generally, and the need for public campaign financing.

    Think Piece

    Kid Oakland on the absolute necessity of change whether we want it or not.

    Is brianisaliar.com Next

    San Diego Politics continues to do an outstanding job reporting on the CA-50 congressional race. On Tuesday, San Diego Politics posted about howardisaliar.com, a website devoted to debunking candidate Howard Kaloogian’s claims that he was a major force in the Gray Davis recall movement. Kaloogian’s campaign has responded that howardisaliar.com is a liar, nana nana nana.

    [Kaloogian operatives] stated that the allegations [on howardisalair.com] were not only false (they claim that Kaloogian’s recall committee was the first to file with the Secretary of State of California and the first to register an online website that collected “several hundred thousand signatures on recall petitions”) but that the anti-Kaloogian website was being run by operatives associated with Brian Bilbray’s congressional campaign without any proper attribution to the campaign.

    Is former congessman and current candidate, Brian Bilbray a liar?  More follows.

    So, the Kaloogian campaign claims that rival Republican candidate Brian Bilbray is behind the howardisalair.com website and that his campaign’s involvement with the site is a violation of Federal Election Commission rules.

    The allegations made by these Kaloogian staffers about the howardisaliar website are relevant because the website in question contains no identification that it is sponsored by or approved by Brian Bilbray’s campaign. Therefore, the Kaloogian campaign staffers argue, Brian Bilbray’s campaign has not only engaged in dirty politics, but the Bilbray campaign has also done so in violation of FEC regulations.

    Whoops. The Kaloogian forces have some pretty compelling circumstantial evidence that links not only Bilbray’s campaign to the website, but also Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-49), who has endorsed Bilbray and who was deeply involved with the Gray Davis recall.

    Apparently the recall campaign engendered bad blood between the Issa recall committee and Kaloogian’s recall committee. A story by Dan Smith of the Sacramento Bee confirms this rift.  Issa’s consultant was at the time, and apparently still is, Republican strategist Dave Gilliard.  According to the Flash Report, Gilliard is now serving as the consultant for Brian Bilbray’s congressional campaign.

    There is a lot more detail at San Diego Politics. Including an electronic smoking gun that links howardisaliar.com to the same Internet servers as the Bilbray campaign website.

    It appears that North County Republicans are having a lot of trouble playing nice together.