Tag Archives: smoking ban

The Surreal Politics of Orange County: Doing the Can Can With Van!

Here are some wild and wonderful stories from behind the Orange Curtain, and direct from our friends at the Orange County GOP, that will make you laugh, cry, and scratch your head in total disbelief:

– “I Think I Can!” Yes, Trung Nguyen really thinks he “Can” Nguyen win this election, so much so that he’s having his friend Can Nguyen file a lawsuit to overturn Janet Nguyen’s win in the special election. Don’t believe me? Well, go over and see Chris Prevatt’s latest piece in The Liberal OC!

Yes, Van Tran Can! Still, I wonder just how much of this “strategery” is really Trung’s, and how much he is relying on Darth Schroeder and Lord Van Tran. Wait, are you wondering about that, too? OK, so let’s both pay a visit to Art Pedroza at Orange Juice, where he’s answering all our deepest and darkest questions about the Great Darth and Lord Van.

No, you can’t (smoke, that is)! In today’s Register, I noticed that Irvine is now moving to ban smoking in all its parks…
Including the soon-to-be-opened Great Park! Good for them, as this will make it easier for them to keep those parks as lovely and clean and oh so inviting as ever. : )

– “What Can We Do About Janet?” That’s what our other four lovely supes were asking themselves yesterday… And yes, Jubal/Matt Cunningham has all the video from yesterday’s OC Board of Supes meeting at OC Blog.

And finally…

Romney Can, No He Can’t, Yes He Can… Do you just love Mitt Romney like the OC GOP machine does? Well, you won’t like this at OC Blog. Frustrated Republican just found out that Romney is a flip-flopper.

Now ain’t that SURREAL, or what?!